- OFFICEOFTHE A-ITORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS AU6WN Eon. ci5rm-d 33. Jones, me65d6nt T6X66 ~6iUlO10.ogi56fi1 C0116~6 LubboQk, %‘6X66 we hare r0r aoluuml 85, 1940, uhioh w6 quoter er edv56ed that one-ha3.r 04 r06t ch50ag0 urd 02wdr or *bile 8h6r6 will be pro- teotd by @i6 peasrcit tmpadr trcnining fm1&6.~ Although your letter xerer6 to Senate Bill 439, A6t6 of idI6 46th L6gialature, w6 a66usn that, 6iJ%QO your appropriation 16 found 56 ROW6 Bill &85, pSS6e6 by the 66m LB 56lature you laeant to rerer to th6 laG*et as*. Upon th&l 666674&5O~I WI) rUther 5nt6XQr6t FOtW l.dt6r 66 cautng rar a det&t5on .at the qu66t56+4mthr th6 trip pXOQO6Qd is irn: 6tate b65&666, Witi th0 ~066&@ Or Honorable Cllrford B, Jone6, president., -6 E: subsection 6 0r ths general rider appendeb to Eou6e all. e55. whioh sub6mtIon r6ads 66 mllow6: *Trar&ing E~&~Ml606. dll peZXOIl6 MFlOyS& in My capadty bp the66 state eihaoationd ialrtl- tUtiOlI6 tUld8&3n&36 Who tX9VOl at the eX'pM64 Or the State, am he+e~by 1lmltetIfo the 68me e16OWt6 auth~r%60d for 66qdoy666 of the 8t6te De- ~JWkSmXt~ Wd the C66QtrO~62664106da di6bUE6ing 6rrf06r 6W.l reuuire the 66meme$hodig orair p6entatIon end r0aps. HO trs!re15ag 6XpSnr66 Shf511 be iMUrrOd by 6&y 410plOy44 Or 6aJ7 or the 66hOO16, OX O%her agene5;6 &afm~heroin, OUt6166 or the bounda I66 or the #tat@ at TOXWB, exaept .torSt6ttebwiW6.6, pad upon the adw.nae.rribtcu, 6oMfBR~ Or th6 8ohO4lt6 si#NLd Or R4gWt6 Or Did- X06%0X6. %‘hS ~OdaiOzl6 Of th$S AGt dth W3fem 8868 fo txw4ling aDO46 *hall not .amJr -tfJ th4 h66d6 Of th6 ill6tit3 5-6 Xhht8 tn th56 A96 IlOX~ 1.The brip mW% bP)rOX th4 htQQOY8pii6hRMtOr 6%6t4 bMdii666, QOUTIO, has refermaa to tih6t 6t6tO bWi- ‘W&B, of ma66 wimh $6 cxmunitted t;othe,pWtiWl6r ~inr@tUtiOa by &Ioh the psrson I6 eaploye4. ft.&m6 not 6~ift61&Qte t&d 61$em- ployee or.66 bduaat5onarl InrtIt,utIoni66y~mM69a trip eutsI&a Or $he etat6 Of %X66 UF tN65rte6~3 Whiah 6046 Wt OOJlQ.XRoh4 butSee #id porull or. hI6 In6tItut&oa, butwhldh b-6 oi666CW 6t6te bas5n666 eomm5tteb.'bo emtheier'aad4#6tiiMktsgm8y 6f the etatee priot to t&s aralcirrg 4r u lJ.&@out6Iao or the bwtld- fionorable curr0ra B. SOnC6, prc61405t, page 3 tution, the advanac wrltfen eonecat of the mati of Regents or Dlrcotors or the echoolawt be obtaIned. This, of course, aontczapl6tca that the Board or gcgonts dr Directors 6bal1, In the rirst InetanaC, determine whether the purpose or the trip la the aooozipliahmcnt ot 6td6 bueinesc oolwittcd to ths Iu- 6tItutIon which they govern, and whether It 5s ncoescary that the trip be mud8 ror the aoeomplI6hment of such busIncs8. VB regret to Cdri6C that your letter doe6 not glvc w 6uffIoIcnt lnrormatlon (~6 to the uaturc 0r the organization whloh wl.L1mcet at ChIaagO au6 the bwlnwo to be traneaatod *here by alas Johtmon, to Caable u6 to paw upon the queetlon whether oz not the Mp has ror its purpose the hransaotlon 0r crtatc busIncs8 oomatttrd to your in6tltutton. xt would 60~45 that the trip Inrolre% t$c dcvclopammt or a progma 56 Home ~OllWiO8 Rc6CaPOh. WC do not, however untlcrstsad the state- y&UAt -it really iTMU6 fhtitiiSi66'JO&16m 16 uXp0atCd $0 a. The question or the attcnaanos or xi66 ~ohucon upon the Institute 5s not one ta bc Uetem5ned by tie ~titutc, but aa indlaated abwc, by the prop2 6uthoritiC6 or. the ool- leg6 . $,5kQwiao; the question a6 to ,wht?thera progrcunof Boz6~ $00lUdO6 RCsesrah Shotid be In your colle8c la 0~ rnr the 66tcxm5nation or the of your mllcge rather than ror the aCtCmbdiC6 0r the x'nstituts Ct chIcago. 8ilNC YOU 00 JLd Stat0 that JOW .iMtitXZtiOn de6ire6 ", h" Xi86 JOhnsOn t0 chiO6@ f.n the iuX%harMCe ox U pr gomae ~conomios ifcscarah a&opted or imder aowidcr6t OF on for Pdoptlon by pour college authorItIcr, Cay ~xprcerbn the& ws might g5rs upon the puestion whether 6t3tC~ bu65ncsti QOnOWR- Iug your Instltutlon 3.6 iavolrcd In .%I# trip would be predl- MtC4d UPOXA mere SLUd6C~ IIf ~000&,e6IXC t-0 6UbBIi.tto W u adore detailed 8tatemnt or the Xaats 5uyolyCd,. we 6hC11 be glacl to gins you an opinion thereon. yeurs very truly A'IZWNRY GBWYIRAL OF TEXAS RIcham W. FairOhild ATTORNEY GEXE=,& ~6sIst&nt APPROVE OPINION CoMMrmE lwa c
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1286
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017