Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •        House Bill JJo. 231, pro9idlnC thst It it conflicts
    oith State anti-trust laws it shnll bo null end void
    hold in aohfllct with such anti-trunt Iswe and there:
    l-or0 invalid.
    --^-                _        --            _-_-
    June 28, 1939
    conorableW. Lae,O'Daniel
    Governorof Tcxss
    ODlnion Do. o-lC33
    Cl:   Vnlidity of Route Bill Do. 231
    We hsvo for ackuowled``ant your l~ettcrof Juuc 22, 1939,
    wheroln you eck the opi.nionof this Dcpnrtmnt upon certain
    qu?stiox rolatla:j to tha vnlldity of IlouseDill iio.231, the
    *fair trade*'Act, the questions oo!:cdbeing as l'ollows:
    "1. Does the Caption of the bill, under the
    Constitution, enfficlcntly set out the purpose and
    cover the subfect mttrr  of the bill? I call your
    particular uttention to that part or the Cnption
    which says that it la for the purpose of protcctinC
    tmdc-x?rk omors,   diotributors and the Ccncrol pub-
    110 o~aiunt injurious and uncconoxic practices in
    tho distribution of articles of standard quality
    undor diotlnCuished tmdemrk,   brand or nane, etc.,
    and would like for you to advise ~19 if this in sui-
    fioiently consistent with the seation of the bill
    deali% with the subject and if it does, in fact,
    amply with the Constitution in @vine notice of the
    oontents of the bill? Plcnsc also mska your nnswer
    applioable'to each and eoery part of the Caption.
    *2.   Is there any pmoision of the Act in its
    purpose end final result in confliot tith Chapter 3,
    Title 19 of t?e Penal Oode of this State, or with
    Title 120 of tho Revleed Civil Statutes of 19257
    qn   ooaneatlon dth   the above I anderstand that
    tlkm   16       ‘h q&egitiou 08 to wlmthcror not the
    kind 0f~c0ntreot6’0ont~p~ut0a in thb Act aro in
    violationor some nati-truststetuts. Ir the oontraota
    describedare not ia vlolstlonof the statute.it
    would becoae difficultto understandthe Purposeof
    this Act.
    "3. If the manufacturer   or other peroon sclliu~
    to a dealer in Texas enter into a cootreot with hln
    wiith'the provlrions stated, and he aCroon and obliCatea
    himself to oell the Coo& at a price stipulated by
    such mnufncturer, or other person, does ho, by reason
    Iron.F. Loo C'Dsnicl, June 20, 1930, l?zCo2.
    of this Act or euch contr-ct. hwc my protection
    acninst such n4anufoctuicr or ot!lcrn~roon i'urnichinc
    [:oods to cnothcr ~lrchont in the o&c vicinity for
    Gal0 at fldil'foront price, or no price at oil? In
    other words, if one local dcolcr LC-kes a contract
    forthc purchnao of co%.oditioo for rennle with the
    mnufocturor   and arreec to sell the::at a fixed price,
    can hc by the term of this bill h,jvu nn opreormnt
    in hia contract thct the rmnufncturcr will not sell
    to one of bit coxJP?titorsct 0 different price, or
    no Eircd price? If such provision should bo in the
    contract vtould it be a lawful provision.?
    "4. I would like for you to cdvice no the
    mooning and effect of Paragraph 2 of Seotion 1, recd-
    ine as follo,xi:
    'That v~ilfully'and knoiirin$yofferin; for
    salt or cellinS any cor3aodityat less than
    the tninixnd price ntipulotcd in any contract
    cntercd into pursuant to tho proricions of
    this Act, whether the per-on eo offcri~ for.
    sale or sellin;. is or is not a party to such
    contract, in unfair co!lpetitionand is action-
    able nt the.suit of any person dnna::cdtbora-
    by. ...'
    "Do you consider this lan!:u:rco
    cufficiently defi-
    nite and ccrtein-to bc binding7
    "5. Ilocco advise *co in Pcrticulnr if pnro~rcph 3
    of Section 2 is in violation of any Sedoral levror, if
    effcctivc, uould it onend, uodify or repeal any of'the
    Anti-Truut 1``s of the Stats of Terns?
    "6. Is any portion of said Act in conflict \;lth
    the Constitution end law of the IlnitcdCtntcc or of
    the stntn or TCXC87"
    Sincc.uz hnvo reached the conclusion that House Bill Do.
