...~ I 36. OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Oame, Fish and Oyster Comulsaion AU3tin, Texas Attention: I&-.H. D. Dear Sirr Your reqG3st for an are herein stated has been re who delivers edible ale 0wa miteids and 'oysterdealer8 e sold prior to en- : 3f cane, Fish and Oyster Corn., Attention: I&, H. D, DOB&en, Fag6 2 You inform us that you refer to the v~ious Ii- cenaes required by Article 934a of the Pcncl Code. i&lcle 934a of the Fenal Code reads in part as fOllOVjs : "SBC. 1. The following: lords, term and phrases used in this Aot~are hereby defined ES follovl3 ; "(31 A *Comsrcial Fishsrmn~ is nny per- son who takes fish or oystsrs or shri~g or other edible aquatic products from the waters of this State, for pay, or for the puspose of s&e, bsrter or exchange. n(b) A Wholesale Fish Dealer' is any par- son ehga&ed in the business of buying far the purpose of selling, canning, preserving or pro- cessing, or buying for ths purpose of handling for shlpnents.OT sale, fish or oysters ox shrimp or other comerciaP edible aquatic products, to Retail I$sh Dealers, and/or to Eotels, Restau- rants or Cafes and to the Consmer.~ "(Cl k 'Retail Fish Dealer' Is any person engaged in the busiqess of buying for the pur- pose of oelllnC either fresh or frozen edible aquatic producltsto the consumer, "(dl A *Bait Dealer' is any person engaged in the business of selling either 13In.ho~., fish, skim or other aquatic products, for fish bait. "(01 A *Fish GuiUe' is any person who operates a boat for pay dr anything of value, in aocompanyingor transportingany person engngo6 in fishing In the waters of thin State. "(fl *T;erson'shall include the plural as well cs the singular, a5 the case demands, and shall include ihdiolduals,partnerships,assooia- tions ana corporations. "(El 'Population'is determined es ~3hovM by the last or any subsequent Federal Census. %iaense required "Sec. 2. Before any person in this State shall engage In the business of a fComercial 3 f.; Gazne,Plsh and Oyster Corn...Attention: %, H. D. Dodgsn, Page 3 Ffshsrnanl, Wholesale Fish Doalert, 'Rota11 Dealer', 'Bait Dealer', 'Fish Guides; or use or operate a shrimp trawl, net or seine, oys- ter dredCs, boat or skiff, for the purpose of catching or taking my sdible aquatic life fros the waters of this State for pay, bartar, sale or exchange, ths proper license provided for in this riotprivilegingthen so to do shall first be procured by such person fron the Gazae, Fish and Oyster Commission of Tows or fron otie of its authorized agents. "Liaense fees wsea. 3. The llcennes and the foes to be paid for the sme are hereby provided for in this Xot and are as follower Comeroial Fishermen's License, fee Threea``llars ($3). "2. Xholesale Fish Dealem' LLcense, fee for each place of business, Two Euudrsd Dollar6 ($200) l "2-a. ViholesalsTruok Dealers' Fish License, fee for eaoh truck, One Hundred Dollars ($100). "3. (a) Retail Fish Dealers' License, fee Three Dollars ($3) for each place of business in eaoh city or town of less than seven thousand, five hundred (7,500) population. "(b) Retail Fish Dealers* Llcenae, fee Ten Dollars ($10) for each plaoe of business in each city or town of not less than sevsn thousand, five hundyed (7,500) and not wore than forty thousaud (40,000)population. *(o) Rotail Fish Dealers' License fee Fif- teen Dollars ($15) for each plaoe of business in saoh city or town of more than forty thousad (40,000) population. l'(d) Retail Oyster Dealers' License, psr- nittlng the sale of oysters only, fee Five Dol- lars (95) for eaoh place of business in eaoh Oity Gme, Fish and Oyster Corm., Attention; Xv, H. 1).Wdgen, j-cl@Q or tom of zxorethen seven thousand, five hund- red (7,500) population. G-E sule of any fresh or frozen edible aquilticprouucts, other than oysters, by a ret&l fish dealer posscasinC the license nmod intbisoubsectfon, shall comtl- tuts a violntiou of this Act. "(8) iielxilDczlernl Truck License, por- mitting tho sale of edible aquatfo products from a zotor vehicle to Consmers only, fse T::ehty- five Dollare ($25) for each truck; provided the omer of any retail fish dealers' llcenso issued since ~epteiaberI.,1934, for a pluaa of business in a city or tom of more then five thousand (5,000) po?ulat:on,shall be entitled ,to a rabate on the sane vthensaid owner of such license shall furnish tho Game, Fish and Oyster Commission a claim sworn to for said mount. i?hensuch claim is Sound to be correct and Is approved by the Executive Secretary of said Comission, sane shall ,bepaid out of any moneys available in the State Areasury upon warrant issued by the State Comptroller. "4, Bait Dealers' License, fae TvfoDollars ($2) for each place of business. "5. (a) shrimp Trawl.Liocnse,for eaah boat operating or toM.ng a travelnot more than ten (10) feet in width et the mouth, and not more than twenty (20) feet in length, See !kro Dollars ($2). Shrimp Trawl License for each boat opera:& or to;iiing n trawl nod thantan (10) feet Mde'at'its mouth or more than twenty (20) feet in lerqth, fee Fifteen'Dollars($15); Which said license shall permit the use of a 'try net* as auxiliary to said travel. eo. seine or