Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •                 OFFICE   OF THE ATTORNEY      GENERAL   OF TEXAS
    GlwLDc. MANN
    *-.  .val-L
    Honoreble 8. L;.IAW
    Presldant, Board of Dirootors
    Houston, TXrar
    Dear Sir:
    We are in norlpt 0
    in whioh you nquert our opin
    orizad to be pal6 to the Vice
    ature, ltemlzea the sal-
    August 31,
    l '&.mlnlstration
    month8 exoept as
    SW    Prcssldent. . . . . . . , . $S,OOO.OO       #s,ooo.oo
    363 Vice-Presldw2tand efoou-
    tive assistant . . . . , . $6,600.00          ~5,500.00
    364 Secretary to the President  ``,OOO.OO         :e ,ooo.oo
    365 Registrar . . . . . . . . . $4,000.00         $4,000,00~
    Hon. F. LI.Law, Page 2.
    The foregoing itemized 8alarle8 are payable out of the
    General Revenue Fund of the State.
    You state in your letter that ln addition to the above
    appropriationsout of the GeneralReverue?und the Prerldcnt*s8alary
    Is eupplementedout of locel fund8 by the Board or Directors 80 that
    his total arsual 8alary 18 &2,000.00. The Boar&or Dlreotors al80
    8upplemcntethe aalarles of other.snployecsand you desire to be ad-
    vised whether the !llce-President18salary may be supplementedso a8 to
    equal uot more than SO$ of $12,000.00,or whether it 18 Umltcd   to
    SO$ of f8,OOO.OOwhich i8 the General Revenue ?und appropriation
    ror the President.
    The following provlaionsappear In the EducationalAppro- -
    prlatlon Bill, 8. B. No. 255, Acts 46th tiglslature:
    -he expenditureof the appropriationsherein made-
    -d  authorizedwhether from the State General Revenue Fund,
    local Institutionalfunds or any other receipts and funds
    whatsoever,except bequests and gilts, shall be subject to
    the rollowlng provlelon8: . . .
    *Subsection (2) Salary Prorlslona. No salary appro-
    prlated hcrelh shall be supplementedout of student fee
    funds, dotitory   funds, or local funds, except out .otthe
    Pure Feed Fuud at the Agriculturaland Mechanical College
    or out of funds received from the Unlted States Government
    or its agencies, unless eo'ordcred by the governing board
    ot,the institutionto which euch salary or 8alarlcs apply,
    at a regular meeting with at least a majority of the rem-
    hero of such board present, and auoh order shall be entered
    In the minutes of the prkeedlngs of said board and ehall set
    forth tully the reason8 therefor. No tull time lnstruotlonel
    ealary a8 itemized herein shall be adjusted to exceed an amount    -
    above the msxl~ full professor*8 salary a8 herein Itemized
    to be appropriatedfrom the General Revenue Fund of the
    Statesfor the particular institutionto which 8ald salary or
    salarles~apply,unless the maximum salary is being r$oelred,
    in which ease euoh adjustment may be.made not to exceed ten
    per oent above such msxlmum salary 80 received.   It 18
    rurther provided that oompeneationfor correspondenceand/or
    extensionteaching as provided herein and compeneationfrom
    bequests end gifts, unless 80 llmlted by the donor, shall
    be excluded from the salary limltatlohsof this paragraph.
    The rate of the salary peid an employee of any lnetitution
    named herein for service8 during a summer session *hall not
    exceed the salary rate paid t&e employee for the ssme or
    elmilar 8ervlces during the long 8e88ion of that institu-
    tion. . .
    Hon. P. E. law, Page 3
    "'S‘jLk3*0t10n   (16). The Board of Regents or the
    University or Texas and the Board of Directors or
    A. 6 M. College of TCXCS ere hereby expressly author-
    ized to create a position of rice-presidentin each of
    eeld inStitUtion8,     lr in the opinion of said Board8 lt
    1s advisable to create said position, and fix the salary
    ior Sam out Or lOOa institutionalfunds et not exceed-
    lng eighty (80$) per cent of the salary authorizedh&rein
    for the president of said respective lnstltutlons.'
    Authority for the creation of the office of Vice-President
    is fdund in the General Laws, in Artlola 2613, R.C.S., 1925, which
    reads ln part as follows:
    *The Board OS DlrOCtOrS is charged with the duties
    and empowered to do and perfom the acts hereinafterset
    rorth a8 follow8:
    "1. The board shall, when necessary, appoint the
    president and proressors of the oollege and such other
    orfloers as, iror time to tlme, they msy think proper
    to keep the college in SUOOCI88fUi operstion,dnd may
    from time to time abolish any office that 1s in their
    Clearly it 18 contemplatedthrt General‘Fundapproprla-
    tione for sa&rlee msy be supplementedWorn looal funds upon the
    properly exercised authority of the governing board. The question
    re8ol~c8 itself into a determinationof what the phrase "salary
    authorizedherein," a8 used in Subsection (16) means. It will be
    noted that the bill does not llmlt the amount9i,W$ of the salary
    ltearizedtherein for the Pr88ldent; the llmitatlon 18 aO$ or the
    amount authorized. ?&at Ml.ary does thle appropriationbill auth-
    orize.for the President of A. & I,!.
    First, it authorize8 &,OOO.OO of hi8 salary as the state'8
    part, to be paid out of the General Revenue fund. But that Is only
    a part of the salary authorized to.be paid the President. The bill
    further authorize8 the governing board to supplement his salary out
    of local funds in an amount to bc'detenclnedby the board.   It could
    not be euccessrullycontended that the governing board 18 not auth-
    orized to fix an additional amount out or local lnstitutlonalfunds.
    The Preeldentte total salary when so tired 18 clearly authorlzcid
    by H. B. Ho. 225 to the extent o? the full a.mciunt
    paid. Ir the bill
    authorlees the governing board to pay the Prealdedt )12,000.00,
    then It would follow that it 18 authorized to pay the Vice-President
    not to exoeed gO$ of that amount.
    Hon. F:Y.   &w,   Page 4
    We oall attention
    _ to the partloularworddingof 6ubseotion
    (la) which would apparently +lt+he   paymcntot such a salary to
    only one pOSitiOn as vice-prerldent.
    Xt 18 our opinion that the Yioe-President of A. &Y.
    College may be paid a salary not to exceed @Cfbof the total salary
    paid the Pnsident tromboth /he General Revenue Fund and the State
    and local fund8 of the 88hoo1, end such SabCy is not Umlted to
    80% of the amunt appropriatedas the State.8 part rroa General
    .TOUrS very truly
    BY         /~/.Cecil.C.``~=&
    Approved Oplplon Comittee
    By:.B.W.B. Ohelrman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1433

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017