Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN iionorabla James E. lcilday, Fwe. 8 “tiePeotcro 1(LldaY, SOUlO, Way, Templeton, Rosa, lflllfken MahaSfey I Avis will carefully check and lnopeot all buses: 8UbjeOt t0 the jWiediOtlOn Of the cO5#hdOll, 011 whloh they may rid0 or in whloh they ray oome in oontaot, end will oarerully oheok all truoka, eubjeot to the jurioai``i~n of the Comdaslon, In whloh they may oome In aontnot, to 000 that they are opmatlng in o~qllanoe wlth the Notor mr Laws aad the Notor Carrier Law0 or the state or lk+xaoand all Rules and R8gulation8 of the C~iaaIon pronmlga~d ln pursuance amor, making report0 in that 0onneOtIoa to the Dlreotor of aaid Dlvldon rho wIl1 report thereon tO the C~mmlaaion; and oaoh oi aald Inapeotore ahall pertora any and all otlmr inapeotlon work Sor the aald DIvIelon of the Commlaslon, frOm tine to time, as any bo or&wed or dlreotml by the Cowlsalon or by the Dlreotor of aald Dltidon. WInapeotors Ragsdale, Olrnt and Ouian nil1 olalt and Inapeot all bua lk tlo m which operde in oonneotlon dth bum0 whioh operate lubjeot to the jurledlotioa or the C~mIaaIon to the extent that they may oome ln oontaot with euoh otatlona in the aourae of their rrork as Reporters, amIng to It &it all rest room8 Sor ladles in muoh ltatiool are in proper order as to ourrlolenoy or ra0iiitie0 and as to oleanllne88, repking reports in that oonrmotlonto the Dlrvotor of said Dlvlsion) and lald Inapeotora dll, from time to time parform auoh other, furthor and additional ia8pootion work ln aald DivIalon aa may be dlreotod by the OomalaaIon or by 8ald Dlreotor of the Dlvlalon. *Eaoh of said In6peotoro ohall oarry a Oertifled aopy of thlo Order as evidenoe OS his or her authority to aot am an Inopeotor ior the C~mmlaalon.~ You further otate In your latter that the appolntmentr mentioned In this order were made long prior to the data of Our IVOMt OpitiOn 80. O-448, a& that the Odd OtiOr W1~4iy Oitiilea and oonflqma the duties whloh the perMa aamod wora alnatty 0harg.a with perforlelng. You further otato that the method of 0peretion or the oald order would be a0 Soll~war Win actual praotloe, the method oS.operatlon under the enoloeed Order would be that while the persona named are Out of Austin on duties in oonneotion with their maio employment they would lInrpeot* truoka, bums, 8erd.mla, reot roOma, reoorda, and so forth for the purpooo of seeing whether or not holder6 of oartlilcatsa and p&to under the mOtOr bum law and motor oarrierlaw of Tsxae atad the ruh~a PYQWh5at*d in purauanoo thereof are being Obllbrved m$fiDg WittQn reporta in oonneotlon ,wlth such fnapee& work to *ha Dh~o- tor of the Di~ioIon.” .