Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1940 )

  • L-   -
    Ron. John E. Taylor
    Chief Supervisor
    RailroadCcnmnission of Texar;
    Dear S&r:                       Opinion No. O-1943_
    Re: Power of Railroadkission to
    delegateto anotherthe authority
    to sign one of its orders.
    We hrrrrefor aoknowladgment
    your letterof February9, 1940,
    withdrawingthe requestfor an opinionaddressedto this office by
    your letter of February6, 1940, and substitutingin lieu thereofthe
    "Cnthe 20th day of Deoember,1939,the Railmad Com-
    mission of Texas duly signedand enteredits ESPECIALORDER
    FIFiLDS AND DISTRICTSIR TKM,'  which *came effeotivp_-Jan-
    uary 1, 1940, md in generalallocatedthe oil productionin
    the State of Texas for the various fields and Districtsin
    Texas as hereinaboveset ,out. (h the 24th day of January,
    1940, the RailroadConmissionduly signedand enteredits
    XM l'R&VARIOUS FIELIxiARD DISTRIS.'%Ilil%XAS,'whioh became
    bffeativeFebruary1,,194Z,akd~in generalallocatedthe oil
    produoti? in the 3tate,ofTexas for the variousfields and
    Distriotsin Texas as hereinaboveset out.
    "The last mentionedOrder has been in effeot since the
    first day of February,1940, and is still ti foroe and effect.
    "First.In the.eventthe Railroadkmmission of Texas de-
    sirestoesoind its order o,fJanuary24, 1940, fixingthe
    allolable,produotionin the variousfields of Texas for the
    month of February,1940, oan 8mne be legallydome by an order
    of the Commissionsignedby swe person,authorised  bymembers
    of the Commissionto affix their signaturesthereto.
    Han, John E. Taylor,Page 2   (o-1943)
    "Second. Shouldit b&h@@ -&'yolylkpaetint that
    the cmty      of the Commissioncan be legallydelegated
    by the tidiwidualmembersof the Commissionto 8ome other
    personto sign the order hereinabovereferredto, thbn
    pleaseadvisewhetheror not as a basis for the delegation
    of such power it will be neoesaaryfor the Commissionto
    hold a formal tikaringand vote suoh authorityby a majori-
    ty thereof.
    "Third. Should it be held by your Departmentthat the
    Comnissionhas the power to delegatetha authorityherein-
    above referredto, then pleaseadvisewhetheror not suoh
    authoritymay be conferredby the Ccnnmissionby a majority
    vote of the Conmrissionat a calledmeetingif such action
    'is taken by the Collmission
    beyondthe territoriallimitsof
    the State of Texas+
    "Fourth. Should it be held by your Departmentthat as
    generalpropositionthe RailroadCommissioncan delegatethe
    authorityhere,inabove'teferred to, then pleabeadvisewhether
    or not the Commissioncould so act Pf;'sittiti i6-a place other
    that the City
    .~of Austin within the fkate of Pexasr*
    The Tiailroad
    Qmmisaion isva public board or oommissioaauthor-
    ired by the ODnatlt;ut&on
    (   1010 16, SsotionSCI),and createdby stat-
    uti (Arts.6444~644'7,'R&%25). Ita member.9    am oloarly State offiaarr
    to whan are confidednot only authorityof m~ewou~ive n&xm,    but also
    authorityof a quasi-judicial, quasi-lbgislature oharaotoi,involving
    the exerciseof judgmentand disaretion,whiohauthorityis to bo exer-
    oised and performedfor and on behalf of the State of Texas-
    The rule is quit. gensFallyreoognizsdthat publiooffioers
    may not, in the absenceof express authority,delegateto anotherthe
    performanceof an sot involvingthe exerciseof judment and discretion;
    but may delegate,in the absence of expressprohibition,the psrfonnanoe
    of aots which are purelymechanicalor ministerialin character. 46 C.
    J. 1033.
    The adoptionand raoissionof prorationrules and orders by
    the RailroadConanissioninvolve,in the high*& degree,the exeroissof
    judgmentand ditloretion,for auoh orders,when lawfkllyadoptedand
    pranulgatedby the Cummission,have the force and effect of law, pre-
    scribingrules of conductwhich oonoern,not only the personsdirectly
    affectedby the rule or order, but the wlfare of the State at kg*.
    The power, therefore,to determina~whether a prorat%onu.,ordsr
    shall ba
    reaoindedcannotbe delegated,but must bs exeroisedby the Gnmuission
    as auohe
    Taylor,Page 3 (O-1943)
    FWthennors, it is not oon+smpIated that the members of the
    Conmissionshall act in respectto matters involvingthe exe@.oe of
    judgmentand disoretionas individuals,but as a board. When action
    -bythe board on a matter involvingthe exerciseof judgmentand dis-
