Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. ‘I. C. mushsll, -4P g reform4 to is demarlbing the boundarlu of a Um- trlot. WSad th0 ?0u@at1&3list Of pollti0tiSub- 6lvlslonsor botmbsrlerand phy6loalfoeauea of the topogrqhy fumlsh logal desorlptlon within the intent OS the State Soil Cone8natlon Law la s mnur SatisfaoMy for desorlblngthe rstu ti b0m~ or 8011 c0~0mti0n tvimi0t67i POU- tioal kwaulon,ooowltloE, sahool4istristlB,~Ity limits, eoluotbouumle8, tovmhlp 6nd lartlon -at 2s iul snd topo&rsphioalr raihoads, hlgh- ways, 8eunty’ds, rlvus, ad 8ruks. "'E&&inninget the oonfluenossf the 8q Gab- r~t~fi``tll firers, Ibenoeup the San Oabrlol northwesterlydirwtiog 40 tho oresJ qgof8tateR.ighwayWumbor95orrrth*Su Gdrl.1 theme firteenmiles m&h 0olMgwus te theeas L r4slde ofsaldhl@myto the 'intoi Latorueti0~ 0f th0 Mfa aighrarsad tb al couatyllne'ulenorslrtewlblle6 laulwtarly dlreotlon don& the Bell County llno to the lnter- sootionof the said county andtho naln lies ofthe& x.tr.Pai1=y y, rhiohruna bs- tmon Tamp10 aa Orurger,Tuu; then00 in a aor- ther4 dir eo tlo fonur ta dlu en a lo ng th elntu 1Sne OS the SL X. a T. Ballway Conganyto the in- tersestlenof the said railway *enter lb with th+ lntar llm of the oouutyroad that runs Irma little lml. f. c. yulall, Page.b Wlthln thirty (SO) &ya sftor suoh a po- tltioiBiuukaa filed tit& tha 8fak 8011 Comma+ watlonBoard, it ehell wo due noticeto be ``VVUI 0f s propus asuiag up3n th0 qu06ti.wor the duirabtlity and uousity, in t&e interut of the publichealth,8afoty,mad welfare of tha creationof such dlstriet; upon the questkm et t&e priakbotuadulee tobe~ec~dtoeuahdfa- &ii%, upon the preprloty of the petitionan& other p;mrw6ingp t&OB mAor this rot, and upoa all ~WStiOJU nlOTU8tt tU SWh ill&l-i66. m OWlI- or landrlthlathe ll8ltaor the territorydou- orlbed%athibpotltloa,andaf lan&ulthlnany ta’rfto%‘y eonafdorod $a? rdditiaat0 suuh 6068rfbOd ter?ltory,andiLloth~ Lntoruttd~tlu ah&U to sttead sooh hearingaan& & be Ezdtt" Zt rY t u h u ll lppwr upon the Wering that it&be drlrablato krolu4edthlnthe propose& dlutrlot turltory out6140of the mea wlthlnvhloh 4uemtioe orthahearinghaa beenglren,thehear- lag shall be mdjourzmd mmddue aotioe CU iurthrr heedlrc: shall be &en tbtoughoutthe oatlre (Icea soarldued ior iaolu6lonin the dlutriot,and suoh further hoar* held. After suoh hearing,U t&i Boe4rdshaU6etermlne,nponthore0t0 p4mat06at swlihoariaguad upon mahotha relmuatfaotsand kaformationa6 ioaay b4 wailabl.e,thatthere %8 8W'l, in the lnterut of the publlehealth,safsty,ULU veMaro, for a Boil ConsurvationDlutriotto ipns- tlon ia the territoryooaulderedst th6 hearln& it 6hdl n&e and nclord 6u6h deter&nation and 6h8u &4fiW, by X&66 Md b0Wd6 OT by iQ@ Sob- dl+isioW, the bOwdarie6 of 6UOh 6iStriOt. ‘ Ip rtwddng SUOh d0termlnationaadia defining 6U6h boUUd6Ti66.the Boa.rd6h6.%1 gin duo wlght Md oonslderat~on to the topgraphy oi the uoa oon- uldersd and of the &ate the Umpo6itioxI of t&J uoilu thoreln the dlstrfbutlonof erosion the prevailinglaid-use raotloer the 6es;lrabhty and neeesettyof iauPudia&rtChfn the botmbsriU the partloularlands under oonsiW+tlon and th6 benefftsluoh land6 may mOelYe iroar bein in- 81udedWithin6U%h bo~ud6rlo6, th6 relation of the ``~:d~to6~tlDgrrta6h~ulQ``o~- OM, und to other 8oll COBUomtiOa Dis- triat6xio6l4organis4dorpra udttm org+sa- )l40uu4s?tho p?udalonnOtt hc AOt, an4 swh Boll.V.C.nu6hall.Pege4 other plyaieal 6eogra eel,ud eaoao8lofso- tore 86 are rei4vnnt, IFTN ibem&-amltothe lo~lslatlredetemlnatlom 8et forth in sootian t OS thla hot. IftheBoerd