. 571 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GERiLDC.MANN x .~IIuwsus (iKSUCH‘%I. 46 to euoh ewloment. 'A~gurt 24, 1939, wharrin rtmant In refersaae to such e ail1 ??o.427, 46th Lo&- tal General Appropriation 9111. oard cornpoled or ttie oovernor, the Board re-allocate and authoriz4 uuab 8ur- plru or tmlanoe to be used by the department herd for other purpore#TL yw are adrimd that the Llattetloa ofPeyment8 ohuse 8~ it appears in tbe ~snaral rider to thr general a* preprlatlon blll does not purport to eoaie? authoritr U$On . 7 l%xL G40?@ 8. Sheppard, Pear 2, ‘cho Ooreraoor the Attorney General and the Stata Traaaurer to re-allQoeia or traaefsr money8 apeoiffoally appropriated by the Logialaturs for ona purpose to another md different The authority 0r tb4 Board 18 OOnitBed to euth- %%& of uae aa the neoeaalty therefor be der$qn(trat- &, Or anOuSt@ i; 6u0h apeaid funda drdioated snbfde~oted to such dopertwanta of the Sate govermont, over me 8bove the total required to defray the mounta dad Item8 for uhleh apeoll10 provfaion hua baeo made by the Lo&a- lature. It mar not tbe intentlon of the ta&iilature in ,tt?e Lisrltatlon of Peyaeata olaune, to permit a depurtment head to eleot sot to UM fuada~ ior the prrpoae for which the Lyfu&ture provided thaa, and thereby oonrsrt tbaa I into l ~UQQO@W~ mrpluo ia a purtlauler item, available for use, with pomlarloa o? the Beard. The lxldenoe & a aurplua rubjaot to the jurladiotion of the Board la detershod not b rubtnotlng frou the tote1 of the emounta apeiolflmliy ftaa i te6 by tbe Le&laleture the amount8 and Items tha dmpemtment hoad elrota to uae but by lubtraatloa of tha tote1 of the amount8 to be used km the amunt aotually ~vailsblo for uae in the lp so ia fund. l Tour seoond queatioa -reads aa followa: wiulll the 3fghway Depurtaient be required to give eaoh uaployee not budgeted iq tha bill aad paid froa it8 amera hi hway fund l mm- her, exoept those that are a fua a ified ar le8aon- al help'? In thla ccinneotlon it would be help ful if you would define *seasonal help.*" The parsgraph in fhe General Rider to the General :;g;prfqtion Blll styled “Salary PaymentaR r*ads 88 fol- wo flblafy for whloh an a?proQriation ia amde herein ahall be paid to any pernon unlesr auoh \ ~araon aotually dlaohargaa assigned dtatlea. zvery aoath the head of eaoh department still atteoh to the payroll for hla department ati af- Sidevlt under oath, atatlng thet the Persona listed ia seld payroll rotually wriomed the duties for whloh they WFO .b*lag galbe The Ccifiptrollsr ahall not laaue warrants for tb payopent 0s ~818r1e8 lietea on raid gayroll un- lera thla ertlaetft la riled with him. faoh de- prrwent heed shall number OOnaeOutivaly tha Foa. George !?. rhoppard, F-ge 3. aalarled poaltiono in MS department for *!llob roarfatlon la .z.ada here10 (eithTiToiiii %%kiGFFXnG YiiiiX, tees, rscelpts, SPQOW lilnu’i or wt of other tutiils amilablr to? use by raid de;artneatl and oppoalte the wzbcr or the ?orcltioa he shall fill out th¶ t1t1.3or