- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN GERALD C. MAWI A-” .PnAL qtnnt oortr, *aoh oontr8atily oollao- tar to be rtmpenutarlfor him mrvfou o n l o o lmla sio nb eds, r uo h r o m8l8a io nr to bo rotnlllti bV tbo oolloator oat or the f’unbooll#toiI?= "It ahallk the d&y of Ul offl- arstoak8rgawtloollwtlnthaannor wthorlt.6 bylarU1ia.a and oomla- slonswklohare poxmlttail by law to k uswwd lad wllwte4 for all lffloirl llT10. polemod by tha. A# and whvl 8a0h i008 l‘0 8hO11 b. WUWtd th0r tipO8itd ti the 0ff%8Ol’8’ 8Sh md, er fund8 )roridad in tbts &t. Tn watt tkC-WiOn8X’S’ @Wl-t tLad8 t&t th. fkihl’. tO WuWt 8Ur iW OT Wd8iOn u da. to on tke put uaglwt of tho offlou ohmgad dth lho ruponslblllty o? wllwtlng au., the mt ot mush ``~omm&Uon 8h~lboda1¶uete6 lf r wh offloer. k fo n 8sy 8mh da dw z io nis1 1 1 tb 60 o, Oo wlr - 8lwexn' dourt#hallfarniahmoh owl- rerrith an Itadaul mtatwnt or the maollwtollrw8dthu!llehhlm mwant is to k eb~o4 Wd shallnotltyaoh *Hierr of the timeaa plaoo for 8 koarine on ~0, to 6otendne whether waborria0r u guuty of a0gug0~0, the ior kwrlng ehallbo whlah. at lwst ten dayo 8ubaequent fo the 6ate or mtloe. -088 ul offloor ls ahargoa by law dth th@ ~r&?Oidbll.it~ 8f 801- i00tLng r008, th8 04md88ion0d aart &tall not ln wy avat make any doduo- tlons from the wtborlwd 8alm-y of 8wh orrloer.~ and 2053,Pwl8ed OlvllNat- Artlola W51, 8051! r tw, r o a dl?ollousr 'Ulolo WSl.- Bdl rty to a malt lhallboliablato the offroeraot the wurt for 811 lo8t8 foeurrd br hl!uelf. )Eo#hOriif Of wastable 8hrl1 k OOMpubd t0 U0OUt8 8Ilr WOW8 in ddl -08 lo mln& fr o u mly a u nto th eth r a th n eo ne in W&oh ka is M off zoar, UdW8 the tow allad hla by law for tho mervlw et woh maw8 &all be paid In ulmwa; *g OSlm68r if i#filed, u P r O- %ii?b, law. %e 8hrt %88* th. Pi-O- ww dmlllndorm Qmmonthe rorQa, *paapwaathfilwlt,u&mIga hir,mma morab1. ‘poo.A. Orwau, Page 8 0m01al4molItha;8na alo @?a- NT in Vb88 buab8 SWh -U ir plmomU for menleo mhmll l*no th* Sam..” rty to a mait 8hul k llmblof@r s lowtr inourred by h&a. If the wst* oannot k wllwtd tmnthe #rty kgmlmmt whantheyBarebwn 8tljOagul, .-ova- t1onmy 188UO 8galwt ~mllr p6l-t~ill mmoh mlt fOr tb8 mt OS W8t8 la- lumetl br muah party, bat so more.’ lArtlolam5S.- Otriouo ry de- nnapaymult@rulwstsdu*lEreJl amd weq us0 putab4g in tkUr rm- lpmmtltmooatm, up to thm adjournmat of web tom of uld oourtm.= artlolaso54mM m55, Buimeu Ulrilstatutw, plmrldo am fbllmumt lhrtloleta54.-ff -Y P-w r.- mpommlble for Wats i&b OT rri\l8W to pay the mno withIn ten &y8 after ~nmaml rorpayment, the clerkor Jmm- Moe of the 00 ry tie ~owtlzle4 wpy.of tbo r,Kl or lo mtstha da., Ed pia the 8u68 Ln th0 Lnd8 or 8r eonstab& for wllw- ;i;mmherlff . Alltaxwlmpowaonlaupro- wdl.Egmshallk-oulntb billor aortr. 