- Ho lding that tb Gwuno r ’a latlm in r&o* ltru in the lpproprlatlm 328 for tha ItateEl@ntay Doputmnt In 8. 8. 127 46th LaglJbur, ra0T.d mmh iteu from ha bill. ?arthor holdingthtwidu thoteru of rpeolal prmirlonrin the bill, vhlch vero got ntwa meh aplo 00s l UO a o o o a wy to th a OOOEO~C`` aa err 1 0iont deiatmtim 0f ttu burlnrrrof the Doputunt in the oaastractlm ula ulnt~or of hlghuys my k ap10~03, Ln lddltlm to thoro itrdrod in the Mllr oRIcB8 GP TEE ATToBlpl GmBML Bon. Brady Gsntr Chairran Btato h lghvay C~ulml Austin, I .xA‘ Oplnlm no. o-a* R o tP iseao rt~WIr nOC’S rat0 o r lttr to a Tat0 or ruloos itoar or par1tionrpra 4dad lnbiumlal ~proprl~tlcafor HlghwyDa- our lllrr -t* %B IT BnAcTiiDBT TBB LBGIsLATmB GP TBB UATB or TBxA8: lB sTr c a1 . f& t the swud mu o flmey huoln rprolilsd or so moh tharoof as may ba nsoosruf ITI hereby lpproprhtod mat of any ~OAO~Sin thr 6t.t. fruary not othenlss approprtatwl, or out of spealal funds as my bo &own, for ths mpport ad Irlntsaanaa of the swual dopartmnts and yanq4or of the Mats Gwumt for the two-mar pulod bog- Soptabw 1, 1939, and anding AU@& 3, 19b" &an oous the lppro rlatim to the Ad utcmt GsUual*s &partmnt iollovod by appro ations to the var i cxu other dopart- untr of the State . Uttar the heading e * under ths sub-headingmMNnistratim Diris-i tbl&-sawn positions vlth t)o salaries attached to moh gosltlas bsing met opposlta thr saw for ra@ mar or tha blauln. rha total of tha salarlrsfor aah of the tVo mars thus llsttrd 1s Divi8ica” UO 8Ui- flxmltotdll~ slmllarlp urmwd, Em. Brady Gentry, C2. *a. 8t8tiour ad offie0 8umi0~ Frlntlug Forms Rent en Tabulak lng ~irehlnrs bosta6s r.1. hens ma Telrgrap h wlin: SuppP10s and tLpalrs, thtpphs for Jaaltor., Bqulpmant, Printed Forms for Count 28x Collsotsr., Bxprsss ma Rslg d ana cmtinimt 0xpma0a . . . . . . 8 92,539.oo $ 92.539.00 "2. TraTolblg Bxpmmes . . . . . . . . m 12.000.00 row kinteaa ma a0rli8twt~ s104,539.00 8 104,539.00~ Ia the bill as prsssatd to the Gwunor there then fol- iw0a an itomisation of 327 positims, numbered accordingly, vith salarlss sst opposlts, ln th. following form: wspartrsnt, aaa Dlmtrlot IInPloyeer ‘1. Adainlrtrativ. Assistant . . . . . 8 '~2g.g 8 4,200.m 2. Osorstary to *dnlnlstratlvs Assistant ,S@LoO 3. claims Aaaustu . . . . . . . , . . t ,00&O t ,OOO.OO 326. Mstrlct Lksepu . ~. . . . . . . 2,100.& 327. Dlstrlct Bookksrper. . . . . . . . 2-w r0t.l &lerlss . , . . . . . . , . $ 518,870.& 8 R8,870.&* lamedlately uuder the above there appeared the follovlagr “lhint.nanCo and Wlsc.llan.ous: ‘1. Travsllng .xpens.s LZ.ocM.OO total Haintuxiuc. and l4lsc.llea.ous ) 54Q,QQ p Total Department and District Em- MT-• -521.87D.09 *Grand Total - Stats Hlghvay Dspartmert uplo,372.00 1,010,372.00 ‘EIGEUI DBPA- *her. I. hsrsbp approprlatsd out of the State Hlgh- vay Rand a ~mafflclent amount for the purpose of rolaburs- lng the stats Prison Board for the oost of menufact~lag automobile ltcanee platas, as prcnldsd by Eouse Bill 459, Chapter 178, General Lava of the Regular Ssssloo of thr Forty-third Legislature. It is sxpressly provldsd that the Stats Prison hard shall prepare a statswnt of ooinplets