Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF IEXA8 AUSTIN Rcnorable Jemo8 A. Ouest County Attorney amp couBty Fittrburg, es4kesr 30 6ro in feocip aat0 and puoto ~POBI your Y, it has booomo Impore- payment in aash for rator 008, iiatsaa of aoooptfng a8 horoto- u0a agalmt th0 ocr~eral mna of tho II rla of the inability of the this obllptlon logally, threui# a ~alntaiwa tborobJ, tho County * Court pP880a an odor at It8 regular Of thin yOW, PW$UfriB(s pmOBt in 048h Out Or th0 @oIlOral ftlad, for watOr and 8Oworom 8Or- ThO8, ana also, 8alary of the Wurtheu80 J8rdbor. of fSO.00 $WP menth, netwitlmtendl.n& that than 18 an OUt8tiknah.g a8fi0lt agaln8t tho 8aid &moral ma. 'Wov, tho aotlon of tho Od881onOM' Court, uider tbo eari of tho wrltbs, woo borrod PM? the 747 FionorableJames A. Guest, pae,e& ocnviotions of that body that It Is lawful to pay the eotucl operating oxpensee of the aounty, in oo8h, rm5 the proper fma, regardless of any dafioite, or reglatertrdsorip that might be out- atending, especially, in oonsideratlon of the preSsing neoessity to meet thi8 emergenoy;how- ever, the County Tron6uror doe8 not rO8poad to the order of the COmd8SioBere’ Court, and In oon8e- quanoe thereof, I, aa County Attorney, advirred the Treasurer that, under the provisions of Article 1709, It was ag oplaion that he would be aoting within the law In oomplying with tho orders duly passed by the CommisslonersgCourt in this ease. My advice wes submitted to the Treasurer in writing, but having railed to retain a copy 0r same, I am unable to &ive you the bcneilt of the wmdlng of my opinion in it6 entirety but It We8 substantially as outlined above In this paragraph. liyadvice to the Treasurer, 18 also disregardOd, as In the case or the order of the CommlesIoner8* Court. "It oocurs to me that the throat and detePmIna- tion of the City to aiaoontinue the water ana 8-r 8ervioe8 to the County Courthouao, oonetltutoe an omergenoy whloh duly jastitiee the aourao we bavo taken, since hundreda of pcraona, including jurio8 and prisoner8 in Jail, all oourts and regular dounty offioiale, together tith people from a dlstsnuo, patronize tke orrices of the Courthouse daily. Tour edvfoe on the following questions will be fully appreciated: "No.1. under Article 1709, 1s it the duty of the County Trestsurorto aomply with the ardor passed by the Cosaairsfoners~Court, as herein above outlined? w0.e. If the oraer of the CoDZkissiOnOP8'Court as above outllned, should be fully complied with by the County Traasarer, and such order Should be routi to bs inwia, roula the Treasurer bo llabls on his bond, or in any mtmner whatSoeVw? 748 Honorable James k..Cueat, page #3 "NO. 3. fr an order is pamed by the Comis- siocera' Court, in ,qoodfaith, and 8am4 be- coxes affeotlva, and later such order is found to be invulla, ii fUna or the oounty havo been expended thereundar, and no fraud is shown, rho is liable and,what the penalty? *NO. 4. Ia a County Commlaelon6rs*Court in any mmner subservient to the directions of the County TreaSur4r, in authorizing the dlsbur8e- rent or county runas ror operetlhg pwposo 0r the county? "MO. 5. In the abaenoe of fraud or flagrant via- lstion of State law8, 1s a County Tw8uror jueitl- fied in dieregarding ordOr8 duly paasod by a Comml4elon4rS~ CoSt'ln good faith, for the pur- pooaeof promoting th4 welfare oi the oounty. wherein such orbs8 requlrs the aervloee and oo- oyeratlon of the County TrOaaur8r?w We feel that the rlrat important question im0lv0a here is _ the power of the COllml2S81OnOr8' Court to sat aolaa a portion of the rev4nu4 of the oounty as a fund for the pay- mont in oaah for wetef, ssrerage and janitor ssrvloea for the County Courthouse, to be paid in prOfer4noe over othecrreglr- tared indebtedcase 4f the oounty. 16 the ease of Honard VS. Henderson County, 116 9. W. 479, Chier Sust!.ceBond said: "The county treaaurer,,by atatuto. 18 the 4us- todlan of county funds; and the statute, Artiolo s., direate that: 'Eech oounty treaeurar 1025, I-L. shall keep a well-bound book in which he ehall re@ster all alaims against his county in the ordaf of presentation, and~lf more than one 18 presented at the same tine be shall register then in the order OS thafr date. H4 shall pay no suoh claim or any part ther0or, nor shall the Oarno,or any part tharaof, be raaalvod by any officer in 749 Honorable &uses A. Guest, page #4 psyuxnt of any Indebtedness to the county, until It hns been duly regfstered in nacordame with the rrcvlsions of this title. 131 cleims in eech class shall be p6L-3in the order in which they ore registered!: bnd, Article 1713, that: 'The county treesurer shall not pay any zimey out of the county treasury eroept In pursuance of a certiflaate.or rarrsnt from some oftlaer euth- orlzed by low tv issus the s6nie* * **. "The langmge of the stetute8 Is plain, the authority $a exclusive and prese&s no ground for construatlon. The aounty treasurer is not authorized to pay claims o&nat the aounty, exaept on warrants drawn by sonxeofflaer auth- orized by law to lsfsue@ame; snd the coxmlseion- era' court Is without power to bLna the aounty by contract or otharwlse to pay alaims in cash, without providing some means for such payments, thereby giving preiereace in payment over other registered indebtednear of the oounty." The coae of Wlllcinsea~8. Frenklln county, et al., 94 5. W. (2d) 1190, holCs.lo substnnoe that Article 1625 clearly provides the order in which clnlstsdrawn agaIn& the Oounty Treasurek are to be paid, and amnmt@ to an appropriation o? the funds of the County Treesury.to the payment of all. alalma legally drawmagsinst the eeveral olassss of fundsln the order of their reglstratlor. Therefore, under this deofeion, the order of the Commlaeioners* Court of Camp County requiring paysent in oa8h out of the General Fund for water, sewerage and janitor services, is oiolntlve of Article 1625, Revised Clvll atat- utea, and is therefore void. In view br the above ruling, we reel that it is un- necessary to enswar further the questions submitted by you.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1374

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017