. OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN the gaert~onr this Dsgartmmt. er reoelring a salary shall ham- J 6X oftiolo0059ensat1on; gro- the cQoaa2n0loo~m’cotl*~rliall kbn ostlemlnaad or the aountyto salary Rm4 or ?uzda of au& crounty 0 ar inay bs neeesnory to pay the salarlrs other alalas ahar@abl@ lgminat the aam when the aoaiar dq43rite6 thamla am lnsuffbleat te aeot the elalmu payable tharafro``,* . 399 Honorable Z. 3. FOnMa, 3a&8 3 tm08rer tr05 th0c0110nlruna 0f th8 00..tr to the ofri0m3* salary mnd or me0 of “f uuh ooPlrt7 suah tuade a. -7 bs ao``oary to pm7 the ralerlss ami other alalim ohr8eabls against tho ssm when the aoslss deporltod thodla. are pafi6lMt to moot the s1.l.s papbls thUW .= we quot. from our opinion Ilo, 04451, wrlttoa bf Eonarable Dliik stout lddnsaod to Eonorabls Clint Barhas, g``&ttomsy or math County at Stephonrills, TMU, ss *Itis our opinion that uabr tk terma of Artiols S?lts, Sootlsa 6 (b Vsraoa’a AnaaUt- .a Citil mtut.., it is obI l@atory and A.M.- tory. apon tho ooami~rioa~rs* oourt ot a oouaty to tmmf.r smni.8 txwa th. Oe0e~1 yuftd to the Oitla.rs* .%lary brad rhbre thsre are ao moslso in tho lattar run6 Ritz v&la& to py.alariss 0r oouaty ottieerr 0dd06, however that whem thorn am suftioian r outstm4lag rdstrrd olal.as aplost the Oea.nl M of a oounty to orwits a dstioloaey ia that fund, then there sry b. a0 tnrufer or lotu.1 oaeh tram th. 0mw.l Fund, krt cmly tb omptlon oi a mu alair a&nsst tha ~norel Puad whloh is ruborelMto tQ prior outstandi~ regirtomd olalar l@ lna tth eGeneral cud an4 la payable in order of its prlority.m Tha prorisloa c0ateioad la seotion 6 (6) 0t Artl- a0 39lae, above quoted, wan the trmutor of fund8 from th. Gbn.ral Fund to the Otfloent Sabtf Lund, when th. .LUI~OS ia ths latter me are i~titioh0t to mot the ml- ary alaim against it Is meadatory and in th. went OS a eetioi6noy irr tha otsIo0m * salary Fund the ooae45eloners! oourt bar no ohola. but to ottrot th. tnn.t.r tram th. 0snsra.1 3u.U subjoet, howstbr, to otu qWAllfi~tl0.. zhs or& liaitatloa upon suoh a tnnstw ariaar whore the soale L the osaeral me ltrolf are insuffiolwt to a..t outstanding m&stand alaUs against the oounty. ~rtiole 1686, smisra clrtl statute*, provider that: -. 400, Eonorable 3. 3. yomamt, Fags i %aoh oounty trsasurer shall keep a mll-. bound book la whloh he shall register all aleian against his oounty In the order or pr4seotatloa, ana if pore than one is prssentea~ at the auk4 ItFme he shall register thanr la the orderhr their date. Ho Shall pay ao such olalm or any part thereof, nor shall the lame, or any part thereof, be received by any ofilaer in paymoat of any la- debtodnesa to the oounty, until ft has bsen’dhky r4,iitter4a in aaoordanee with the prwfis:oae or this tltlo. All OlalPle Ia raoh olass shall bo paid in th.eorder la whIoh tt:ey ai register&~ A transfer from thr kaeral hid td the OWI44is* Salary fund Oatknot be made at the 4xjm44 or the reglstsr- ed alalr holdrrr. whore all the 1nonI4sIn the Oeneral lluad are obligated by outstanding or unpaid sorip, a trarufsr prejuiliolal to the posse8sors of aorlp oannot bo lfteo tsd. In 8uoh.a cam the Msult of a traluter fromithe Oeaoral had to thr orri04zv*salary Fund would b4 to crsato a further la44btodaoss sgalast the Csneral lund whloh would be subordinate to all prior reglrtersd olalms. On Yap 8, 1936, this drpartieat reaaorod an opin- ion writtoa by Elonorable Jo4 J. Alsup, Assistant Attorney t%neral, addross to Honorablr xoooa L. Ednard4, County At- torney, xaaogdochea Couatp, rerarring to thr transfer of aollby from the General Fund to the oIfiosrs* Salary Fund, where the General Tund war doflaleat, holdiag that; -The praattoal etfoet of this 1s that the ~4neral ?ud mroly goes rurther in tha rod . . . All c1aIa.s aaalnat the countyisaust bo paid in the order in whIah they won registered. Thus warranta of the offlclalm do not necessarily hold prlorlty over outstaadlng unpaid sorlp of the General ma. . . .- ‘&hare a doiloleaoy oxlsts in the C4nsral Yund unarr Article 39120, Soctlon
8(b), supra, there OM br ao aotual transfer of oash irofn the General Fund. There caa only be oreatad a sow 4laIa agalart the c4neral ?uad uhloh must be paid In the ardor of Its priority. In tlew of the foregoing authorltles, you are rmp+otfully advised that It is the oplnloa of this depart- memt thst your quostlons, above puotod, should be answered . ’ Honorebla 3. E. ~orer~an, Page 3 in the n4@.dlv4, ana am so answered, Trusti~ that th4 rorsgolng ruiiy anmf4rs your inquiry, u4 r4m4in Pours very truly ATTOFNSY CXHXEALC? TZAS Ardsll Willham A64lsta~t APFROVEDOCT 14, 193" %
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1494
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017