Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN a- 0. I*AWI( mTommw-- Honorable IL H. dritfln County Attorney Young county Graham, ‘Pox.66 Dear Blrr opinion Ro. O-l&U Rat Docl~an in8uiri0i lrr40tth4 ~4udi a oop~llott oonrolid we 4r4 in rroelpt 0r 1939, in which you rtate t in Young County 4oonsollda 80lidat4a Bohool Mstrlot 4pp0lnt4a 4e ll40t4d but time the board 0r tru trlot ha8 been oompo8 whether a failure to Rerlred Clrll 8ta- tut40 0r um, it of sohool taxes ror the abore me 8ohool dlatrlot. vi1 Statute4 of 1985, pro- n laoh Or 8uoh dlstrlOt8. Ths oounty not104 0r the date 0r 8uoh dleotlon8 r the order in some newapaprr publlahed In the OOunty for tw4nty (iSI)days prior to the date On rhloh 8uoh elsotlonr are ordered or by posting a notloe ot euoh eleotion in la o hOr the dl8triOt8 or by both aoh publloatlon and posted notlor. Th4 OOBURl8- 8iOn4r8' OOUrt 8hall at it8 n4Xt m44tlng oanYa86 the return8 or suoh 414otlon and ii the rot48 oaat In eaoh HOG. E. H. Grirrin, Page e. and all distrlcte 8hoR a majority In laoh dlrtrlct voting 84parately In raror 0r ruoh oonsolldatlon the 00": ty-1 d4Ol.ar4the 8ohoo1 bi8triot.sOonrolidat- ed. At the time the rohool dl8triots were ooneolldated, the statute oorltalnedthe 8-4 prOVisiOn although with Slightly dir- rerent wordlog. Artiole Ml7 l/C, Complete Texas Statutes, 1920. Artlole 8808, Revised Civil Statutes of 19135,provides that "The oounty board of rohoo1 trustees it it8 next meeting arter suoh oon8olldatlon 0r rchool districts Is deolared, rhall appoint a board cb 84V4n tru8tees far the ooneolideted distriOt.* Provlalon Is al80 rmde ror the t4llll8 0r 0rflOe 0r raid tN8t448, their 414otlon and illllng or raoanciee. Slmllar requlrrmnts were oontalned In Artlole t817 1/4b, Complete Texas Statute8, 1920. ~844 al80 Aots 19300;U8t Legislature, Fifth Called Se84ion, p. Zle, Ch. 66, Seotion 5, appearing as Artiole 8774a, VernpIIcin18 Texss Civil Statutes, lQZ6, Pooket Part. Art1014 e814, ReYi8ed Civil Statutea of 1925, provides In part a8 r0110w8: Vaxlng and bonding pfnversas are provided for rlrewhere In the laws of this State are.hereby guaran- teed to ruoh oonsolldated dlstriote, * * ** At the date or the oonsolldation of the dlstrlots In quer- t&on, Artlole 2817 1/4(h), Complete T4Xa8 Statutes, lQZ0, provided: "It is hsreln expressly provided that taxing and bonding power8 as are provided for 4184where in the law8 of this State are hereby guaranteed to the dlstrlot oon- solidatlng under the provisions ,oPthis Act, either oom- 20: tfhool dlstrlote.or lndepsndent 8OhOO1 districts, Artlole Z704, Revleed Civil Statutes of 19Z5, oontain8 the following provision: *The Commissioners* court tor the aommon sohool distriota in it8 oounty and the di8triot 8OhOO1 truetees ror the lndependent~dletrlots lnoorporated ror 8ohool purposes only bhall have power to levy and oauee to be oollooted the.annual taxes and to Issue the bonds hsre- In authorized subjsot to the following provlslons:n HOG. 35.E. twrrin, Page 3. It will be noted that under Artlole 2806 the Commls- slonere’ Court oanvasaea the returns of the election and declares the eohool distrlote ooneolldated baaed upon the result of euch election. Thereafter the.-oounty board or e.ohool trustees In oompllanoe with Article 2800 appoints a board composed of seven trustees. It was held in our opinion No. O-1229, addressed to the Hon. Loule T. Holland, County Attorney, Montague County, that : RThe oonsolldatlon of school di8triots b4COm48 srrectlve upon the oanvaaa of the election and deolara- tlon of the result by the CommlssionersV Court as provided In Artiole 2806. Bland vs. Orangerisld In- tlpendant Sohool DistriOt (T.C.A.1929) 24 6.1. (26) .0 The oon8olldatlon having been orreoted by the do- olaratlon or the oommlee.lonersl oourt alter the canva88 or the election returns and the taxing power being lodged In the oom- miseioner81 oourt and not In the looal board or txu6tee8 for oommon rohool diBtriOt8, it Is our opinion that the raiiw4 of the oounty board of rch001 trustees to appoint the proper number or trustees for the newly rormed oonsolldated oommon echo01 biatrlot would not Invalidate a tax levy made ror such district ae provided by law. Yours very truly ATTORNEY G- OF TEXAS BY Cecil C'8%,""!k h3lstant ccctm APPROVEDCCT 10, 1939 (STAMPED) Approved Opinion Committee Robert E. Kepke By: B.W.B. ,Ohalrman ACTINGATTORNEY GENERALOF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1472

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017