OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. Willlam L. Xerr ElcitriatAttorney Feacm, Texm ng butohers' reports, o?fiosm in the en- touohing the above body or your letter whiah unding your inquiry: that the ComiilssioneraOourta hority to areate suah office. the oouzitieeof.Reeves, Iming, Yard lar a Cattle Raisers* Asaooistionhea been romed and an orflcer ha8 been mployed by the to inspeat stock shipments and to amre- hend oattle thievee, etc. The employee who aervm thla asaocietion has a ~ipbcinl3anger'e ooumiseloawhich haa been issued to bin;by the Department of ikblic.Sarety,aad he perroms a 580 Hon. vrilliamL. Xerr, Page 2 worthrhlleand needed work in the territor- ies arr00t6id. He exaninee butohera' reports in the various oounties anb aesista local officers in every manner porrelblein law enforoemantend cervec as inspeotorfor stock shipments,and kindred duties. eT#e rbur oounties served by the Speoial Rangereaoh oontx3bute.a8um of moi18y to the salary 0r this orrioer and such oounty re- selves servioea frcm the ofricer, and the flvernlngbodies of the said countiesare well pleased with the eerfioesrenderedand have no objeationwhatever to oontribting$o- ward his ocmpcnaat1onand expense. "1 shall appreoiateit ii you will ed- vise me as to whether, in your opinion, the opinion reierred to oovers the 0888 or a man who Is a Speaial Ranger and who is paid by eaoh oounty ror'work done in euoh~respective oounty. The system has been in operationror years in thia oountry and has proven very uatiaraotory..* oUr OpblOn NOa O-841, pi COPY Or Which IS en- closed herewith for your information,was primarilycon- oerned with the creation of a four-countyoffice by the oounties Involved. We held that euoh otfiaewould have no oifioial ohareoterinesmuoh aa it‘doea not and would not exist by creation of law. Also, that a deputy sheriff appointed in any of the oounties involvedunder the appli- cable statutes of Texas, oould serve as such in only me. county, that of hie residenceand appointment. Further, it~waa pointed out that Artiole ~ISSa, Vcrnon'nAnnoteted Civil Statutes, is the only statute oonrerringauthority on the oommiaaioners~court to pay the compensationor any apeoial orrioer employed for the purposes set out in the statute. Xenoe, if this atatutewarenot compliedwith, the oommlasioners*oourt would be unauthorizedto pay, out or oounty funds, the oompenaatlonor any such special offioer, employed for the purposes eet out in ‘,hestatute. Under the raots as set out In your coxrunication, however, the questionalone is the authorityof the coxnis- sioners* oourt of eaoh of the four counties involvedto Hon. WIlllaw t. Kerr, Page 3 expend oounty funds a8 a oontributionto the pagPient of the salary and expanse af ths speoial orflaer em- ployed by the Cattle Ralsera* Association. It Is nani- rest that no attempt haa bean made, under the facts as given, to oamply with Artiole 7155a, supra. There 18 no authority in the Constitutionor Btatates of Texas for the expondituraaof oounty funds by the oomrnlsaloners*courts of the four oountiee in- valved for tha purposes deaoribed. It is the settled law in Texas that oounty ucmisaioners* courts may exeroiae only suoh authority. a8 ia oonlerradby the Cenatltution or Statutes of Texas; and that oommieeienara~courts are not vested with general ~0;:;; w-r. There are ,abundantauthoritiesto this l We oite the rolloning: llum-wARREBPDBLISRINO CO. VS. mImI?@30?I COmTx
45 S.W. 2nd.651; HOCC VS. CAXPHELL,48 SW 2nd 515~ IARTXUV VS. STATX, 01 BW 2nd 254s EL PASO CODNI'YVB: BI.AE
23 S.W. 2nd840; ~0m0rs vs. WARSHALL, 118 sw Ena 621; MRICAN SURETY CO. VS. HILL CODRTY,
15 S.W. 2nd535; Hum vs. ORR, 39 BW 550; MILLi?CODmY vs. IWASAS CODNTY,
40 S.W. 404; BlmJwmvB. TRAVIS COTnn?Y~SSsw4S4; REVISED CIVItSTA'L'iEES OFTEXAS. Saiohhas been ment on Similar queatlons. this DapartmentIn opinion Theobala, County Attmne commlsaioner8* ootgt or 582 Hon. Will.iam L. I:wr, Pm 4 @thorICy to expend county runde for the employment or life guards for the GziiveetonBeaoh; it was held by thirdDepartment in oplnlon No. O-1299, to Ken. John R. Shook, Crlmlnal Mstriot Attorney, San Antonio, Texas, that the oomiasloners* oourt of Rexar Count? oould not legally expend monies rram any of tha &??rar County itids for rare pmteotlon rrcaq~e oity 0r Pan Antonio ior districts outside of the oity and in the county of Bexar; and in opinion No. O-1085, to Hon. ShelburneE. Clover, County Attorney,??arlonCounty, Jefrerson,Texas, that the oomiaaloners’ aourt was without authority to expend oounty funds to pay or help pay the aalary of a game warden where his services were neoessary for the proteotion of fish and game. and to prevent the pollution of fresh waters with re- ruse 00. You are, thererore,reapeotfullyadvised, artehoareru3 and sympatheticoonslderatibnor your letter, that it IS ths,opinionor this Departmentthat the o&rmissioners*oourts of Reeves Lovfng, Ward and Winklei- Counties are wlthout authority to expend oounty funds as a oontributlonto the oompenaationand expense of a splolal officer employed by a Cattle Raisers' Associationto inspeot stock shipments,apprehend oattl& thieves, examine butohere' reports, assist looal offlOer8 in the enforoement0r the law, eto. We have withheld the release of this opinion followingthe request of a delegationoS interested oattle men fm the oountlos involved,with whom we .oonferredon Wove&es 27, 1939, that their oounty attorney,who aocom- panied them, might submit ua a brief upon the question involved. We have reoelmd no further oommunicetionand, trusting that the above adequatelyanmers your inquiry, we am3 %3- tNly YOUN ATTOR?EY GEHE!RiiL OF TEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1733
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017