Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • opln10am.@-l&2 Bet tear of a ooad&tlc la examlnlsg trlA16,laLlaetonr OOUntr. Your requert?or our oplnfon of the quertlon~ a I8r t h wtln.lt8ted& u b eenr eWlTus b ya lladep a r tment. Tourletterndn lnpcwta6rouwsc Zlaeiltow Countyharapopulat1on or ~9``&7ao$tpltgtt the 1930,PubtllBIMUL 9 rottsren eaati.nLlme&one cushy at td s 936 preedetttm alect%on. "I dtslrt pur advise on tbt iollwiog qorrlrtlonst *1. To what fees irra cronrta~lc of this aountyentitled for aenloecrrenderedin wtt- Btd.on rlth aa e%ttnlnnittg*irilf "2. What barge should a aowtible of l&i6 uountyrake for mIleage fcareledin extautitlg a warrant d 8.MtetVitJlltttile8Ounty in conatatlotl rith 8n exeminstlg trmt "3. What obarge @hould8 eon&able of thlr,countymske for mile-e traveledlo goiag after and toartylq5to thl6 oountyfor hi6 txanattitqj trial rpriBonebarre6tedlnIllOther OOUtltiJT" &%1ale1020,code oi.mnlml nWeduFe,nadr Both 2. L. @elm, wga 0 in pact u Sollwat l .... llhvriiraand ronstabler men1 proeeaa 8d 8ttettdlsg rrp exunltt$t@oollrt 7 a tale uamltnt~oa of amy f*louy out, abll be ltttltItdto au& rtea aa art fixed by law sor llmllar atdsta Ia mIadtmtaaar ttata In court -to be paid the Btate, Dot to 23 lour aad no,100 .oo)Dollar8 In Ottt@888,8Ui``t8&U8``~8dllsC88~ 3 J to the plaoe of unat aad plaotteror prlaotttra 40 in &tlolea 1029 and 1030, rrowdw, aa the ireta my he,htttaomllaagevhatwer ahll be id for Uproniog OF8ttrOh~Witne88e8 %a tc *QMfg mhtreaut Iapencllmg. rmrI4edooahtrlrr c toatttbltaball reeelre fmm t&e State an7 addItIotnlmileage?or 81~ aubaeqaettt arreat of8dt.teadatltIttthtaamtaaae,wlnatty Oth8P~USt iD8n @USlittilrg SOWt W ia UQf dS.atriataowt baaed upam Uu me ahargt ‘0~ apw the .aam arulttalut, or grwirrgout of trrtmaaotlott the same arlmltttl uhttherthe. unatirudc*ifhnrithou~8r~t,Or befm or after IadIohtnt ml in a0 went Jull hebe all``ttodupb~tehlaia~for 8llwe Sor mlchg mreata, with or rlthout wrratlt,w when,Go or more mmaata of rrnat or eaplutam aermd or aould hue bteiraem- edomthtaamtdefeDduttoa&rpottedrq* me r-8 mtatlontd b thI8 Artlole tht ohuge rild itt th tXE&tti~ @OUl't8l3dUpoD8iI)it4SdS@d 8acount, mom t0 bJ the affloerr alairiag au& ieta,rpproted by the Judge of the Dlatri8t court* .... *only otte r- shalt he 8Uwed to q officermuttIowl hmln ior aeavlaeartadtrta Inmu8mlnlttgtrlal,fhoughmore~se defendant18 O&ted in tht ``18fttt, 0~8. ltvtrtntt la Ld ‘t When defendant8are gwo- oetdedagrl.aat atp~lrttly, rho awld ham btta Rim. L. L. aeren, mge 3 so joined. Ro mrt utaa oat fee ahallbe 8llwed to atg o??Iaervhtre wre tbaa one urn la Slled 8gainatthe same dtfettdattt ror o??enaeagrawlagouto?the same arlmlual 8ot W tZ’WM&iOn. mc 8WOUDt Of the ~m?fioW 8ul tb 8pmws.l Or the Dlatrlat 3-e uat rtrinmtirtl~ ahou Uut the pwvfalonaot this &tIalehavebeenvaplIedvIthrb Smrew8amreUwtUwtethoua8ad(3OO0) votereast8t tbo &at pxwuUng preald8Mal l ieetlon in.Llmeatotie Cam t &wever, YiLd oountybad I popula- tloao? leas m 9 w thousandIvhabltanta88 show fhe preeedl~ PederalCtttaua. thcntort, Article Coba?