OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN son. x800waltor oounty Attorney T871Or OWt7 ~bllono, Texar Dear Slri Oplnlan Ho. 0406T Be; Yay lloen80 plate8 puroharod during p during rrbruary or repoecrtlngthe opinion oi nt on the aboto quartion. Arti018 6b7Se5, ute8, read8, In Pa (8 Annotated Citll Sttt- The quoted protl8lon8 Of Arti010 667Sa-la, Iupra, were originally maoted by the Leglrlaturr in 1989 and oarriod into an 8mendumnt or the 19eO Aot by the Leglr- 1atUn in 1935. (Acts 1929, 41st Leg., 2nd C. S., p. 172, ch. 08, Sec. 13; Acts 1933 43rd Leg., p. 547, ch. 178, Sec. 1) ::I.5 Eon. ~00 Yialtsr, Pnq Ro. 2 Tharrorter, Bouso Bill 518 rte 8naOted,by the torty-f ourth Legi8latuSO (.&et8 1958, 44th Lee., pa 63, oh. Zl), end proridwt “axTI0r‘21. Section 5, of the General Len-8 or the Second Called Session, Of the Forty--third LOfi8latU0, Che2ter b, 8haU bo anondo to read heroafter s8 rOiiOU88 "'Sac. 8. Any per8011 who Opsrctcr a pnssen- ger oar or a oosmsroIalraotor yahlcle or truck- tractor upon tho public highwey8 of thi8 Stata any time during an7 nmth of a motor reP.lols rep istratioo year withoat hnrln dlaplaged thereon, and attsched thereto, two (2 7 license number plete8, one plate at the front End one at the roar, which hooo been duly snd laufully assigned for eald rehlclb Sor the carant registration your, shall be guilty Of a laiedmeanor; thI8 shall not apply to dbalsrr optmtlng YehiC108 under present provisIon of the law, and provided, how- eYer, 11cense number pltte8 aaJ be purchctvad during tho nonths or Fobrusry and bl;lurch for re- regItatrotlsn end when purchnxd nay te used frost and after Urirch the first prccodlng the reglstra- tion Jeer for w.k,ich they are lsoued upon the motor rehIcle for which thry are lssutd.* a5ec. 8. The rect that people a r elotltled tO.th8 IN38 Of liCen&e nUZter pl!ite8 when purchca- ad, Oraste8 an wiergoncy and an IGperetiye public necessity thc,t the constitutionel rule re-,drlng bil18’tO be read on three rereral Crtyo in oaah House, be asuspend& in order that thi8 Act shell take effect snd be In Sull force end effect from and tUter.it8 pos8age, and 8316 rA0 is hereby suspsnded, en4 it be 80 enccted.a It 18 noted thtt thle last enectmmt by the Leg- islature dboa not exgresslp~repssl ~rticla i675a-13 In its above quoted.prOyIsioz8, tut am8nds a Clfferent stat uto. %nnIfsstly, however the two btetutc8, In the ‘par-. tlcdam adbr &asldsretlon herein, are in arl meteria, and tholr provision8 in such respect eaan'jf E-e recon- 0118d. In such clreumstonce8, Vhs older statute will Bon. Es00 salter, PO&3 No, 3 be held to be repealed by ImplIcatIon to the extent of the conilfot + + + ft 18 pra8umCd that the Legi8lntUm intended to repeal all laws and pert8 of law8 018~4 fnCOn8f8tOnt with It8 later het8r l + l ” S9 Ter. fur., pe US, I 971 Tonn8end ye Terrsll, 118 Ter. 463, 16 S. W. (2d) l%& Sank f* Leo county cotton 011 CO,) 274 8. Pi. 129. Clearly, however, as you have conoluded in your letter, such later snaotaent by the Le,$slature may not be 8xtendsd beyond ii.8 plain term8 permitting lloense plate8 for motor vehicles to be used only after Enroh lst, notwithstanding they may be Purchesed durin.5 the month or February. Accordingly, you are advised that it is the opinion of thfe deportlcent that license pletes for sotor vehfoloe, purohaaed during February, may not, under the statutes of Texae be used until ana after Narch 1st pre- ceding the reglatretion ye&r for which the 1Icense pletes are issued. *ii8 point out for your InfOr~atlon that the 1939 pocket part to Volume 2 of Vernon’s Annotated Penal Code erroneou8ly~descrlbe8 8. B. 515, scpra, (Acts 1935, 44th Leg.; pa 63, oh. 21), oarrIed a8 Art907b of the Penal Code, as hetine been repealed by Acts 1939, 45th Leg., H. B. 230, 8 1. This error was acknowledged by ‘J;est PublIshInS Cojlpany In a recent letter to this dopertment, a portion or whioh v18 quota: *The Vernon Lnw Book Company has passed to ms your reoent letter oclling attention to en error in the 1939 pooket part to Volume 2 of Vernon18 Annotated Penal Cods. We greatly ap- preolate your t&nely advice which enables us to make a correotlon in the matter of II. B. 230 of the 46th Legislature. The error rosalted fron our inadvertence mrklng Chapter 21 of the hW8 as repealed.n TrirstIng that w8 have sntisfeotorily ensxered Bon. Es00 Vialter, ?spe No. 4 your Inquiry, we remain Yours very truly zcs rob By%15?i%?ta Ila-::ll4tant
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1867
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1940
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017