Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •             TE~~A~~~RNEY          GENERAL
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris
    County Attorney
    Armstrong County
    Claude, Texas
    Dear Sir:              Opinion No. O-1153
    Re: Under the facts set forth should
    the sheriff report es fees of of-
    fice the compensation he receives
    as tax collector for the Claude
    Independent School District? If
    so, what is the proper method of
    adjusting the error of not having
    reported such fees for the years
    1936, 1937 and 1939
    Your request for an opinion on the above stated   ques-
    tlons has been received by this office.
    Your letter reads, in part, as follows:
    "In Armstrong County, having a population
    of 3';329,the Sheriff also acts as Tax Asses-
    sor and Collector for the State and County.
    For convenience herein this officer will be
    hereafter designated as the sheriff. The pre-
    sent in cumbent assumed the duties of this of-
    fice January 1, 1935. There are three lnde-
    pendent school districts in this county, of
    which the Claude Independent School District
    alone has its taxes collected by the sheriff.
    The Board of Trustees of the Claude Independ-
    ent School District appoints the Sheriff to
    collect the taxes for such district, an asses-
    sor being another person. The tax rolls of
    the school district being prepared by the
    assessor and turned.over to the sheriff who
    collects the school taxes from such tax rolls.
    The School District pays the premium on the
    bond of the sheriff es tax collector for the
    School District and other necessary expenses
    in connection with his duties as tax collec-
    tor for the School District. The compensation
    for such servkes Is 1% of the taxes col-
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris, page 2        O-1153
    1eCted for the School District. The other
    independent school districts in the county
    have their own tax essessors and collectors.
    "In the year 1935 the~'sheriffincluded
    in his annual fee report as Sheriff and Tax
    Assessor and Collector for the State end
    county, the compensation he had received dur-
    lng that year as tax collector for the Claude
    Independent School District, paying some ex-
    cess fees to the county. Before making-up
    his annual fee report for the year 1936, the
    sheriff asked the county attorney whether
    or not he should-,enterthe compensation he
    received as Tax Collector for the Claude
    Independent School District in his annual fee
    report end show same es e fee of office es
    Sheriff and Tax Collector end Assessor for
    the State end county. The County Attorney
    being of the opinion that, since the sheriff
    wes not elected to the offfce of Tax Collec-
    tor for the Claude Independent SchoolDis-
    trict but appointed by the school board which
    had the power to grant or deprive him of the
    duty or office of Tax Collector for the
    School District according to their prefer-
    ence, such compensation he received es tax
    collector for the school district should not
    be reported in es much as the office of Sher-
    iff end tax essessor and collector for the
    state and county was separate and distinct from
    that of tax collector for the school dis-
    trict. The sheriff, following the advice of
    the county attorney, did not report the com-
    pensation he received as tax collector for
    the school district in his annual fee report
    as sheriff and tax collector for the state
    and county for the years 1936, 1937, and
    1938. Each annual fee report was approved
    by the Commissioners' Court. The matter of
    such compensation not being included in the
    annual fee report by the sheriff was ques-
    tioned by the auditor and taken before the
    grand jury in the October term of District
    Court, 1938, and also before the grand jury
    of the April, 1939, Dlstrlct Court, both
    juries approving the action of the Commission-
    ers' Court. The office of Sheriff and Tax
    Assessor and Collector for State end county
    ran excess fees for the years 1936 and 1938
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris,   page 3       o-1153
    of the years the compensation received by such
    officer as tax collector for the School Dis-
    trict were not Included in such fee report. ~ .
    "1. Under the facts end circumstances re-
    lated above, should the sheriff report as fees
    of office in his annual fee report the compen-
    sation he receives as tax collector for the
    Claude Independent School District.
    "2. In the event such fees or compensa-
    tion should have been reported, then whet is
    the oroner method of ad.iustinnthe error of
    not havingreported such fees-for the years
    1936, 1937, end 1938?”