hTetLicense, to be of mtcti, for and to be firmly attached to each one hun- dred (100) feet or fraction thereof, fee On0 Dol- lar ($1) for eaoh dne hundred (100) feet of the length thereof. Vrovided, no license shell be issued for any seine or net 1onCcr than eighteen hundred Gc.me,5Fish and Oyster Comm., Attention; :J.r. 8. D. Dodgen, Pam (1600) feat, and also provided that after the passage of this Act no license shall be issued for any seine or net, the meshes of which are less than one end one-half (l&) inches from knot to knot. “7. Fish Boat License, for boats equipped with a motor of any kind 6r with soils, See Three Dollars ($3). "0. Skiff License, for boat propelled by oars or poles, to be of metal and flrnly attach- ed to skiff, fee One Dollar ($1). *‘9. Oyster Dredge License, fee Fifteen Dollars ($15). “10. Fish Guide License, fee ~wtoDollars ($2). "IS. Flace of business,as used in this &A, shall include the place where orders for aquatic products are received, or where aquatic products are sold, and if sold from a vehicle, the vehicle On which, or fromwhioh such aquatio prOdUOts are sold, shall constitutea place of business. The license shall at all times be publicly displayed by the dealer in his place of business so as to be easily seen by the public and the employees of the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission. And if any aquatlo products are transportedfor the purpose of sale In any vehicle the license required of such dealer shall be displsyed inside of such ve- hicle. Provided that no person shall bring into this State any aquatic products and in this State offer same for sala without procuring the license required for such a transaction by a dealer in this State, and the fact that suoh aquatic products were caught in another State shall not entitle the erson Claiming to have caught them to seU. same fn this State as a commeroialflsherman.n Article 934a, Fenal
Code, supra, among other things, Providesthat no person shall engage in the business Of Ye- tail dealer In either fresh or frozen edible aquatio products withoutprocuring a license fronthe Game, Fish and Oyster ~Orsaission;nnd that the licensee shall pay an annual tRX of Three ~ollays in any oity or town of less than 5,000 population, Ten Dollars in any city or town of not less than 5,000 and not Game, Fish and Oyster Comm., Attention2 Mr. H. D. Dodgen, page 6 more than 40,000 population,and Twenty Dollars in any city cr town of more than 40,000 population; and the failure to Pay the tax and procure the required license shall consti- tute a misdemeanor for which the person offending may be PunishedbY a fine of not less than Ten nor more than Two HundredDollars. Also the Act provides that no person shall engage in the business of wholesale dealer of fish, oysters, shrimp, or other commercialedible aquatic products without paying an annual tax of Two Hundred Dollars and procuring a licensefrom the Game, Fish and Oyster Commission;and that failure to pay the tax and procure the license shall oonsti- tute a misdemeanor punishable as in the case of a retail dealer. The pertinent definitions set forth in the Aot are as follows: *A *WholesaleFish Dealer' is any person engaged in the business of buying for the pur- pose of selling, canning, preserving or pro- cessing, or buying for the purpose of handling for shipments or sale, fish or oysters or shrimp or other commercialedible aquatic products, to Retail Fish Dealers, and/or to Rotels, Restau- rants or Cafes and to the Consumer. *'A'RetailFish Dealer' is any person engaged in the business of buying for the pur- pose of selling either fresh or frozen edible aquatio products to the consumer." It is clear from a reading of the definitionsof dealersthat one who confines his business to selling to the consumer is required to pay the tax providedfor retail dealers,and that the amount of such tax is determined by the population of the city or town in whioh the ocoupation is pursued. It is true that the wholesale dealer is permitted to sell to the consumer. However, when he has paid the tax requiredof wholesale dealers he is authorized to extend his operations. For examPle, in addition to selling the consumer, he may buy for the purpose of canning and may buy for the Purposeof selling to retail dealers. For the privilege of extendinghis operations beyond those of a retail dealer, he PaYs a higher tax. (Ei parte Xehlman 75 S. W. (26) 689; Greinervs. State, 75 S. W. (2d) 1llOl. Article 7055 and 7058, Vernon’s Civil Statutes reads as ~O~OWS~ &,me, Fish and Oyster Comm., Attention: Ids.H. D. Dodgen, Page 7 "Art. 7055. Any person, rim, corporation, or associationof persons, who shall be the le- gal owners or holders.of any unexpired ocoupa- tion license issued in accordancewith the laws of this State, may transfer the same on the books of the officer by whom the same was issued. "Art. 7056. The assignee or purchaser of such unexpired occupation license shall be au- tEorized to pursue such occupation under such unexpired license for and during the unexpired term thereof, provided that such assignee or pur- chaser shall, before following such oocupation, oomply in