OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Sonorablo V. In O'Daniol,?ua 8 Mor to the umotaoat or tbuoa till lo. U, at the first Call& Soooloa of the rrPr?p?i?thLo&olotun, the State hul h0a Operating pador the ii07 or h8mg nfuado r&b by the COUl##lOner Of aulturo, ala re- ftaailothorobf bob UI obll&atlon Of paooogeo?Eou8rBillk.U,howmru, (uhlohAot"i%ifi@ kg%~lauro booma lffoetlvo oa &@rbor 84, 1937) the polio7~ofthr Btatrwao ohan@&, l8 that, bJ rlrtum of the prorloloooo??iouroBilllo. J.8 frmand orterthe lifootito4oteof ouoh Aot tha Cotdulolwr of &rloub turnuao airodd aad anthorlcdto Uotrlbutethm~t the St0to r?~ur,~Oa 0 kuo bulo, the Jwko 01~40t0l- Uoao orrwdb7 tha 8tato o?Sxao ~4 to tura *who? th o o a ia a lou it w uub lo $ o & o . M l la.. bul.m overtotho8tatobouda?Coatrol uhouonroquinbto diopooo08 tho lo8o to the bsrt kio?oot of the Stats. my rirtp, ar th0 pro~i~ionr; a? mm niu~m. it, it wu lxpoool *tipal& thot thr Caalooionar ol Agrb oultuko*ouLentuia~ loma ooatrmatowlthtoa~ro OIOU?D``~OEO~ Odd OOd~OtOtOpZWi~th~thOkOO~? la r eto k er o h o ulb oat a sk 0l o a nio o qlnrm o f a o r o th m formoh ?oal,md ?urthorprori4ln&thatthooato- okororkeopor ahwld bo p0~nkl.lqli0b10 for 0llrr?0&0 io.l~oronteoingoibol mlthdlawwu1t8houldtho cz? TOUO bo UC&, Umtly or h&l,raot4, fvr rwh 1 Sh eAo tp r o ddaih d a th t ehopar or loretokar, th el``~o o o rmidd intho Ast, Mb i)rr ur do r ing m 001`` 00 his oaly uqpoaoot!on on7 oua or au8 derivedfroa bmdiag fooo for the oeniooo of tho adaal leaood$0 hia 8eotlon4 or Eou88 bill no. l2 proTbl.8,la @ ut, a0 lulmor wmyo BOW on hand tid aooru- ia g to f&O ju o a u otollionlooouat‘Ia - &or lGk779; Aotr of thr ?ortp?wrth Loglrlaturo, Rqplar Beooioa,-a run404 by Houoo bill 8 Chapfor498, Port~fourth kgiol8tgre, shta Eollod &ooioa, or8 bwob trrrufemdtotho lp0oiaf,700k ard 8tollII on %a& to )o us& b7 ths C~nnfooi~n- or of Aytoulturo for saklng ofundo on bn0Qing0hwotoion M rtd iaoontom- it~yithh?kutUagpra,trmi01~eflieu88BUl Xonorablo1. xao O’Daahl, ?#&a 8 979, Aoto of th* lta&.arSvooloaet tha Torty4burth&giolduro~. . l The last olauoo of the looond pwh.o? ko- tioa 4 of EouoeBlllso.lE )roti.# u ?ollouor l* . . providing, bwwor, thot ‘1~0 re?undo of broodlag fooo shall UtmniYbr Jond Joauory1, Use." Ia ooaotru~ Rvuoo Dill lo. l6, lt auot bo borm in aiatlthat by rirtuo of the prorloioa~ of Howe Bill mo. 779, the Btode of Texas rod0 the prorioloao thoroo? mlrgud- %a6a rvfund of the brwllng foo a put of @#oh broodIn oontraot vntorod ht.0 by end botnea the Doportmnt b? fc- r edth elltizonoof thr Stat0 of Toxu. Ia otbr r lo ulto na ``4 8, It wno a 04 a0p a r t o flaah brwdlng untroot whr- ad iate under the provlalono of Hauw Bill lo. 779, that, in the otvat tho broodlad hllod to ~r o duc o l fool, the Stat0 of kxoo, bf and through tha Doportomt of &rloaG turo, Apia 6ue proof bolng rrAa of that faot,would rrf’ud tho broodlad ho, It auot also bo rul~mbond that uatll 8vptubor 84, 1937, the )m~lolono of Bow Bill xo. T70 www in ?ull tore. au6 offoot, aid ouoh $wovloloamo.o mo- looorll7iaeerporatod %n