- 254 XoaorabXeJasu~o IL lUl@y, Paip 3 In our OpiniOB or iWpt4xbor 8,.1939, being Opilli~a 'Ho. O-446, addre8md to you, we stated that it is our opinion that th CMllirsion my hy Its ardor4ooIgnrto lmployeeato performthe dutlsousuallyporfomoble by an lrmpeotor, in tb ord%aaryoigniiloatlon of fbatwrd, and that ouoh poroono, rrbllein thk aotual ``0188 Of their Of~IoIaldutleo a0 ouoh would be entltld to oomo und8r the exaoptloaateto&In iutlola 4006 of Vornon*o #motato4 Olril Statutes, aa asenbd by 6oaat0 Bill I&O.869, Aota Rosular&O``OB, 44th Ugl#latlun, 1969. w fur th el rtatodIn o a ia0p LnLo that a ‘1 a0 1 0not th h kthat the Wmio8loaserelyby dooIglWlagoMInara, rrporkr8,tho Mrootor, or other0 a8 Iaopeotoro a& aoole to thka dutloo uoaallyperfor?ublo by aa l!IqwdOr, oould overa tlm pm- YIaMRo or* al&l-paor ltatatoo. *ril~8td0atbd4br lp p o %~taand ex tt aooIgmoat wot net be M&a a8 a mabtarftqp for thepuxyoaeof areid* the mtl-pa08 ltatutoo, butmaot k made for the ~-~prupOn Of havlag the appol8toop0rt0n th0 d~tie0 or M i~bpm~tbr. 1EsbaUew8Maf tho o?derof the RailroadCcwdoolon propor~oohforoaddLtiosal &deoapan the proo~aamd in tho~drdor,.,and that the 0r60r.4000 not vlolatathe ~*ldono of Artlols16, LIIotIoa d0, of tit8 State Coa8titutUa. whioh p r o a aI8 a ec o rthat, i, 9 0p er o oo h Ra h llo 1o 4 r lx o r o lW* at tloaaldotlea~pmthon paro0nr. The 66lUoedQolrriWiondioO .notaoaforaddI#onal pay or mluaontupoathr8epor8on8b~ The 6Lutieo 0oar.m~ up08thu u aumlne thea a8 lnopaotoro. am laapaotora not or laooavatlbl* irroorutotuit dth tha i6zmfiaea 0s thdr othor4utlbo. Yar thooa naaono, w k p” im thnt it IO lawful for than psr00a0 to hold the pQ*Ltiog 0i IaopotoroaowolZ aoth8 Jtlcmo uhlohtha holdptiorto ~prcuul&a~faR of th# mar 4 OBdor by tha Ru%E olld.OarPbOS%On~ lixrot Wptlot ChurohY. City of mtb Wwth, 18168. W. (W) 196i tom0 f. Aledw, lee 'hk 668, 59 a. w. WI 14oi Bwaum NeaIolne 00. V. StaRdara lamotmwt co., 86 a. w. @+a SLsog o%t or ~ouotonte atawrt 99 OCR. 69, 89 aa wa ddb, b&fore that the Railrod &lools#r lo llmitid,in thrlAdo%~! tloa or permono to perroapl the &tie8 8f inopektorb,to tho aumbsr oi peroom aamedas lnapa8toroIn-the doy~a%ol a pro- prietloabill (SonataBill I&& (181, Mto Rsa\ltu ~OOiOR, 48th '~alaturo,1%3*),nltWUghrOr oourn, lt oaanatpay~roomro who a0 the work or inopootoroaxoept00 pmwW4 la the wpw prLatIonbill. Bonorable James E. Xilday, Fag8 4 The only mmalning qua8tlon i8 a que8tion of faot; Le., uhethmr the persona named in the qrdar mn ntmmd for the purpow or having then actually potirm the duties or ln8Imotor8and whether they dll lotually pert~rm then duties. xi the& aotualS7 prrrorm the 4utle8 or inspeotom, 8nd %f thie i8 the real mason for their appointm8nt,thoa they am entitled to olaia the b8aeflt of the 8xomption ln th8 aIiti-w88 8tatUtO.Article do(M, YOmOn'8 ADWtat8d C1ti.l BtatUt88,a8 anmad8d. 'X8PmsnraU rm what you 8tate in &tkrt&tthsse~rlon8rempaprrdbytho RallroadO to iill 8 ma1 need for additioanl lmp8etor0, that the rp08a of appolatlng them WU8 to hat8 tbor p8rfora the work or r n8QOO- tor8 la lddltloa to their othmr'work, and that they will l8tually perform the dutie8 of ia8potor8. U&r these a88um8d $aOt8, it 18 OW O&hhl that th0 p8a8 80 d88lgMt8d a8 lnnrpeot0r8will be entitled to olair tha beneiit OS th8 lxo8p- tiqa la iiZt10184006, a8 ameoded, 80 long a8 tgey am perforrlag tb &tie8 Of in8peOtOr8. ~8ZJtr~jr~Our8 ATTORIIBY OBBBBAL OF TBIAS aA&. J&8 P.mrt A8SISTAHT JFBaAml APPROVEDOCT 2, 19% SW ATTORNEY GEhTERASOF TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1465

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017