Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN El- fllfford 7. Eobfnson, Zacratarg-‘treasurer Te;aa State Board cf Chiropody Smminers 826 lair Suil.dlnZ Fort Zorth, Texas Cear Sir: opilion X0. O-1414 f.e: PO&~ of the secretarptrcas~uer of Texas State Soerd of Cbirooody 2azimrs. This will ackooxledge r+c+lpt of ycur letter tog,etMr with tho bosd coztainsd therein requesting t.heWprSvhi 3f t3e ‘3orC by the Atto4”OeyGeneral. Artlcls 4568, Vernon~s Civil :%atutes.,reads in *art as fol- lows : wTb mxsb,Sarr of the Ptcta SoarC of’Chiropody 3r- adhere shell, before enteridg upon t2e duties of tt;s:r cffioes, qualify, by subsarlbl~, to, bafore c notary public or other officer authorize@ by lax to ntiidster osths, and filing with the %ecratzry of state, the con- etitutional 06th of offics, Tb.egehall, RS soon aa organized, sod biennially thereafter in the xoonthof Januerj-,olcct fro= tfieirmzber a .oreald+nt,vlce- president and o+cretarg-treasursr. The secretarg- treasurer, before entsring u?on his duti+s, shall file a bond with ths Searetsqr S State for such s*m as will be twice the mount of ca@h on hand at the tiios the bond is filed; provided, ho*tevsr,t2at the arcouatof said bond ahall, In so case, bc lers than Five Thou- eond 90llora (@,OOO). Said bond shall be pay-ibleto tba Govsrnor of this ytate, ror tkiebeceilt or soId i?oard; shall be oonditioo+ilupon the faithful piarfor- zaooe of the duties of such officer; and sttallbe fn such ior as pay be sr~provedby the kttorney Csneral OS t’..is State; snd sh61i be executed by 0,surety oom- pony, as surety, snd be apFrov+d by ih+ ?tnte 9o::rd of Chiropody ?rfminers...m Dr. Clifford :!.Eobinson, ?age 2. The bond presented for approval is in the amount of live Thousand ($S,COO.OO) Eollars which is sufiicient, pro- tided the azouut of cash on hand does not exceed the suz of Twenty-five Hundred (.X,5CO.O0) Collars, and tie bond nust be approved by t!ieState Board of Chiropody Zxminers be- fore filing with the Secretary of State. After having carefully exanlned the above mntioned bond xe find it in accordance vSth the provisions of Article 4562, Vernon's Civil Statutes, and as above stated, the bond mst be approved by the State Eoard of Chiropody -!Sanlnersbefore tiling 7dth the Secretary of State, and if the mount of cash now on hand exceeds the suzn of Twenty-five %ndred (62,500.OO) Dollars the secretary-treasurer is required to zaicea bond twice the amount of cash on hand at the tize the bond Is riled, and Ff the amount of castion Land at the tize 0S filing the bocc is less than Twenty-five ::uhdred(;2,500.CO),Dollars the bond in the amount of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars is suiflcient. Xlth kindest personal regards, -we tire Yours very truly (sit-wed 1 Ardell ?~llliams Assistant AFFi?OV'fC OCT 10, 1939 Robert E. Zepke (signed) :.CTT::G ATTOEG?f $ZI-GAL OF TI?XAS [CTXZ?ZD) Approved Opinion Comittee By a.3.s. ,chalrman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1414

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017