Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Ronarable Quorge B. Sheppard
    Comptroller of Publio Aooounte
    Austin,  Texas
    Dear s1r:
    on the: queationn
    by this depart-
    ed opinion you
    of oHioa should
    rri0er  ~h00d   t0n6
    but 8hould -be ool-
    ooessor In offioe.        10~ it
    t thle ruliug will apply
    partionlar,     and possibly
    foore who aollsbt fees frm
    thereof, seoura the approval    of   the distriot
    judgai atO?.
    Honorable   George H. Sheppard, page 2
    “If your ansyer ie in the aifirmatlve,
    then your opinion on the rollowing is re-
    speotfully  requested:
    “A term Of court closes on
    or about December 31st, making
    it impossible ror the offloer     who
    performed the service to collect
    his aooounta from the State prior to
    January 1st.    Ha retires   from office
    on Deoember Pat.       Should such ao-
    oounts be oolleoted     from the State
    .by the retiring   offioer   or his suoces-
    “In felony oases where punish-
    ment may be assessed as tine or jail
    sentence, the State pays no rees to
    any orfloer      prior to- final dlsposl-
    t1on.     A sherirf perionns certain
    service in suoh ease, but the ease
    Is pending and therefore        See is not
    payable prior to the time he retires
    froa.‘of floe.     Subsequent to the time
    he retiree     frcol otfioe the ease is
    dlsmlssed or otherwise disposed of
    other than rine or jail sentence,
    and fee beoomes payable.         Should
    the ofrioer     who earned the ree file
    claim or should it be oolleoted         by
    his suaceasor?
    “Suppose the above mentioned
    ease was continued for more than
    twelve months from the time the
    sheriff   retired   and was then dis-
    mlss~ed--the fde was earned but did
    not become payable--would. Article
    3892 Rawle c
    . s. preolude payment to
    the sheriff     end require that the
    present sharirf oollect     from the
    State and deposit with the ComtY
    treasurer? n
    Honorable    George R. Sheppard, page 3
    Article   3892 of Vemon*s      Civil     Statutes     reads as
    nAny offloat_- mentioned
    ._      in this Chapter
    who doea not colleot      tne maxlmtueamount or
    hJs fees ior any fiscal       year and who reports
    delinquent fees for that year, shall be en-
    titled   to retain, when 0olleoted,       such part
    Of eaoh.delinquent      fees as Is aufrioient
    to oomplete the QE~ximum      compensation author-
    ized By Articles     3883, 3883-A, and 3886
    far the year In whioh delinquent fees were
    oharged, aUa also retain the amount of SX-
    oeas fees authorized by law, and the remain-
    der of the deli      uent reee~ ror that rieaal
    year shall be p3. d as h&rein provided for
    when oolleoted;     proviq.ed, thi provlaions
    of this Artiole     shall not apply to any or-
    flO8r after one year,Xrae the date he OBBBBS
    to hold the oriioe to whloh any delinquent
    fee 113due, and in the event th6~‘offloer
    darning the fees that are delinquent ha,s
    ‘. not oolleoted     the same wlthln twelve months
    after he ,osases .to hold the ofrio,e,      the
    amount or tees colleoted’ shall be paid ‘i&to
    the oounty treasury.        Provided,  however,
    that nothing In thlrLAot       preoludes -the pay-
    ment of ex-oftiolo     fees in aooordance with
    Title 61 of the Revised Civil Statutes of
    Texas, 1925, as part or the .maximumcompen-
    sat Ion. Providetl,    that any change made in
    thie Artiole by this Aot shall not apply
    to fees heretorore      earned.”