oosts vhloh shall b. audited by the Stats Auditor before a pries for the 1loan.a plates Is fixed by the Board of control and that the audited statement provided for herein shall serve as the basis for the price ohergsd the State lilghuay DopartmezIt. “Therr Is hereby appropriated out of the Stats Bigh- YB Fund for oath of the flsaal pars ending August 3, l$& and A~e\lst 3l 19bl the sums of $50 000&O which 8mountshall ba trinsf&d from t-ha Stat: Hlghvay ma to the General Nna of th. Stat. of Tsxas, la order that the State Iilghvay Muad vi11 bear it. $net part of the upenss lncurrea by other Stat. Dspartmonts ln ssrvlng thr Iilghway Dspartnent and also to oovsr the oost of furnlsh- lng heat, water ad povsr to th. State El&way Department. The State Comptrollm and ths Stats Treasurer are hereby authorized and dire&.& to transferthe amomts hsrsin appropriated from the State El&nay had to the General Bevenue Fund slthsr annually ot swai-annually at aa7 tlm. during each of the sald fiscal wus. Eon. l2rwldod, that the above and faagolng a mo unts ap proprinted huein for the Otate Elghvay Doputment ma for ssrvicss rMfiOr8U byothsr Agenolu of the state QW.I.~- met to the HI hvay Department Shall be paid out of the state Highway fun d upon varran~s 1sm.d by the stat. Ocmptroller as r vi&r& by Chapter 1 Title 116, gevlS.d Civil Statute, hi5 and amsndmwtS 4hweto; provlaed further that dl f&S or balancss of funds ca hand septa- lwr X, 193 ,( au& all funda homing lnto the gtate Highway ma, ana aorivsa from rsgistratlon fsss or from othu s~uross~ aftu drdwtlng the total of the speolflc lp p r o - prlatlons herein u&e, are hsrrby appro rlatsd to tha Stat@ i&&way Dsputlprnt for the sstabl 4Shmsntof a Syrtam of State Elghuays and the aonstructlm and msintenanc. therrof as contemplated wd Sat forth ln said Cha tu 1, 9ltlo d6 and Chapter 186 General Laws of thr Bef&l- ksslm of the Thirty-ninth Lsglalaturo, ad amandmentS thusto. efhs Stati Elghway Comlsslon Is hereby oxprssSly luthorlzrdto purchase, through the hoard of Control, any lddltlonsl Squlpaent, an& motor vehieloe neossSary la the opinionof the Stats Highvay Department purchase of a passsngsr ou in sxcoss ot swau inmlmd ma fifty dollars ($750;00) Including the trads-ln value of a uSsd Oar, end thls llmlted prloo Shall oovar a Oar lqulppsd vlth bunpors and rxtra rim or vhesl, but not an extra oaS- lng or tube. ‘YrWldSd that BO gtate Highway RmdS Shell be US.d or upsndod in the ment of full or partial salaries, or to putlclpats ln ths m plemsatlng of sny salaries for 84 ma of work aon0 for, & or under the mpsrvislo~ or dlrsotlon of ths 8tate Elghuay Dopartmwt, other than those amounts spsclflcsll prwlaed ln the above appropriations, wham the total to L ma amh additional respootive l at not excesdlng the amounts pwolflcal1~ appropriated therein for such eImIle pOsItl.os. . . The GWSLPO~blue-pencllled the 327 positlone listed UIL- der the sub-heading ~Dspartment aud District gnployees I1 (among other porltlonr not germane to this opinion) and the IIem of $fi,OOO~OOper ysar for travsllng expenses, SIgned the bll.1, and mu8a a proolamstlon reading8 *I hare sigma