    231 is'in contrnvcntion of and conflicts 74th the anti-trust
    l~vlsof the State of Texas, and thercforc, by virtue of the
    PrOViSiOns of Section 7 of House Bill No. 231, is 0 nullity
    and of no force or effect whatoocver, It becozss unneceescry
    ct this tin0 to enSaS In the extensive study neccosary in
    order to enable us lntelli~ently to ensv!erother quostlono
    of const1tutlonolity ana statutory construction proeonted 10
    your inquiry.
    We-have presentcd in thie House Bill emote& by the
    ,Je&lelatureai the Stite'oi Texm the novel aa& peoullar
    rltustfonof a lecidatlve body prwldin(:that the Aot deslGn-
    ed to relieve oortaln types of oontracts iron tho prohlbltlons
    contained in the anti-trust laws of tbe State of Texas. shell
    be decned null and void and of no force and offcct WhntsOaVcr
    if it is effective to eccozpllsh the desired Purpose. IiOVCl
    and poculinr though thlc situation nay bc, it is neverthsleos
    the duty of this Dcportncnt and of all officers of the Sov-
    erment charged with the duty of cnforcinC such lew to Give
    full efEcct to the cxprocsad lntcntlon of the Le~isloturo.
    Section 7 of F!ouseBill No. 231 reads 0s follows:
    non.   :‘I.
    Lee O~Dzc~icl,Zuno 78, 1939, I’a~o3.
    lWothin;:in this Act ohnll cvcr bc conotrtied
    as arzndin3, no::ifyin::, saspcndlnf*or rcpeslln:;
    any of the la::-sof this St.ato dzflnlnficm) pro-
    hibitinC trirts, nono~olicc, and concpiracics
    against trudc, viith p~rticulnr rcfcrencc to C!lapter
    3, Title 19, Fenol Code cl’the Stctc of Tcms, nnd
    Tl.tlc126, Heviscd Civil Ctctutct of Tercs, 1925,
    aud if any provision of this Act is hc1.dto bc in
    oont~cvontion of or coni‘lictoltiiany of said
    lcwa, tbon said provision shall be null and void
    aridof no force or effect.”
    Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4 of DoufieBill No. 231 read as
    “Section 1. That no contrcct rolatinC to the
    sale oz rcrclo of a commodity which bonrs, or the
    label cr cohtcnt of which bcsrs, the trade-r&ark,
    brand, or no::8of the producer or cri:ncrof such
    oomodity, nnd which is in fuir oud open coxpetl-
    tion v:ith coxioditicn oi”the s*r:cCcnaral class
    produced by others, if not in violation of Clmpter
    3, Title 19, Penal Code of the State of Texas or
    Title 126, Rcvincd Civil Statute3 of Texgr,, 19%
    and if mic I’ora period not in oxc3s:iof two (21
    y.:srsfro:1the date of its execution, shnl.1be
    dconed in violation of my I.&I; of the State of
    Texas by ro~coh of any of t!ic~Yollo?:ln;:
    xay bo coctained in Each contract:
    “1. That the buyer will not resell
    such cora~o~ity,belo:! the mininur~ grice stipulated
    by the vendor.
    “2.  That vrilfullyand knov?inClyoffer-
    ir;Sror sale or sellin::any comodity at less than
    the z&niml: Drice stipulated in any contract entered
    into purcuant to the provisions of this Act, whether
    the person so offering,for sale or sclli~ is or is
    not a party to such contract, lo unfair coapctition
    and is actiomble at the suit of any person dcxaged
    Tbat the vendee or produoor require
    any dealer%   rrhozshe nay roooll such camodity to
    agree that ho ``111not, in turn, resell,balm the
    nin5x~ruprice +xulatob by such reador or by rnab .
    “1. ic OlO.SinJJ OUt the Oimer’s GtOC@
    for the purpose of dlscontlnulnS dellvery of any
    such comodlty; provided, homver. that such stock
    is first oficrcd to the rmmfccturcr of such stock
    Gt thf? O*i~iIl7ll lnvoicc price, at lenst ten (10)
    b,,ro:.co,:c>stock shall bi: ofl’orodfor sale to
    the public.
    ”2 . Khen the Coodn are dns$Ccd or ‘dater-
    iorntod 111 qunlity, and notlca io ;:ivcb to the
    public thereof.
    IfOli.Y.   Lot o’rl~nlol,June 2C, 1989, lnC,e4.
    “3.   Ry any oi’ficcractin: under the ordorn
    or any court.
