Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE Al-l-ORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hanorablm le.1. Eastorlng county Irtt0rn.y Beaamont, ~rxa`` Dear Siri wo rsoelreb yo 2l, 1939, wherelll you 8ubadt to ua thr rol County Olerk of s0mrt30n 00diy r0 ed the t6Jld.aa8 a part of the paroh dor'a 11~1 not. ror the prlnoipal mum o pm-exlBtlng lnd vendor'r lien 0l the above info s attaohed to it. l, Berlrad Civil Btatutes, as amended br th I&alaturO, read* In put a8 r0lla8: Vlxoept u heroin otherrio@ pto+idM the?* ir hueby 10riod and lrmclsed a tax Of TOILtlO#) O&m 011 *aohOna ``dred ($100.00) DOllU# 0P fraatioa th0r00r, 0~02 th0 rir8t ho xmred (W0.00) Dal- l-r, 011all note8 and obligation8 SOOtW0d br liatt01 HO& R. 1. Eaoterllng, Pago 2 8O?tgWa, 4.d Of triut, aO0hanl0~0 UuUoantraot, ronlor~o o o ndltio na lion, la llr oeontr*$t and all iaotrumoato of 4 llmilu nature uhloh ire rll~ or rroord~ in th0 0rrfu 0r the ooaaty,auk lade thr Rogiotratlon Lawo or thlo state pro+idcd t&t no tax shall ho lwiod QB laotram k 0 oroaring an uount or ho mnaroa (@00.00 Bolluo, or 1.00. Utu. th oltiootlto data 0r th 1o Aot, axoopta8 hO?OinrtteX I#oTid06, no 8a0h inotru8ant Ohall be ifha or rroe?Q~ by My ooaatyaluk lJlthis 8tato until Umro hr brandiixti to looh lnotra- tho prorl~lonr or .tbat lhoul(, tho or aho oowty Oluk be lwwlty of, ~JI obli&atleao ha@ pro aw that looarlty ln a akt0 p ld g ea 4s. or btatoo 6 tli or thoa !?exao, the tax ohall bo booed u ‘ai tho rea- oonahlo rash value 0r all ‘preporty pPag0a.in Tsxeio In the proportion that laI& poporty in' Texas bears to the total value of the proputy oeenrlng the obligations; ona, proridIng further that, except as to renewals 0r extenolon~ 0r aooraea interest the o~lolono of this .reotlon ohall'not apdly do ins r rumeats glren La ranem or extenolono or lnotrtmsnto theretoiors otampod undrr thr prorloIoar.of this Aot or the one uwnaed hereby, and ohall not apply to inotra- ments given ln the refunding or exlotlng bona8 or ``obllgatlono where the preoedlng instrument of security was stamped In aodordaaoe with this Aot or the one amended hereby the tax lsrid In this Ao one instrument, the one tlon, where oeroral lpotrumento or0 oaW3mporanGo- 4 lxOoutOd to sOour one bblimtloa; aad pmrldd further that whan onooltamped u pr~ridti h*r*Im, a instrunont my boreoofde& in any number ot oodntlw in. this Btate wi$kout again b*lau SO atlap& . r- l&u a purohaoe? of rul rotato u Portet the PpOh30 prierproowes a 4obtcm otherobli&atlon ettho ruk40? lwltY ~l~li~g a 1 1 0~ to laour4 the pu?ohanoo of the aooudon. 43 TU. ar. 4401 aonuho TO. zaohr~ 64 8. 'I. (=I 855; sugar Broo. vo. Ruoooll, 289, 8. w. 1331 Burton Llnuo 00. to. stuLdw, n7 a. w. 446. Hon. B. t. Ihstsrlirrg,paw 3 Furthemaore, ouoh a trauoaotlon orrqtooID. aquitable wnbr~o lien in Zator o$ the reudor on the ~uaioeo oaareyea ao ~013. as l‘p uo o na l ebllgatlon against tho randYI. Eabla vs. Owema, 287 8. W. 155; Dale vs. Stevens, 75 ‘8. W. (%I) 129. zhor, it lo mean that .woa without the al6 oi the ten- dorem lion olauoo in the do4 a llra ~6s thrroin uoatd to se&~ the 'paymat Of t&a pro-ul#flng lndobtedaooo of #2,596.00. 8lnoo oaiil Baato Bill Ho. y oon~ino no lxoo tlon to tho ooti- truy; mush po-oziot& indobtohou should tiilroHro be ooa- lldae# ln nrrltlng at the llount of tax to be pal6 boioro tha a0a in que4otlon lo reoordod; The Olrrk should not loeopt owh Wtrmeat for rooording unleo8 it bouo 8ta8p8 ia thr mua Of $2.70. Tourstory truly ATTC?WEY GlWBRALOFTBXAB By /a/ CUmu’B. rsrio~ Aoolotaat GRLIGO API’R`` 8=. 14, 1939 APPROVED: oplnlon CoaaittM /I/ ceraia 0. Mann by EWO, @hairman AT’l’CRBBYG``~

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1328

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017