    oretipnisto be had, it is contemplated  that a meeting of its members
    shall b had, at which meeting at least a quorlrmshall be present,in
    order that the questionto ti determinedmay be freelydiscussedand -
    full opportu@i+.yaffordedfor a free exchangeof ideas among the mem-
    bers, that the deoisioafinallyreachedby the Canmissionwill reflect
    the consideredjudgmentand opinionof the Cammissionas such, and not
    the several and independently formed visas of the individualmembers
    canposingthe commission.
    Rhere a duty or powerinvolvingthe exerciseof judgmentor
    discretionis entrustedto a bard or commissioncomposedof differ-
    ant individuals,such board o@n act officiallyin respectto'~ths   dis-
    char-pof that duty only as such, in oonvonsd seasion,  with the memlwrs
    or a quorum thereofpresent. State ex rel Baria v. Alexander,130
    Sm. 754, 
    158 Miss. 557
    ; State ex rel Mayer v. Sohuffenhauer,  
    250 N.W. 767
    , 213 Fiis.29; State v. Kelly (New Max.) 
    202 P. 524
    , 21A.L.R.
    156; McClellan,HunicpalCorporations,Sec. 695; 22 R.C.L.456; 46 C.J.
    1034; 34 Tax. Jur. 457, and Texas oases cited;Mooham,Public Offloors,
    p. 376.
    Moreover,the board is not at libertyto hold such a meeting
    for the determinationof a questioninvolvingthe exeroiseof judgment
    and discretionat any place of its choosing. On the contrary,&tiole
    6447, R.S. 1925, providesthat "the ocnnaissionmay hold i5.ssessionat
    any plaoe within this state when deemednecessary." By dlear implica-
    tion, the statutoryprevisiondeniesto the conmissionthe authorityto
    hold its meetingsor sessionsat a place outsideof the tsriitorial
    limitsof this State. Rhan the law confersupon a person pcwersthathe,
    as‘s naturalperson,does not possess,that power cannot accompanyhis
    personbeyond the boundariesof the sovereignty  whioh his conferredthe
    power. and although the Legislature may requireor authorizeoertain
    officialaots to be done beyondthe State'slimits,such acts are dona
    by expressauthorityor permission,and the power to perfonuthsm out-
    side the territorialjurisdictionof the State is not to be implied.
    Jacksonv. Hunzphrey, 1 Johns (N. Y.) 4981 McCulloughv. Scott, 
    182 N.C. 865
    , 109 S.W* 789: Meoham,Public Officers,p. 332; 46 C. J. p. 1032.
    It thus appearsthat (1) the Commissionitself,as such,must
    determinethe questionwhethera prorationorder shall be rssoindsd(2)
    at a meetingof its members, (3) which meetingmust be held within the
    territoriallimitsof the State of Texas, (4) at which a quorum of the
    Commissionars are present,and (5) that the exerciseof this power can
    not be.delegated,but must be exercisedby the Commissionas such.
    Hon. John E. Taylor,Pago 4 (O-1943)
    Whhenthe decisionof tb Commissionwithnspct     to the
    adoptionor recissionof a prorationorder has been lawfullymade
    by it, the signingof the order itselfby the individualCommission-
    ers becomes a mere meohanioalorministorialaot,.whiohmay %a dal-
    egatedby the Conunissionars. Bee our opinion No. O-1607,attached
    The selectionof the person or personsto lxeroisothis power
    of signingordstr for and at the instanaaand requsstof the individual
    ccawnissionarswould seem to involvethe reposingof specialoonfidenoa
    and trust in the person seleoted,and to that extantthe determirr*tion
    of the questioninvolvingthe exerciseof jud@ent and discretion in
    the s&action of such person or persons8but it is a judgmentor dison-
    tion to be exercisedby the individualooarmissionersin selectingthe
    parsonswho shall be authorizedtn affixtheir respsotivesignatures,
    and thereforenot an act to be performedbythe board M suoh. Henoo
    no meeting of the board for this purposeis required, Aud, since the
    authorityto dolegatotc anotherthe mechanioalorminist~rialtinotion
    of signinghis name ia a power or privilege;poasosssdby the commis-
    sioneras a naturalperson,that authoritymay b lxeroisedby tha wm-
    missiknsrat a time when he ,isbeyond the territoriallimits of the
    We trust that the foregoingsufficiently
    the questions
    presentedby you.
    Yours v*rgrtruly
    a/R.    W. Fairohila
    R. W. Pairchild
    4PmovBD FEB 9, N&O
    s/Gerald C. km
    MTORWEYGEXE9ALOFTEXhS                       This Opinion Considered
    and Approvedin Limited

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1943

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1940

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017