    ‘!EOC.3. The follozin2 terms, as urod in this
    Act, am hereby dafincd as follo~;s:
    ``Froduccr~ mz3ns Cromr,     bn?ccr,maker, manu-
    facturor, nor publisher.
    means ony rubjoct of oozmerco.
    “SCC. 4. This Act shall not npply to any contraot
    or cqrccmont betv:ocn the produco?s or bctricenvrholcsalero
    or betv;sonrotallers,’a6 to sole or resale priors. It
    is furt!xr specificslly provided that suoh contracts
    betwcn said parties are horcby declared void.”
    Title 12G, I&vised Civil Statuteo of the Stat.0 of Texas,
    is the Title of our Civil Stntutos rclotinC to trusts an&
    conspiraoico a:rainsttrudo. The ~wovisiono of such title,
    applicable.to the oP.aract?r of c~rsmonta with *:ihichXouse
    Bill No. 231 is conoerncd, are quoted belo?~:
    “Article 7426 . A ‘trust’ is a oombinotion
    of capital, skill, or acts by t?:o or morn parsons,
    .firms, corporations, or oseoolations of perzons,
    or cith.orTao or more of the::, for cithor, nny,
    or all OF tho folloulnC purpocos:
    “1. To crents, or which may tond to create,
    or carry out rsatrictions in trade or oo~meroo
    ... or to crcato or onrry out restrictions in the
    free pursuit of any businoco authorized or permitted
    by laws of this.Etato.
    “2. To fix, maintain, increase, or reduce the
    price of’merchcndiao, produce, or commodities ...
    ‘c5. To arovont or lessen competition in tho
    manufacture, mnk,inC, trnnsportation, sale or pur-
    ohaso of acrohandicc, produce, or commodities ...
    “4. To fix or naintoin any standnrd or tiguro
    whcroby the price of any article or cor~lodityof
    morohandiso, produce, or ooFzzroo ... shall be in
    any manner nffootod, controlled, or established.
    “5.. To make, enter into, maintain, execute
    or carry out any contract, obligation or uCreemsnt
    by which the parties thereto bind, or havo bound
    themselves not to oell, dispose of, trans_oortor
    to prepnrc for riirkct or trunsportation any article
    or commodity ... or by whlc!rthey shsll aCrea in
    any manner to !ceepthe prioo of suoh article or
    commodity ... nt a fixed or Crndod figure, or by
    which they shsll in any mannor affect or maintain
    the price of any commodity or article ... to pre-
    clude a froo and unrestricted competition amonf:
    tberlcclvcsor others in the sale ... of any ouch
    article or co>!!lodity,or by :;hichthay shill aCroc
    to pool, co:lbine,or unite ony intorostn tboy may
    have in connection with the r:alaor purchase Of
    any article or co:-modity ... whereby its prioo or
    such oharp  ml&. br? in any n::nncr nffcctcd.
    Bon. !?.Lee O’Daniol,
    June CC, 1939, Face 5.
    “6. To rqulate, fix or l.indttho outpat of
    my nrticlo or co.mmodityv:hichmay be monufoctur-
    ed, mined, produced or sold, ...
    “7. To~cbstoin from enCagi.nCin or contlnuins
    busincos ,,or rron the purchase or sale 0r nbrchan-
    disc, prcduco or oo?modities psrtially or entirely
    within tho Stat0 of Texas, or any portion thereof.”
    hrticle 7429 provides as i’olla;vs:
    “Any and all trusts, nonopolies and oou-
    spiraoics in reotrnint of trade, as heroin dofined,
    ara prohibited and declsrod to be illeCa1.”
    hrticle 7430 providoo in effect ‘that tho charter of an,y
    corporntion c:rwtor+d under tho law of Texan which may be     .
    euilty of violotin3 any provision of the Title 1X, may be
    forfeited at th? rcquost oi’tho httornsy General, if in the
    judcxent of tho Court trying the 0~159,the public int.erost
    requires such forfeiture.
    Article 7437 provides:
    “Any contract or sCroer:ont in violation of
    any provision of this subdivision shull be absolute-
    ly void   and not enforcible either in low or oqulty.``
    Tha balance of Title 13!0contains msny othor provisions
    dotiGncd to make offectivo the prohibitions contained in
    subdivinion 1 of the Tit1.e.
    Articles 1632, lG33, 1634, oontainod in Chapter 3,
    Title 19, of our Fanal Code, arc but verbatim copiss of
    Az%icles  7426, 742.7,and 7428 ol’our Revised Civil Statutes,
    referred to abova.