all other respects with the.require- ments of the law provided for in the original applicationsfor such licenses. Nothing in this law shall be so construedas to authorize two or more persons, firms, corporationsor associations of persons to follow the same occupationunder one license at the same time. bhenever any per- don, firm, corporation or assooiationor persons following an ocoupation shall be closed out by legal process, the occupation license shall be deemed an asset of said person, firm, corpora- tion or association of persons, and sold as other property belonging to said person, firm, oorporation,or association;and the purchaser thereof shall have the right to pursue the oo- oupation named in said license, or transfer it to any other person; provided, suoh occupation license shall under no cfrcumstanoesbe trans- ferred more than one time." Ordinarily a license is a mere personal privilege which may not be assigned. But by express'provisions of the above quoted statute an unexpired occupationtax license is transferrableone time. A failure to comply with a provi- sion of statute directing'thetransfer of a license to be reoordedon the books of the officer who issues it does not void the transfer as between the parties, such a provision being not for their benefit but for that of the state. The assigneeof a license aaquires the same right that his as- signorhad to pursue the occupation during the unexpired Portion of the term; but an attempt to make a second trans- fer in oontraventionof an express provision of the law will Game, Fish and Oyster Comm., Attention:I?. H. D. Dodgen, me 8 be nugatory. See Tex. Jur. Vol. 27, p. 905. The oase of Asher v. Texas, 128 U. 2. 129, holds that a state law exacting a license tax to enable a person rithin the state, to solicit orders and make sales there for a person who is residing within another state, is repug- nant to that clause of the Constitutionof t.heUnited States vblch gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the several states, and is void. The case of %mert v. Kissouri, 156 U. 3. 296 holds that a statute of the state, by which peddlers of goods, go- ing from place to place within the state to sell them, are required, under a penalty, to take out and pay for license, and which makes no discriminationbetween residents or pro- ducts of the state and those of another state, is not, as to peddlersof goods previously sent to them by manufacturersin other states, repugnant to the grant by the Constitutionto Congress of the power to regulate oommerce among the several states. Also see the oases of Rx parte Overstreet,46 2. I?. 225; Crenshaw v. Arkansas, 227 U. 2. 389; Faces v. State of Louisiana,232 U. S. 334; G.E. & C. Railway Company,
2 Tex. 217. In view of the foregoing authoritiesyou are re- speotfullyadvised that it is the opinion of this department that any person, firm or corporationengaged in the business of solicitingand/or accepting orders for edible aquatic pro- ducts when such produots are’to be shipped or delivered from another state to the purohaser in this state is not required tohave a fish dealer’s license. Rut if a person, firm or corporationengaged in the business of a *wholesale fish deal- er* or “retail fish dealer”, as these terms are defined by the statute, has an agent or representativestationed at a place, other than the main place of business of such person, rim, or oorporation,and who solicits and/or aooepts orders. for aquatic products to be sold and/or delivered by his rrincipalto the purchaserwithin this state, such an agent or representativewould not be required t.ohave a fish deal- er’s license, but his principalmust have an additional li- cense for the “place of business” of &he agent, as required by Subsection11, Section 3, of krticle 934a. Eov:ever,if anfgentof the dealer has no established “place of business” x?lersorders for aquatic psoducts are received, but travels from city to city solicitingorders for aquatic products to be delivered by his principal, neither he nor his principal FcuLd be req,ulredto have a dealer’s license by reason of such ammy. we, Fish and Oyster Co&m., Attention:I.:r. H. D. Dodgen, Page Q In reply to your seoond question, you are advised that if edible aquatic products are rmrely delivered by motor vehicle frosioutside the State of Texas and no sale is made witkin the state, such person would not be required to have 5 lioense. Your third quest~ionis answered in the nsgative. In reply to your fourth question, you are further advised that such license may be transferredone time, when the business to which it was issued changes ownership,and that auoh licenses are transferrablato a new business lo- cation under the sme ownership any t&m, -Tided the stat- ute is complied with regarding fees Fertaining thereto in towns or olties of different populations. Trusting that the foregoing answers your inquiries, we reniain Yours very truly ATTOITNEYCEXEEXALOF T3XAC &.+&&j-&s- Ardell williams jLTT~.-``~;~OV 24, 1939 Assistant Aw:J?‘t b. ~ *``cIprLfci;.ixiiA> 0%’TEXikS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1285
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017