Ahe pnl+.lon and the naize or tha 2erson 0==pl0p3a to ill1 the lmm. .m8 stikt03ent hi1 b rim with the COa;~troller tiho shall, ahen 16etiag hi8 aarrante to any em3loytte In pa-eat 0r balary due anld muploys@, numbar the marrant rlth the mme t%teer thrt iB asrigned to tha pooltioi riibd by said q>loyse. Every d8gmrtnent hoad 5h5ll aotlfy the Coruptroller In irritiq, ot an3 ohangaa in parnormal in bir departaant. Thfr jmovfsion shall uot apply to seasonal help, and shall not prevent persons dmdng tkair salary rarraata a,.rlng authorized vacation perlodr.* in the paragraph ~imedletel~ tolloting, staled*AddI- tional ~ployaea Campensatlon, * wo find the follomlni; lan- guage : be mid out of oontin&oat a&o&atlons, suoh 5aployess shall not be 25ld a larger amount than that provldod in tt5 ra@sr a2;rcpriatcd salaries for 5l:Alar posltlonr in sucll dsxrt- sent or ag~noy, . ..* The uuswtr to your question tux5 up03 the laterpro- tatloB whioh ir to be placed ~202 ;he ~3ras.e *for xb?iOh an agproprlatlon 13 zade bre?5.* =i TV1s rstsrs to 'hose appropHotlons for a partioulor departaunt defialteLy item- iad aa to purpoea and miount, ~the numbering is not required. cn the other Fand, lr it refers to all salarlod Doritions a;lthorl.sd ~l$ker by a speofllo a#;rapr!atlon or by a l"? aup agpropriatlon, t%;e nuaberln(J la required. Light ii0 thTowD upon this qurrtiO5 by QbseiViM th5t In the suooosd& para@rph quotsd *bore, we fiad aa aP parent Ulstlnotion recogalred, nhen tho Leeisleturo ridare to "additio.?al e~gloyae~, othas than thoao tot whiah swolfio Ken. Ceorgr R. She~3er-d~ Fees 4. salar approorlatione~ have bean mede. It appeared to ua Tldh.Ls slslature. Intended to-require in the DeYmSnt MranraDh. 4ma enl5n the numberingin& iistie of-ali &- p107OSS Or the partioulSrdopertaente nbo mrry be- em loysc: upon 8 ealary beeia out 0r sny Sp~lVQriatiOB aoella l la ror luah Qurposa to that dopartnient, wheth-r ft be sp&l.fioally ItoPlfted Se to purpoes end esouQt8, or whether it be a h M lD a u5lp p r o p r k tlo Itn.tm noted epeolfioally that the Lsglelattuerwnd It neoae6ary te oxapt rrab~tbiapro- lielon *eeeaona1 hrlp.* Thia OowtrUotioq, it appear8 to UI, rooor48sore amrly ritbthe apparentpurposefor wbioh luoh provision i8 Inrertod in the bill. It aeeraa that the ~gia&ttU@ h6$ requirrd t&e rmbsring of the , elta tea eaof tthe title, p o dtio a a th of the podtiona and the DLOIIor tha poraoar cpployedto rlu th0 ~0 to bo given br tlu dagwtmat howl ror the oon~eair~oe and benefit oi the Caaptrollar, in order that the Comptroller may dStoxalna, from tire to time, uhSthSr a prrtloulSr eaployeo rqployS4 out ot a tuarp sum lpproprlatioa to performa partioulartypo of work is being paid ior thet typo 0r work an amottat 0r monSy greeter then that auth- orized by thr IAC;lslaturo to be pald to thoao holding similar partloulorly ltcmiead poeltlone. It tha depart- moat hoa&nesd not nusib~r ralarled positions in his de- gertnmnt uhioh era oroated and paid for out or a lump sum approprietfon, then, by the