Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Hamrable Murphy tile
    County Auditor
    Liberty couflty
    Liberty, TePam
    Dar sir:
    Honorable Eurphy Cole, pege ,#2
    The broad general purpose or House Bill JaSS     is
    to essist     the counties and derined   rosa distriots   1s the
    retirement or obligations ore&ted for the aoastraatlosof
    roads, whiah function has been deolared to be.one resting
    upon the State, and became  of whioh, there now rests upon
    the State both a legal and moral obligation to oompensate
    and rehfhurse au& countlee and uerfned road dietriot ror
    having performed such iunctions and to that extent the
    funds provided by this Aot shall ooastituts ralr, Just asa
    equitable coszpensatlon,repayment and reimbursementto sald
    counties and dellned road dlstriots, ana i'ullydlsaharges
    the legally implied obligations of the State to so compan-
    sate, repay and reimburse suoh agencies of'the State.
    Two methods hare been devised under this Aot by
    whloh said obllg5tlone are to be dlsoharged, the rlrst being
    a ab55t   psrtloipatfoa in the one-oent gasoline tar 0r obll-
    gstlons the prooeeds or nchichhave aatually been expeadsd
    upon State deslgaatea highwsys and by inaired partlal~tlon
    in meld one-oent gasoline tax through the *Lateral Road Ao-
    oouIlt~, to whiah aaoount is oredlted any exoess funds ro-
    malning after all primary obligations hare been alscharge&.
    This moon& method la designed to distrlbate such exsoss
    was    equitably and ratably to all or the aountles ana
    defined road distrlots or the Stats or Texas in aooordanoe
    with the ratio provided.
    It will be noted that the entire hat treats of the
    rstlrement of obligations already areated, the proseeds of
    whloh have been expended upon State deslgnsted highways.
    It cont~plates asaiatiug the counties and derinea ma    aim-
    triets in retiring, paykg.off ana dimsbarging suah obliga-
    t%ons, and that the rurther oonstmetlon at highways, UeSlg-
    nated as State highways, rests exaluslrely upon the State
    Hi&hway Commlsslon, and the bounties are forbiUden by the
    prorlslon5 or seotlon 3 0r'Houme Bill #6SS to sake any
    rusther lmproremeute or said highway8 8x55pt by the aoqui-
    sltlon 0r rlgbt.5-or-my thereror.
    The racts which gtre rise .to your rest questfon
    are, briefly, as follows:   In 1952 the DaptOn-Cleveland
    Road in Liberty county was 8 part of the State Righrar
    Systm and was designated as State Klghway #l46, and later
    Honorable Eburphy Cole, page 1$'3
    this designation was llf'teaor abandoned end said designa-
    tion applied to another road. Subsequently, that is, betreen
    Septeuber 27, 1932 and prior to January 2, 1939, Liberty
    County construoted the Deyton-Cleveland Roed v3th bond fun&.
    To mummmrlze, it must be noted that such designation ~55
    abandoned and the State Rlghway number which had been applied
    to the Dayton-Cleveland Road was applied to another mad,
    namely, the Liberty-Livingston Road. Further, it 15 admitted
    that there was no debt existing at the time said mad was
    abandoned as e pert of the State Highway System, whioh, la
    our opinion, excludes from partiaipation in the one-oent -5
    tax the obllgetlons subsequently created for the aonatmotion
    or,auoh roads, except in such proportion 55 the obligations
    laayparticipate in any run65 accruing to the county throngh
    the wLateral Road Acoount?.
    Cur construction of paragraph 3, Seotlon 2, fs that
    only   muoh roadsas had tormerly oonstltutea a part or the State
    Highway SyatesIand whose status had been lost through change,
    relooatlon or abandonsent, that bed been aonatructed ulth bond
    tPnd8 and the obllgatlOn8 issued to secure swh funds sare out-
    standing at the time the road vas a part or the Syeta, aad
    whloh bonds or obligations hfidnot been dlseharged or retired
    at the time such road lost its designation either throwhF
    ahanus, relooatloa or abandonment, asn prtlolpate 55 aa
    mellgible issue* under the tez%s and pmvieions or House 'Bill
    #6-.    We oannot aonceive that the Legislature intended tie
    pexwlt bonds, the pmcesds or which are to be expended oa a
    roaa formerly oonstitntlag a part of the State Highuar System,
    to pertloipate la the primary benerite of the one-oent gaso-
    line tax ii'snah bonds are issued aubsequsnt~to the abandon-
    seat or such road as a part of the State High-y SystSr.
    Further, there being no evident intention by the HleIhuayCom-
    m.l55lon or reaeeiguatlng suoh road as a part or the Hi
    systes, we think the exoeptloa provlasa in 'aabseotioaFa) %
    seotiOn  6, paragraph 2, lnappllcable to this issue 0r bonds.
    Themrore,   we   conaluae that your rlrst questloa nnst
    be answered in the negative.