    Section 16 or Article VIII of the Constitution reeds
    as follows:
    "The sheriff of each county; in addition to
    his other duties, shall be the assessor end col-
    lector of taxes therefor- but, in counties hav-
    ing ten thousand (10,OOOj or more Inhabitants, to
    be determined by the last preceding census of the
    United States, an assessor and collector for taxes
    shell be elected to hold office for two (2) years,
    end until his successor shall be elected and
    Article 7246, Revised Civil Statutes, reads as fol-
    "In each county having less than ten
    thousand (10,000) inhabitants, the sheriff of
    such county shell be the essessor and collec-
    tor of taxes, and shall have end exercise all
    the rights, powers and privileges, be subject
    to all the requirements and restrictions, and
    perform all the duties imposed by law upon as-
    sessors end collectors; end.he shell also give
    the seme bonds required of a collector of tex-
    es elected."
    Articles 3896 and 3897, Revised Civil Statutes, read
    es follows:
    "Article 3896. Each district, county and
    precinct officer shall keep a correct statement
    of all fees earned by him and all sums coming
    Into his hands es deposits of costs, together
    Honorable Rlcherd 3. Morris, pege 4        o-1153
    with all trust funds placed in the registry of
    the court, fees of office and commissions in a
    book or.ln books to be provided him for that
    purpose, in which the officer, at the time when
    such deposits ere made or such fees and commis-
    sions are earned and when any or all of such
    funds'.shallcome Into his hands, shall enter
    the same; and it shall be the duty of the county
    auditor in counties having a county auditor to
    annually examine the books and accounts of such
    officers ana to report his findings to the next
    succeeding grand jury or district court.~ In
    counties having no county auditor, it shell be
    the duty of the Commissioners'.Court to make the
    examination of~saia books end accounts or have
    the same made and to make report to the grand
    jury as hereinabove provided.
    "Article 3897. Each district, county and
    precinct officer, at the close of each fiscal
    year (December 31st) shall make to the district
    court of the county in which he resides a sworn
    statement in triplicate (on forms designed and ap-
    proved by the State Auditor) a copy of which
    statement shall be forwarded to the State Auditor
    by the clerk of the district court of said county
    within thirty (30) days after the same has been
    filed in his office, and one~copy to be filed
    with the county auditor, if any; otherwise said
    copy shell be filed with the Commissioners' Court.
    Said report shall show the amount of all fees,
    commissions and compensations whatever earned
    by said officer during the fiscal year; and
    secondly, shell show the amount of fees, commis-
    sions end compensations collected by him during
    the fiscal year; thirdly, said report shall con-
    tain en itemized statement of all fees, commis-
    sions and compensations earned during the fiscal
    year which were not collected, together with the
    name of the'perty owing said fees,'~commissions
    and compensations. Said report shall be filed.
    not later then February 1st following the close
    of the fiscal year and for each day after said
    date that said report remains not flied, said
    officer .she'llbe liable'to a penalty of Twenty
    Five ($25.00) Dollars, which may be recovered
    by the~county in e suit brought for such put'-
    poses, and in aaaltion sala officer shell be
    subject to removal from offlce."
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris, page 5                  o-1153
    The last two paregraphs of Article 3891, Revised C~vll
    Statutes, read es follows:
    "The compensations, limitations and maximums
    herein fixed in this Act for officers shall in-
    clude and apply to all officers mentioned herein
    in each and every county of this State, and it
    is hereby declared to be the intention of the
    Legislature that the provisions of this Act shall
    apply to each of said officers, and eny special
    or general law inconsistent with the provislons
    hereof is hereby expressly repealed in so far as
    the same may be inconsistent with this Act.
    "The compensation, limitations and maximums
    herein fixed shall also apply to all fees end
    compensation whatsoever collected by seld of-
    ficers In their official capacity, whether ac-
    countables as fees of office under the present
    lav, and any law, general or special, to the
    contrary Is hereby expressly repealed. The only
    kind and character of compensation exempt from
    the provisions of this Act shall be rewards rs-
    ceived by Sheriffs for apprehension of criminals
    or fugitives from justice and for the recovery
    of stolen property, and moneys received by County
    Judges and Justices of the Peace for performing
    marriage ceremonies, which sum shall not be ac-
    countable for and not required to be reported es
    fees of office."
    It appears that the terms of the lest above quoted
    Article are inclusive to the extent that In order for fees
    to be exempt thereunder, they must be specifically excluded.
    This contention Is borne out by the following prior opinions
    of this department:
    To William B. Love, Carrizo Springs, Texas, dated
    June zg,lig36.