*iriaal?roeedure,myuWmg?eeadthe ahed?? av ronatable,.voulU be a 'llcabltto Lheatone so ?a~ 88 It n&tea to.tre vonatable~acampensa- 9 or mIl6agt twteled 2x1golag to the place of arrestaoh eottttyIttg the prisoner en- ppIaonm to jsll. Article1030, Co& d DlmU@ Rwe&we, zeaU8 in part u roiiwat .In uch aolulty vhere thm hut bean east 8t the prteedlrrgprealdeotlmleltetlun ltaa than 3,000 totem, fhe ahed?? oz eoaata- ble aball ncrelvt@w ?ellwIng fees v&a the dxkrge la 8 feloqt "1. h r utva utlttglaoh wuawttt o iarrest or oapf8as or for mtkksngameat rithout wrrattt, uhttl<2mrtttdbyl6w,tbeaUao?oDtdolxP 8nd #Ir aeata e fo rlaoh alle'actually tmrel ti ia going to the plme of mat, aad rw conmy- lag the prlawtr or *Iaottera to 3811, mlle8ge, 88 pswidtd r0c ittauMivfaI6n 4 ahail bt anw- .ed~ ~idcd,tbrtiaeaurtIeathatbort8popS- tlon a? leas than forty thouaaadlnbabltauta, 88 ahova by tbt prewdfag Federal C6nau8,the rollw- fttg?wS &all 8pplrt FOP eqCUthg Uoh Wm``nt .o?rrnataeapiaa,o?ormaklngarreatvItbout varrwt, when 8uthoM.sed by lw, three dollera rmlf&fteen eentaforeachmilc a&tuallyuad neueaaarIl txwwled Iagollrgtoplwe or uveat, att5for oonvtylng prlaonera to 80, 8Iltwt as provided for in aubdlvlaloni &e.llbe8llwed;8ndaatdollerah8ll be 8llWed,?o~the8ppFo~'8iid8bood. "...a *I; Porremovlllg8~18``, fO?emh rile going mad ecalng,lnaludl4wlplsrda 8ad 8t the 861~ time in addition to the forego- Lag, he Bill O& be'8llwed ten uttt8 8 milt for *aoh uldltloml prIaoner.n fthaabteathtdtpartmtntalrullmgo?thtComp- troller~aofflot that Artlolt1030, Code o? *lmlnal boot- dure,.8pplita tit ell counties regardless of the rote8 e8at 8t'tbeprtctdlng presidentialtltctlon rhea au& aountlta hB*i 8,~8tiOD 0r leae than ?orty thQUa8nd luhabltnnta am shown by the precedingi%dtral Ctn8ua. Artlelt1065,Gode or cdmitul ?lwedure,pro- Stem for oertaln atrvloeaptrfonntd bp the +ldea dtSl.ttltt l p eo ifita lly&mS?uxl p r o *ides b a tth e 'Artlalt~020 codto?*lnlnalP?ooedllre Iupm, aonsttbit atming uamlnlug oourt lo the utmittatlon bc.eotltled to au& Stemaa fixed InmladeaeanoreaaealnoountJ Irtrlw o?the?oregolng lfia tuttayou8rere- apeot?Uly SdVIStd that it I6 tht OplnlOn 0) thl8 dcparG mmtfbat8llIkPrs o?etiSk,?or ae~IaMmadtredby8 aon6tableo?LlmeStone Cohnty ln oonnta.&IonrlthexamlnIag tM8lueeptobsrgta?or mileagefR*eled ingoing to t&e phtt d 8rrtet 8nd aonvtying the prlaontr tr prlaontra to jail, the tern18o? Artlalt 1065, Code o? Criminal&oee- dure will 8pply, providedau&, Offioer~a &a t for these partlaulu. Itemsof titrvloedoes not emed ,OO la say one oaae* You m turtheradvlaedthat in additloa to the rbore aentloned fees vhen 4m 8meat is made ln the aounty

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1452

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017