    &tic10    3891,   Vernon’s   Oivil     Statutes     as rol-
    lows :
    m* * *All fees due and no’t oolleoted;
    as shown in the report required by Article
    3897, shall be oolleot~ed by the OfflO0r t0
    whose office   the fees aaorued and shall be
    disposed 0r by said orrioer    in aooordanoe
    tith the provisions    or this Aot.* * *”
    Honorable   George      8.     Sheppard,    page   4
    In an opinion written Marah 17, 1933, by
    Donorable Eomer C. DeKolfe, Anslstant Attorney Oeheval,
    alreotea to Eouorable X. C. Barkley, Criminal M0trlOt
    Attormy,    Eoustm, Texas, this departmeat held that au
    orrhr     who rails to OolleOt his maximumand exe088 feea
    for a flroal par, and rho has reported dillnqueaO&e8
    ia    that year irr entitled  to retain, nhen oolleoted,  de-
    llnqpent tee8 miffloient     to complete his rpaxipuuDand 0x..
    oeae for the year in whlah the delinquent fear were
    While ArtIdle 3894, Revlead Civil Statutes,
    1925, has been repealed,       all fees atust be oolleoted   by
    the orrioer    to whose orrioe the geea aooruea, and ma
    ho has retired    from offioe,    he no longer hae any author-
    ity to oolleot    fee8, even though the same were eerh0d by
    hlm. When delinquent fee8 are Oolleoted,         the offlOev
    oolleotiug   the same should pay thm oter to the retired
    offioer until suoh retired oftlcer has reoeived &I0 ~mxl-
    mumand exqees.
    The Supreme Court ot TexaB ln the Oase                    0r   x1316
    County v.   Thompson,          66 8.   81. 48,   aaId:
    Vhcmpson had ocsased to be the orrioar
    to whose offloe the,?ees aoorued,and had
    no authority to OolleOt the money after he
    wtd   lout   or   orrioe.*
    It ia our opiuion that the above quotatfcn 1s a
    oorreot expression OS the law aa it exists now, even though
    Artlola 3892 has been repeal6d, and that the only material
    change In the law by reason of the repeal of this axtiole
    was that thereafter     the offloer makin the oollectlon  wan
    z     entitled   to a peroentage or the smouut oolleoted by
    AS eupporting thlrr aoaalusion, re call you at-
    t0ntlon to the faot that under the proviaioaa or the fee
    law  MW  in efleot,  the fees, earned by OfflO6ra are re-
    rem& to ag feea. of offloe     and not as fee0 belonging to
    the Individual   who earned them.   In Xeoh(M on Pnbllo  of-
    fioers,  it Is stated:
    e&g hss          bea   8eon,   the   relation   between
    the offlOer and the pub110 IS not the creature
    of ooutraot,   nor is: the orfloe  itself  5 oon-
    traot.   80 his right to aompensation Is not
    the oreature or oontraot.      It 02it3t8, it it
    exista at all, as the Or0atian Of law, and
    aen it EO eriebe,     it belongs to hb ‘not by
    Honorable   George H. Sheppard,    page 5
    forae of oon*.raot, but because      the law at-
    taohea it to the .o?fioe. n
    It will be further noted .that under the pro-
    visions of Artiole      3897, Vernon’s Civil Statutes,      re-
    lating to the;.reports     required to be filed,     the offioer
    is only required to rile a report for a @@I.:-gear;.:,
    and that there is no pr@islon        requiring   a. report to be
    filed a8 to fees oolleoted       by the ,offioer after he retires
    from orrg~e.     If the retir’ad officer     had the right tb ool-
    lect dtiinquent     fees earned by him, then it would be &a-
    possible   to determine the amount whioh he was authorized
    to retain under the provisions       of the fee law, and to de-
    termine the amount of excess tees payable to the county.
    It has been repeatedly   held by this department
    that the oifioer:~ whose term of oifioe    has terminated has
    no right or authority to colleot    delinquent fees which are
    due him, that such fees shall -be oollected    by the offloer
    to whose office   the fees acorued, and shall be disposed of
    by said orrioer~: in accordance with the provisions     of the
    laws governing the same.