ma ap rwea an of senate Bill no. 427, An Act making appropriatlone for the Support and malntenenoa of the lxecutlve and admlnlstratlve depart- ments Snd agenoles of the Stats povernment for the tVo- par period beglnnlng September 1, 1939 and -ding A-a- uet 31, l&l, vlth exc.ptl&n of the ItemS set out belw vhioh are hereby vetoed and dlsapprovod for the rsawn that the large deficit of the general fund and the gen- lrel unsatlafacbory conditionof tbs State finaaOOs makes it naoessary for me’to disapprove these Item.,” am. Bradydentry, !A. uo will flrrt point oatwut the prwldm Lathe gm=d rida to the .ffoat that and *as rbould rwort to th. (I.'jcra -a'~* Ftmd at the #'idof rah y&r "unlosrotherwisepm&j& e -1 Or m h r r ltb o iw pmldsd" in the bill, does not qpl to th* gl&fay WWtMnt*O lpproprlatlm. For, such rwarslm I:s lthonlse prohibitedby law. ArtlG.0 66740, Rerlsd Clvll Statutq :3%;;; PaWsme 55 60 u. (26) 153. kid Artlalo 66% reads 'AU mOn*YSlpW Or horoaftw doposltsdin th Stats ~umU?J to wit d thr *State Rigbay Ymd,r ln&&- ill Federalrid lmeys de orltod to the uodlt of 2 d fbad mder the tomr of ehe Federal sighwayAst ad dl Oomtf aid mmrya doporltrd to the am&t of wld rPad mdor the terms of tbls *at &all be Itrb)eat to ~prOPri&iCCI fOl-the wO&fiC pOrpO6.6f th. iap?OV.- mat of said systsm of Gtate Elghways by tha St&r ~lgh- my Dep a ema nt .l lknoo, tbare 0e.uba no mm&m or any of theer umeys to tbn Oaual Hevonuemd. Ia the bill mder oon8lderatIm than are appropriations fOr the pVwnt Of a lsrgo mber of llstod podtloas in the State Highway Department and eutaiu other spealftod ltem8. The balanoa of tha Stab Highway Fuud for the next Mamlum (afterdduatln# t& nlmlmraswnts to the irison Bo;rrdand the GenaralFund) 18 then lpproprfatd to the Department for the rstabllshment, ooastructloo and ~latenanco of a rystrn of State Highways. There 1s no llmlta- gll&8od,~m thlr %e.lsnoo." It 18 govolaod cmly the slse of 4v%ag all the rife& to the Govornor~s a!x lm t&t oan ba glvrn; th& olldnatlaa of the 327 posltlonslisted mdar the nDs- msrtmant,and utstrlctlEn@yoos' mb-dlrlslm, and of tho $5 000.00 trsw1ln.gexpenseItan. had the aileat of lacroasiag by $523 870.00 the amount appropriated for the lstabllshwnt, omrtructlan kd main- tumncr af the M&vays. ti approprlatlm of the who&e of this balaneo was not dis- turbd by the Cwomor. Aecupanlad as Itwsbya soheduleaf sal- ulos gwemlng the omploymnt of addltlmal mm, it Is plaia that thr Legislaturesnd the Oovsrnorlntmdsdthet suchaddltlmal~ oy- ls a sd g h th a nwmo a r y ln th eo c mo mlc ul o n6lfflclsntuee of e' he Rmd dght k paid out of mch balance. Ctato lilgtarqp &&udly, there were two approprlatlonsof such $523,870.00. With the first of such appropriationsthereofretosd it falls into and autopratlaally kc-6 a part of the i\md approp~ated for the Cm- str uc tim, lsta b llsh m a U@ nt maintenanceof a S~&WI of highways in- 6ludIngthe uao of neoassary pprtr thereof for the payment of se&es. naay of the spproprlatlms to the *ai1oxu dePtAdmmt6 do not emtaln any ltlchrl.:as, or s olialprovisiOna; as those aPPan?ad t0 Approprlatlm. Yr lre such riders appear and theirwotis- the