OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN uonorable ropr Somy county AttorAay ?ottw county marlllo, Tsxar mar sir: otoa r0r 8 porlod ed ln your lottrr of 8n OpiAiOA tr'onthf8 0 r01108in~ paragraph: 2, a0ri80a civil 8tOtut0r, lees, 88 YOU rd@r iA fOUr lOttOre rO8d8 i~ p8~% er 8ny aimm, oounty or preolnot 1 require tbo sorvlooe OS a0puti08, 8aahtOAte Or Oh&@ iA the pSl'iO~AO0 Or hi8 dUtiOa he mill Apply t0 the COUAtY COAA~C``OAOTIS' CoUrt Of hi8 OOUAt~ for suthorltyt0 ‘``$At``Il~b aaputler arrlatants or olorks, 8ppiit38thA th8 AOAbOr AOdd, th8 t%OA tO b0 ‘tilled 8Ad the amount to bo paid. Said 8~$liOOtiOA rtmll be rooompaAird by a statement rhowlng thr , 146 BOA. Tom s0.y. i’aee2. probable reoeIpt8 frown feel, 00m18@1oa~ and OOA- peaaetlo~ to be oolleoted by said offloe during the tisoal Jeer and the probablo dfsbursements vhloh shall lnolude ell lalarles and oxpenaes or said 0rri00; and e.aldoourt shall make It8 order authorIziA2 the appolntzent of suoh deputlee, Sa- 818taatS and olerks and flX the oomponsstloa to be peld them within the 1Imltatlonr: hsrsla pre- eorlbed and deter&n8 the number to be appointed as in the diaorstlon of said court ASy be proper; provided that In no cake ehell the Coni~l~slooero~ Court or any member thereof attempt to lafluenoe the ap~olntneat 0r any person as deputy, asclstant or olark la any orrloe. Upon the entry or suoh order the orrloert applylae for suoh a6Si8t&ntS, deputies or olarke shall be authorized to appoint then; provided that mid oonpea~.etloa shell not exoeea the marlmum amourt hereinafter Pet out. Tho OOAptiaSStiOa vhlch say be allowed to t.he de- puties, erslctants or olerks above named ror their servloes shall be a rassonable one, not to eroeed the r0110Piinf. ar;iounta:...a ~' 3-eare unable to find any statute deallag with the Subj60t of vacations fmow oounty ofrlolalr. The P.~JZO1s true of Ceputles, aseI6taatr or other rocular employees authorized to perrorn tsrvlce8 under the prlaclpal of any pub110 offloe, nlth the sxoeptlon of Art1016 1583b, Penal Code 0r Texas, 1925, which provides that every regularly Ssslened jellor, jail Euara, or Jail matron at eny oollnty $a11 la any olty of aore thorntreaty-five thousand (25,000) inhabitants eh~ll be allwed fifteen (15) day8 vacation la each year tith pay, adt more than two (2) tmmbera to be on vaoatioa St the same tIzie. COJUQ.sdoaerb Courts ara oourtb of geniral- jarls- dlotlon when a !tlw within the sphere of the povers and duties oonrerr Id u:oa them, hOwever, they Sre OoUrts of 1iElted jurled .otion in that their authority oxteade oaly to mttere per ;alalw to the general welfare of their cm- peotlve oouatl :B SAd thiittheir pawors me only those expross- ly or lmplledl r conferred upon theznby law -- that is, by the Conetltuti #A end Btatutes of the 2tSte. 11 Tex. Jur. para. 37, P. 5 H. 147 Boa. Taa Seey, Page 3. The law Lop0808 up o n leoh lleotlvo OfiiOi81 0s 8 OouAty oertaIa duties oonaeoted with his orfloe rhloh ho 18 obligated to relthfull~ dlsolmrgo ma perform. He is rospoaslblo ror oerteln cots 0r his deputlor~ lAa iA ths rutter of atteadl~ to 6na performing tho dot108 0r his Otfioe, tho l.r holds him rospoaslble. &f.ay duties ooaaeoted dth 6 pub110 offloo must aeoosserlly be perrorm- od’ by olerieal workers OAa rsaistanta, who eoaseqaently p8rfOCPItheir duties solsl~ under the dlreotloa of the prlnolpsl in orrlae. Xs9eaIell~ 18 this true uhere their dutIo8 are not reguleted by stetute. The status of the verIous daputles, assistants or clerks, 08 provided ln the lbove-quoted statuto, era varied. 