- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bon. A, 8. Hood, 8&lrun, ‘aam. n8h & O~rtor oonws88lon Austin, Texar Dear 8lr: a&1939, woo 8rk thr oplaloa of thl8 drpartmrnt iw QUI8tiOIUJt a&Vi88 U Whothrr 8 t0 a&188 U proprlytrd and not rproltloa+ item- 'bed.. “4. X would like for roi to idiS& u wiuthu Or not WO are OOBtx‘Oll8d b th8 8XprLiditUrr Or thr iPnd8 Of ]nrh and Or8t8r 0Oti88iOn the '-8, by the thrw riaU8 uhrrr thrr ar8 ln oollfllot with tha 45Wl8ra1 prorirlonr at tha mad 02 tbr dot, or whothat w8 ar8 bound by thr #onoral pro~irianr,~ ..~ Bog. A. f. WoOfI, Pa&a 2. abe i58ner81 r %dU lp p e8r b &th 8t0 @a O df88n8te Bill 427, 46th tidl8bitLU8, PlgUl8r &88104 OO+iIl8, 8mOple ether~provlrlonr,~the ?o&lowlngt "(8) Thr approprlatlon8 hurln provldrd -ar8 to b 8 8ondiru.d l 8 the l1lti 8oU to br rppro- dated to @Id to? th8 8ovual mrpo808 Mm8d hrrr- % ,lIkQ th8 Uatmt8 ~(I?. intmdrd to BOVl)t,aad . 8ha11 OOVU th8 Ultlr8 OOlt8 Of the Z88pOOtiV8 ltu8 en4 thr UIe rhau. 8Ot b8 8Uppi8Whd tror w Oth~r``8OUO8; ..,- *LXOept aa OthOnri8a PZ'oVldOd, Wh8X8Wr, b~.rlitmi or.the &mOVirioM Of tbl8 Aot, $t8U atO t0 b8 &Uld Mlt O? ?a08, ~t8Odpt8 8p8eial' -8, ot out or other n&8. ava~ldr .ror X8* by i dqiatfrent It'&8 the .iatantioa OS tha kglrlntarm to h a ltlxjmnditurr8 out or 8ela f888, rooriptr, rproial ftu& or Other arailabll ma8 to the ~X’pO8.U and in thq -tit8 ltrrrfwd herrin, ana it $8 a0 prqviaod. :. .a~ ‘%iyclliTl&l 3&Wl8*8. (a) 8X08&% a8 to ilrld travrl li@rtire Of the m&war br*rkQBt, it 18 pmtidOd that M l Xp8XdltUX'O 8han b. made tor trav8lln& lxp8n8O8 by .any drpmtmnt Of th18 Stat8 tll OX0888 O? thr lNNlB t8 O?.WJIUJ 1~amlr.d hOrOla for 8814 pUTpO8i. Thir prod- 810~ 8h811 bO '8ppllOObl8 whOthOr thk It- *Or tr a v8lblgXp8n8M 58 t0 br paid OUt O? thr lp- ppropria$lOn from-thhr olntir81 lhuld, iraa ?8O8, XOOOlpt8 or 8paO181 tUIld8 00iieOt8d by VlrtU8 O? 08rtata tiW8 Of thir 6tat8, Or ?Tow Oth8r ma8 (8XO1U#i?e O? ha8ttXi flUld8)lvaj?ablO ?or a+ by a d8partROIat.w ..~ In lorordratrr with the prlnolplr,howrvu, th8t llh8r8 ths ~OnOral p?OV181OM~O? 8 8tatUta OOJ.lfliOtwith 8p08ial prOV181OM, tha 8p6Old pTOV%81OX8Wtll 'OOatrOl;~tO thr oxteat O? luoh oon?llOt and wllL b8 rogard~sa i8 aa lxerptlon ?ror theipp&iOat&on of the d8nOral zule, l lp80181 rldrr, a pema to .a'pmtloiilar d8partIR8Xtal.a*-' proprietlan,,ooa &x8 thO~:OXpOPdlt~O O? thO ioaQ8 O? that d8partmint, ~lsmofar a8 luOh 8p8olr1~tlaor 18 ln 0on- rllot with tha geaual rlaOr.app8arlnd rt fha 8a or t&o Aot an4 i1ppwa0 to all arpartuntr. Ron. A. B. Woqd, Paa8 3. Baoh 0s tho thror aaparste approprlatlonr for the thrso dfV181Ol.W Of tho -8, ?irh It Or8tor 0OPm1881Ofl baa itppeOd8d to it 8 8proleX rlarr whloh, eftrr appro riatlng au 8k0dOy8 8001d1g t0 the 8p8Ol81 ?Uia OUt Of W hp 8h th8 itdzea sppropriationr for thr' alvlrlon arr m8, 8t8t981 *. . Any omoant 8p~OlflOol~y 8ppr6prlotod4that .ls not u+ia for ouch purpoo 0s that 18 ln. 0x0088 0s thr 8mopnt roquirod for,I ho purporr ror'uhloh it 1s &oroln 8pproprlatod,'togothor with O-iny lEOM~8 in 0x0088 or the amount heroin approprlatrd that or0 plaCOd to the Ohdit Of tho88 X'oOpoOtiVO idi (th8 rUnd8 out or whloh the opprop*tlon 18.