emta token, tbero ia no provision la thr bill nquirlng him to eamuniaato to the Cangtroller the title OS the position areatad an4 the nama of the psrron ~aplo Sd to till tbr SeaS. In the absenos OS such informat T on, it appears to 08 that the Comptroller is lsft rftbout any adoquato means tor detrxminlng whather or not a partioular eaployes paid out or 8 lump sum appropriation on a salary baa18 la entitled to ar8w the amaunt 0r oomponeation ror whlah hlr warrant is requested to br drawn. Xe thSrSfOre are ol tbo oplaloa th5t the aelary payments 01euaS appllS8 to 811 eSlSrle& poaitiona, Mmther‘sreated by authority of rpeol- fl0~11y ~Std~od 4hpproptiatlonb OS by 8UtbOritY Of &UP sum appropriatlona arell.eble for euob purpose* with n8geOt t0 year reqaa8t for a dOflBitiOa of the tam Ceeaeenal help," you are edvirrb thet auuoh p hr a se o o mo B ly la ua etito r eir to r M p lo p 3ea l4 m g a 6 in work exoluaire1~ pePiornr4 at lpeoiiio eeaeona or purioda of the yeer, whioh, from its nature, oanaot be oontinuoa8 w oarried on throughout the year. FroeNy V'I. T, M. Eardon Co., 891 F8nB. 197, 189 A,tl. 799. 575 Ron. G4orgo R, ishepprr4, ?eeo 8, Your lortquest105 1~ a8 follar~ ~-May i deputmmt hoad .a@07 an addltloa- al a~plo7oe l& plaor him on the roeular w7- roil, m7it`` hi8 8aiW orit OS th8 eOa%ingORt rp$roprl8tion, or d-8 tha o o ntlq & ea lp ptr o l prhtibn oarrpr8hend 8 taawor~r~ or as aurgent 8itU8tiM sUthor12iag t&J 82plOm2t Oi 2dd1- tiOM1 -9107W8 for 8UOh =9o8*?* Air indiO4t.d abOW,. the ````8htUX-O ‘h8 OOnteB- platad, 1s Wr O~hliM, that tb0 QrOViSlOlh iOr 88a8OMl h8lQ 18 to be rTal8ble iOr tappQXW7 8saP~O7XRentto take oar0 of orurgent8ituatfeM. Year quortion then,with regard to 8mg3107meat out OS ooatinaent lpPro9rlatlonr, lnrol~28 Oh8 detmneination OS the meanlagto be a8Orlbed to the tam "OOnt12&Wt 2XD8288.' ti0 tU6I “OOUtiIk.gMt U~II888* 18 SrWWIIitl7 U88d to QoMote 8uOh 68 &r@ UflkaOM Md UaOWtaiIl, whioh MI or aa7 not be lnourred, 8Ild rhioh de~tL& UpOn 8OI6. tUtUP UnOcll?t@liIi8Q8Ut. SOOtt T. city Ot hl608tOWa, 217 A.%. 88J3, 078, 56 N. Dsk. 4% It 18 8a;ttItbS U5Od t0 rvisr to rush expenrer a8 are po8sibls or liable but aot outala to ooour. Braaaln v. SweetOlrrrCouatt, 208 Fao, 970, 972, 88 Moat,412. on tbo otherhaad,the term~oootlngrnt ~pea868,~ aa aof other word or phrare or84 b7 the Legi81atur8 la a nylfmo t#nt, le aeorraa*tll7 iaflu*noedand aolorodin it8 numnb by the 8OIitaXtr 60 find it urrd b7 thr Logis- laturo in thr depa~W~at&l appropriation bill uader tha heading *nintoaano8 and E~so````Boou~,~ In tho gen8ral rider to tha generalapproprlatlon bill, un4er th8 headln6 o ?q u4 ntla sad glatlonwy,~ pnnglapb (b), M Sinaan HOa. GtOrgO & Shappard, bg8 6 OXprO I’OOO@tiOtl that OOiltinjicI3t Sunds bppropribted, by tha Laglslature sib7 b8 U8@3 for WI0 publlcatlon ana dt8tl’i- bltiW Of bIl7 IiOtiOta, gamphlat8, tmOklet8, Nfas, .