Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN lion*L. L. oeren County Attorncy Linlestonecounty Woesbeck, Texas Dsar Slrt Attention; by Artioli 498, the aB& stat*4 '. quortion haa be I$ con~idersd by thirr department. CriminalProoedure,readsa8 e paWby the county to or the Court at.Lew, and, 8 shall be peaidby the he Peaoe, for each oriolin- and fina21r diepoeed c&Before hima. r, that &n all counties having a 000 or lsos the tustioe of the iv6 a trial &3 of ?&r&e Dollera. uetioe 6hal.lpreeent te t&e Comni6- ruch Judge or Justice to b6 oorreot, apd flied pith the County Clerk. Thp Cosmicreionere~ Oourt #hall approve euoh aauaunt for such amount as Sbp tind to tieeoc*eat, end order a dram to be tmwd upon the Bounty Treasurer in taror at euah &U tie* for the anouut 80 apprcmil, l&w idart:: dOClr Hon. I. L. t-amen, P&p 2 Coamiseionera* Court shall not pay any eooount or trial fees in any case tried and in which an aaquit- tel le had unlesc the Etata of Texas was represent- ad’in the trial of said oausa by the County Attor- ney, or his aaaistant, ~CrlrslhalDistriotLttorhey or his arrsietant, and the oertifloats or said Attor- ney is attaohsd to said aaoountaertifyihg to the fact that eaid oau8e ras.trlad, and the Stati of Texas was, repre8entad, and.that in his juagr&nt there vss suffioisnt evidanae In aald oause to de- mand a trial of sam`` Arttcle 698, Coda of Crixinal Proccdura, read8 a8 fOllQW81 *On each verdict of aaqulttal or cionv$ation, the proper judgment shall be entered lmxediately. If eaqultted tha defenda.& shall be at once dls- oharged from all fuxther ~iabllltp upon’the charge for rhlah he was triad; 'provided that, in mls- demeanor oese~ where thersis returned a verdiat, or a plea Of gtilty i4 ehtared and kbe p&Ini8bsaeat aastisa~edIs by fine only, the Cot@ may, on written request of the defendant and far good,oauae shown, defer judgment until 8ome other day fixed by ordbr of the Court; but in, no event'shall tho'judgment be deferred for a longer period of tim:thaa sir (6) months. On expiration of'tho t-i&usfixed.by the order of.,the Court, the Court,ar Judge thereof, shell enter judgment oa the verdict br plea'and. the same sbsll,ba exaauted as provided:by Qkpter 4, Title 9, of the Code of Criqlnel Proaeduraof the State of Texas. Frovldad further,'tbat'the Court or Judge theroof, in thr~exaraiss of-sound disaretloa say perslit the dsisnda@ when, judgment is deferred, to .remaQast.large.on hia, c&m reoog- nIzanue, or may raquiva.him to anter into bond in s sum at least iiouble the amount of the assassed fine and oosts, conditioned that th4 d%fe@daht and suretIes, jointly ahd severaUyy, will pipy suah Sfae atid ooets unless the defendant parsonally appasrs on the day set in thc.or&W and discharges the judgment in the xianner.provi.delIby $haptar +Tltle 9 of tbe,C&e of Crimisal pro&aaure.sf ~the St&x? or Texas~ and Sor the snforoemmt of my:judgzuerft Hon. 1. 2. Oeren, Page 3 entered, all write, prooessee and reusedleaOS the Code of CriminalProoedure are nmde ap~lioa- ble 60 far as neoeseary to carry out the provi- slam of this krtlale.w Opinion ITo.,O-17159 oi thie department, holds among other things, thet the justice of the peace Is entitled to his trial fee when the judgment he renders beoomes ilnal in eo far aa hie oourt and juriediotion are 4onosmed. For exaiiiple,if a defendant was tried and found guflty, filed a let%1011 for new trial wlthln the statutory time and the court overruled the motion ior nan trial and the detendant riled an eppaal bond within the otatutory time in order to appeal his ease from the juetiae to the oounty court, the justloe's judgment fe final in 80 far ae him oourt is aonaerneb and ha ie entitled to his See, regardless of the final outcome of the oa8e In the oounty court or 1x1 the oourt of orladnal appeals. We enalose herewith a oopy of opinion No. O-1759 of thio department. You are ro&e6ttully advised that it is the oplnlon OS this department t&at under tha feats,nt&ted Zn your ques- tion the justloe a!'the pkaoe would not be en~ftllbdto him trial See tit11 the defimred jtdgmiat was entered and there- after the stitutory time hed~elapsed to sake it final in ao far a8 his jurledictioll was oonoeraad. AZ'ROVEDAPR 1. 1940 E?KX,OSURE &,' YjwnnJ ATTORNEY GEMERAL OK'TEXAS

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1251

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017