Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 860 Bonorrbls R. S. Bssslsy, pssgs2 X6 re.stat.spUrqusation 46 follorar Is an out-of-county witness In a felony aase mtltled tq,~ his mllragr and psr disfsr0r a 66cond trip to copvt in thr ssmo aasa during ths #am8 tsrm'i Article 103 o? tho Penal cod0 reads 46 fol- lorr6I 'Before tho alericor his deputy shell bs rsqulrsd or pmnlttod to isnuo 8 aub- posno In any r0104 oar0 p6ading 531 any 416trlat or orlain6l ai6tri0t ouut of this Stats of which hs 16 alork or deputy, the doiendanb or his attorzmy or thi State*6 attorney shell meks written 6~111 appllca- tion to suoh olark or sash ritnsas 506ir65. Suoh.epplioatlop 8hsll stets the 'drms o? sash ultnsss &eslrrd, the location aad avo- a&ion, if known, antI that ths testimony Of said wltno66 is bsliarrd to bo aaterial to tha SUto or ths dafsn86. As ?u as pmatlo6bl8 such alark shall inclu50 in OM subporn the namus of aU wltn~6666 for t;hi State en5 tho de?an5ant 6115 such proasse shall show that thr witn6666r &rs 6u~n6a for th stat6 0f dmm6nt. xr any suoh olsrk or his dsptttyshall issue any subpoena for any witne66 in a rslonf 0866 without oomplyiag with this artlals, OT shell 166u6 en attaohmmt without an ordsr or oourt, h6 shall be fined not 1668 Wi~aenty-fivr nor aoro than two hundred .11 Arti 443 or th6 code or crkri~i ~O~O~UIW mad6 es follows: %sfors ths olerk or his deputy shsll bo required or permitted to i66U6 a rub- 906114 ia any fslonf case Qsading In any ~Dtstrict or CrM.nel Dlstriot Court oi this Stats of w;:iohhs IS olsrk or deputy, the tlofandentor his attorney or thr Stats*6 attorney shell make wrltton, 6~0~1sl plioa- tion to suoh olsrk for seah wita 8orfred, Suoh a~plloatlon shell stats tho nenx6o? each wltnass dssirsd, the looetion and vo- oattoll,if known, and that ths testfao!ly 861 Eonorablr R. IL Baasloy, page ) Of Saib WitM66 i6 laatW,riti to the Stat0 or to thr dSfOM6~ & fU 66 i6 ~l’OOtiC431 mob olsrk shall lnoludo in on0 subposna tho D4~666Ot 611 ~itll66666 iOr the St4t4 sad fir daf6nboubs and suoh 3WOO666 #ha11 ShOU thOt the ritU66646 4rO 6WBEOU6d fOr thr Wet0 or fbr the dria5ant. Whsn a aitIl466br6 be083 66Z76d with 4 subpo6m, ltt6oh65 or plao65 udsr r6eognitanee at tha lnstanao of dthu: wrtf ln 4 putlo- tiler 6660, sash 6~60UtiOm Of p~OO66 SW1 lnuro t6 tho bonoiit of tbo OD~SitS par- ty ia suah aas. In tho orwit suoh OmSit6 pwt7 Uo6ir66 t0 UU UlOh WitUOSS Oil tha trial of thr oaso, protiO& that *ha a wit- 11.60 h66 On00 bosn SW76d with 4 dibpoona, -DO fU?thrr mbpoeaa S&11 b. i66U64 fti$ #8fd WitUOSS..* . ArtiOls 1036, Cod0 of Cri&nal Prqomhro, prorid thatt '1. hi7 WftnO86 ~I36~67 her4 be6n reoognixml, 6UbpoOnead or attsohsd, lUd t3itea bond for his lp p o uo nobafon o 4ny oourt, or before any grand Jan-y , out of th OOWAt~ Of hi6 ~66idSllO~ t0 tSStif7 in 8 i6lm7 0468, and elo *pp6ar* In ooa- pliaaor with the obllgation6 of suoh ro- oogniranoa or bon&, shnll br allowed his mtuel traml~ 6Xp6m@S, uOt sroerdlng four 06nts pa* alla going to an5 return- ing Smm the 00Urt or gI%nd 31~x7,by thr n~#r##t praObiOa1 OOnTeySIkOO,end two dol- lars per da7 for seoh d6y ho ma7 n6or66erll7 b. rbsont fl'O6i hoar a6 4 ~itn666 in 6U6h o666. “\(ntIiO6666 Sk611 rO~OSiY6fir= tb6 Btetr, for att6ndano6 upon dirtriot aBurt 6n5&?6nd jrtriu in OoMti66 OthUthM t&et at their ~66idOllO6, in obr516nor t0 6ubpO~n46 ionred UudU the prO~i*iOM Of law tbir lotual tr8rOling 0296ll*a*,not 0xos+ung four 04nts p4r ail*, so% to Xanorable R. Z. 86a61ay, Daze 4 and rH&ing from tha aourt or grand jury, by the nssrsst greotlsal oonva7anoa, and tw3 5ollar6 psr day ror oaah da7 they nay neoe6aarIly be sbaant iron hoar as a