l8oh and ovary ooatraot?or brood- in$eatoredlato purouemtteliourBlllMo.779 bythoDo- sortaont et Agrloulturo. As the pd.04 of Soptuhvr 84, 1937, to Jonuor$ X, 19S6, wu onl.7four months,it woo lmpooolblo?br litl- 8~8 having Mntraotrd prior to 6aptoabor 84, 1937, ?or o vnio eoo f jo o ksas dltalllonob elo to th eDep a r t- aont of Agrloulture, to kavw b7 Jouu~9 , USS, wpzr the bm6iag would or would not {rodgo+ r,&olA lflidafik quontl7,thmy could not muolon lous Md MkO the prOOf ~0088~ fi0Oidt 0 thy t0 the IdUd pror~dedfor tn Bouoo Bill Ro. 770, The State,when it oaton into a oontraotwith oae or its oitimno, is as XWh bound b7 thot untraot u is the oit1s.n. By rirtuoof the rorioioaoo? Sootion18, ArtlolaI, of the Conatltutlon of !lW mad Seotiva10 o? ArtloleI of the Conmtitutlon of the Ii&d States the Btate lo iorbiddon to umot law -airing the vbl&etloa of ovatraoto;sad it lo oloor that aa Act whioh hw a rot- moetlri lffeot oad lmpalro the vbli&atloaof l ood;not is wlooaotltutioaal. Yamerr Life Inouraaoe Companyvo* Walters, 10 8.W. (64) 698; tohnboa '10~6mlth,SW 8.W. 1013;,Pamhal fO* clmhman,86 T8x. 741 0 TO& Jur., 0. w. ThOOOlUtOWlU remmo thot'wm Lo(#olduro utod within the moo- a? 1 to proper eoaotitutloati a&- thority+ When on hot of the &giolat\n* is 8umoeptlbk of two eonrvtmotlonm, one whloh rauld reader the &t eoa- ltltutlo aau4 a the l,other uhloh would nnbr the Aot un- ocumtitutlonml, that ooaotruotlon uhloh will uphold tbo A& as ooaotitutloaol will bo n&opt& o?HouoolUllMo. l8.L Ocmioolomro?b.grlouItun sh o uld o r r a ng fo rth ek o a ia ocftit0 jo o ka o d ltalllono in the aouuor knlaob6vo (Ioooribol NWoOOU?iQi m k- liovo lt woo krtendod that a rouonabla perLo of time b o a a Llrdleblo to the Ooariooioner l? Agrhulture to aSfootthe ohugoo oollodfor by IWoo Bill MO. l8.. ub ore&thon?ore, sapeumd to the ooaoluoian rovlded humor thot M refundsof a!l~oxtealboywtd Luaryl lBs8* used lnbua~Bl.llHo,lZ,ru~%ntondod bf ~h.Le&&u.re tohaoths ottoeta? ailowlagtho Comlooloaoro?Agrleul- turo the liaitodporlod of t&n botnoa 6optdmr 84, 1957, on4 Juuory 1 lB38,withinuhloh to amonga for tha &was- l8g of the a&ala, as omtemplatod b,tHouw Blli No* ld, @a& to'pomithlmto ooatiauetom&e brr~ding~eont?aeto with oitloutoof Two@, prwldlag for~kfumto,.moUnd u the onhalo wore aotluood uudorthe $``rlsloorofEauoa BillNo, l.B,bat kao ovontkpd Jmataoryl,lQS& Tp iaputoto th ellauoe the brodlor renlng that ao r&anti of bnediag ?CHO&ml& be madq after 888~ li l@m *PI on bmo4S.q oontrroto eatmod into prfor to Y ho lffo o tin dot* of Hous. Bill Jar lft, would bo to prom thet t&e kglslature lntandedto mnootanuaoonotltutioad Law* Wo aut pass to the qaeotit3a u W whothoCfunds or8 ovoilablotorthe two of the krrriool8aor or @-lotal- turo tomoh rmt'u&ste thomiu&o~on6itlod to them b vlrtuo ofthopmdolono o?tholrraIid lomtraatoatoro i into b7 and botwwn tha Commloolowr of 4pioulturword thOWWlt**. It dll bo oboomed that 6eotion 4 of Wuro BillMo,it,)rorideo,ln~art,u follouoa ILo .,770 l . l a rw hmnb7 Eonorabla Wr I&o O'Dauioi,?odo 8 truuforrcrd to the mpeoial task ad SW- lion #uad to bo o ;.E;Faor o?