Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  •      -.
    :l        .
    HonorableGeorge H. Sheppard
    Comptrollerof Puublicacoounts
    Austin, Texas
    Dear Sirt                           Opinion lb. o-2122
    Rsr Confidentialnature of
    Section31, Senate Bill 56,
    46th Legislafure,F$gular
    We are pleased toreply to your letter of %roh 22, 1940. III
    this letter it is show that there is filed with the Comptroller's
    iwnt, bythe Stats Departmentof bblic Welfare,an Old Age Assistmce
    warrant registerand a list of claims;however,in talkingwith your ds-
    partmwrt,it is revealedthat thia warrantregisteroonstitutesand 5s
    the list of olaimswhich is filed in your office, This registeris
    filed xlth the Comptrollerfor his use when issuingOld Age'Assistcaoe
    Uarmnts and is kept in the Deparbent as a permanentreoord.
    IEththese faots in mind, after directingour attentionto
    Sqctlon31, Senate Bill No. 36, Aots 46th Legislature,1939, Regular
    Session,and to Article 3722, Vernon'sRevised Civil Statutes,1925,
    you:.presentseveralquestionsfor our consideration. These questions
    ¶'bse questions~aresubitted in paragraphform but, for oonvonienco,
    we nil1 list them as follows:
    1. Ibos Section 31, Senate Bill 36, 46th Legislature,Regular
    Session,apply to the recordskept Iytho (a) Departmentof Publ$o Ilel-
    fare, (a) Comptrollor*sDepartment,(0) Stats Treasurer?
    2. -1s th% 0xnptrollor*sD&-tment   authorizedto allow tb
    generalpublic to examine this rogistor?
    3. Is the Comptrollerauthorized,upon applicationof an In-
    dividual,to make osrtifiodcopies of the Old Age Assistmbo Warrant
    Registerand list of claims?
    HonorableGeorge B. Sheppard,Page 2 (O-2122)
    SenateBill Eo. 56, supra,among other things,ore&es the
    State Departmentof AtblioWelfare,describesits rights,powers,
    funotdonsand duties end sets up the %achInerye essentialfor carry-
    ingthe 4ot into effect. The bill furtherprovidesfor the paymentof
    Old Age Assistanoe,abolishesthe Texas Old Age AssistsnoeComission
    &id'transfers all the rights,powers,and dutiespreviouslyoouferred
    on said Commissionto the state Departmentof PublicEelfare. Section
    Sl of this bill provides:
    "All recordsconcerningany applicantor reoipient
    contemplatedIn this Act shall be oonfidential, and shall
    be open to inspectiononly to personsduly authorizedby
    the State,or the United States,to make.suohInspection.
    In omneotion with their offioialduties8provided,how-
    ever, that faotualinformationin such recordsshall be
    availableto applicantsand reoipiellts or their duly
    authorisodagents3provided,furtherthat no list of names
    of recipientsshall be publishedor distributedfor purpos-
    .es.ofbeing made parts 'ofany state, countyor city reaords,
    or for any other purposes."
    DOES SECTlOR31, SENAiX BILL HO. 36, 46th LElISuI-
    Tho Legislativeintent or the publio polioymanifest by Sec-
    f%% 31, supraiwith which we are In accord,is me11 e ressed in the
    oaee of Coo$o+sbeig'vs.Taylor'.(Sup:Ct. of N. Y., 1933
    "p 266 H. Y. Sup.
    358;*irheroIntho oourt; In oonstruinga similarprovIsionof the Public
    WelfareLaw of Ken York. said:
    ‘.” . a'The pub110 policyexpressedin this statute
    is foundedupon the desirabilitythat the identityof those
    acceptling publio relief shouldnot be disolosed-lest
    reoipiontsbe discouragedfrom applyingfor relief by roas-
    ox of the publicityto which they might be subjjeoted.0 . e"
    Having ascertainedthis to have been the purposeof the Legisla-
    ture in enactingSection31, Senate Bill 
    36, supra
    ,it is our duty to give
    effectto this intent and not to defeat or thwart It. Sppsteinvso State
    (Sup. ct. of Tex. 1912) 105, Tex. 35, 143 S.V. 144; Dolan vs. Walker (Sup.
    Ct. of Texas, 1932) 
    121 Tex. 361
    , 49 S.Yi.(2d) 695. To say that the pro-
    visioix of Senate Bill No0 36, here in question,are only applicableto
    the Departmautof Public Welfareand that recordscontemplatedby the Act
    but tiichare filed with the Comptrollerare not confidential,   on its
    face,would be to defeat the purpose of the Legislatures Therefore,in
    ansvmr to your first question,herein set out, it is the opinionof this
    Departmentthat Section31, 5onato Bil~lDo0 
    36, supra
    , is applicableto
    HonorableGeorge H. Sheppard,Page 3 (O-2122)
    recordskept by the Departmentof Public Safety,Comptrollerof
    PublicAccounts,and the Treasurer. It is to be understood.of
    cI)urse,that this refers onlv to "recondsconaerningany a&i-
    cant or recipientcontemplatedInthis Act,” as is providedin
    Havingdetermined that Section
    _. __          . 31, Senate
    . - Bill-_l&o.
    .56, in
    the proper case, is applicableto records inthe Comptrollor~s Depart-