wit- MIS, to be prid u BOW pro?l50& by law; end the ?orsman of the aran5 juq, or the' dirtriOt olark, She11 i66us to suoh Uit``SS Oarti?iCate6 thsrotor, after d@dUOtiag thsrg- frcaathr amounts adtanoad by the offlosrs ranin~ said subpoen66, as sh0wn by the ro- tUTIl6 On 66%d nUbpO#nSS; which O6TtiflO4t#6 shall br 69 roved by t&e dlstriot judge, sad r6oordsi by thr elcbk in a well-bound book kept fir thst purp066; prorldsd, that when an lndiotmant oan bs ?cun5 rrom ths srldsnor taken baforr en inqurst or .0x6&+ Ing trial, ab'6ubpornrror ettaoh!aantsbsll 166U6 for 4 WitnrSS who T6Sid66 Out of the county in v&Iah tha prososutioa Is pond- to appasr bsiors a grand jur7. When the grao.5 juxyshallorrtI?7 to the 5IstrIst judge thst su??Ialsnt avidaaor manot be 66curs5 upon rhioh to rind an IndIctmeJt, exoapt upon te6tI6t0nyoi nonrasidsnt wlt- n66606, the dlstrlot udgo say hare sub- &IOsUsSi##U#d 66 PI'0J 406 ?OT by 1aW t0 othsr counti ?os witnereee ta tfSti?J be- fore the grand jury, not to exoesd one wit- ness to any on6 ieot, nor zaoro than thraa WitM66O6 t0 any OIlaOpI66pending batOr ths grand jury. wSac. 2. Bitsass ?666 shall be ellowsd Only to suoh titn66666 a6 me7 ha06 bsen SW6- monad on the sworn written spplioation of the Stat&'6 etborney or tha dsioudsnt or his attorney as provided In Artlola ~63, Cods of Crlzinal Procedure, whloh swors PppllsstIOn mist br m&46 at thr tiPn6 Of the-DYoOUri~ of th6 subposna, atteo~snt for, Or reOogniz6na6 Of, the WitM66. TM judge to whoa an eppll- oation iOr sttaCbA@nt is tea&O, iXSf, in hi.6 di#Ol'OtiOh,@ant or rsiuss sush app1IaatlOU, when prreantcd in term the. *SIC. 3. Eaforr ths 01066 ot aaoh term of DiStTIst Court, the wltn666 oh611 mks 6n Xonorablo 8. lS.Beaslay, paca 5 atfldarit stating tbr mmbrr o? milsr he till ~WW trarlled SO* to and re- tulairyll ZYOBtt.e Oouft, by the nearer6 praotleal ooaveyuwo, and tbn number of daya he nlll hm’e boon nrawwarily absrnt lxt iToing to an4 returnlag iroa t&8 plaae ot triilt wbloh afridavit #hall be flkd With the paper8 of this @RI@. 190witnerr 8h511 WOeire pay iOr hi8 Wtiaer a8 a dtW88 ia 6OrO than One 0880 8t 8x1~on8 ten or the twurt. IO88 rhall aot be al- lomd to oQre t&a two ritnea8er to the ram raot, ~1558 the juagr before whor the oau8e l8 trhtd r&all, after mok oam ha8 be8n trhd, OOIithUed, or Othari8e dlaporml Frtify that 8~Oh WitnOa8e8 Of, were neoaasary in the oaure.* * +w' The Supreme Court of Terar ia tba ewe of Burttpxhall v. Shep ard, 69 S. W, (2A) 4Q2, amow @her bhings, held % ltteot thett T&e dirtriot oourt, i8 authorized t0 810U8b Wit?m5808 preYic%Irly8ubpowaed, and ha8 pOW8r thorrafter t.0order ismanor of addltion- al subpoena8 for thr seae ``Stnrrsrrr In the MUMoara, &?w?@r, after the oaurt ha8 aOU8ed much WitiIe8888 under 8ubpoon8, the court could not re8unmon th8 witmssss Except UBaar oirou68tnnoe8 oreating tlm aecersi* tIlera- for. f8 quote troB the 8bQYe oass a8 fOl1OW8: “A oareful readlng of tb~ BtEtUt08, both orimin81 an4 oiril, tam to dir- closr any mpress prohibition agai?lat the lrmirg of a second rubpoem iOr th8 8ama titnwr in tha aaum oene. By artiole 3707, Rsvlsed Ciril Statutcr, the 8uthOrity Of the oourt to discharge witne5805 ir affimatitel~ r*oognias4 ( end, after bin di8chargs, the wit- ness i.8 under no furthor 001~pul8iOn t0 att6ud tbs sittiw of the aourt. The rrtiole proridar: **Ihay witnsrs 6um6one4 in ant stilt @hall attend the omrt baa day to daf, and frasa tmn to tern, until disaallargedby the Hoaortblr R. R. Bea8ley. met 6 OOtISt Or QOrty 8~11StaiRg kh ~2%Iy wltno88, after bei4 dalr lUIWKUI@lhU1 d, fail to rttend, he ~7 bo fined br tbb court t8 for 8 oontelpgf ef oourt, urd an rttaoh- mmt aa7 lrruo a hut the body of 8ueh rit- lle88 to 006~1 hr8 ltteadaat4.