- OFFICE OF TNE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUfflN *At tha alow of l8oh mnth of hln tb WT8 Of Offi~,lOh Omb U WW~ h r ?+ in who Ir oom&ww~tod on 8 iu barn18 #Ml rrln u put or tha npon mu nquind bt Bol!onbl* r.ilLg rika, P8gm 8 law,an ituirud ua mm 8teoaant or ill the u.twl u4 noro~m~ lxpoana lm- OWMd b7 DID iB th# WI8&Ws Of US l??itW . . . T h @UOWt O?k&Oh lX?UW8, tOgOi&? With 1cb 8WUit O? 8tiWiO8 da t0 U8i8tUt8, d0p utmuta liub 0hJl b o *r id c ut o r th e f&8 *amod bf nab lrrioor. The Qari8- 8iowrd Court or tha uut or th0 ehuirr`` ruidonao my, upon th8 wrlf ton and sum lp p u0ei0 0tr.i th ea a ir tit* th 0 ~0.e 8lty th 0wo r . allew on. or mro automobll.8 to be ppf8hm.d br t& shorl??in the Uc oh@- o? &la oifl818lhtiw, uhleh, if pur- ohw.4 by tL. .ouuty 8-1 k bou&ht ia the manor pre8OribOd br law fbr the pumh~a o? 8agpiiw ua paid tor cut 0r th0 -8bmrrl fmd 0r the eowty, ud they shall bo Ud remain the proportlof the eolmty. nlo uponw or muin-00, &aprooiatlon nud opm8tlou or muoh wtombllo& u may k aM.ard, whothor purohued bf tha louaty or lunod by the 8brrc if? or hi8 &p&f08 p@r``Uy, 8ha3.lbe p&d for by thm #heri?? mad th mount tbo~or ehan b0 mp0rka by tb ahwit?, on th0 M- port4ovom8ntlonod, latha 8mo mumor u Lnln proriwl for other lxpen808.~ .Inauwmto pur quutlon Bo. 8. w rlah to d- vl88 that it 18 oureopl8ionthht the &ml?? wulQ ho en- EonorobloxlilgTlko,?a&8S titledto oh-- up u upoaoo of hi8 0rri00, t b ap0h of clopnolotlon u9oa n wtomobllo u8od by him in the die- 0hOrge 0s hi8 0rri0iti Crti08, rluthar 9urehwa by a0 00wty or OWOO~ b7 tko a0rfrr or hio dOpOt p0r800U. xnowworing qrratlonHo*'& pu rnf bo baa- vlnathotlt lo lurop KY oathattho akerlffwouldkom- titi0a 0 u lr p 0w0 t0r h u g w 0s h i0 0rri00 80000`` a - tmbllo OxpoEms hourrod br th writs In t& almehu~ of hlo,o??lololdmtloo, whothor bald o-bile woo ppc- ohooed brtho -lb7 or owned bx the Url?? or hi8 409u- tim por8oMl4. It 18 orropirrlon thot in olther OTont tho.ahor- l?? 0s the aaut~ dd not be lntltloato ma~'mlloum00 ior’mlntonuoe, (Lo9roolotloo or o9omtloa of 0-h 8Mw- b&lo, UOl.08 ho hod ooqllod dth the etrlot Wrdin6 of tho : *tOtut u fo tho mkbg of 8 writtenwd euom ~pllootlon 8tOtw th uoooBlt tbrdor, dth 8 mbwquont utlon on tbo p ut o f th ec o r In l8lOBolm' cwrt,8OknowlOdg&&tbOmO- eoulty fbr eue# upwdltum, a4 br l9oololorder dlroot- In6 und allowi- ouoh U#8BdittUo t0 bo mode. lit ti80 ibl- &WB that m purohoooof u lut.@wblloby 8 OOWt# ould bordouloo#thorohd flrot boon l 8triot earpll~n~o wlththo prorioloumodo thorontorlatho 8tatUtO. Tmelng thot tklr nawom pur qUbtiOlb8, u pro- pea, w w muro Tory tally ATroti Gm68AL OF T8xAs m6wa) m6ucol.o Bagor Cola AeolBtant AP9Rov8D:QFT. l6. lW9 (Sllpled)Oomld C. Mann ATTORmY 6sB88u OF Tuh6 x:96
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1156
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017