    The raata underlying your 5800na q~estlon are, briar-
    iy, that in 1929 bonds were voted ror the eon5truatloa 0r 5
    Xonorable Murphy Cole.   page   #4
    road then known as Liberty-Livingston F&ad, and that in
    1932 said road was deslgoeted as State Highway #leg, b&,
    to date, the bonds have not been issued or the road eou-
    In order that suoh bonds may now be issued and be
    eligible for pertlolpatlon in the one-cent gesollne tax as
    Provided la House Bill #aSa, said raats must come within
    the apparent exception provided la paragraph 3, subseotlou
    (a), ;iectloa0, of said bill. This exception reeds, in
    *In addition to and regardless or the other
    provi5lon5 or this Aot. all bonds voted by a
    county prior to January 2, 1939, insofar as
    amounts of saxe were ox siaybe issued end the
    prooeeas aotually expenaea 10 the constmotion
    or roads Welch are a part or the designated
    System or State highways, shall be allglbls
    in the dletrlbutionof the moneys coming into
    emid County sad~Road District Highway Fuud,
    the 5am5 as provided ror other bonds under
    this Aot, and 8~8 of the date of the aeslgsa-
    tlon of said made as a part of the State
    system **l“.
    When a statute expre55e5 5 general intent or purpo50
    and afterwards an iacon5lsteat ~ertlcnler latent, the latter
    15 to be regarded as an exception to the former an&~&Ah ars
    permitted to stand. Also, where one section of~an Aot prs;
    scribes a general rule which, without qualifloatlou, Would
    embraoe an entire class oi subjeote and another pressrlbes
    a different rule for lndlvldusl subjeots or the 5amo ela55
    ~51atter   will be ooustrued as an exodption to the ge5Srii
    See 39 Texas Jurlsptidence;i Section 101; also milker
    vs. &or, 266 S. OF.499, Cameron ~5. city or Waoo, 8 S. w.
    (26) 249. mrther, it has been held that a genercilprovi-
    sion or a statute nust yield to a speclal one so rar as 15
    necessary to give errect to the partioular subjoot of the
    speolal provision.   See'Clty or Austin vs.~Cehlll, 88 9. W-
    342, rehearing asnled, 
    89 S.W. 552
    , also Csllaghaavs* H*m,
    90 S.X. 319, error ratneed, In the case of Stevens vs. Stats,
    159 s. w. 305, the court 0r Crlmlml A~pesls held that chess
    Honorable Murphy Cole, page #3
    two previsions of the snmw law are in oonfliet, the last
    one controls. The weight or authority seem8 to be to the
    effect that In case of coniliet between the genwral and
    specie1 provisions 0r a stetute, th* apealal one shall
    prevnll. And even when e statute expresses a general in-
    tentlon end likewise 6 plrtlcular intention lnoompatlble
    \ath it, the particular fntentlon may be deemed an eroep-
    tion to the general one. See Hwlem vs. bells Fargo k Cora-
    paay ExpreQs# 177 s. u:.134.
    Section 3 OS Rouse Bill #688, atate8, In part:
    *All further improvementa of said State Blgh-
    way Systcn; shall be xsde under the exclusive and
    direct control of the StatW Highway Department,
    and tith np roprlotlons medw by the Legislature
    out or the 8 tnte Eighway Pund. lfofurther lri-
    proverrent or.sa,idsystem shall be made with the
    cid of or with any money furnished by the countlea
    except where the aoqulslt~on  or rights-of-way
    which nay be rurnlshed by the oountles, their
    subdivisiona, or def~iaed road Uistrfots.”
    St is'obvious that paragraph 3 of wubeeotlon (a) of
    Se&ion 6 is in confliotwfth thw'provfsion above quoted, but
    by the very languagw~oi this paragraph, the Legislature ha8
    attempted to mike this provision an exowptioa, suah lamgmage
    being - "In*a$dipon to endregardle?e or other provialonr
    or this Act         wrhleh, in our opinion, brings t&da within
    the purview of the'holding in the oaae of Holrord va. Patter-
    SO~, a40 s. W. 341, whichwas atflrmwd in 257 S. w. 213, Mare-
    in the oourt stated that "when a statute firat expresaea a
    general intwnt.snU arterwards an fnoonsiatent partleular in-
    tent, the latter will be taken as an wroeption to the rormer
    and both will stand."
    In view of the autborltfsa quoted above, which, when
    read in connection with the language wmploywd in the Act, we
    reaeh the conolusion that your seoond question must be ana-
    ~tipd in the errirxatfve, that is, that euoh bonda when
    issued shall be elLgiblo for pertlolpstion in the primery
    Honorable Wrphy   Cole, page #6
    benerlte 0r the one-cent gasoline tar es provided in
    House Bill &88.
    Yours very truly
    %&zs-          ~.+------
    Clarence 3%.Crone

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1334

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017