Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • r
    Bonon~l0 clKfor(_ _-__
    B. Jones,    Preeideat         ,,“i,
    Texas Taokwloglaal  collr~
    Labboak, Tew
    letter        0f SepteabW
    tblr        deportment rhloh
    II of        Major   R.   B.
    Cofpm, and aephor
    lrrbwd      by
    atiiwtor      0rour 8.c.T.c.
    olliag     aa I otudsnt at
    fr 4 underatan4lae that otfloero   of the
    Vatted Statw Army hate no lrecl   statnaf that 1s
    to Jar’, w Ir&   r~aldonoe.  The crbovs aaatioosd
    ‘-:lcbip9a, in ooaaeotloa rith rlvsr end
    harborkattera,    dnd it ia my understanding  that
    he has peadint orihna So? Srrviao   ln thb Philip-
    piab IaAandr.  I aa iniorabd   that last yrar Its Or
    P&tit’s  soa ~88,~a’ student at one OS the sohw f Ed
    223   -
    Eon. Ollffor3       8. Joma,     ?a@ 8
    k Tirglalrrhloh I baliatea a h r lmo oon-
    08rrlontr ha 8eM of uy afrtoerr.
    “If $08 xlll bo $0 kln.U liclts,.oonstruo tha
    noipr6orlfu        lrti,   or ray
    o tb rlrxlrtln( rtrtoto ror the bbnollt o? t&b
    luatutt easo, ~0 &all be arakful.*
    SfrturO,    p. 894, oh.. lS6
    (YorBOa'r RWiUd arTi             8tatE   e 8# &tlOlO     86840)prorider
    la p4rt as fellou8r
    V.   h-oa la o h
    aor-ro*ldoat rtrrdont, rho
    m  oo ur
    uo   l
    ro~lrtorr iorwar. (18)     lr moParrnorkr
    rohoolrb tho   8tato o! rhlohthe   lT a non-
    rorldrat rtodrnt &hallba a nrldmt,     ~14
    amount to bo dotonined  rrrd flxrhby the (overn-
    board8 of tlkarororallantltotlotu   la rhloh
    ‘“p d rtodrntr
    6a              out mgfetof,but la no wont rhall
    mob anomt be 1~8 thrnthat ohargodto rtudaatr
    rarldrat   la kur.     Protldod, houoror, that if
    thlr    arepa h shall k hold to k anoomtltu-
    trona! or v&      from aw oauro   there rballbo
    oolloot8d   $rosraoh non-rul&t      ltudbat tbkrtm
    o~ar uho roaldosout of the
    St8toor who bar rrrldedrlthlothe Stato for a
    p+rlodor 108s than trolro(le)‘wnthnprior to
    the 'dgto ot roglrtrrtloa.a
    Tka MN   “ruide”,        lrea1den0*w
    rnA a~omlollr*
    hrw  born (liven trrfobmmniap aad shaderof meaalng. Ia
    someinrtanoor  tke    bra oonstruod to k diffenot and is
    othorr t&ar are heid to be ldentloal    depondlryopoatho
    lppwont sense l.~ tiioh thrr    are mplopd rhon oomlderrd
    tamtbr   with the rhole.oontrxt    of a etatutor ft ~88 rfetsd
    a W& ~iJIiOSI \Irthi# dOpWtMt, bbte6So&m&W 13, 1935,
    Bon. Cliftord    B. Jonas,     Psge S
    addroartrdto Dr. Ii. Y. Bonedlot, that *roeldoa
    as uaad
    la thisrtatate has tha 8~ aaaalnd as m60aioll~*.
    Thla @aao ruliq  web a8dr la Conioraaoo 6plnlon Xo.t99T,
    dated January 10, lOS6,Attocwr Os$eral@a Roporta 193.b
    195d, 9. 114, dirested to sr. 8. Y. imodlot.
    l?m etudeat la question bein8 lo&a than tmaty-
    on. (21) ~08x-8 or I       Mdar the re8lprooal   Ioo law ho
    1s a aoa-mald~rrt    a r &u&b11~11~in Toxna away from his
    imilt,    lf hlr *fa8llyrealdsa ip aaothu state*, or
    his fasllyhas rreld8drltbiothlr 8tato fo r l porlod of
    tiae louathantml~@ (12)aoatb prior           to tho date or
    re~lstratlon.    38 lStm() !X’OBJOUT bttU      thSt th@ fald]J
    of this   atudeat ha8 never msldsa   In Toxna.
