Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Honorable 0. A. Neal
    County Auditor
    El1la COunty
    Waxahaohie, Texae
    Ret Allowance
    date of Ootober 83,
    bounty, the shsrirrfs
    department   Is till                      esed by the county.
    ef the oplnlon that
    era, and the sheriff
    pend oonsiderable
    e rcr anothsr.
    8s to repair, or exohange for
    d buy one and oharge the
    e for the use of it, what
    matter?  Would the oounty
    med by ths Comptroller*s Offioe that the
    a ocmpensated on an annual ealary basis.
    Or Artiols 3899, VeTnOn’s Annotated     Cfvil
    , reeds In part as r0liopp8:
    “The Commissioners   Court of .the oounty or the Sherlff~s
    resldenoe may, upon the written    and sworn applioation    of
    euoh ofrloer    stating the neoesslty  therefor,  allow one or
    mOre automobiles to be use4.b     the SheriiY’ in~ttu, discharge
    OS Orfiolal   business, which, 9 f purohased‘&   the count7
    shall be bought, in the nianner presoribed $-y law for the
    purohase bt supplies end paid for. out of the CIe,neral find
    of the oounty and they shall be reported and paid In the
    same manner as herein provided for other expenses.
    Honorable   0. A. Neal-     Mqe 2
    nWhe,re the automobile or automobiles are owned by the
    Sherirt or his Deputies, they shall be allowed four (4#)
    cents for eaoh mile traveled in the disoharge of offlola
    business, whloh sum shall cover all expenses of tha maln-
    tenanoe, ~depreoiatlon  and operation   of suoh automobile.
    Suoh mileage shall be reported end paid In the same manner
    presoribed   for other allowable expenses under %he provisions
    0r this seotlon.    No automobile shall be allowed ‘for any
    Deputy Sheriff   eroept those regularly   employed in’ outside
    work.   It shall be the diity of then County Auditor,   ir eny,
    otherwise the Commissioners’ Court, to &eok the speedometer
    reading of each of said automobiles,     owned by the oounty
    onoe eaoh month end to keep e publio reoord thereof;      no
    automobile owned by the county shall be used for any private
    purpose .”
    In the light of that poriion of Seotlon b of’ Artiole
    3899 of Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, whloh provides:
    “. . . The Commissioners’ Court of the County oi the
    Sheriff’s  resldenoe mn~ upon the written end sworn epplloe-
    tlon of suoh orfloer,  stating the neoesslty   therefor,  allow
    one or more eutomoblles to be ilsed~ bfr the Sheriff  in the
    disoharge or oftiolel  business.  . . .*
    It is the opinion of this Department end you may be so
    advised that the statute vests with the Cormeisaioners’ Court the
    right end duty, in aoting upon the written end sworn epplloet ion
    of tba sherirr,     to eieroise  its administrative   dlsoretion   es to
    the necessity    for snoh expenditure end euoh body may or may not
    allow., in pursuenoe of its delegated duties,       one or more automo-
    M;;isto   be use! by the Sherifr in the disoharge or his orrloial
    It aooordinglJr follows,     that in the event that the
    Commlailoners* ,Court, 52 the exerolse       of its dlaoretion,   round
    that there~ wee _8 nsoessl$y f’or the use of only ‘two automobiles
    by ths Sharlffts     Department of Ellis County that said Commissionera’
    Court would not be, as a matter of law, obligated         to allow or
    approve additional     expenditures   for the use of other end additional
    automobiles by the Sheriff      of said County in the disoherge of his
    offlolal  duties.
    Truating,thet    this   will   satisfactorily   enswer your
    question,   we remain
    Yours very truly
    APPROVEDDEC.4, 1939
    (8) Gerald 0. Mann       ATTORNEYGENERALOF TEXAS
    ATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS                                             APFRCWED
    opinion oommitte
    EC:AMIK                         BY                                  -By    BWB
    Edger Cele         ohairman
    Assistant                .’

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1615

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017