- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNN GENERAL OF TEXAS A.USTlN Or SUOh t&tiOn Vt8 in Out4r-8mO inStit&i- tlona rhfch cotmspend to the inst$tutlons 3x1 whloh l-0~8 sakes gkuvl8leiifor &alto 8tudents) and those in a asate 8qpportod Institution for E8groee in TewM; (a?) the dlsr4reM~ in travel oost for one muad trip for eaahuwdkd; and (25)' asmall Wentaga addltbn to uemr .lnoi&ntal lM r ea s relx p M M .~Ib M .th MOttee h a ve luthoritytodeterq@e~ lu thlsmanner? -4.' The Ctittee UrtLolpateu$bat them ulll be a few appliaants oi exasptional aedt as.a*idenoed by their aoademia raaord and pre- mt 5erv100 to their raoe, who eannot BOOare the Swther tmlnlng theyae8d with ne greater aid than an award deteinrd ab iadloirtsdabg~a. Ifthe fuMap&roprlated pexmit8,oan the Corn-- mittes siakesupplementary awsrds in such uase8P~ Itspr1OZ of the apiroprLat&oa f&r tka pnirii Vbw &ate Iformgl ~&idInd~trhl blleg+s;~H, 8. ,a& 888, .Xe+yulxth SegblatrUr, m* am ialhwts:. ~lo&&holar~hfp aid ti ajaai%lXed li6gm 6tadents who have be8n *idents 0r mxwq rsJn than e&ght year8 sor,gradnate and p+tm~ional 8tudy in appxw- ed ocilleg~ or anlwmitlee outside OS Ten&a; oshools and student8 to be aelsot+d by a. uomlttes oompobedoi the dean of the.graduate 4chool5 of A. 8 Y. College, university or Texas, and the Wan-of Ssm Eo~t.ox~State Toaeheqs Col- loge ........;*.i...*.*.*.*.# e5,coc.oc 8 eb,ooo.oo*- It was no donbt aOntsaplated and~lntandsd br,the tigi8latun3 that the propar sapenlelon and ada&nSstration 0r tha approprtstion 55t out above weuld neo588arily rs- quim a aorta&n +kmnt of i+aaidenealexp``ee 'of the ,Mtare SpanFioma in your first que5tfon. Eowlrer, vie hqve been unable t5 rind any speaiiie appropriation to'mebt the 44dt or prioung toritut, postage, noaw3ary expum08 in attend- * me0tlags,~eta. In the qbsenae or the 8pealria alloooa- tion or IIoney8to defray these reasonable.and neesss~ ‘fllr..T; D. FIrno-, m&e 23 expen8ee; ~the lmposltlon oC. the duty to properly admlui8- kr and dloburae the fund would aarrynlth it ty impliaa- tloa th5 porrr to pay aaeh e@en505 a8 are reasonabl$ neaoooary to aoapmpllah the .purposoiorlmleh the appro- priation in item 102 was made. Elth mrm0n00to your aeaond, tbiid dr0mh queotlo~; tho aot provides no diramtion to.the-ooatalttee or~limftatienupon themhtoduaedbylt in deterninln& the aatonntrhieh should b5 awarded for ?aoh lndlvldual oaholorahlplorwhenaad howaaoh payments shoaldbomado. Apparontly, the Legieilature in seleatlug .them5mber5 of tlu oommfttee to.admlnlotar this aoholarahfp aid fund, attamptod to eelsot individuals, who from their ergmlenoe and rioa dioaretion oould determUm que5tJ;onsor this aa- ~tum and formulate imsh,pollolea as would oeaure ths greatut baneiit to the state in keeping with t+m purp55e 0r the approprlatlon, In aaewr to your first q~estlon it is our opin- ion that under the nording or the:Aet auoh Inoldental ox- 'poauo as am riaeooabloand ndmoear'y to- thb proper admfn- lotrationof the abom mentioned 5ppro~tioB MY lm p&d -2ran 5uah faad. In onowr to yo& obond qaostlon, it.IO ot& opinion thot the iirpitat+o!mIn the AOt upon ~stakixw tha lwordaom ouoh that they ayiyly3paid to students I5 ad- vaua5 to proride aid Iu ma&lng such expendlturea,'~ka@r the direotlon of~the 6onsaittse. It le our apldon, ln answer to your bird a&d. rourth queetlone, that the aommlttecl*y under the wording of the Aot, fix the mount of each individual award in the manuer suggested by yourquestion, or by some other formula ii oou5ldered~deelrable by the committee, and that ouppiementary awards may~be'made within the j&&ment of the oommlttee. You have not ralsed,the question and we thew- fore &o not oonelder or expmas an opinion cotioerningthe validity oi the above appropriation. very truly yours :ATTO@EYGIZNm OF TEUS ccc-ks
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1133
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017