OFFICE OFTHEAmORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN x=z mn. 2. 0. Allen Dlrtrlet Attorney OQiBiOB Of thill atters, haa been the title 0r "County Audi- ked for all 8UpFlfbtt 0 blanks, reoorda, 6nd de rariow afflaera for tive deelaratioa requiringf oaqetitive bids QILall ptxr- ohae8 by the Qounty Of thr ited deaoribed. The rtetde, however, doe8 not psrt16ularfze aa to the aanaer ar &cram o flfr eutfug euo h. ktiale MS9, Revieed Civil Btatuteo of Texas, wur llkewiae orig¶.aally enaotad by the 8tme Legidfituro, under tbr 6aIUe tQtle, eontainiag the esaargenoy provlnion rllawing pwOhaae# by the Oowty, Wltbouf adVerti&Ig t0r Ron. 2. D. Nlsn, Page 9 coarpetltire bids, when not In exoesa o? #50.00. This latter a?tlolo was amended by the S7th Legirlature In 192J. (Ada 19t1, page 16S), whareDy the snerganoy p?ovIdIon now allow6 purohaaea by the oounty not iu exoeaa of $150rO0, In 06aea of an 4morg4aay, without 4dv4ttIaIng ror ooapetitive bids. Art1014 1659, aupra, 001 raada: .*Sugpllea of ever7 kind, road and btidge aatsrial, or 6~ other amtarial, for the me of aald county or my 0r its offioera, de- partments, or I natItutIon8 mumt be purohased on oompetltire bids, tha contra& to be award- eh to tha pa?tl who, In the judgmnt of ths oomlaaianera oourt, has aubzitted the laeat and beat bid, The oouaty auditor shall ad- tsrtiae for a period o? two week8 In at least one daily mmapape?, published and elroulated In the County, for auoh 8upplIsr and rmterIa1 aooordlng to apeolfioatlona, giving In detail wlmt la medad. Suop advertisements shall state where the apeoIilioatIon6 are to be found, and shall gIr4 the tIm4 and plaoe for reoeiv- ing suoh bids. Nl auoh acrr~etltlve bids shall be kept on file by the oaunty auditor as a pert or the rsaorda of his cbflce, and shall be subjedt to lr&pdotIon by any one desiring to see th4m. Copies of all bid6 re- oslrsd shall br turrIl6had by the aounty ruditor to tha aotmty judge snd to the oomalsaionsfa oourt~ and whhenths bids reoefvsd are not 64tiEfUOt3v t0 th4 66Id judge O? 4OWt;l oumIe8fonare, tho auditor ahall rajeat said bids and re-advertlsa for n4w bids. In oasss of mergenap, purohasea not In exoeaa of one hundred and fifty dsllarn may be ma68 upon requIaItIon to b4 approved by the oomhaslonera oourt, without adve?tIsIng for ompetltire bids,* It is observed thst Artiole lbS9, aupra, I6 a general st8tute, a:plyIng to 6upplIea of ers?y kind, pur- abased by the aounty, and providing for the memar of pur- Han. 2. ??. Allen, Page 3 ahaaes thareof by ocap+tItIve b.iJs, and providing for 6n enarganoy. R4no4, In the abaenor of ap4oIf IO afp’tutea applying to legal blanks, statIone?y and alail~ SUpplleS, and providing for the amine? a? purohase thereof by am- pstftlve bids, this gansral atatut4 would ooBtro1 the mttar. The oorreot rule of atntutory oonstruotlon~ In such 0asea, Is stated In the opInIon of Z;x part4 Townsend, 144 t3Y 628, 641, as r0iicrmt “It, Is also well eetabllahsd that, where one statute deals with a aubjeot In oeeprs- henaive tema snd another statute daala with a portion of thr aam aubjeot In a more dafin- Ito way,. the two should bs reed together, ii poaalble, with a rlbw to giving afloat to a consistent legirlatira pallay. H&aver, If thers Is anjr maemar oonfllot'betwc~n two auoh lawa, the aaola I wIl1 prevail ovc)r the general statute. Where ths apeoial statute is later, it ~111 b4 regarded as an rroa~tlon to, or qualIiiastIon of, tht prior gene?al one, and, when ths general eot is late?, the ap4oIsl will b4 oonatrusd au remaining an ex- oaptlon to Its terms, tit&64 it 18 rspealed la e=reas words or by iprplioation, t Cyo. SF, 1151; Rod&era vs. United Statsa 2% U, S. 83, 2.8 Sup. ct. sari,
