OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. J. E. McDonald, Cozmlssioner Depsrtzmt of Agriculture Austin, Texas Dew Sir: Opinion 113.O-1412 ne state owned jacks rs on an annual lease are started on July 1st uring the year it is ne- ransfers of these aoimils Also it haprens, or at least , soae of these anl- y the Comissioner and turned 'rdof Control for the board to there is an expense incurred in *;Jo,turally the placments aP& tsanSpOrtatiGn of such ani- , such as gnsoline, ?nals oil, c3r end tmdler rspairs and foam and seals. Hon. J. E. %Donald, Commissioner,pags 2 "The co;lpletsdappropriatiocbill does not provide any traveling expense. bill you please advise if the Department of Agriculture in *meet- ing the responsibilitiesimposed upon th6 Com- missioner by the provisions of H. B. 12 has the authority to use.a portion of the contingent of the Jack & Stallion Division to meet the above mentioned expense. **Finally,WE ars charged with the above men- tioned responsibilitiesas pointed out, and if we meet such responsibilitiesand incur such expenses, horrare v:6to pay the Same?" Article 51 of Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes, (H. B. 12, Acts Of the 45th Leg., 1937) provides for the le-tising of state-owned jacks and'stallions;the appoint- ment of caretaker; rules and regulations; title to the animals to reTsin in state; allocation to Texas Prison System; annual rental charge; bond; contracts, a spe- cial Jack and Stallion Fund; disposition of said fund; transferal of fund; and use of fund. We quore below certain provisions of this Act, which indicate a legislative intent that the monies in th6 special Jack and Stallion Fund be used for expenses incurred in the leasing and distribution, transporta- tion and disposition of state-owned jacks and stallions. The follov:ingprovisions of Article 51 will be helpful in throwing light upon the appropriation for the Jack- Stallion Division in the General Departmental Appropria- tion Bill of the Forty-sixthLegislature, i. e., Senate Bill 427: "SEction 1. From and after the date of Sep- tenber 1, 1937, the Conmissionerof Agriculture of the St&e of T6XaS is hereby directed and au- thorized to distribute throughout the Stste of Texss, on a lesse basis as hereinafter Frovided, the jacks and stallions purchased by the State of Texas * * *I* The Commissioner of Agriculture shall.adoptand carry out reasonnble rules and regulations with respect to the leasing and distribution,care, use and maintenance of such Hon. J. E. McDonald, Commissioner,page 3 animals. Provided further that the title of all such jacks and stallions hereinbeforemen- tioned shall be and remein in the State of Texas L.* * * "Sec. 2. FSOXXXend after the effective date of this Act the Commissicner of Agriculture shall distributo,thejacks and stallions afore- said throughout the State of Texas where there iS rn0S.t need shown to competent and capable car6taksrswho shall agree and pay to the State Of Texas the sum of Thirty Dollars (530) in ad- vance as an annUs rental for the use of such jack Or stallion, as the cass may be, and who shall first enter into a written contract with the Commission&r of Agriculture all such condi- tions and terns as may be determinedby the Commissioner.+ * * Wet. 3. The money derived fro-sthe leasing of the anim%s hereinabove mentioned shall be deposited by the Commissioner of Agriculture in the State Treasury where it shall be set up as a 'SpecialJack and Stallion Fund' to be used by the Cozruissionerto pay the salariesof tw (2) conpetant supervisorsat not to exceed Eigh- teen LiundrodDollars ($1800) per year each for salaries and who shall receive the actual and necessary traveling expenses while av:ayfron Austin in the performance of their duti66, which expenses shall not exceed amounts alloIv6dother state employees under the terms and provisions of Senate Sill 138, Acts of the Forty-fifthLeg- islature,Regular Sessicn, 1937, and in no event shall the sslaries and expenses herein nuthor- ined exceed the amount collected CinnUally from the lease or hire of animals as herein provided, Wet. 4. ML moneys now on hand and accru- ing tc the Jack and Stallion Account under H. S. 779, Acts of the