    ment, in answeringthis second question,it is only necessarythat we
    determinewhether or not the WarrantRegisteris a record contemplat-
    ed bythe PublicWelfareAct of 1939, SenateBill No. 36,
    Subsectionb, Section37, Senate Bill No. 36, provides:
    'b. All assistancebenefitsprovidedfor under the
    terms of this Act shall be paid by vouchersor warrants
    drawn'bythe State Comptrolleron the 'StateDepartmentof
    PublioWelfare Pund'$for the purposeof permittingthe
    State Comptrollerto properlydraw and issue such vouchers
    or warrants,the State Departmentof PublIc.Xelfaro  shall
    furnishthe Comptrollerwith a list or roll of those enti-
    tled to assistanoefrom time to time, togetherwith the
    smountto which each recipientis entitled. Ehon such
    vouohorsor marrantshave been drawn they shall bs deliv-
    orod to the ExooutIvoDirectorof the Sfato Depar&ont of
    PublicWelfare,who In turn shall supervi8o the deliveryof
    same to the personsentitledthereto.'
    DI conversation with your Department,ws are informedthat the
    registerIn questionis, itself,the list of claimslmich is filed by
    the Departmentof PublicKekfare with the Comptroller'sDepartmentand is
    used.%  you in Issuingwarrantsto those entitledto assistance. Clearly,
    then, this registeris a record aontemplatedby the PublioEelfareAct,
    because it is the list of claimswhich is specificallyprovidedfor in
    subssotionb, Section37, Senate Bill No. 
    36, supra
    Sin&e we have concludedthat this warrant registerIs a record
    ooiitemplatodby the PublicWelfare Act, it is confidential,and by the
    expressterms of the statutes,"shall be open to inspectiononly to
    personsauthorizedby the State, or the United States,to m&-&h       in-
    speotionin connectionwith their duties." This necessarilyexcludesthe
    generalpublio;and in our opinionyour Departmentis.not authorisodto
    allow the generalpublic to examinethis register.
    RonorableGeorge H. Sheppard,page 4 (o-2122)
    In the case of Coopersberg~8. Taylor,supra, Coopersberg
    institutedproosedingsfor an order of mandamusdirectingthe Cormis-
    sionerof Publicllslfare    to allow him to examinethe recordsof the
    Conunissioner  OP publicNslfare. This right of inspectionwas oladmed
    under Seotion51 of the GeneralMunicipalLaw, and Section1545 of the
    GreaterBew York Charterwhioh permitedany taxpayerto inspectpub-
    lio records,   The Court deniedthe writ sayingthat the above mentioned
    laws must be reed in oonneotionwith the publicWslfareLaw which pro-
    vided that informationrespectingthe receipt of publicrelief shall
    be consideredconfidential.
    Artiale 3722, Vernon'sRevised Civil Statutes,1925, provides
    in part:
    "The Secretaryof State,AttorneyGeneral,Land Commis-
    sioner of Agriculture,Commissionerof Insurance,Danking
    Conmissioner,nd State Librarianshall furnishany person
    applyingPorh ble nith a copy of any paper,doctnsent, or
    .recordin their offloes,and with oertifioatesunder seal
    oertiPyingto any Pact oontainedin the papers,documentsor
    recordsof their offices; . . . (Acts March 20, 1848; P. D.
    5808; 0. L. Vol. 3, p.:184)"
    liehave before us a situationanalagousto that in the case of
    Taylor, supra
    , and as in that ease,the generalstatute
    here, in.regardto the issusnceof certifiedcopiesof recordsin the
    Comptroller'sDeparizsentmust be read in conjunationwith the specific
    provisionsIn Section 31, SenateBill Ro. 38.
    The PublioWelfare Bill of 1939 was enactedsubsequentto Art-
    icle 3722 and by the expresslanguageof the bill it is providedthat 'all
    rebordsooncem.iageny applicantor reaipientcontemplatedby this Act
    ehall be confidential*"In the opinionof this Department,this latter
    enactmentexceptsand excludesthe particularrecordsmentionedtherein
    fran the operationof Article 3722. Having determinedthat the Xrrant
    Register-Piled in your office is confidentialand not open to inspeotion
    by the generalpublic, and since it is a record contemplatedby the
    PublicrelfareAct of 1939, it ia the opinionof this Dspartmentthat
    you would not be authorizedupon applicationoP an individualto make
    certifiedcopies of this traYarrant
    Register. In answeringthis last ques-
    tion,.wehave assuaedthat the term "individualsin this questionrefers
    to the generalpublic,and our answer is based upon this assumption.
    Ho&able George H. Sheppard,Wge 6 VO-2122)
    Trustingthat this satisfaotoriiy
    amwere ycnlrquestion,
    we am
    Yours very truly
    _~    R. Koch
    Walter R..Kooh
    AkuY7ED APR 20, 1940                        s/Harry A. ShuPord
    6/ Grover Seller6                             Harry A. Shuford

Document Info

Docket Number: O-2122

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017