Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    BonarableBiollud8. l4orri8
    AsMtrculQ Qounty
    ClaaQeI Tesur
    R6u   sir:
    lirmorable Riohard 9. Yarria,   Page f2
    payable to and to be approved by the Coun-
    ty Board of Trusteea or the reopeotire
    oountiea and oondltioaed for the raitbful
    perlommnoe of hlrr duties.   TBe salary ot
    the ex offiolo  Sapwiatendents at Pub110
    InStrWtion in rL1 OOUlltie8 in Texse shall
    be, from and after September 1, 19SQ, paid
    imrtb     State and Couuty Available School
    Artiole 5888, BevimQ Civil Statutes, lo%, au amend-
    ed,by   the 44th Legislature, SecondCalled Sessian,anQ ooatain-
    ad in the anma ohapterwith tlm aforementioned assmdprent, pro-
    ridslr Sor a salary to-be paiQ the lx oifioio county supsrinten-
    dent, not to sraeaQ Blne HtkuQlvQDollara (8900) a year.
    Art1010 P300, Revised Qiril Statutes,192S, and fto
    relevant prorl8ion pertainingto the oifloeand trareliag6x-
    patuo of the oouuty wumrfatsndent urovides:
    I)* * * * In resring the anma per
    capita apportionumnt to the bobools, t&
    aouzity eobool trurrtees &all aleo make an
    anaual allowanoeeut.of the State and Own-
    ty avallablo rund8 for salary ang sxp8neea
    of t&i offbe    of the oounty superintenQent,
    and the ma68 shall be prorated totha schools
    conah& undmtthe aqpeniaion of the oowty
    eohool sapertitandaat.    The oowemaatio~
    hvain prorideQ for shall be paid monthly
    uponths orQeroftheoounty       sohooltrxmteea~
    PForiQed, thf& th8 aai~y iOr tb Panth Or
    September shall not be paid until the county
    superintendent pmeente a reoelpt from the
    state Soperlntendeixt alaowIngthat he has
    made all reports required of him. The ooan-
    ty board of truetoes nay mke enoh further
    prorisloa ae it deems neoseaary for oifioe
    and trateliDg expenaee~for the.county 8uper-
    lntcmdent and any arrslfstant he amy hares
    proplded that sxpenQltare8 for ofiiee enQ
    tiaveling   expeees shall no4 fx$ezd*tFee
    handreQ dollars per emuam*             .
    utiole   Sk399, RsriseQ Civil Statutes, 19ZS, aa &ad-
    sd, and Its relevant prorf8ion, In part, read6 ee r0umm
    Bonorabls Riobard S. Mwrle,                     Page S
    "(a)  kt the oloee or eaob month OS
    hia tenure of orrime ouoh orfioer~ afiaed
    herein who ie oompeasated on a fee basis
    shell make ao part of the report now ra-
    quired by law, au 1tePlieeQ and eworn etete-
    meut of all the aotaal and neoeeeery ex-
    peneee InaurroQ by hln~in the oondaat of
    his offloe,  8uoh aa stcrtiozmrf, atsmpe,
    telephone,prexahmaon 0rrioidl*8 bonde,
    inolodingtha ooet of ewety bonds ror
    hle      Deputies,          pratium on fire,    burglary,
    theft,        robbery lnellrrsoo        proteotiag     pub-
    T&a oounty hul@e would not, unQer the uoonrtitotlon,
    be allowed to hold two onthee (with oertaln exaeptione not
    lnollraing the amnty euperlnten6ent)   and when aotiog as ex of-
    tioio aounty superintendent he la nqa4     aeeumiug addltloual
    dutieo imposed upon him by law. Eblnga eountyofffoer       enQ
    ruusd in t& MaxiaamFee Bill Statutes,    this Departlrnthas
    ruled that euoh ealaryalloweQto tIm eouaty JM
    a8 ex ortioio oouaty eaperintenQant     by the oouuty eobool trustees
    ia la be inalaQded in oatput-     ‘khe m&x%mum and exoese Sees aUrn-
    84 to be retaUeQ by e&Q oounty orrhm.          me etatuke   are ll-
    lent as to expreeelyallowingoffioeand travelingexpqwe to
    an ex ottloioooanty euper%ntendeat,
    bowever,suoh ottiorrand
    traveling expeneee as provided in the provislo5    of  Artfole      
    eOO0, supra
    , and allowed to tha oouuty superintendent, woMQ laplledly
    be authorized to be paid to the county JUQ&e,being neOsBearily
    iuaidental to his parformanae of tha awe8 0r that orfloe.
    i+&ere. any orrioe, and travellug expenee lo alloueQ to the c#maty
    JuQ$e by the eoanty eohool trusteea,    it ie our rier    that    only
    the aoteal and neoeseery tari08 and traveling     expense     inotrrrd
    nat   to   exoead       Threei   Fiuntia      Dolhru     pu   mawa,   would   be   authodz-
    ed and that euoh erpenee ehould be luaJ.uQed in the monthly repcdt
    g;~eaoounty    judge undur the protieione of Artlols 8899, as
    If for M other reason, epch is in keeping with a goa-
    eral p&i~ policy adopted by the Lagielatlrre, that where ef-’
    pouete are aathorieed *not to axoeeQ* a oertaln aemant, ouly the
    aatual and neoeeearilir lnotlrred expense ie Want.
    It is, therefore, the opinion of tbisr DepartEeI%t that
    euoh actual and neoeeearp OffiC38 and traveliu6 srpenee aUowOd
    Soaorable   Riohad     S.   Morris,   Paga   4
    to the aounty    &aQgsas ex ofiioio   oounty e8&perlnteedmt elald
    be shovm on him imathly report     required by article 88s@,Re-
    riea,d Civil  Statutes, 193930, as amended.
    Trusting    the abow awwre           your queetion,   +o mti
    loure rery tnlly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1277

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017