Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • 403 OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonor8bh nhlph Lo&m County UtOrAey Tel8 OFSRzl county $an Anpslo, ferar Dear Siri 0~Lnl0~ 30. O-18d \, 790 BOA. lialphLogao, Page 2 la not a tax runa but la supplied from feoa aatabltahed by tha Legislaturei or IS simply appropriatingtiAd sat- tiAg @aid@ iA a 8epRrtttefUAd OWtaiA rarenuea to ba derived in future yrars Por the purpose of taking oare of th88a AblISatioAa 8UfiiCiiaAt?* Artlole 11, ?aCtiOA 7, Of tha Taxer COAstitUtiOA PrOVidOa in partt ” But A0 dabt for any purpose shall afar be IA&r% IA any maAAar by Amy oity or aounty unleae provlalon 15 thedo, at tha tlmu of oreatlng tho aam, for hWyiA@ @IId OOlhQtiAg 8 0UftiQiOAt t# t0 pay tho interact thereon and provided et least two per mmt (q) aS (L8iAkiAg tUAd1 . . ." IA OUT Opinion No. O-&S to whIoh you ~refox,wa ruled aa follswrrt *It iS our OpiAiOA #at WArriAta i8aUrd by a OoUnty for OUX'mnt RrpOAa@S are void, rharo A0 pro- ViaiOA ia made 88 PrOVidCd iA &AtttitUtiOA,Arti 11, Seotlon 7, at the tl8m tha obligation la inourra4 ana It Is lAteAd that they #hall.be paid out or ruvunuas oi:tutnro yeam, or wharu $uoh warraAt8 whaA added to ralld 0tm*ahg warmit .+~aInatthe fund axooa4 tha araIlabla bP&ntae urb the na6oAabla and 18wfully ooAtct#p&teb iir Upioted ravennellfor that what may Abe roaoonably ati lawf'ullyaontemplated :?&Uot@b T87UAWM iQr the YUik dOU5 AOt AUOOtlWlXil~ bUpUAd OPOA Wtlld OOk~OQtfOAU .* Act8 lOSO, 41st Laglrrlatura,~ACI Call+.SqiiioA, paga ITS, ~Chapter8S, I 10, appear&x& ae ArtIola 6676a-10,%rnoAq8'~Tora8 Civl.1Statuta6, i9S5, proriding for 8otor rehialo regiatX'4tiOAfooB, OOAtAiAB ths fOllOWi~ &WOVittiOtl! -0~ llondny of eaoh week eaoh Coitnty Tax OOllROtOr ehall deposit fA.the County De@&tory of his Oounty to tha Wedit Or th@#oO&$ &ad aAd Bridga -4 @A aimAt aQua to 01lehunaraa (10%) par osnt of net 0oUsotIoAa made hereunder 6urlAg the prwmllng weok . . . n Bone of the money6 810plaaeb to the ,Aredit of tha'R&ii md Bridge Fund of a aounty shall be uaod to pay the 88hry.Or OOtQXJAS4tiOA Of aAy CouAty rtVi&aOr County ComIsaIoAer,~but all said mniorr shall be urad for the oonetruotlonaad mdatu~anae of lateral ma&n In suoh oounty u~dsr the supa,n&alonor the Co\art~ LA;nglA44r,i? there be OA0,0Ad ii there la Ao auah engineer, then the Gounty CoImIlraIonars* Court shall have authority to aommand ths service8 of'-theDlrlalom Engineer of the,State IilghwayDepartment for the pur- pose O? 8UpQmi8itIg the OOAatmOtiOA @Ad @UrV4yi.Ag$ Of lateral roads in their reapaatlveoountlea. All fun46 allocated to the counties by the provlalona o? thla Aot (Arts. 667Sa-1 to 6675a-14; P. C. Art. 009a) may be wad by tho aountiea in the payment of obtigationm, ~if any, Iaaued and lnourred in ths oonatruotIonor the lmprora- Pent or all road@, 1~oludIngState Highways o? ruoh ooun- ties and alatrlota therein; or the improvamentOS tho roads oomprlalngtha County Road System.* By virtue o? the for0 oing rtatute the automobl~o regI8- tratlon ieea are a part o? the Boad and Bridge Pun4 but 81~60 their use ltalitited aa to purpoaa they aro aeparatoly aooouate4 ?or in the Road and Brlbgo Fund. Eowever rIe*crd,the purpora and ofraat of the tramaotlon daaoribed in your letter 8urt neooerarllybe to pluQa rotonuea o? future pears aoniag Into ~thoRoad and Brides run4 Par the purpoao o? paying current expqneettof the aaunty. A debt ha8 boon dotine ao an oblIgat.Ion whIoh beoomes a burden 011 future reYRnu@a OS tho oounty, ore which Is.aot to be paid during the ourrent y'earand out of the ourrent revonuaa. Se6 f. I. Gas0 Thronhlxq b!aah.Co,.v* 048p county, (TX.A. lOSO) EM 8. iv.1. It la our opinion our ruling IA Opinion lG0.O-SOS Ir applloable to the faotr proaonted in your letter of roquWt -4 that a Contmisaionecrr~ Ckn& may AOt lefjallraruttt4 atrQblIgatlon against the revenue;o? ?utUre yo!ra oomlng lnt~othe Road and Brldgo SpeoIal Fund, to pay ourroot expanaee,by amrely provld~ that a aort~in portion o? rwh tuture reve~uo8 @lulLbe wed to pay auoh obligation. Vieenclose a oopy o? O~IAIOA Bo. O-898 herewith. Your6 terp truly CCC tN I Aaal8tmt APPFiVEDNOV 8, 1939

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1580

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017