Ziighuay lam ~0 plain as thay am in this eas*, Uld We IlOt WtOed,lffeot mst k given 4othk with the 327 positionsm&ted out thl6 bill 1s so far as the highway appropriatim is cmcrmed is almod prfatlms to th;t Departerntin 193l, 1933 me riders during all thi,s time the :&pertment has aa were deemednecamary, additionalt0 those pOSltim# lieted in tbr approprititlonbills, and so far as we know the validit?Of m;ch Waoid provl&ms and the over of the Departmentto dOr sdaitlmal mm lo- dor them lus nwer L en queetlmed. lcno~ing the comtruotimthus flat206upm ita legislation,DWlXQ that effOotWalltfnrebeins Ma PHI. Brad7 Gentry, M. to mch speolalpmidas, or ridus the Leglelaturohas rr onaotodthe ~tlumdagaln md& dono rothlstlme.. he- mbly It ws tioviththo inklmthet the ume lffeot would oontlnu* to ho veu. Artlolo6674 Revhod Civil Statutrr is sly Uroctory % oo fsr a8 the mat&r of mabaring apl& is oa~oarnod,and bar aowr km renddud otiwwlr~. 'Pployoe' shall uau ovary parson in the ser- vloo z*the Otatr Highway De artmad rader luy appoint- mant or oxprom suntract of El re oral or vrlttm, whoee name ap us upon the pay roll 0) the atate HIghway Do- psrtun r , ucrpt officials lppolntod by the Covunor with the ldvlw and omsent o ftinSo na te lxcopt olerloalend oiflor aployeos not required by their dutlrs to tram1 or work away from tholr office, and lxoopt all porltlons for rhioh Itodsod lpproprlationr uo made by the Leglslatmr. M pusm in the rrvlar of the Litate HI&way Dopubant who 1s paId on a or QIIcay baslr other or year,shall be oon- ooupeneatlonmdu ths tar and provlsIons of thls*d. Provided n"t@rdthaa- lo persm shall be claselfiod as an 'employer* nor glbls to sny compeneatloabonefltr un:br the tar and pro- vIslens of this Act until he shell bars submlttad hlmsrlf fir a tot a p h y slsalxmlnatlm l by a regularly liceused physlcisnor mugoon doslgnatodby the State Hlgh~ay Depart- uut to m&o lch uamluatlon and thueafter boa outflied by the State BlghwsyDeputmsnt to bo plac+d m ths pay roll of the State Rlghway Dsputmsnt*" The abow In l ross gsneral ~agislatlvr reoognitiar Of the validity 'p s not ltsmisrd In tbr bill. of lmploymen Plviug offeet to the Wvemor*s lctIaI tha blue-penollled ltons must go out of the bill. The speolal rovirlme rafirrod to, howover,furnish ample authorityfor the orePoynnt of such MU as msy be necessaryIu the laouoticP1and lfflclontsddulrtration of tha purpororof the Dapartaant,in the lstabllshment, cceietructlm and nalntenauco of a ryrtom of State EIghvays, as coatrmplated snd sot forth in Chaptu 1, Tltlo ~6, Rwlsod Civil Statutes, aud Chap- ter 186, General Laws Regular Sosslon, 39th Leglslaturo, and amend- ments thereto In l dd!tlon to those Itemlsed In thr bill. If It ia neoessaryto ill1 a put or all of the 327 p6rltlons In qwrLlm for muohpurposes It may be done. ., iro&Vggi"l EFlAl OF TExA8 B /m/ Glenn R. Lewis GBGcl:wb 0I onn R. Lewis, A~lstsnt fhlr opinion has boeu aonslduod in omfuence, apnnrd, and ordued rwwrdrd. ./s/ -.ilerald C. Rsnn ORULDC.naeP At'TOaAEYOGEBEBU. OFTEXAS
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1212
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017