6-h wrt1fl.m~ bill Oi W8t8 SW11 bW* the it?=* UId &- iwt o ?a nlxwutlom. The l%Bormlot l emmoby l ppomlmhallmot prcnontthe 288W.Il@O Of SDuwutlon Sor lo mts St the end a ftb cter nI.” WArtloleX065.-Tha 8herlitor oommtable II n Umamd mmd fmllmroto Pay 8aid blr1 OflO8t8, -r 1OVy UpOIl a 8atiiOiOIlt-t @t l'OpWty Ot tho per8011 Cram rlrar ls d w8ta are due to la tl8e W 1 b ~pUr 6,dWD nab ropsrtJaewrbing thmlmrgo~8m- to mUe8 mlu aeoatloa. Wherewah jmrtylm Ilot8ra1due0f the wrtnty Eonorablo Tom A. Orwon, Pqo 4 wh e r e mwh lult18 p a lb ing th,ep y - mont OS 8Uah mmmtm my bo dmmmmdd et hi8 attorney of rwordg and nolthorthe olerk'nor jmmtlooo? th8 pm00 lhmll k mllo*cl to ehar60 .ny ?oo for mklng omt muohomrtltlmdbillo? oomt8, m71l.88ho 18 oOmpOl&dto B&O 8 lm.” Artlolo Icow, R.Tl.rnd txril8t.tutu, r.md. . . “wh e w nmts h ws b wn la jwlg a l uu *mid offloor, on a-4 of mm7par- ty tm W mmr aoh w8t8 mrm duo, mhmll &88UO lxwutlon for w.t. lt one..Thl. utlolo .hUl not mppW tm lxmoutorm,d- ml.nlmt~t.0~ar8mmrdlmmm lmmmmmmtion lomtm 8rm 8ajl¶&3Od yailuttho wtate 0r l a w0a 00a aonoroiuwurd. lo uo - outlon shU r 188ue in mriy mmme for wart8 umfAl.?tor``gomtnmkordthmrm?ar bythe amt." Vwh uoontlon or other proouo mhalllonfonnto the rmqulraumtmo? WTit8. It lhall dworlbo the jdgwnt and shall require the 8hmri?? or wn- ltmlslo of the propmr oommty to lxmouto looordlng to it. tormrr,whothw th ema n., th0 nme be to make l Itmu O? money, or do wme other thlng~ amtl, l? Sor WEOJ, lt 8hul ltato thor.to o? lmtonrt~ mad it mhU1 Umo roqolrothe offlaor tm mko the 008tO uhloh may hrro bomn ma&d@ qpb0t th0 dOr0d-t ia lx 0mi0n, md thr furthoroort8 of ~oxwutlng the writ. A oortlfldoopf of the W8t8, tu86 rgeilaut the &.?.a&& la mx.outlon mo- wrdiq ta the fee book sp tm the l..u- Artloiw SW0 8m& 39l.l. Rwlwtl ciri1stmtute8, wad a8 iollara: lArtAo1u.sfRo. - A?torthed- jourwat of l dlmtrlet o r wu u tylomrt, tha Clerkthaw? 8hd.l tU the 608t8 ln8wryeuesmwhlmh8flmml Jmdgwnt hambow roubrd, mmd18muoawutlon ;u-zi``fo.wh '"e"t r o d l01le.t ~hl%101*s911.-Wfleora rwolrlng Uy prOaW8t0 k OXWOtd Shdl Wt be .ontltluYin any 0880to 4-d their fewfor lxeeatlmg tho man in 8dv8mee l? mwh lxwntlon, bat the4.r few #hall lOllWtd M Oth eW8t8 b 0tM d illa r b th. em80.. htiOlW 2067Uld 8068, bVf8ti aiT% 8t8tUtW, ruUm8 fmll~sr l&t181o ito6q. -Theolo*nyrb -qmln ?romtb* pl8lmtl?? lwurlty for sat. before 18.U 8mypromo88,but lhmlltilethe pot1 i"eloa ma enter the Sam0 on the &*kot.* "Art1010IbObB.