Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • . . 802 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 803 ~rusteen of any city or town or lr&fpcndcnt or oomon aahoal tllstrlot aball sdmlt to tl?abaaa~l``a````````~_p``~l``~ sohoole~mnyperscanover slx and not otcr tuenty-one years 5liEvUle bt@nnlng 0r the fohotiatlorear, li ouch~person or his parent or legal &u8rdIanresides within sela city, town or 6latrIot." (Under6ooring ours) *The tru8teeaot sohcolashall him the power to admit puplla or?r and under aoholastloa@, sit&or in or out or the dlstrlot, on auoh term6 86 they my deem prapcr and just providing that 1n admitting pup116 over and under the roho L atlo ago, the oohool; shall aot bs aver orowdsd to the negl6et w entw 0r pupil6 witha the 00h0la6ti0 ~0. +iby my aurrpend rr0a the prirlleps or 8f3h0018 tw pupil round yilty 0r InoorrlgIb~oOowlQet, but suoh auapcnelon ahall. not extendbeyondthe currant term of the aoho01.~ (Underaoorftq ours) The Sqprepcl Oourt in tbo .aae of Lore vs. Gltr or Dal.hs (2051) 40 6. E. Wd) Eo, baa bftr0r+3 it fer aozmtmotlon the ?oregolag statute. Zt wee them held $haL ch%lddzan betweenelf&teenand twenty- one, ~hll0 entitledto.thaben*tItof the public mhocl6, wore XAOLOt publio rraa aahoolatudent66Faoethe statutedo88 not provide that they ahall bc urtltledto the benarlt of the publio aabool rund for that year. The opinion polnt8cut that aaohclnatIo population* me-6 +%hoaerho under the aktutea af the State had the rJgbt to attendthe pub110 aohoolsnod wooire the bemilts of the publIo in. 60h00iitma.- Ii km018 s!QoE O&ir p~Qi&d that 0bii&0Q Or &OhOhStiO ege ahadd be~edalttetl to the bkmrlt or the public sohoolis it might be argued that having oomplstada preaorlbedoourse.otstudyauf- riolent to tmoufe a oartlfieata or graduatIoa.or diploma the ehIl4 bad rooelrud all or the bsnefita~ol th6 public saho01, Hwmor, with referanoa to aoholastlos It In protided that ohlldren of aeholaat1a age shall not only be sntltlad tc the benarltaor tha publie seh?ola but aball be sntltled to tba .benoflta of the public sohool fund The saholdtfd QOSWhl6 f&J sot bused upOn a$j-bi~Os in sohool but Is based npan the etatutow ~$8 lfdt @ad refildenoe withlo the dla'trlot.Artlela 2904 does not furport to authorizethe trustees to a&it end rejeat pupila arLtb a the oaholaa- tio a(;8 raeldlnp:in ',h,? dfotrlot upom auah tex%m a-ttradtl8ia doam proper and Just. 'ibis crkild belw of aoholaastia a&% and r~8~61~ in IiCIl. L. A. r.oOd6, i‘age 3 l&2 CiSiriCL, tire SOi district would rsostve rr0:. the stat* the echo per capita a~portlonment vshetiierthe ohlld attended sahool or cct nnd we hro unable to perceive how mch oh116 could reoe5va the benatlt of the public school tund Vor that year" unlsea he shoitld be ellowed to enroll ant! attend eohool. in this oonneotlon we aleo 0611 sttentlon to Article ZQOl, Iistlssd CirSl &tatutes, lee&, whloh. read6 88 r02i0we: %rsry cblld in .thIe :itate of eaboleetfc age 6tal.l be cnnitted to at&and tt+e pub110 tree sohooA6 of the e or iRdepbudent dllctriot In vrhlch It rbaldea at t&o tim it applies for ad&salon, notnIthstandlng ttist It ray have bben enumretad eleewhera, or ex3y hati et&end- 64 cohool elaswhere part 0: the Jeer." (Unbsraoorlag ours) The Department or Muoatlon has apparently rec6gaired that a acholastla olap attend eohool altar gmduatlon IQ It8 bulletin on .%snParas aob Aotivitlea, 60. 997, Volrtw XV, Rc. 4; dated September wherein it is stated! 1, 1830, page i3QIo, wltourpeer high sohool5 should require not more than slxtwm aoa$b!lo. uulto .ror graduation, and two yaar high aohools not rausr t&an eight nor more than ten. A tdt 0r work representa a subject pursued for e period of not fewar than 86 uiidu, fire reoltatlonn per weak. EIgh aohoola may give loaal oredit Tar axtre ourrioula eotltrItIa@. The88 do not ratlety Oollsgo entrtfnde ruguirelssnt6c _xS.