Forty-fourth Legislature,Eegu- -1ar Session, and amended by H. B. 8, Chapter L95, Forty-fourth Legislature, Third Called Session, Hon. J. E. McDonald, Commissioner,page I are'hereby transferred to the Special Jack and Stallion Fund to be used by the Commissionerof Agriculture for making refunds on breedings heretofore rcrorted in confornity ~5th refUnd- ing provisions of 8. B. 779, Acts of the l?egUlar Session of the Forty-fourth Legislature,and for the payment of 611 other expwses incurred in the administrationof this Act, subject to the bisnnial a~progri~tionfor the yesr ending August 31, 1939." The Legislaturerecognizsd that the leasing, dis- tribution, transportationand disposition of state-OKned jacks and stallionswould entail considerableexpense. It made its intent clear that the monies in the Jack- Stallion Fund v;;Ereto be US6d for the payment of all expenses incurred in the administrationof the Act. The jacks and stallions of the state ar6 a valuable property ahd demand considerable attention. Vhile in posseseion of the lessee, the state-ov.-nedjacks and stallions might or-might not receive adSqUat cars. It is a responsibilityof the Commissionerof iigSiCUltUr6 to see that state-owned jacks and stallicns are ProTier- ly maintained and receive proper treatment. A lsssee of a jack or stallion is not required by law to Fay the expense attached to the lease proceedlrg,the transpor- tation charged, or the care of the animal v:hileit is being transported. The jacks and stallions inspector must sea that th6 animals are rroFerly cared for when they are not in tiie Dossession of the lessee or when they are being transferred from one less66 t0 another, if and when such transfers occur. We have exhaustively treated the Jack-Stallion Appropriationunder Senate Bill f,27in our opinion h'o.O-1220. Giving effect to the$overnor's veto, we held that there were a specific ap+O~SiatiOE Of 318CO. per year for an inspector (6I+-b),and 31950. a year for rent, heat, light, postags, printing, telenhons, sup- plies, and contingent, etc., and in addition to the itenized appropriation,a lump sum ap~rcpriationof "all fees and/or unexpended bainnces" in the Jack-Stallicn mnd "for the enfcrc6nent" of IJ,ouseBill 12. Honk.J. E. I:?cDonald, Commissioner,page 5 The questicn before us is vhether or not zcnles in the $195C. iten designated as "rent, light, heat, postage, printing, telephone, supplies and contin!Tent" (underscorikzours) may be used by the Coz2issicserof Agriculture in c?eetirSthe responsibilitiesiaposed upon hiraunder B!.9. 12 in the placegent and transportation of the state-omed jacks@nd stallions scd in taking care of expenses incurred in gaking placement and trans- portation. XxI;ensesconnectedv:ith-theleasing, plscezeht, and transgortationof jacks and stallicns, such as gaso- line, oil, car and trailer repairs, are necessary and essential to the enforcementof B. B. 12. Such expenses are difficult to estimte and itemize, Yet they were definitely rrithinthe contemplationof the Legislature. As such they fall pl~.ocerly within the category of con- tincent funds v:hichare to be spent not for enumerated item or purposes, but for contingenciesnot capable of being specificallyand definitely set cut by the Legislature. As for tmveling expenses incui-rediz~connection with leasing, placement and transportaticn,we refer you to conference opinion Ko. 3Oe9 of this Department written by Hon. Richard K. Fairchild. This opinion authorizes traveling expenses to be-paid out of "contingent expenses" where a de>artnent or division of a department is not provided specificallywith an ite;lfor "traveling expenses." On the basis of this opinion the Department of Agriculture my use the "contingent fund" of the Jack-Stallion Division for traveling eXpeI?.Ses, such as mileage, roox and seals, incurred in the leasing, trans- portation ahd ylacezent of state-omed jacks and stallions. Tmsting that we have fully enmered ycur inquiry; . we are Very truly yours ATTGR$iZiY GEr3F.X OF TXAS Dick Stout Assl~tant DS:ob AFFF?.OVBD CC?'.4, 1939 ,p~o~fi.Do~J.?jIONCC:f,lITT= BY B. y:. B , CKZXW
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1412
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017