- The plant1tiay b o r u ldW g lr l ewarity for lo8t8 lt 8nytlmeBe?orqflmaljaQment,upon wtlon m? the defenthnt or uiy o??loor of the wart InterwtodIn the wmt8 lo o r ulng lh.lwh unit, lnd, l? muoh rulebe enteredlgmln8tthe plmlntl?? .nd he fall to oomplythor8mlth on or beforethe flrmf day of the next term o fth ewur t,t& o8a itlh811be dlmt ml8886.- we quote rmn Ta. fur,,Tel. 11, p. ssl: *In vulou8 lltamtlom88 pmrty whm &a atltled to ao8tr MS mint&n l lmp- mrate aotlom,dlmtlwt ?wm th. 8Uit ill Eanorable Taa A. C-en, ?qe 6 Also 800 19 A.L.& Itlc). Ohaptrr 4. Title 1s. if the .aad0 02 orlaindl Pmoedure, prworlbatho wmtmtm botmxmdylrutm defendant in a dad awmr 0888. 8W hW8tmUt V8. ’ 8tat43, I.58.W. (ala) loS9. Vwlerthe prmvtmlommet Irtlole1018of the Oo4e Of c r i!dUS1 h p Oe& tn du l08t8 Md iiw ~p%d br th0 8kte become a eharge l@nmt the ddondmf, wept In ielony . But a person whc ham boon womlctd of l any may wt be k lr do uto r lon?lnedla jail in lieu et mt Of WDt8, U in d8d.EO8DOlr Om8W. ]LuOUtlOIi, 88 it 01~11 ouw, 8ppour w ba fbr only proper wtbd far onforoing tbr payment ei thm eo8t8 in 8 telony 0880. The wrofaotthsttho oomlot ray not be wnrlnd to jail be8 wt dlitmte s@nst mm7 olmlm for wrt8 mnforewble m&l.n8t my property of the da?endat l.~gally liable *err- . Also , lw th e o wu or Xx parta Smith,8 S-W. td) lS9 XxputoByr4.158.w. IZd) 855 The lb0tequoted mmd"iration0a mtatutw lpemI?l- edllyproridethera~er Utioh008t8 ShfUbetaxed 8nd wllwted, an4 it 1s a wellrewgnlze4prlnalple of law thEt Wars the Legts~turo pre8drIbesa doiimlto snd eer- t&a wtbD4 of pr~oeduro ?or a olty or oount ;?E:;~o ?olLor, other a&hods dare by lmplloetion of E . Se0 ?wterrs. City of Waw, 255 S.W.1104. &lUUd881OIlCU% b Ur tiS lS’C! Oarvt8 Of lidted jU.F- 18dlatlon, in that thair aathoFity dent% only to mater8 perhlnhg to the generalralran e? their re8pclotivo wun- tfe8, 8114 that their poar8 81% only th080 l xpre8mly or lm- plledlywnfemed upon thou by law, that i.8, by the eak8tl- tution and sta+tss (d the lt8te. Sun Togo; ~eLl#t Co. v*. Xoenan, ml1 cO&;.8. -1tOII t1s 8.w. t%?i Taupla Lbr. 00. 7.. %lfDlLi8dOnelVl~ Oourtof 8mbImeCowty, t99 S.W.668 Btatp; r8&aamIuIonen' hurt, lS7 nankw*r;,,Hooulmm, 50 83. 975 .. . *. Honorable TomA.Craven,Plge T Inr ien o r tllofwGg o %llng luth o r itlr ~U8lw n- 8pGCt?``&dTl8Od tht it t. the Opinioll Of tb.i8 dOpart- mwt that the Oomnlulonon* Court mu14 not here tEe au- thority to wntraot for the oolleotlon a? dolhqaent 008t8 due the varloue wunty o??leor8. Tru&ng that we hwe 88tl8faetorl~y uunro4 yourlnquXry,weremaln Youlw ray tnlly ATlWlXEYOBWEfAL O? TlKAS By ARDELsL WIUIA?B @@.) Hell WllUam kd8tMt AW:qb IPWDVH, IDO. 86, 1959 AFPROTED OpinionOommlttee OHulLb c. lumf (sgd.) By B.F.B. - ATIwBBT~OF-
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1148
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017