OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERALOFTEXAS Ron. Wayne lsfevm County XuQltor Clay County Henrietta, '2~x118 Dear SirI on tha above stated allfollow8: 21 Of the State UOIlBtitUtiOn Tha above quoted provision of the aonatltution hes been construed as not preoarlblne:the duties of the Qlatriat attoruay nor any dutlaa ior aounty attorneys other thaa swh QB are required to be perfcrmod for tha state. Xor doss It gclvethe county attorney authority to institutea proooaQL% unless he ia given that power Ron. Kayae Lefevre, Page 2 by atatute. The tern *dutlesn aa used In the aonatltu- tfonal provision above set forth has been dealarm to aomprehend the further idea of power or authority; and hsaoe the county attoraey la aaid to have no authority to pexfoxm any aot in respeot to which no duty haB been. made to Qevolve upon hh Spencer ~8. CfilvestonCounty,
56 Tex. 384; 7Cexl%rYa. State,
241 S.W. 231; Eunoan vu. State, 67 SIT903. T&8 respectire dUti8S of the dlatriot and county attorneys in arimfnal~prr~eQluge ara dealaxwd by~atatute, namely, Article 25-32, Code of Grim. Pm., lnaluslva. 7he chief purpose of the constitution,in oreat- lng the Ofif& of dlotrlot attorney and county attOn?ey, was to make it the r&n fuuctlm of these offioers to pronecute orlzlnal oases, es stated by the SuprerneCourt In the 0880 of 3rady vs. Brooks, 29 I301052. However, the Leglolature has irm tLne to tine ooaferr8Q additloual dutlee upon the county and distrlot attorneys, but no authority 1s found in the stehutes that mylkesIt the duty of the aouuty attorney to represent the county in ooudmna- tion pmoeediags in cases where the oouatp 1s eithr the plaintiff or the dSfendt?lt. On September 11, 1934, th5.adepartment held.ln effaot in an opinion written by Eon. Julius y. Franki, Assis- tant Attorney General, addressed to Eon. 0. C. Flshar, Couatp Attorney, Zan Angelo, Texas, that the oouaty oanralsaloaem~ court ha8 the implied Buthorlty as general mnager of county business, to retain private oounsel in tho proaeoutlon o? civil suits Involving county matters geaerally. And fur- ther holding that there are nc statutory provlsfana maklng it the duty of the oounty attorney to represent the couuty in ooademaationprooesdiuga or trespass to try title and in&motion suits, and that the oouuty ommlssloners* oourt wuld haoe the authority t0 epprOprist8 Out Of th8 g8118ti funQ o? the county to pay the attorneys hired to represent the County In auoh prooeaQln@. In the oases of Jones YS. Peltnan,
171 S.W. 2S7 ahd LattUnore vs. Tarrant County, 124 SW 2011,it was held that the ocmmlesloaers*court may lawfully employ the county attorney to represent the interest of their oounty in my oauae where such duty Is not enjolneQ upon him by law. You are respeotfullyadvised that it Is the opinion oi this departneat that the statutes lmpcee ao duty upon the oouaty attorney to represent the aounty in oondematlon prOa08di5g.8. You are further advised that the oamlslrlonars*court may coatraat tith the oouaty attorney to represent the county la oondeumtlon prooeed- lngs And compensatehk as ger oontrsat. Trusting that the foregoirl(l answer8 your lnqulry, we l-Gain
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1040
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017