    In a case under the following       faots,  “A dlstriot
    olerk, prior to going out or ofrioe,        riles all papers in
    the 0888, completes transcripts       In the, Court of Criminal
    Appeals, and then retires      from oifioe.     His successorls
    .duly elected   and qualifies.      The fees in the case held
    and tried in the former administration         are now due and
    payable under the latter      admlnlstration;n      This department
    held in a letter   opinion addressed to you on August 10,
    1934, that:
    “Although the fees you mentioned Would be-
    long to the ,flrst district     :olerk under the Clr-
    oumstanoes set out by you, since the servioea
    were completely parronaed by the first          district
    clerk,    (Hake v. simondon, 46 S. PJ. (26) 1013;
    Barues v. Turner, 27 S. W. (26) 532; f.hmerOn
    county v. yox, 61 s. w. (26) 483) it 1s mY
    opinion     that such fees would be delinquent
    fees; therefore,     they would be payable and
    collectible     by the second district     clerk by
    virtue or the provisions      of Artiole     3892, 8s
    amended, Revised Civil Statutes.          P&en so ool-
    leoted by the second district        clerk, they would
    Honorable George H. Sheppard, page 6~
    belong Inpart      to the first   distrlot  clerk,
    provided the latter       clerk reported them as
    delinquent reea in the statement required
    by Artlole..3897.-as     amended, Revieed Civil
    Statutes,    and provided that the first     district
    olerk ha8 not already oolleoted        his maximum
    oompensation.      Asstated,    however, the proper
    person to receive payment Of such fees, fs the
    aeoond distriot      Clerk."
    Articles 1033, 1034 aa          1035,   cod0 or Crlm-
    Prooedure, read .a8 follows:
    wAr;i 1033. Offlpar    shall     make out cost
    “Before the close of each term of the
    di8triOt    oourt; the distrlot or oounty at-
    torney, sherlrr and ~olerk of said oourt
    ahall each make out a bill of the oosts
    olaimed to be due them by the State, re-
    8peOtiVdly, in the felony oa868 tried at
    that term; the bill shall ehbw:
    "1.   The style   and number of each oase.
    "2. The offense,    oharged against      the
    "3. The term of the court         at whloh
    the oase was disposed or.
    "4. The disposition      of the oase,       and
    that the case was finally     di8paed  or,       ma
    no appeal taken.
    “5.  The name and number of detendants;
    and, if more than one, whether they were
    triad jointly  or separately.,
    "6. Whdra each derendant was arrested,
    or witness served, stating the county in
    which the service was made, giving distanoe
    ana dlreation  rrom county seat pi ooimty
    In which the prooess Is served.
    Honorable George H. Sheppard,     page 7
    "7.    The oourt shall inquire whether
    there have been, several prosecutions    for
    a transaotionthat     5s but one orren8e in
    law.   Ir there Is more than one prosaoution
    for the same traneaotlon,    or a portlon there-
    Of, that ooulu he~e been oombined in one in-
    dlatment against the 81~1) defendant,     the
    judge ahall allow fe88 to sheriff8,     clerks
    and distrlot    and county attorney8 In but
    one proseoution.
    "8.  Where the defendant8 in a case
    have aerered on the trial,   the judge ehall
    not allow the charges ror service 'or process
    ana mllaage to be duplioated    In eaoh ease a8
    trfed; but Only such additional    fee8 shall
    be allowed as are cmnsed by.the severanoe."
    "Art:   1034.   Judge to examine bill,    etc.
    "'The District   Judge, when any auoh bill
    iS presented to him, shall examine'the same
    Oarefully,,.and      &nqUire~intO the oorreotn888.
    thereor,     and approve the acme, in whole or
    in part, or disapprove the entire bill,        as
    the rat%3 and law may require;       and’ such ap-
    proval shall be oondltloned       only upon, and
    subject to the approval of the State Comp-
    troller     as provided ror in Article    1035 or
    this    Code, and the Judge's approval shall
    80 atate therein; ,and 8UOh bill,       with the
    a&ion of Ju&e thereon, shall be entered
    on the minutes of said Court; and famediate-
    lp on the rielng of said Court, the Clerk
    thereor shell make a oertified        copy rrom the
    minute8 of said Court of said ‘bill,       and the
    aotion of the Judge thereon, and send 881118
    bp registered      letter ,tO'the Comptroller.