&t&) during 'thr'blrnnlum rndlng &@U8t )Ji, 1911, may be aood to 8upplomoat the parfcnmanoa of any purpose ~+ whleh aonoy lr~haroln appro rlatrd or other oooo8a~ry ox- pall88 iJi OOllMOtdOFl I?!th the duties and ?onotlonr 'Of tho tiao, fish 8nd Oy8tor timmiSSiOIl. It i8 pro- vLdod, how8v~1, that no oalarlo8 oroijt lrtra labor 8he11 .I#8 pala OIC8pt t&O80 hari,ln Opoclrlcallj ituizrd, an4 8UCh ltomlzed salearls 8hEI11Bat bo 8Upplrrantdd irow ony 8OUrO8 Whet8Oovor." (pa~anthrtlcal lnoor- tlon our81 Thti 8ffCOt Of thO80 8p8OlOiridOr8 18 s0 p8tit thr ~88 o? monejS'Spproprietod for o purpo80 for whloh thry are not noodod, the uS0 0s rnoh monoy8 e8 oro lpproprlatod for. one pur- pO8e whloh 8r8 in 810088 0r.tho ammnt n00aou for tho porror8aneo or t&at purpoao, and ~fho'usa of any ruzpk8 in tho rpoolal iona Inl*80.~8 o? thr total 8poolfboallyapproprlated iron thr rma, roi rugplomontlng any r``olflo item rOr whloh money 18 opproprlatod to the diol8loao``tho departmoat, eroopt ltominod ralarlos, .and rar 8uch noo~.OOa*y~lxponao.or tho drpartiaont for rhiah 8pool?lo provlslon her not bran mado,, with tho oxooptlon that~ ao#4larlo8, rzoopt extra labor, may bo paid, lxoopt .thoao ~prdifloally itamlzod in tho partloular appropriation. Wo bog to adVi8cl, however , that WI a0 not ragard thr 8 oolal rldora rofsrrad to a8 tdng in aonfllct with t&o pro- .t P rlon of tbgonoral tldor~rda‘dlng a8 fOiiOW81 'Iti 18 ?urthor providld thrt, daring any throo uumtp. porloa, nci‘departmont csia 8xpOna inore ~than ouo- fourth (&tir,tjie e proprlation.moao horoln rort travolkg lxpon8r8' #I) @xltlngrdt trlophOn0 8nd tolryaph; (d) pO8t8g8, 8uy enoxpondob balaaooo from prooodlnd quarter8 My bo l xponaod 4urlng 8ub8oqRoat ‘quartorr.n . . . Eon. A. IL Wooa, rage A. m 8firOt Of tbi8 rld8r 18 $0 lbit th8 l Xp & i- a?0 Of ah0 ?UUd8 8pOCsfi88ii~ 8pprOpZhtia for ttaV8lhtg WX~Oll808, OOfltidgO~t lXp8tl808,,tOlOg- : 8nd postage, to one-fourth or the 8~00 for that pU?908O.$Priag 8ly -08 wnth prrlcfa. ApplTin8 -tki8 zid8r t0 FOtIr 8itt18t10na that dllriaditany iOllON8 thn8 wnth period, foOr ~8XpMdstUZC8 Out Of Ch8 8pOOl?l8 Itu appro tlfitotl for travqllng lxpm8r8 , odntineont *on- 808, tOl8p ii OM lnd t818 mph 8nd OltdgO, My nOt lXO8Od one-toorth of meh 8~O,Of?iO itoi, gut th18 oar-fourth,by tiTtU8 Of the 8~0~40 bid8r8 --3t&Etp .b( 8UpppiOM’IItOd iroE Oh8 other 8011rOO8 lOntiOB8d b i&O-~'i?iOialrid8r @8OOrdiw $0 th8 tonu ot rrqh rlarr., ... . -Mothlag* thlr Opinion 18 ts'bo~.aoa8truod,~o8 l8tlaqrgholalng that $hw(ipoolaL r~aO~8 rororrod to 'Y ~1 ova the departmoat fro8 the tarlour UmStotlona appoar- 1% %llth. &8MBIl ?iaOF lipOIl the 080 ‘Of BOhOr8 apprOprht8d to the VOribUl# .dop8z’tmiU~te of Bh8 tltsto ~ovo.rlllr8at. ft 18 to be mphadzod %hat the rpooial rider8 OOat?Ol 68 •~aln8t4h~.~;~8seilrldor inrotar,~but only la8oiar, 08 th8 tW0 w. ``UM8tt828 a8 t0 which thOr0 18 LLO l onrllbt,.t~ giterid riarr wi+Z pn’wll. four8 t?ry twlr -APIBOvIcD 0plnioa bOlpotittO8
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1325
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017