@@a- tiona, ena a- other r;ectara of pub110 lattrtst. @a under tha haadIng -aaaI?loaal a61plo7oe*a owpansatlon,~ ln the gmaral rider to the general 8pproprlatlon bill, wa flna ~8 axpnrs reoogaitioa by the Legltlatura that additional tfsplo~te8 othtr thbn fhorb~ for whloh speolflosalary appra- prlatlons lava baoa Dada b7 the Lagl8latUTa 6my be oi6plo7ad Ma oald out OS the *oont.*bnt* approprlatloa, pr0riaftig that8uOh M@lO7tt8 8b11 aOt be pIi& a h%l-@ZrMortnt than tht ~rOlhitd 18 tht Ta&ar •JtpFO~i&@d 8bl8riO8 fOF 8idl8r &W8ftlOt28 iLi 6UOh depXbL@nt Or b~4XlOt. On&or paragraph (b) of the titlt *Sala+ and other h0~1810es~ in the geaeral rider we ilnd the Sollou- ins: -The amromiatlon8 berein prorieba are to be aon8trUt;im~acr-tha 5aIi6Um 8~ml-tO be bpprOprhb& to and for the 6458netted horelo, bad tho amwits ar coveEiiiiS shalloovtr the tintlrtoost OS tht rta otite .lttme and tht ZZtXGlS ZTTbt tumlmen ef. rota arm other ---F-T----- othtr Obfbbtion8 be inourrtd by-may dapartmant OS this Stats, prOVia howavar that nothin& hercln ahall prevent any deptrktnt head fro5 poyln& ltte than the saxinupI amount set forth htreia Sor any 8alarlad posItloae.m It i8 th8 apperant t?!it where a 6rml 18 prarld- 94 ror a particular itam oi trpen8e, that 6~ Is all that i8 mandad to bt avallabls tor.that iten of 6xper186, and may not ba eupplemnted from an Sowoe. The lirnltatlon applh8 Od7 t0 the pStiOU].sr -3 tCCP; that 18, b &WtfOU- lar typi8t'8 salary maJ not bt sup~ltmmttd rrom 6U7 eouroe, but, if the zeotttity arises, tht ddprtatnt head 6my (in tha ab8aUaa of mob aXplWSS pX'OhibittOa8 Of tha t7Do Sound ln the 8peolal rider to the 0~68, ?fsh t OYB- tar Camd66lon l pproprIatIon8, prohlbIt%ag tht SaplOpWt of additional salaried 6mplO7Oa8) hire and pay another t7pi8t OUt Of th.8 "OOntiUg8Qt UPM8t" rIMa. r Hon. Oeorgr 3. sheward, Page 7. fa other wora8,.it appasrs that the Loglslaturo hd in CO~tW6pl~t;Oi3 th4 U84 Of tb4 t4llll *OOtItingOUt 4XP411s4,* ia the Een8m of geasrrJ. itemi; of’6tponm not provide6 for speoitioally, nthor than inoldental or uaforoaeon It&is. State vr Kurtz, 144 B.E. lPO,,l24, 110 Ohio State 7&E, lW111(ldue r8garU t0 the OOntoXt in vhloh we find tho word, and th o lpsol.floluthorlzstlon ror tke ueo of ouoh iona for web pIrpoeo8, w an ImpolleU to the oonolu- alon that the Legialatare has da 8ubetentlelly thle; r We.h e lttwanptul, te 00 r a ra sp o r r lb lo to, oatioipate er er itam y d e x p o neor h lo wby a eee8- wrlly be laourrod In the opemthm oli iour dopart- ment, but wa roalfss tlmt our &ad&moat81 to rook mattora ray bo’ ineuot, iron tbo vr?y nature of things, and wo therefore appropriate to your domrt- ment l SUB of money gonomll~ lvsllablo ior opuatfng sx$eneer 0r your dep a ttmolx nt, a o p $l8 othwvl,. horeln epeoifioall~ United, to take earo ob thoeo employasnto an& otbor etponeoe not herelaepeoifloally provided for, but whloh may nooeenrlly bo requlrod to enable yaw Uogartmnt properly to funotioP.a It 18 furthu to be observed,houoru that the. Le~lelntu~o hen hedwl this lung SUIDapproprldon tOr ooa- tlng8nt exponser about with epaolflo rertrlotiono as to the ~8s of tho aume, plaalnga l~tatloe upon tho ammat thoroor that may bs oxpoadod durln any thraq aoathr porfod by that provision of the general r f dor wbloh road81 *It I8 rurtbsr pr07iaea that, during any three month8 period, no depertmont Oan expend more than one-rourth of the lppropri8tion meads herein rorr . . . (b) oontlngent e~xpena~e,... prorlded that any uaexpondod balsnuos froDlpro- tloue quarter8 my bo expondod during eubsequont quarters.