48 L. 96. 818; Roa4n- arms vs. U. S., lb!3 u. 9. 257, 17 sup. ct. 302, 41 L. Ed. ,700t Lazonby vs. SmItheg, 1Sl Yo. App,. zas, 131 3. *. 708.’ There a?4, howover’, epeoitio statutes nlating to this subjeot, providing both for the purahaae of auoh auppllea by the Commlsaioners * Cou?t Itself, and also for ths sumhas of auoh supplI4s by the rsrlous cbfioera of the county with the requimmsnt that auoh roust be approved by the Comlsslonsrs' Court. %4 shall fiwt discuss the statutsa pertsluiug ~o&uhasea of lu0h auppll4a by the CommIaslonera~ Cotmt l In 1907 thsra was enaoted by the 90th tegIalatu?e, what are ROW Artiolea 3388-2359, Re?Ired Clrll Btetutea of Texas, inoluaIre (Aota 1907, peg4 ?.!M-2341, under the title, WCoumianionera* Court-Authorlzlng the purahsse of Station- ory, Eta., By”. A?tiolas 23813 and Z3S9, thsreo?, read as Hon. 2.. il. Allen, Page 4 follovm I “Art. W38. The oommissioners aaurt .riy cn order entered of reoord, my oontraot &J hereinafter presoribed, with some sultaple person or persons to rupply the couuty with blank books, all loge1 blank6 and stationery aa may be required by 1aw to be iurnlahed the oounty ofilelalr. *Art. The acrnmlseionsre oourt ahall esao. ldvertlae, at least onoe lu every twa peers, for sealed p0pOtWd8 to furnieh blank books, legal blankr, stationery and such other prlnt- lnfl ea my be required ior the county rar the term of auah oontraat, and Shall reoeive smper- eta bids too the dlffmrent Olaea&e bereinaftsr deaignatsd. Suah advertisement she11 be medb by the oounty clerk, who ehall notify by re- &Wn+ed lsttor, each neviepaper and jab print- ing house la thr oaunty, and et least three 8tSitiOn8~ and jWinftill5 hoU8e8 in the St&e, of the tiB8 said aontraot fs to bm awarded, an& of the probably mount of su3pllea needed.* These st~abuter being speoifio enRotineUt6 Fe&it- ing to hlsnk books, all 18ga1 blanks, ana atetionery, the prOVisiOn thereof wcUld COntral the method Of purohaae by ths CaElmiB8iOners’ COUrt Of 8UCh 5Uppli88, togather with the Eethcd of securing competitive bid8 therefor. lirtiolet! 238P-2367, iIlO1UZdV0, SWm, do not however, contain emergenoy prcfvisione ee are round in ArtiOle 1639, SUjWQ~ yile than have the quastion 88 to whether or not the emergenoy prorislone of Article 1659 would apply to purohasee of euoh supplies by the can- lEiB8iOner8' COUl?t Of thhe OOUllty. It io mealiest, that it we8 ths leglalati.ve intention that Article 1659 was to apply to the purchases Of 8upp1ie8 of every kind by the county, in thb absence of speoifio statutes, draling with portions of the II~IE~oubjeot, As we have noted, ArtiOle8 2358-2367, inclusive, supre, deal with a portion of such aubjeot as to the manner of puroheae and of cieour- lng ouiqetitive bide. Such 8tatut.88, however, do not deal with suoh portion ot the subjsot a8 to an emsrgenoy. . . 842 Han. 2, I). Allen, Pam 5 Eeaoe, ar to such, the gsnerel statuts, Arti ie 1659, supre would apply, and the emrrgrnoy pro~is Poas of Artioia 16119, would bo applicable to puroh.ases by the OCmati8SioaerS~ aourt of the oounty of stationery, 1s~1 blsnks, and liks supplier. lta than hare the quest ion asked br you bs to whether of not the hwdiete oesd oS unavailable eupplies b the aouaty is aa mum eaoy, wlthln the purview oi Arti- a I e l(189, aupre, warrant L a pumhazo of awh supplies by the oonaisslaaers~ oourt without amplying with the re uirement of the statutes pertal- to aompetitivo bl Pa. 'It is our opiaion that suah a situation 1s an emergbnoy, within Artiolr 1659, suprii, but that the oorPmlaylandrsc*aaurt would ba authdrlree, without aomply- ing with the rsqulremnta of Artiales e568-ZS67, lnoluslve, supra, to pumhass only suffiofent supplles to smet ths emergenay need8 of the aouaty, during the tima neuessar- ily involved in purshaslng auoh supplies in lo c o r deno e with the statutory nqulreaents aa to the method of purehaae end a8 to the scouring oi ooapetitlva bles therefor. We am turn to the statute authorizing the purohase ot ruoh supplies brtbe officers of the uouatp, rubjeot la thr 8ppIW61 Of the OOEd68iOnerS’ OOWt. Artiolr 3899b, Seotioa 1, Vatnon’s Annotated Civil Shtutes, reads es follows~ *There shall be alhfee to County Judges, Clerks OS the Distrlot and County Courts, 3heriffs, County Trsasur~rs, Tax Asssasors en4 Colleators suoh books, stationery, in- aluding blsnk isi bones find blank aaaplelnts, aad oirlee Ournlturs as my be neaeasery far their offices, to be paid for on the order or the Commfr8fowre Court out of the County Tmasury; and aultable offiarr shall also be provided by the Cosdssionets Court for said oifioera et the expense of the aountp. And such books and statianery 68 are neaessary in the psrfarmsnae of their duties shell also br duruishsd hBtiO88 of the Peeoe by B~tAid -.. 