8herlfi deputies, ooastablo deputies and 011 oooaty olerk deputies ore oonslderea pub110 orrloers. In 6 true seass, they psrrorm ~ove~ramental runotioa8, end where their duties ore not prescrlbod or replated br statute, they perform a pub110 servios, 8hsrlng tho ro- sponsiblllty of offloe with tholr prlnolpal. Suoh orrloers stand on a rooting different rrom mere oouaty unployess-- tho semloes and sn?plo)ment of the tormsr being authorized br lsw, the latter being based upon oontrcrotwith ths OOCI- mlssloaer6 oourt. An ezsmlnatloa oi the aotr Of the various legls- 1atur.s ror sevsral years pdst discloses that the geaoral appropriation bill prorlsloas, as 8rr00tiag State employees, pomlt twelve (12) working day vaoatlons, when agreed to betveen tho off18161 end hi8 eaPlo~ee8. It It can be sold that the StOt0 ha8 OaOpt0a 6 $'01:0y Of .llOWiA& paid V.O.- tioas, a law whleh requires a pub110 offioer to 6erve a year before being alloued.saoh vao8tioa wotild, IA our oplaIo~, oontrsveae suoh deolared polley, deprlvlne tho government of hotter and more erfloleat servloe, whloh 18 the only priasiplo upon vhloh saoh vaeetIoa8 000 bo 8a8talned. Suoh satters of general offlee rOUtlaO or mode in which 6 pub110 orrlaer, with the help Of hla 6uthOris8d de- puties, asslstanta aad olerks, perfornrsthe duties of hle oitloa, where not reguletsa by stetnte, 8re not vestoa IA the oomIssloners oourt. Xe 0aaAOt help but view the ast- ter or regal.tioa or hours end vaaatloas of pub110 OfSlOsrS In 011 governmental and polltloal unlta OS the goveramat OS being solely ono of ereoutIvo or ad5iAistrativo dlsore- t:OA, rubjeot to be wlthdram or eontrolled by tbe LWISlO- turo. - . 1.48 son. Tan Seq. Peg8 4. Veoetlons am olosely Idontlflod with geaerel ``l;;stretlve powers vested la the bolder of a pub110 . The only prlnolple upon whloh vacetloas are per- mIttod, lasofer es 6 deolared polloy of the q,overnment would lutborlzo semo ‘appesre grounded on a settled polioy of employees or pub110 ofrlcers eaterlag Into ea agree- n0At with their dOpart8mntel or Off108 hoed, under the lrttor(s supenlslon end dlreotlon. As vaoatloas dlreotly effect the discharging or the duties of a pertloular offloe, the responslbllIty ror whloh ropores in the prlacIpal of such offloe, the comnIssloners Court, bclng -aowlse charged with such respon- slblllty, would not be authorized, in the absence of lsg- lsletlvo authority, to 68same control and attempt to regu- let8 the some. It la, therefore, the oplnloa of this deportment that the oommlssloners oourt of a county does not hate the authority to peas an order providing that no vacatloas with pay shell be ellowed en7 employees of the county or deputies or assistants or county orrloers until and unless suoh persons have been employed for a period of oar year. guoh order, belae beyond the soope of power and authority vested in the Commls~loaers court, la ultra wires and void. Trusting tbe above easwers your request, we ore Yours verr truly ATTOFUIEYG~IJAf``TXAS J. f klag Aa latent
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1441
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017