* fn additloa, a prohibition agafast tho WO oi 8UOh runa to lupplamont thr iteae poviaed for mtrrrellng lxpon8o8* lo ooatainod %a that provloloaof the g8noralridor rhloh read8 a8 r0mu0t -It i$ proolbodthat no lxpendlturor8br11 br ado for tmeling lxpeneooby my deport- Bent of thl8 State la lxoos8 of the -ouOt Of money it0b0a herein ror rsld 9urpo808.' : *. ., ..I, ,,~. ., _‘_.. _ ~.., :~ ,i Non. Qoorgo N. SMwud, Pa60 8 Yo u le themron advised that In oar oplalon, uzllee8 the mrtloular aepertmenb ir *p*olelly prnhiblfed r r 0iti l~aglag lay 8ahri0a ~ploysoe ia addition tqf’ttmae providesi epool.Slo~l~y by the appropriation rar that do- partsieat, l dqmrtaoat he06 uy 980 hlo *oontlngoat* lp- %O%i&iM ior t&o 8@loyaont ol lddltlolul Marled be% The Uopertmeat heed Is not nqolred to obtaia.tho approval ot the Lialktloa of Peyaeate Beard boron rrk- ing euoh aaplopmeat, for thet board baa jurlwliotloaoall over the upondltara d aaurpldoo~w la oertaln rpoelal faadr, aad sot otu the expeadl$uroo r l ooatlagea$ ox-*= approprletioae. The ~+artaut bud howovor, will be required to number lueh' ltiaolod Qodtloa8 or-ted and fond, es provided pnld out of thle ooatia(lont I, th8 mr8- @mph 00 Valu mymen%P in tko #eaerel rldm to the geaeral lpprepr f atIM Btll., A&her que8tlaB pro8cmtod, but a& numbered a8 luoh, ill YOU? l.ttU, 18 80 rOibI?8l "Who la tho propu @raon to ike the p y r o ll lrfidatlt requlrod by the pwegraph *ealmm wyaontr’ lpplatinl;la tho (Ieaeral rider to the geaonl lpprojmlatloa bill?* suoh provlrlon or tho rider ropuiroa that lrom noath *tha hea4 or oaoh doper&mat shall 8tt8ob to the payroll r0r his brpartment an midam, . ..* phraeo whead of the depertmsnt* The ir u8ed la asay laskaose in tho-general rlaor to the goaonl lp p r o - priatioo bill. The *head of eaah Uop~rtEoat* 18 required t.0 keep a reoord 0r the abrat or tho employees 0r hi8 aopubm, end inoorporate t&o lnformatfon in the dermrt- taent*8annual report. The “bead of any depertaent* $8 luthorlrsedto Ofou80 a part or hio eaployee8 at noon oa Saturdays. mo State Beard 0r Qoatrol 18 dlfeoted to notify in wrlti~ *the hoe48 Of the nopeotlre deFwtmontea 0r say 4erollotlon or duty on the part 0r my iwt*r. The *departmental boedr. lro tboa nqoired to &To she portu to ooaply with the orders oonoelplsg the imProve- aant of sanitary oondltlona end the raaotel Of iira h0?X4rd8. It th0 porter 18 dlrohorgod, the wra Qr the demrtaentr 18 rmquired to eeloot anothu Qorter to ini blo 91*0*. ’ . 