rhalldetmml.neafter suoh henring,aftor due o66IderatI8nor the said rvlaant f4Ot6 that thin ie no wed for 8 0011 B0nuervatS3nD&riot to twotlon in the turf- tory .un6ld~od at the hearing, It shall ake yl;;zrd luoh determirntlon and 6hell deny the Uter65.x (61 xtnthu 6hellLamexplred 43OE the*date or the denlaf of any 8wh petition, subsopuentpetitionscoveringthe 6-e or lubutan- titiy#eUsWtmTItO my b4 riled LB aton- sai6~&& 1u1 WI436 bY drrddetemlnetIoxwude thUUil. lC. At+r the Bogrd &q made and roaordod s 4epu8iMtlon that tbre l8 seed, In the lator- l6t oi the publiohealth,snfotyend wl?are, far the o r g na iu tio n o t l dbtrlot in 8 putIoulnr kn%tOry MU has defined the boundnrier therod, It 6haU. un6ldor the queution whetherthe opera- tion Of 8 di6tTiOtr1thf.n 8uoh boundariesrith the ouora ooderretl u a Soil Conservation DI6trlrt & th18 Aot is a '. &x 18tratlvely paotloablo and ioasible. To lsslst the B o a r ind th edeto x m iun- tion of ouoh adminiotrative praotloability and SeaSi- billty.it lhall be the duty of the Board, vlthln 8 mmaneble tima riftor entzy of the findingthnt there is need tar the or zatlonof the p4eed dlstrlot sndthe detonalnnt feno1 thebounderFe6ttbsmf,t0 hold aa eloctlondthintke ropo6eddlstrIetupon the propo6ltlonof the oreat % n 0s the di6trIet, and to ctnuse &ue notloeof 6uch lleotionto be glen. whioh notlue.uhe.ll set forth the bounderiea of the ‘proposed dietriot. Tboqoe8tIonUhallbe lubalttad by ballotsugmn whIoh the wrdu, *For creation05 n Soil ConservationDi8trlotof the &Mid6 below de6orlbodend ly&g Fothe aounty (lar)05 - and -.' 06, 'A&SinUt6tUtiOA Of a Boll Consemtlon Dlstrlotof the lands below dewribea ~3 4ing the ootmty (Se81 or -- on& --- ' ahnllnppenr~ Alllad- OWL&E wlth;lnthabound&s &thetUritCUyeS determined by tho State Soil Comerration Board shall be eligibleta vote in 8uoh l1eetIon. & 6Wh laodormOr6Ehall be lli&ibloto mt0." BSII.v. C. aaTsban,Bgse 8wtlui lS of the gtmte Esll0on6ematl~on rudu, lllput,SSrSllSmr *At snytiu 6fter fltr (S) ssftortho oqpnhatloar o? ,mdlstrlotwder r l p r o dula u o fthf6ASt ind?l?ty(5O)lasdaunsrswItbin the boadariom of moh dlutrlotmy ills m pet:- uen dth th stnta soil con6orTntl.on Bonrd oylng thst tho oper4tlsM or ula dlstxlotbe E5raiantodaad the aluteaoo 0s the dfutriot dfu- ooatlaued. ‘9ae Board aonduetsuch publlia mot&g6 sndpubllohsar rpOn 6u6h petition u My be meoeus it flIthO UMidOSV- tioa themsr. &la sixty (60) days sftor swh l~t:tionhasbeaanodndbytheBoar& it shall 61- dU6 aatiU Of the hold* of an abOtion, udthll SS~UOSUsh llsotlon,asdlsusm~ proprlnterqWatlon8governlng the aonduettbro- Of the qUeStion to k mubmltted by bnllotu 8pon l&Joh the wrds, *Par ter8hntlag tlm sxlutame of (Mab or the soil coasomtlsn &let to be bare inserted),*and tAgnf&ut tor- 8gantiagthe ai8tesioe 0s the ---- theso1laassttr+oadIstrIstteirbn )'shnllqQwu3r. ~Alltandown6r8wit&iathei0und6rie6tithe . dirtriotshall be ellglbleto TOto ia aab sleo- t&m. Olrlysuoh la&owners shall bs eligibleto Wt.. BUoh el~ctloM mhall kr eodnoted ln 8qa- toralty with tho Oemrul XleatlonLaws ot thla Lltnte 6x0** as heroinotherwire 0r id0 ld, 4 aorpt that the bdOt6 &ml1 not iti8uuberodor 8arkodfar ldauItlfloationpurpe866,and provided dtrther that the Board doterminothe amaberof p4rsoM 866688aryto hala suoh slostlsn,bat b 80 -t to b0 la68 thM thlW@ (S). -ProTldingthatthou8pusntlozlor mll sloe- tlon 4Ud@6 axIdolarlmln lleorismeprmldmd so: Regardl~ eleOtioaswss dlstrlets,t?iedfstrlst SoperriiOl'6, laad-u6er~8tiOM, Otbr SkotiO6S U 6T6 provided for in the State Boil Coru.Wntion Law, the Ati