    To Honorable Moreland, State Auditor, dated
    2.                                                        Octo-
    ber 9, 1931.
    3.   TO J. D. Looney, Boston, Texas, dated May 29,
    1935 0
    TO Honorable Moreland, State   AUditOr,      dated   fk?
    6, lg32."
    The conclusions presented in the above opinions are
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris, page 6         O-1153
    further borne out by the case of Nichols vs. Galveston County
    (3upreme Court of Texas, 1921) 
    228 S.W. 547
    . In this case
    Galveston County sued the appellant to recover certain fees
    and commissions received by him es Tax Assessor end Collector
    of Galveston County, who also performed the duties of asses-
    sor and.collector of a drainage district for which latter
    services he received the compensation for which recovery was
    sought. The court, In considering the case, compared the
    Articles under which compensation is allowed to tax assessors
    and collectors for their services in assessing and collecting
    taxes of drainage districts to the Article under which the tax
    assessor and collector of a county may be designatea assessor
    and collector of an independent school district, end receive
    in return for acting as such certain commissions. The court
    consldered situations arlsing under each Article with respect
    to accountability of commissions received thereunder to be
    completely analogous. The~court cited the cese of Ellis County
    vs. Thompson, 
    66 S.W. 49
    , quoting from such case in the fol-
    lowing language:
    "The phrase 'fees of all kinds' embraces every
    kind of compensation allowed by law to e clerk of
    the county court, unless excepted by some provi-
    sion of the statute. 0 a The exceptions are so
    definite that by implication all fees not mentioned
    in the exceptions are excluded therefrom, end there-
    by included within the requirements of the act."
    Article 2792, Revised Civil Statute, reads as fol-
    "When the majority of the Board of Trustees
    of en Independent District prefer to have the
    taxes of their District assessed end collected
    by the County Assessor and Collector, or col-
    lected only by the County Tax Collector, same
    shall be assessed and collected by said County
    Officers and turned over to the Treasurer of the
    Independent School District for which such taxes
    have been collected. ~The property of such dis-
    tricts having their taxes assessed ?nd collected
    by the County Assessor and Collector may be as-
    sessed at a greater velue.than that assessed for
    County end State purposes, end in such ceses the
    County Tax Assessor end Collector shall assess
    the taxes for said district on separate essess-
    ment blanks.furnished by said district and shall
    prepare the rolls for said district In accordance
    with the assessment values which have been equal-
    ized by a Board of Rquallzation appointed by the
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris, page 7          O-1153
    Board of Trustees for that purpose. If said
    taxes are assessed by's Special Assessor of the
    Independent district and-are collected only by
    the County Tax Collector, the County Tax Col-
    lector in such cases shall accept-'therolls
    prepared by the Special Assessor and approved by
    the Board of Trustees es provided In the proced-
    ing Article. When the~~countyAssessor end Col-
    lector 1s required to assess and collect the
    taxes of Independent School Districts he shells
    respectively receive one per cent (1%) for as-
    sessing, and one per cent (19 for collecting
    The case of Nichols, et al. vs. Galveston 
    County, supra
    . further holds, in effect, that where the county esses-
    sor did not account for the portion of the fees received for
    which the county was entitled under the statutes prescribing
    the maximum amount of fees that may be retained byethe county
    assessor, the county could bring en ection on the assessor's
    bond; the duty of accounting for the assessor's fees being
    within the condition of the bond.
    You are respectfully advised that it Is the opinion
    of this department that the sheriff who~is also assessor end
    collector of taxes for Armstrong County, and tax collector
    for the Claude Independent School District is required to re-
    port as fees of office, the compensation he receives as tax
    collector for the Claude Independent School District.
    Insanswer to your second questlon, you are further
    advised that the fees or compensation received by the sheriff
    and essessor and collector of taxes for collecting the taxes
    of the Claude Independent School District should be properly
    accounted for, end he should pay to the county all such fees
    or compensation in excess of the maximum compensation allowed
    by law.
    Trusting that the foregoing answers your inquiry, we
    Honorable Richard 3. Morris, page 8          o-1153
    Yours very truly
    By s/Ardell Williisms
    APPROVED AllG.10,1939
    s/Gerald C. Mann
    Approved Opinion Committee By s/km    Chairman

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1153

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017