~. OOSC crnypupil who la allowad to graduate au e non-oomge entranoo basis dsoides later to eater oolle.ge. auo&! pupil ehould meet roqalremente by additional work ln high bOOl before being aerti~fied to eooll.eassntranoe.W i?ee Su,$steb Eurricula, pge 48. (Vbderscorin~ aura) la a diatinotion to be dram between students who are or beocbe i!nanafally able to attend oollage end thoee who oannot ettond aollege 50 that the former ~eay oontinue to r,eaolve tbe benelita of the public GOtOO& fmd axid the letter may ROW Since the child here under oon~idsratlon Is lase then sixteen years of' age we also call attention to the Eollowing etetutea: *Art5ola E892. LVttiy QhLld in the Gt0lia W60 IS aeven yeere nnd not more then sixteen pears of age aball be ~PQ- qulred to a‘Ytcnd the gublla sohools 1~x1 the district of Its reaidenca, or In som other distrlot t6.whfoh It my be trensrerred as provided by law, for a pdriod of not leeee thM CmI~ hn~r4a arird tw:,ty aeyE* ‘i-hi, parioa or OOQ pd.aory school attwdancr c t each ~ahoalnhell begin at the cpehin~ ol the school tera. unless otherwise auth- mixed by tha airtrlot 8chool trueft446 end notloe &van by t!~s trueteas prier to the begInning of such 8ohool ten;; pr0vidtlathat no ckild shall he rnpulredto attend ocbocl for c longer period t3sn the uarlmum tcm of the public aohool In the dletrlet v&en, auoh ~hI.l&reaidem.~ *rrtio1e 9993. The fcllowIug oleasasot ohll4lruln are exempt frcrr. the requlremeente of thla lau: -1. Any ohfld In ettehdanos upon a private.or parochialschool *hIah ahall -1naluIleIn its oow8e a study of good altlxonship, an4 8hall sdco the Xmgllrh langwgo the baa16 oi lnetruatlcn In all aubjeots. *1. Any child rjbo8e lmdllyor 54ntal condltlon Ir.euoh aa to ran6er ettendanae lhaaolcebla, and rho holds doflnlfe ocrtlfioate of a reputable phpsio$au tkptciryingthis 005aits0n and wrerlw the perfod ai abeon . -3. Ary ah116 uho ic blind, &t&f, dumb or reebh- miadod, for the ln6truot1oa of rhcm no ad4quEte pre- vlslon hea baan am&e by the maho dletriat. "4. Anye'hfldllrlne mcr4thentwoandone-half mile8 by direct and traveled roe4 tmla the nearsat pub110 aohool supported for ths ohlulran of the mm raw end oolor of suab ah116 aha with uo free tram- portatlonprovided. -5. Any 6hIlb mre t&m twelve yea~ra,of age who ha6 satisfactorily aonplntod the xork of the savsnth.grado of a standard elexwntary eohool of aeven gradsa, an@ whose semiass are neecidsdin 6upport of a parent or other person standing In pareutel relation to the ohI3A, pay, of8 preneutatlon of proper evI&ehaa to the oouaty superintendeat, be exe&ted from further attelrdaooe at sohool." Artlolwf 897 and EBB, Texss'Psual Code, lQ%B, aontain the aame language ae the foregoIw, statutea end eppmpriate provIsIona and penalties are mde for the euforaeme~t thereef. lion. L.. A. ~oOCS, bee 5 In tli .cie ooapulsory eduaatlon atatulacoartafasxoepti0n8 are specirleally lletea butno prorlaionIs feundexemptinga,ohil& rithin the ad~N-ted aq.r.lidtc rho has aamplrtea enough aoura*a to soaure a oertlfioateof &rstduatlon from a high sohod. ksrrtla?~ that aahclawtio qdl~loationci sight bats boon baa'cud upon the numberof aouraeaoompleteddth a paadng~de or upon.nme other fornula,' yet tbe i.@gldature did Rot .eee fit to 80 pXWld0. !nmtead, It has provided that obildren ot oertdri a&m sbaZ1 be entitled to tilebenefits of the publie mhoola an&shll&en *ithin outaln age braaketsahalt in daitlon theretoba en%ltlod to the bermfits of the pub120 sohoolf'unefor that'war. It la our opinionthat thkbmmd OS tnutaei $r the Grne& rl;tloitlgh.Sehool18 not authorizedto r8nue to aacept a #twbat n&or the olraumatanaea pnfnatsd In your latter of xvqtlest 80 2.0~ as leb atubnt 1s witbln the sobblaatis a@. APPFlOVEDSEX 25, 1939;

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1388

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017