    The 2cmiral       rule   at ooazcon law la ~811 ratab-
    llrhadthat tho realaoaoa or daniolloof ra lafaat la
    ordiaarily that of the parent@.If tka fathorla lirlng,
    tha 4oalolloof the familysad tho ohlrdrollowathat of the
    father.  9 R.C.I.. 84Ts Gal! a:& 9. I. Ryr 00. vr L~IO~B
    109 Tox. 246 206 3. a, 95 
    5 A.L.R. 9181
    DmtorlrT. Wfa,
    (T.0.9,rose!8s S. u. (eaj841.
    Tour question       18 rppareLltly   bared apon tha ae-
    ltmptloa that oftiowa or tha unitedStstu Amy hme no
    legalroaldonao. ‘?tlth till8 ne oanaot ape. IO is aoao-
    timer broably rtwba that       all pmrolu attat  at  all time8
    hnt* 8oaa ra8ldaaoo.      Thlr la tsuo beoause the deriollr
    OS ori@     rearah    the 4oalolla  ot an individual    until
    ohanged.     Ofiloora  in the lt1 00of~tho United States
    Ar8y are no wooptlon to the rule. Trl 2 vr Trig2(X0.
    1931)U d. tL (2d)5634Karrlr t* Karr fa (Iowr19271
    2l5 II. :n”. 6611 Salt v. Shsilar,   lb To&. Supp. 856; =iealoy
    v4 Vnlted St-stea, ‘I Pod. Supp. 434.
    It   18 lt6tad    in TrfgS v. Trl&      auprar
    *It mat be ~oncodod that plalntlfr          was a
    ruldent     of Celifornla   when he entered the army
    ln 1919, and that hi8 Io+yA raaldenoa would be
    presumed to fenala tk elme until ohsn@d.                How-
    etor, It la rqoally trua thbt         then    lr rto Jn-
    eblllty   oa tho part OS !I soldier        to lff8ot~allf
    obanga hla’iorlbrnoa      aa (I oltlzbO if he 80 da-
    225.   -
    the etude&      lo questton,      we quote tb         follonirq
    lrngu*a froa omaa v* etoyrll,(T*C*A.
    Bi 1. f84) bdot
    *x0 better    68rwti0n         lrr8   ~OXI   gbO8
    os~‘reai4eno4’        tE@B   tEat    g,l*ea    by,Clrault
    ftldg.   arnkiru     la 80 GarneUL, WI P.‘b?I,
    68 a. a. &. (05, 406, where thr routt 88ldl
    R88%d~AOS      bra k8A     dOfiA*d t6 ‘ti b BhOO
    rvhora a pereon’ bsbltati~      I8 riaa, without
    a4 preaoatintratloo      of zwuori~ thenrma.
    It ia loat bf.learfng    the plaoe rhere one her
    so q ulr d    l p mnnAa Ac    Eo m    a n4 r a meta to
    another      enh o non    rmmaai, an4 18 gala04
    renalnlng  la rush am plaoeanho nenden-
    74 . . . The tosm la aa alastlo em, and
    dirriaot~    or role* dstinlflon~    The aenao
    in whioh lt ar ould be ursd la oontrollad    by
    r0rtmm00 to the objeof,      Da ~8anlna 18 de-
    andent @pan the ahunaatan~a tbra eurround-
    L    the parson gpoo tlir oheraqtar   of work
    to be perfomd, upn vaetkr Es lb48I idly
    or a ho80 io rrrotbr plam, and lugolt upon
    kia present        intention.*
    The lengthor abaeno9 trOa the donloll 0i
    or&ln uoail6 not Eo eontrolling       where the naoersary
    intention    an8 otbr airawt~no*a        iadioatlnu     6 ahang*
    or reeldenoe ar8 sot plbaent,        In the oam or Barr18
    v.  I h r r lalupr#‘
    , , one or the pert188g.rdustod           frcm
    aohoolla ``.Mol~ea im 1889and wbnt to #oat
    iif.it* solbaoqwntl~     ho was tranaforre6 to muq mllltarl
    poet8 lnaludw       the Phlll~plnr   Ialrnda nnd tEa Panama
    Cannl Zone.     IA 19ebha was traaaferrd         from the PaBaas
    Canal ZOM to Fort Bdc8, Naea~, rhero he raa ststlonsb
    at  thr tlma of the trial,       It wsa held that hk rml-
    bsnoo was atiS      la Iowa, linor ho newer had the intontlon
    to eatabllah    another nsldenoe      the mea       uer. not of hla
    ova volition    rnd ti lirod on the r~8~rWhlOn8r
    IA Coafonnae O~lnlon Pi. 8977, datedJanuary
    10, 1936, lupra, earoral quemtioaa oonoeral~   th* rest-
    deaoa of Aray Offiosr8 *6ce Maven4    iA OOASt~Ul~
    Art101e26840, aquote     thr pwtinsnt   parta ot that
    Hon. Clifford     8. Jones,   Page 8
    *Aa rry oiflorr   oan have legal rorldenae
    la Texas for tee purpo8ee under tha terns and
    prorialona   0r thr atutute In quastloa,    TEo
    generalprlnolplea    6rternInlng his resldanoo
    ore the lme es thoasdrtermlnIn&     the raaldenoe
    or aof other person.   The bone fide intention
    0r the axny orrloar would larg.17 ooatrol the
    que8tloa     of realdenoe      in oonneetlon   with the
    statute     la queatlon.
