OFFICE OF THE ATTORNM GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN state4 qaeatloa as armxtsU, albm3 or lsso lnhabltsats, ama88688or and Qol- Mtere fh6 offlaa o? sharlff the offloe of amefsuor UIU 6awhatalunLatlBalloweua8the 86otlon 16 of ArtZolo 8 or the stata coa8t1tw tloa read8 ea follem~ *m0 uheruf 0f 6~0h 00mty in raditian to hle oth6r that168aball be the aeeeuuor and Bon. A. M. ‘turn- page 2 oollsstor of taxes thersror but, in oountlss having ten thousand (10,0001 or mars lnhabl- tante, to be detarminsd by the last preceding 08nt3~80r the mitsd states, aa ~sasssor and Collsotur of Taxes ehallbo eletstadto hold orrise ror two (2) 7sars end until lir muoessgr ehall be eleoted and qudliriad.* Artiole 7246, Il.C. 8. made a8 folltnrfar *In eaoh oouuty having learnthM tea thou- aan4 (10 000) inhabltantrr, tba sheriff of euoh oounty a&U bs the Assessor and Colleotm of Taxes, an4 shall have and exerolso all the righto, powsre an4pritllsge6, be 8ubjeot to all the requirsmants and rsstriotions, an4 pe&ona all the dutlea 4mpose4 by law upon as8es8ors an4 oollsotora; and he shall also glre ths same bonds rsquirsd of an assessor and oollsstor Or tWI8 OleOtd.' Artiols 7246a, R. C. 8. reade a8 followsr Vhe Assessor and cOllestar of Taza8, Sheriff;or Sheriff and Assessor and Collsator of Taxes, are hereby authorized ah4 ~pwtrod, to adninlster all oaths neoessary for the dis- ohargs 0r ths duties or their rsspsotfv0 0rrf008, an4 to a4mlnistsr all oaths rsqulred for the transaotion of business of their respeotlvs 0rri0es.* Art1010 3283, R. 2. s., reads in part ae r0nm: RExaspt as othsrwlss provl4e4 in thiu hst, the aanual rees that may bs rs4ained br pre- olmt, oounty and dlstriat orfloera aentloned in this Artlole shall be as tollauo: 71. In oountler oontainlng twenty fire (25,000) thousand or less inhabitantsa County- Judge, Mstriot or CrlmlnftlMstrlot Atturmy, Sberlff County Clerk, County dttoxtiey, MatrIo& Clerk, Tax Coll~Ioz~ Tu A~Bo``oT, or the dcM8aOr &mS Colleotar of 'hxs8, Twenty-marHwdred (moQ.00) bollmu woh; Justloo ai the Penw and cOuekblel, Tael~o mna=8d m.2co.00) Do mlm ea a. .b. .l...” Ar tio le 589 1 It ,c .Y., wa d8in p a r t a 8fo b 1-S: lboh ofrioer named in this Chapter 8hbllrh~df``t0~the8~tiO~8&hti arrfMpeyarkpalathe6mmarit- hirUUdaZ$be prCn~81aaUOf&-thd@~, together nith the aal``lss at hla an8i8tmnt8 and deputlss, and autimrlzed axpamos under ArtlOle s399, and tlm 8Rauat ReMmary to 60-r oosts or predu~ an whatever 8urety botirpa~berequlred bylaw. Iftb ourmat fee8 Of tWh ofif OOllwted in aa~ YU~X be mre tban the arount needed to amoutoabareupaiiid 8~8~0 eaaae88fee~anudbe``eda.r~ tb rmnner heralnaft.er pxwvl4ed. *In oountle8 oontalnlniftwenfiy-flw thousand (26,000) or lbs8 inhabitaIIt8,I&s- triot and County offiosls rvuvilherein shall retain one-third or euoh OX0088 fee8 Until mob one-~, tafvstherwith the ammntu opemlflsd In iirtioln. sa3s, slpouutsta Three 31ou8and Dollars ($S,OOQ). IYeolwt oftloers &allretalnona-third untflauohone-third togathor rith the mount SpOOiriOdin ArCloio s8t3s eRaunt8 to lraurtesnliun4red Dollus- (31&J,.* Ire quote frul ToaD Jurlapntb6w~* Vb 31, ptl(p 447,aii falla8: *In 6ame imtanoe8a publlo affloar by tlrttm of the faot that he hold8 the ofdoe touNehhenrs oleotodorirggolntod,axe ex Hon. ottloio, aa authorlted and‘r0quizwd to ex0lc oise the pow~8'anUperfo~the duties ofum- thsr 0srio9. Xn SW& a ~8.80the kprene Court has~sald that the r8 and autiss ti the orfl- eer, simple as 8uoii- ,W3#38t8Sdi8tinotfraa hi6 par#M aad dUtbS8 WhOll aOt* iI hi8 OX ortioio oapaolty he as la they were exerolred by two different paxOon8. ft 18 further mid’ that the oonferring oi,pcnmr and authority of thi8 oharaoter up0a On omoor 18 difforel% ;~blandIngtwo dt6tInotfunotloneln one of- . "&me time8 P duty Is attaohed to two Qffl008, to be sxsrolusd by the lnombent aonaurrentl~. Tiiludoe8 not aonstltute the reopectlve offloen Inouabent to r&orethan one ottioog nor does it vIolate the oonstltutlonal provisIon that hlbltr the holding of BOZV than on* ofrloe d 8316 p" wnt. Aatatute Impoi3lngfnmhdutlaa upcman@fIoer 18 not repealed by a l8tterOMot.mOnt impc+Olngtke same dutias upon another offl~er, the later oat aontaIr&q no repealing olause; the dutlcw hposad upon both oitioem, but not amluslve4 uponeither, and the onewho tirtstenter8 upon the parforpanor ha8 t&cl rI&?i an4 parer to &WTfOnS, and upon nil.4 pertow la entitled to the statutory ootml~lon.~ Zn oplnlon No. ZSlO, qndoed by t$l+ %pa+aent on laroh 9, 192l and printed in Rapwtb and Oplnlo``ior 1920-22, page 297, It was held that the oounty ju&e sot- lnq a8 ex 0rri0i0 oounty sohool superlntondent was 8b4 perforxl141additional duties an4 the acaqmmtlon rot hi8 sorploea aa 8~ offiolb oountp fnqerlntendent oonstltute a fes a8 aaunty ju4aa. On Biy 24, 1927, in M opinion wrltton ?~yHon. H. Grady Chandler, klslafant Attomq Oa na r e3, lddreeeed to l3. D. Uorewlok County Attorney IHokens Co& %~uY, applytn~;the s&e reanonlog, thla deprtwnt he%l tlmt In the o&se of a shdrlff who oolJaot8 taxes the person 18 not ffllin~ two offioes but the shsriti 18 8iap4 . :
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1051
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017