843. . XOII. Z. D. Allen, Page 4 C~ssioners Court, Pravlded all purehsbs:, herein must be appzvved by Cotissie?Wr8 Court, and must br lsade under the prorlaions of ArtSoh 1659, Revised Civil Statutes oi mxas, 1985,’ Thlr statute coats&u late6 the purshass of the stems enumerated therein by tl e offlorrs al the runty as is showa by the requirsslent that all of suah purchases must be approved br the CencnlssIoners~ Court. Wther- more, that all suoh purohases must be in aaoordanae with the prmIsion6 of Artlole 1650, supre. Suoh statute, last mentioned, aats out the~manner 0.f l freoting the ecmpotitlra bid roqulramants, and 5110 provideis for an energeaay. It Is our opinion that the laPadiete mod of unavUlable supplies is an smerg8nay and that pwhases o? ls&al blaake statIonerg an4 s&as ~uppllss sould be made wlthont’oom lying dth the oompetitire bid m- qulremsats of &tIa Pe.1559, Supra, but that only eufti- oieat supplies aould be purahased in suah manner a6 are waesaary to meet the emergenay need of the ofiiOar dur- ing the time neoeesarlly Involved in purshasfng suoh 83311SS in acoordanae with th8 S8@.TSIQ8lit Of ArtIsle 1658 as to the mnner of eff6atiqg the rtatutory ocanpe- tltive bid requirements. In your letter you a611 our attention to Arti- ale 3899, SeatIon (b), Vernon’s Annotated Cirll Statutes, whioh I8 applioable to MohIta County, a salary oaunty. It is our opinion that this artiole does not oreata a new end a different method of purohaee by the oounty, or its offiaera, of legal bkmks, stationery and similar eupplies. The statutr does not treat a eolfioellg oi legal blanks, atatianery, and siailar 8uppf is* es ars speoIfIoally enumerated in Artiole 58QQb SeatloU, supra, l?or does the statute make any provldan tar oo&etitIte bids and $0 8OWtI'W it a6 psrnritti~ 6 OOUBty OffiOSr t0 purshase rtatlonory, lsgl blanks an8 sisdler auppliss, an e lnonth to month basir, would abrogate the oompstitlve bld atatutea hersinabovr aottrd. It is signliloant that Artiole 3899, SsetIon (a), Vernon’9 w30tatee Civil Statutes; SpeoliI- 0614 mention6 UtatiOnery WbsIWM &tiOh 5899, 8eCtiOn (b), SUpIU, dOSS UOt d0 SO. You ere therefore respsatful a&viPed that it Ia the of this Departmeat that 11 the purohase opinion o? la& blanks, 6tatIoneTy end similar SUpplilS by the ~wmisaioners~ OOIl& Of thr OOUnty, itrelf, ii3 OOntrOlhd . lion. z. 33. tilesn, Page 7 by the prorlslons of Artiolss 235%~2367, lnoluslre; rupre, aa to the manner of suoh purohaear and t+’ man- 1181:OS ambating 0t85pditfrr bid8 thereunder; u htr- ther that the emergenop pro~lsfana of Artiole Y659 are applicable to purohasea by the ocmmisnioners.* court OS rush rupplcs~ and (a) that the purohnaa of suoh sup- plier by the aounty ottiaere is eontrollea by Artlola 3899b, Sootion 1 supra requiring euoh purohaees to ba approved by tim ooa5ls*ionere’ oourt and to be Qado inm~oonformity with tha provisions of Artlole 1589 supra, and rurthsr, that the emrrgenoy pwiaiona of Arth 1659, supra, are applioable to suoh purohases by tha offlaera of the oounty, eubjset to the approval of the ocemiseionere’ oourt. wu rurther paint out that it is our 0 laion that the emergenay purohesea allowable would be o n! y in 6uoh amounts a8 would be ne6esoarg ta meet the neaqs of the- oounty, OP of an imS’lrldual officer, during the time nsaemarily involved in the purchase of ruoh supplies In eoafdnaity uith the. rtatutory require- mnts. In no event 00tia such euuergenoy purohasaa exoeed tha sum o? One ~unUred and Fifty Doollarr. We trust this ratisfaotorlly answers your questlona, and we rmain Very truly yours Asrletwt ZCSrAU APa;3d
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1591
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017