    “Of oourae, he iould hsvr to oomply rlth
    the provialona OS Artlole    26848, and wouldham
    to realdewlthln the State of Taos for a period
    of time of at laaat twelve (12) month8 prior
    to the date oi raglatratIon    or the student be-
    form ha would be entitled    to be olaasIrlad    so aa
    to reaelve the benefits    or a rsaldent   or the
    State of Texas.
    “(1). The realdenoe     ltntuaunder the
    statute    t&erred    to of an army oifiaer who la
    ltetlonod    la Texas and rho has been so stationed
    ror lt least     twelve (18) wntha prior to the
    raglatrrtloa     ln the Unlveralt~  of his &nor ohll-
    drrn would depend largely      upon the bona tide
    lntantlon     of the anay orrloer.
    *If a boAa iid0 intWltiOA ~86 to beoom
    a raaldent     of tha State      or Texas when ha so
    aorrd     to Texas we see ao reason why at the
    end of tnOlv8 tie) month8 hla minor ohlld would
    nat be entitled  to raglater la the Unlverslty
    as a    resident   rtudaplt.
    "(2).   fr an aw   oriloer    has bean In
    Taxsa ror leas than tralre     (12) month8 Prior
    to the ohlld’s re letration      in tha UnlY0rSit7
    or TOXOS, the oh1 f d oould not be OlaSsifl8d       as
    a resident student beoause or the rpaalrio
    partloular  provision  oi ArtIole Z6640, 3. 3. S.,
    xhloh prorldes that   a student ir a non-rasldent
    unless he has resided   in Tern tnelre        (12)
    months prior to the date of raglatratlon.          diaO8
    a minor oblla~a domlolle ia that       OS its   ``~tnta
    Eon. ClIffor      b. Jones,   Page b
    the length     or time of the rorideaoe of Uia
    perenta rould dater!&u      under this statute.
    *If,    however,   et   the time of the mv;n$
    0r the rr;rtofffoetto Texashis Intention     uaa
    to make Tex:.~ hi-a doAloil8,th8Aet the 8~6 ot
    tu@,Zto(1Z)aaoatha   otterha has beoono 8 reeldmt
    ot Texas, hla alnor       ohlld oen reglatar   es 8
    resident afudant,
    "(Sl.  The m8ldenO8 olraaltloatlon     at an
    orrloerrightbs lr io o tabyd his leg01
    ‘“3 denae at the time he anterod the arag.
    rae                                             On-
    lqsahe had 8oAe raeronto ohange his laoeor.
    realdinoe,  whiohwouldhoveto 'beooup      Ped wlth
    both rma 8na Inteatlon,    his plaoe of rrsiaenoe
    wmld k that of hls lqal     resldenoe    et the tlmo
    he ontorsd the am.     Most 8~ ofrloera ratati
    theirleealrealdance    rblob: they had et tho
    tlao theyenterodtho amy, but tbia $8 not man-
    datom or oaaptrl80~.If aondltiona wse to
    ohangaor r60t8 nero to shirtrhanln they 60-
    aired to ohange their raaidonoo,    thereis no-
    thing under the low to preventthen fropp     dolag
    Fur do not think they ao\rld
    ohooaaout a atata a8 thalr plaoe of raaldenoe
    without lo?5a foot8 whlohxould pannitthOA t0
    do ao, butlr rootswere auoh es would petit
    them to beoonn 8 maidont     ot 8’ aertcrti Potato,
    end it their Intention    use to boom8 8 real-
    dent of that etato,    thon there would be 00
    reason why they 00p.la not 40 so.