    Proyiaed the bill hereinreferred         to shall
    berore being presented to such District
    Judge, be rlrst presented to the County
    Auditor, if such there be, who shall care-
    fully examine and oheok the same, bnd shall
    make whatever recommendation8 he shall think
    proper to be made to s~uoh District       Judge re-
    lating to any Item or the whole bill.
    Honorable   George H. Sheppard,    page 8
    "Fees due District    Clerk8 ror reoord-
    ing sherlrt's    aooounte shall be paid at
    the end of 8aid term; and all fee8 due
    DistrictClerks      for making tran8oripts   on
    ohanue of YenUe and on appeal shall be paid
    as soon a8 the servloe     is performed; and the
    Clerk's bill for 8uoh re8S shall not be re-
    quired to show that the oase ha8 been flnal-
    ly di8po8ed or.      Bills for fee8 for such
    tranecripts    shall be approved by the Di8triOt
    Judge a8 above provided,      and with the 88818
    oonditions,    and when approved shall b8 re-
    corded as part of the mlnuterr of the last
    preoeding term of the Court.
    *Art.   1035.   Duty 0r Comptroller
    YThe Comptroller upon the reoeipt of
    such olaim~and said oertlfied         oopy of the
    mixnate of said Court, shall olosely        and
    aarefullj   examine the s8me, and, if.he deems
    the same.to be correot,      he shal.l~draW his
    warrant onthe State Treasurer for the amount
    round by him to be due, and In favor Of the
    offloer   entitled    to the same. It the approp-
    riations   ior'peying    suoh accoUnta 18 exhausted,
    the ComDtroller shall rile -the sametmay, ii
    foturd to.be oorreot,     and IseUe a certifloate
    In the name of the offioer       entitled  to the
    mane, etetlng herein the amount of the claim
    and the oharacter.of      th8 service8 perrormed:
    All suoh olaims or accounts not cent to or
    placed on file ~inthe office       of the Comptrolti
    wlthln twelve (12) month8 from the date the
    same beoomes due and payable shall be forever
    Artlole 16560, Vernon's Civil Statutes, provide8
    that the State Comptroller of Public Accounts ahall pre-
    scribe.and  prepare the rOZ7Ji8to be used by all county Of-
    riCidL8 in the colleotion   Of oounty revenues, funds, fee8
    and other moneys, and in the di8bUrsement of all funds,
    ehall prescribe   the mode and manner of keeping and stating
    their aooounts, which forms shall be 8o'prepared   as, in
    Honorable Oeorge H. Sheppard,      Page 9
    the dudgment or the Comptroller,   will meet the need8
    or the oountles 0r dfrrerent  sizes in the State.
    Also, ohaptere 1 and S of tit10 15 or the
    Code 0s Orlminal Procedure speoliioally  raqulre that
    oertain aooounts .presented to the Wmptroller   for pay-
    ment ahall be verified.
    Thle department held in an oplnlod written by
    Honorable Leon 0. Nosea, Aseieta~k Attorney Oeneral, on
    February 15, 1935, that all fee8 due and not oolleotdd
    when the orrloial   earning the lame retire8 iron otti0e
    should be oolleoted   by the present enoumbent or the of-
    rioe. We enolose a oopy 0r this opinion ror your oonyen-
    In view or the roregolng authorities,    in
    anewer to your rirst queetlon,    you are re6peotrully
    advised thatlt     is the opinion of thie department that
    delinquitnt fees or orrioe cannot be oolleoted    by the
    aherirr or any other orrioer who80 term or orrioe has
    terminated, but by his 8UOOOBBOr in orrloe.
    The answer to your rfrst question         necessarily
    anaware your eeoond and third que8tlon8.
    &8wuring your fourth question,     you are adviattd
    that ii suoh feel, are not oolleoted    wlt!in one year after
    the retiring   orrioer has oeaaed to hold orrioe, tho orti-
    oer to whoae~ofiloe    the reefs aoorued s&all oolleot thea
    rron.the etate hnd deposit suoh i%a8 wlth the oounty
    Tru8ting   that the toregoing    ruiiy :answers   70tu
    Inquiry,    we are
    Yotis   very truly
    AppROVmDEC   19, 1939

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1679

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017