OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Q-C. MUlW A---L Eonorable woodrow Curtio County Attorney Frio county Pearsall, Texas Dear Sirr Honorable Vioodrow Curtis, Page 2 under Article 667, P. C., paragraph 5 .” Article 667-5 of the Penal Code reads as follows: “Any person desiring a lioenee ae nmnu- raoturer, distributor, or retail dealor may in taoatlon or in term time iii4 a petltfon with the county Judge or the oounty in which tha applicant desires to engage in nuoh burl- nom whioh petition shall state as follows: Ii a manufaoturer: (1) That he Is a law- abiding, taxpaying ditizen of this State, over twenty-one (21) years 0r age; that he has be8n.a resident of the county wherein auah lloense ie sought for a period of more than one year next preoeding the tiling of suoh petition; and that he has not been oon- vlated or a relony within two (2) years la- mediately preceding the filing or such petl- tiion. (2) If a co-partnership, thaO all indlvlduals have the ``amequallfluatloncr provided in para- graph (1) abovei (3) If a eorporatlon, that appiloant is organized and chartered under, and has OOIU- plied with, all aorporatfon laws or this State applloable to such corporation, that the prlndpal plaoe OS buslnesa is ln the oounty where suoh lloense is sought, and the president and xaanag?r shall sake an affidavit that he posseseen all quallricatlons Provided in paragraph (1) above. If a distributor, general or looal: (1) AppliOant shall give the same ikforaka- tion required of a nmntiaoturer lnoluding the plaoe or plaoes where his business shall be transaoted, and the bounty or oountles where his sales are to be made. If a retailer: (1) The same information require’d or the Honorable Woodrow Curtis, Page 3 manutaoturer. (2) The aormot addrese of premises to be used by the applloaat Sor the sale of beer, and whether he tl$airee to sell beer ror consumption on or off the premises. (3) He shall enumerate the kinds of business In whioh he is engaged or In whloh he Intends to engage on the lloensed premises and other premlws under his oontrol oi wbioh the lloensed premises is a part. (4) That applloant.hae no finanolal in- terest In any establishment authorized to aell dlstillod eplritrr: (5) That no person engaged in the busi- neas oi selling distilled spirita haa any ffnanolal intere8t In the business to be oon- duated under the lloense sought by the applleant. (6) That he has not had any intereat QI any license to sell beer whloh llosnse has been canaeu4a or revoked .withi.n the twelve (121 month next preor6lng the date of the present applfoation ror lloanee r (7) That he is not residenced or domioll- ed with’any person who has any flnanolal in- terest with any establ$shment engaged ln’the business 0r selling aistill4a epiritr, or any person In whose nants any lloense has been oan- oellea or revoked withln the twelve (12) mmth preoedtig the present lioense; (8) If applioat&iOr retailer’s lloease Is. a oorporationi applioatlon shall show that the president or manager thereof has been a.resident or the oounty wherein the lloenee is sought for more than one year next preoeding the date ot the applloatlon and that no oii$Oer of the oor- poration is dlsqualltled In any.other manner that would prevent him from holdlug euoh lioense in his own nameiW Eonorable Woodrow Curtl6, Page 4 Artlole 667-S, Penal
Code, supra, apeoifloally provides that the applicant . -. must have been . . - a resident-_ of the oounty wherein suon uoense is sougnt ror a perloa or rim; than one year next preoeding the f’lllng of such petl- . Naturally, the question arises as to the legal meaning of the term or word *resldentW. A8 used in some statutes, the term WreslaentW and *‘domicileW have the sanm meaning; in others they have not. See the aames of Pltts- burg Hater Heater Co. Y. Sullivan, 24325. Vf. 676 and Halver- aon Y. Livengood, 4 6. yi. (24) 588. Texas Jurlsprudenoe, Vol. 15, p. 7-11. We quote rrom Corpus furls, Vol 19, p. ,397, as roi- lows : “Generally, where a statute preeorlb- ed re4ldenoe a4 a qualitloatlon tar the 33djc&wn* 0r a prlrlloge, or the exerolm ot a rranohlse, and/or whenever the terms are ‘Used in oonneotlon with subjeota of domeatio policy, domioile and reaidenae are equivalent. Statutory .oonstruction a&* sometimea arteot the question-.” In Volume 54, p. 708, Corpus Juris, we find the rollowing deflnltlonr “The best definition is that to be de- ducted from the Roman Law; that a man’s reeldenoe ie the pl444 whore hi4 family dwells or whioh he makes the ohi;er seat’ or his artairs and intereat. Residence is the favorite term employed In the statutes to express the connection between pers$~ and plaoa. The meaning when employed In a statute is often provocative of dispute, often making it dirrfwt to give an exaot detinftion ot what is meant by residence as used in partioular statutee, tor when ured in etatutee it has airrerrnt meaning4 in dlrrerent oonneotlons, and may be used 'with difrerent meanings In different statutes, and also, it sometimes has d@ierent shades of meaning in the sfatute8 and even In the aonstruat ion. An examination or the autbor- itles disaloses that it has received dlf- Honorable hoodrow Curt&, Page 5 ferent derlnltlone in rsrfoue oases, prln- cipally Involving rranohlee, taxation, and juriealction. As Its 8tatutory aeflnltlon depends upon the legislative purpose ae well as the context of the statute It must be construed In every oaee in aoaordanoe with the objeot and intent of the statute In whlcrh it oocure; henoe its meaning Is to be determined from the fact8 and olroum- stances taken together In each partloular case. However, it is said that when used In the. statutes, or aotions, or suite re- 1aUng to toxe.tlon, rights 0r suitrage, dlvoroe, limitation of aotione, and the like, it le used In the sense ot legal residence, that 18 to, cay, place of doml-. oile or permanent abode." In rl?w of the foregoing authorities and the raote stated inyour inquiry, you are reepeotfully advised that it is the opinion or this department that Mr. Beok oamot .fy as a reeldent oi lrio County under Article 66T-S or the Penal Code. Trustlug that the foregoing anewere yo& inquiry, we remain Yours very truly ATTORNEY OENJiRAL OPTEUS Ardell Willlanis APPROVED J-W 6, 1939
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1041
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017