579 L I? an umployee cl a dapartaant af tha rtata govemaant in oortaln sngago8 inhibited politioal aotlvltlra, u 00 tha suit of a oartair ntmbar of aualiflad voters aga &*t 8uoh aiaployoa 8Bd *the hsad of the dapartaaat,T,It Is provided that judgswat shall ?n rondared that the dbtployaa 8hall ba diroharged and the "head af tha depart& zit* ba TartFaIaad trarP X'a-8iaQloyiin(t 8UOb ttaxQl0y.a. #h Otl 8 Stateiounad lutaWblla la uaod for oartaln Inhibited prlvata QurQoaaa, with t&o knowlodge OS -tha.haad of any dopartmeat,w the -dapartmaot h8ad” i8 li8blO to punish- aont. It la mado the duty or every '6qwtment &oa6* t0 fPrI%iSh lV8ry ~plOyt10 Or the QOpahOSt With 6 OOpy of oortaln provlrlona of tho gomwal rider to the general lQQroQrIatIon bill. It i8 provided that UQOn a faiiura ruoh *departmat $f;zedo, head* shall bo raaotod From Under the QravIaIoa8 a? thr rldsr to tha goaoral da*a&aatal approprlatlon bill it i8 provided that 110 monbya appropriated #hall b8 paid for tho rs-Imburmiient Oft2-a VOlir lx~0n0.0 rg Inaurrsd by 84 8t8t8 aQlOy00 to any type of oonvoation within the State .'r without tho State, and in a 8ub88qUOnt paragraph it 18,provldad that auoh vrovIaIoa 8Call alao lQQly to adapartaiant head6 and mombarr of 0~g~Ia?iI0n8.* An examination of all of the80 prav101050 n- veals that the tarn wdapartmant hoad* IS usad In OOBtn- dirtin6tioa t0 *Stat8 ~19lOyee0,~ and it I8 apparant that tha term *dbartmnt head* mm usod’ln, the aan8a of those ~offf00r8,w as dIhiaguI8hod fro?8 em9loyesa of th0 State govcmmant ahargsd with the prisary ra89onaibIlIty of ad- mInIaterIng tha aff8lra.ot a partiaular branoh of the state govarment. In Ihosa Instanoes where 8 9aTtIOUl.m branoh OS thr St8tr govarnaont 18 haadod by 000 IndIvIdu81, euob as the Comptroller, the Stata Traasurar, and the Attorney Canoral, It IO requlrod that th8 Qayroll affidavit be made by the fndlvidual who heOii8 that paX'tIOular dlvl- lIoa of the State government, In instanoes rbere a vartf- oular branoh or dIvI8IOn of thr Stata govsmaant 18 bead- rd by a Baa?d Or Colm1801On, it I8 OOntsPlQlatad that the lf?IdavIt shall b8 madr by the Qhelnma OS that Board or CoJppli~8IOIl. It la, of oouraa, noognized by the Lagialatura that th rrridavlt so mde by tha dopwtisent head murt be arrdo b7 hlr upon information fumiahed to hia by hia da- 9artaaatal aaQloyo*a, ror it aaoaaaarIly rcu8t ha*0 boaa Ron, .O*orge R. Sbappard, Page 10.. oontmsphted by tbo Leeialaturo that the aotivftf88 of acme of the drpartmante are 80 far flung that the dege’rt- mrnt" head oenaot,have Indlildual personal f Iret-hang know- ladge of the laOts required to be stated In the affidavit, and that b8 ata8t aeoesaarfly rely upon his dapartpmtal dlvIaIoa heads to fUrnI8b tb8t InfO~tIOu to a.$& Thi8, howwrr, dOe8 not reliovs tbo dop8rtrasnt bead frr# tho re8poa8ibflity of arrk& the affidavit required by the L0glalaturo. We tm8t- thst th8 above fully I)Xli)Y4rli YOUr ia- qu$rIaa. four8 verr tmly MmBmY ORRBBAL 01 tlrns R. ~I. WirohIl4 Aaatatant ATTORNTCY GENJ!%AL Or’Tm.S
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1332
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017