    “‘(4). lf an ormy orrloer stationed    in
    Texas eatrblIaher   -a hoti ror hia CaaIlJ la tha
    plaoe nhero he la etatloned     but not on the
    ~orsrnment resa:ratIon,     lr hir bona ride in-
    tentlon was that or beoorlng 8 resident     0r
    the State oi Trxes, he ronld be entitled to
    the benefits oi 8 rerldont oltlrOn Mdar this
    atetuta after ha had bsoomo a realdent of tha
    Bteta or Foxes for tuel?a      lli) moatha rlor to
    the regtattatlon   la the ulnf vereltr of %0x68 ef
    .   .
    Eon. Cllfrord    B. Jones, Ysco 7
    his alnor    ohIldrra.
    *A8 la    deteraialng     maay of the qaaatlonr
    aeked in thl8     letter,     the lntsntioa   of the army
    otfloer.roold     largely     (rovera.
    "(6).    If ea array offleer  who hao rerved
    for one or more ybar8 in Texas followed by one
    or aoro yearo of lervlae out of Texzr, ho mar
    lnmtdiately    alair the banefit of Texas rerldentr
    ror a minor Oblld if rt tba tima he u48 in To1138
    he artabliahed     hi8 legal re8ldOaor in Teraa and
    did not abandon his legal raoldenoe when ho
    aoved ant 0r TOv38.
    93. It 18 our oplalon that the general
    rules and prlnaipler     fovsrn1n.g retfdeaaer    a5d
    do~loilo8   eeaerally   would appljto     an otrioer
    xbo 18 olasslflod     4s 4 505-l%8ldent of Texas.
    If ooadit$on8, ooupled *ltb the latsatlon         of
    the 0rr;04r, aia not obange hi8 legal reridanoe
    from the rtate in whloh he was a resident          et
    the tlm he enl18tb4d, then, of ooursb, he would
    bb al48eiried    84 a msldeat     0r the rtato rroa
    whlob he 4allrt4d;     butt If iaot8,   and alroua-
    8t4Xl008, 000~1e4 rith hi8 illt85tiOll8, ohmged hi8
    pl4Ob of r@sfdeaOeI, then hb would bb 0148slSied
    aooordlng to the rtete Mder tbo elroumstaaoer
    whlob olaiaed hia a8 a rertdent,
    -TO do aot tbiak that aa army offioer oould
    arbltkarllt    plok any 8tste In the Union 44 hf8
    plaoa ot r4rl44aoe,    li ha bad nbvar been 8tatloaed
    them,    or tiad never lived tbora, but M do think
    that an army oftloar     oaa ohaua hi8 rO~I60500
    iron the atate iroa rhloh he enllrtad     if ho n-
    4i&38 in a st:te    end at tba tin0 of hi8 lW8ld4504
    in the tald Btsts it la hi8 lntentlon     to ohoose
    that irtate a8 hi8 lee01 renldonoe.'*
    It i8 our opialoa that the revldeaos     0r a nlnetbea
    ye&r old 8oa or an army orfloer    18 15 the 8tote or the resl-
    danas of hle father.   The raslceaoe   of the father 18 pre-
    auned to be in the rtste or his residenoe wtea he entered
    the ormy, however, it may be oha5pd ln aocordaaoe with
    tb4 rules herein dlroussed.
    Eoa. Clifford   B. lowa,   Psgr 8
    Tbr faot8 84t out in your letter   4re aPI
    8UfiiOi45t  for U8 t0 04tb~OriO4lfy  rtetb the 2'88id8508
    0r tile 8tUdenf 15 qaeotfon,  however, wu trwt   tint
    our diaoobsloa will snabla you to 4ppl.t the reolprooal
    fba 1st~ in tbfr ia8tmoo.
    IOUr     7.q   tZ’Uly
    A88iS tdllt
    J..;TCRW GENR'k4L

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1459

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017