pto- ridas t&t such slsctlolu6h6ll b0 OOobuOtOd b OOlbarnity Vfdth tho Oufiornl n r0r th f M slestlo ta 6a te, lmpt u stb uise ~idOd,UdOXOOtth8tthO b6l%St6 6htiWt bo llWbrOd& mirked icarldentlrpoatlonptzrpoass.Se Afi dsss oat authorise tho St&o Soil Cexmrmtlon Board to dhlde the rrpotiw dla- trlets into ssnwnleatolootlan prss$satsssd bytirtrrai a- thorltycrultedby the statuta, oowi68loMrs’courtsmy dirldetheirrupectlvoeomtlu 8adoountie11sttnohed theretofor ~udlalal se6 id0 osztwnfenteleotlas, llno tu. And OS sb we s to4 th eoleotiou untloned EL =?z shnll be so&to& b6onfa?mftyrlthtlm Gamraltlootlon lars sf this atam. Thmr02-0, you nre rospeotfully8dM604 that It is 0uropldontJmtthe Utate 8011 ConservatlonBoard l6 requfrodto hold 66 6leotloaat eaoh voting box rifhln the prop46eddirtriot rhloh haa bon designated by the r!sloa- mt Court u rsgalu Toting bores withinthe oouutlu sffeoted. In s8suu to your woond qUE6tfOlirqwrdfng the ate her sf puso~ 8eosssuy to hold any olootlon wntlonod ln tha 8tnk Boll Cwwmtloa A6t u SLY rupeaffully advised that tb, Nti -0tfW bWE Ot ~&S 8tAtO Shdll @VWB ti 08Oh i8St8800 a066 Otb?OWtUO 8ptb?fI%O~ ~wld.4 by th. AOt a84 in election6 tor the ol dlstrlatutb 6lsoautlawiuoe UC ~OTfdO6 that the Board&alldetaxdnsthonumber of pbrclOn# ``ttuu&tohold muaholootlon but la&a -to k b6S. llll8prwlslonap*iI6sto noothal?~o5tlua8ma- UsnttdlaheAatuadapplle6 onlylaeleotIonsfordl8ctoatI- aumso or dlstrlrts. We w oamlder your third ~uatlon re&vu the do- or de8&iation by aetw andbauadsor by sub- dfriUfSn6, th6 ktmdsriS6 o? SOi1 oomermUondlmtriuts. Under Parapmph B, seotlon 8, the state 5cff.l Con- serntlw law, the Stntt~Board l6 dlreotedto de?lao by wtu andbound8,orbylegaLmMlIvl6loaatho bOU6brr166Ofti S0f.xOOMWT``~O~ diUtritJt6bbf0~ ~P&woT~T& w @O~O ?ZOIS Words ud Phruu u follow8 *J&t666ndbou?Ad6vrPn6thObOtLud~tirvtOr limit of a trnot,whloh bouadnrymy bo late4out lrthe? wtu- and uoertnlned by river8 and o b jeo ts, ral or utlflolnl whloh era eranmat irrohnrmater anusrectlan nnd 8osltuatei with referwoe to t&o taTnOtto be iie#Odbed th8t my 81&ybr OOWMiWtlJ t&60&fin?the -60 ifidiOat& it6 OXtWIt. -6 ,Isst.66 ,And .b4UUd6Of 8 t=Ot WS SO dotlnitoly titsd ``%%?6% ,o~%%?6i:U``~;~ BWU given by lorm snb diStnuoe8, ?IUI the duorlp- tlon thbs glen would in suoh axa prwnfl oTu s d66orlptIonglvenbye6r66 at4 dl6t8~66.* BouTiw~s Lar Dlotl dO?i#iSS &OS and b016&6 86bSU&U7liIMtSS?&Ihd,rith -3 rfr -pO-6anb Eon: v. c. kiarohll,h&e cl angles,end furtherdoflnodthe rwrd * 40ur g lP - aratlon,naturalor artlfiOlo& which mu)8 oouflneoor llno of two ooati,gww lotatoo. We are uaablo to find any statutory def%nitlonof tho term zlogal lubdlriolonow.Eowwer, Wardo and Phrases definesthe farm "legaloubdlrlolonow IO tollouor %o g a lub dlvlo lo r efer no to th e a ulo t o ta b - dir ir lo un6 n o rt& w o o ng r wo lo l M~tm l 0:lmTey la g.- Wo a r e of the oplulonthat tb LegLlatureintendad the terra -1egaloubdlvlololw to -44 lltloalm gowroma- tal ntbdlriolonof the State B otbar E&ttilmbalTlE10240 th o r eo f8wh ls oouutlooa&o01 dlotrloto,preuluotbouadarle8, Olt~liadt8,tmnuhlp ud000tion``,. hyelealtopogr4phG Sal,r4nroado,hlghwap,eouutyroads,?Pvoro,*to. Whenaboll Coimerratlon lubdlriolanosuch as end boundsor b l.sgel wtel lubdivlo Io uoo fth e & It& l e, uuh wWil.uth e na nlu g a ndlutsnt o fth e B ta te h r .Thereare r eo o tfully mu a r e a & lo ed.th th eaa t b o ve mentionedhmdietlo 4da l o roptlon r wtua be 04tioS4&0ry.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1495

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017