&rloultum fbr bmdiago &nto?on ra rkd La seaform- ltr with mtvndiypxw rolono oiilaruo slll aI+ 77s . i , " ZalB luqpag* lo ou??loiont to ooaBtltut8an 8p- proprlkion of the @pro181J8ok md BtalllonRuad for tb fio o bioaaium rl latliwAwp8t Sl, lS39, lbr his UBOln amking m?uMr, ia ooa?orrit with refundlnupoviAoa# of House Bill lo. 779, on bra oaf40 %8r0to?wo reportoda. The opoololtook sad btolllon 7nod lo lroilableto the Cm- alol,oaor of Agrioulturofor vkl.86 rofundoan brad&o roportod prior to the liteotlr*data of Sour@ Bill k. 12, that la, oa brmodiago reported prior to fioptombmr84, 1SS9. Ia our O~ldoa, @a duo proof thereofb*ing as&m la oon?om- lty dth tbo nnladins ,mrloIon8 of BOUH Bill No. TIP, that the broew a id not roduoo l So&, the Oom%uiowr l?&rlmlturm mo fu u 1 rew8 reports4prior to sop tabor 84, l*S#, arm oonar5o~, ry, prior to 6epteabor 1, lfit%~,~ o uorhei\lr o ut do o fth e l~oial Jmk aad Stal- . Vforind a0 appropriationhouovar, 8vaUable for tho ass of the Conmdoalomrof &rfoulturo, for aakw re-. iundo on brwbi~o reported aftor Soptombor84 1937, on4 au tbon?oro 8onoluUmthat although,u lUlloak abom, u to broodllylo had byvrirtuoo? a ooatrootmator. into botrrua the Uouloohmr of Agrloultura ad oitioeuoof Tuoo prior to Jan-l, lL938,luoh oltIaen8,uhero tho breodlagha8 Sallo to prodnor 8 foil, hobo lar?ulolaim o&aot the State of TOMB for muoh rritullr, 80 moaq hu beon appropriatedbr thr Logiolatun for the pur~O#e~ of aakm ouoh m?uador It is not to bo oooumed,houwor, that the IagltilatWewill fail to 6ioohar~moblIgatlonmof the St#te O? TOMB laHUll7 oontr&otod ?Or, oad wa, tbaro- fw%, promae that eub8o bt the kgirlatu`` ri;L1ate 4~8 R-88 of #llowlagthe ratundbromd- h to.8 to thooo wb have shorn thmol.rom to be entitled thueto uaarr the provS.olono of Emme BiLl Bo* 779, sad of Hours Bill i?o.l2, mo abovo intorprotod. Ia .our OpIaIoa,tha ebl&atlon to m&o tho ro- fund, umlor sad b7 virtueof the eentraot, lo an obliga- tleu of the 6tato of Tow,, aad rot the ObligatloII of l prrtioularfuatl,ondaolup8to pay ouch ro?undorrjbo appropriated llther out of ths Jack and Stslllan?una, or out or the Gem ml Pund. It ~88, of aour8e. 0ontemplatuI that thati reiund8 8houI.dbo made out o? the Gpaclal Jaok 8&l Stallion Fund, 8aU wo promme that the Lef$slaturr, if that Fund be no t l%h a UP ta d; will lppmprlute ?roplthat Fund; but thoughthe &pealalJaok and Etalllonlknd may bo lhauotod, wm oonodrr,tbo obllgatlonaonothelers re8to upoa the 6t8te or Tuao to make ouoh refund*, to th8 lx to a t or the brwaing 3.e oollated under the oontraots, for where a fbal was not produoed,t& 6psaialJack end Btal- lion Rana ha8 reosired the benetlt,and therebythe 8tat.o or Texas h&o modrod 8 bumfit, rhloh, umor its oontrbet, it lo rrotltltld to r&ala. II.trust that the obore will fully en8wer 70ur quaotlon8. YOUl-8 very truly ATTORNXY Gm:xAt OF l’2XM 17 FL w. YAIRCRILD (8&d.) Richard W. Palrohlld h8iOtWlt
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1239
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017