~ *It 18 tna8 th8t l wltner r &layI?0 005- pl1.d to attoad the ooort fromb7 to da7 8nd froaHa6t ksa tm- tema~erBe hts ~. sonod, and th awr l8o fltUohm8at lr w811.- able to oom 1 aneh rtteabnoe~ but if the OOUrt hM d r 8OhtZ~dthWritilt8t 8BdkO i8 under no forther oeq&ls1oa, the writ of lrtaohaient would not lie. lXe will not l8su6e that a dirtriot Judge WOtdd.hrYt a Witg888, OY nitrrOt8tt; Uttt8- unl7 or wantaLl ~emasosod. Ee tr lo tia ig a s8 oout 8~4 Inh & 8 ~a ( Uo iao alp r ity. The rt8U&W&l& Of ritM88e8 8hOtid OeOU?‘etif la lx r ep tlo a*a a l ~*, md ua b roirou68tanoea whioh 5a the 4.1~4 ef the @oust w0ul.b orea 0 neeerrit~ tJm+efor. The better praoti40 fma the stendpoiat of eoonaw a a dlffleiea o y aOUld bt to ?th eOOUT8 t0 M iM ia ?raS d18- ohar&# l ritner8 b efo rth e elS& of the Ot80, and to oompel klr attenbaee under the cme 8Ub~tfl.t;bat whtrt t& Ud64 ha8 8eea fit to bi80&8r&t l ritZlO88, in the exerol8e of a aouruldlroretlon, or men arbitraril7 and .srror1gl7,8nd later raoh wltaoea ir needed to girt tertl.&wsiy, it aU8t be hold that the OOUl't kBS tht mr t0 htY0 t&O WitM88 ?t- 8umone6. Authority 80 l8S,ntial to the 0~ ontloa 0r oourtr will aot k dr~i8d. Th8 porribility Of abuse Of authorit is 110 &r&u- mat yahut ltr exlstonoe.n Tht aboY JILOntiOn8b 088t dO48 nOt df8O~t8 Or pe88 apoa Seotioa 8 of rrtlole lOS6, COdt of CriisinalFro- oedure, whioh ntd8 18 fokhWtt “YiitDt88 f+O8 8bll ba alhW9d Otip t0 8uOh W%tllO88t% lt B8y half0 bttli 8UlZ%OZbtd 011 the 8UQa writtoa r991ioatloa or the 5tete’r attorne7 or the datedant or hl8 attorney a8 . Xonorable 8. II.B688le7, page 7 proddad In Artlole 463, Code oi Crlmlnal Pro- oedure, whioh morn appllaatlon must be made at the time of the yroourlng of the 8ubpoeaa, ttttOhIB@nt iOr, or reoognizmoe Of, the witnep8. The judge to whom a8 appliaatloa or atteahme~t is mode, say, in hir diraretlon, grant or re- fur0 m8h l99lioation, when prorented in term time.m Theretore, it 18 to be under8tood that we are. not paasiag upon the quertioa a8 to whet&r or nob the wltne88 rould be entitledto hi8 per diea endmilea66 whur 8uah titae88 ir exaured by the ooart awl re-subpoenaed br the ooust where a 8mxn written applioatlonof the atate* ettorne7 or the 4efendmt or bir attorney a8 pmorided in Artiple 463, Code of Criainal Prooedure he? n& beea eom- plied with. In the oplnlon r4ndereed by thi8 8epartment 00 PebruaFf 21, 1935, written b7 Eon. Leon 0. &8e8, Alrir- ta a Attorney t 04 a *r el, lddro88e4 to the Distriot Olerk, Sweetwater, T8xa8, ii ca8 held thet a0 WitBeS8 Shall re- abIro pay for his 8orriars as a titnens In %me thad one case at any one term o? oourt; hcrsrer, in the event the witness I8 in8tructed b7 the judge to return et the sure term or the dirtriot oourt at whioh he wa8 mmaone4, and oa the aaaw cam, the wltnser wou$d,be aatitled t0 hi8 fee 084 mileage r0y i seooad tii9. In riew of the roregoin6 authorltlas, 70~ are respectfully adviaod .that it ia the opinion of thir de- “partment that an out-of-oounty wltnesr in a felon7 oa80 irrsntitled to two dollar8 and his actual tr%reliBg ex- pen8e8 not exceedlog four cent8 per silo going to and returning from the court for 8 ieoond trip WItth; O;Wt 'durl the same term awl in the 88ae oa8e. titer7 al *ether the witners ha8 been re-8ubpOenaed o? 18 attending the aourt undrr the original subpoena, Pm- Tided the witness ham been rubpoenaed a4 prOVi406 b7 ktlole 463, code of oci8inel Procedure. Elanor8bleR. %. Boarlay, page 8 AW:Lu

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1594

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017