    Article 1635 of our Penal Codo provides that whoever
    vlolntoc any provision of such Chsptor shnll be confined
    in ths ponitontiory not loss than two nor more than ten
    Years, The belanca of the Titla contains provisions not
    hecessnry to bo notiood in connection with the discussion
    involved horoin.
    Even a cosunl reading; of the provisions of the above
    statutes disclo;:csthat thoy wre dcnignod to prevent the
    lixir``of prioas of artiolos of ooxxrco in any mannor by
    the combined efforts of tv:o or more individuals, firms,
    Corporations, or associations or pcrcons. Tho anti-truet
    lnws oonstituto a 1oCislativn reooznition that oombinstions,
    hzvlnC ror thoir purpo-c or effcctin;:by their acts the fir-
    inC of prices, nro obnoxious to the public interest, and
    dicplny a desire to enact ooaprohcncivo laws to render suoh
    i113(;ol,uncnforoiblc, and puoichoblc criminally,
    no rzrttorhov it may be souCht to bu ncconplishod, rrhothcr
    dlxotly or indir3ctly.
    so fer nc o:,xranti-truct 1~s condemn co-collod “VW-
    t.iC.11”                                :,uts lc~iolativc adoption
    price-fixin::, they ‘coilr:tituto
    rocoyition of the otntemnnt rondoby the SUprO:lOCOUl’t
    of the United States   in tho cam of Strauo VS. Victor Tnlk-
    in- !.:achine Co., 243 lJ. S. 490, Gl L. Ed. Oi,O, that attempts
    to 0011 property for o full price and yet to place rcotraints
    upon its lurthor olicnstion, have hem obnorioun and hstoful
    to the law frcilthe days of Lord Co‘ze,bcaaurs obnozioua
    to t!lcpublic interest.
    In order to'undorstsnd thoro;t::hlY thu nnturr of tho
    problm prosontcd in conncctio!lr:ith such lwc es the ohs
    under consideration, it is perhnpn cdvicablo thnt vzo rcvicw
    the ar~umnts ih favor of and a~alnst such 1n:vs. It is
    contcndcd by ndvocntos of such lo,:iolntionthat the mum-
    fncturer of'trsdo-marked or broddcd nrticlcs of co:mxco hao
    a vital intcrc::tin tho Coo3 vzill cnCendcred by the sale
    of such Coo& vith his brand or tmdc-sark upon thorrl;that
    price-cuttiaz in such goods by rct.cilorsto v/ha71 ths r*onu-
    fccturcr or distributor has ~olc?t!:cmresults in danaCe to
    the r~nufaCtul~CP'~: COO4 Uill; thst the dn:mCc thus sustained
    inoronoss the mnufactursr's costs and,iaRnirs his ability
    to nsrket his coodo and ronults in incrsaccd prices for such
    ,-oodsto the buyin: ~mbllo. (
    7 A.L.R. 453-43
    a).  It lo
    argued that Vertical" price-fixing;--thatis, price-firing,
    on a bran&xl co:n;odityin coxpetition v!ith other branded
    commodities of a similar class, by a~recnont botwon the
    r~anufnctureror the distributor and the dealers in such
    cocmodity, cs to the oricas for which his coxodity alone
    nay be sold, is bcncficinl to tho public Ccncrelly; vrhcrcns,
    it is cdnittod tht '*horizontnl'price-fixing aCro-s.ntc--
    that is, price-fixinC botv;ocnr:anu1eoturoro or dealers in
    similsr cox:odi.tissnnrmnlly in cor:petitionr&oh vith the
    other, is decidedly ininioul to the public Interest.
    On ths contrary, the arCumentc npninst such price-fixing
    arc phrased as folloxs by the l'odcrclTrade Carzlissionreport
    for the ficonl ycor ending Juno ZO, 1910:
    "I. The powr to fix prices will usually be
    abused by the OlkW2C  Of too 10~   Proms;
    "2. Renslc prioo r~aintenanco protects and
    ancouracas inofficicnt jobbcrs and prevents elinina-
    tion in the over-crorldcdfield of r&ldlc;wn;
    "3.  It tends to secure cooperation of Ccnlors
    and to prcjudicc the:4a&net   brands xhose prices
    are not fixed;
    "4.  It forces other dealers to atteapt the
    control of prices;
    n5.  It oncournces Ccneral otandurdization of
    prices end elimination of normal COnpetitiOn among
    dedsrs; and,
    "6.  It forcas the ultinato oonsuzsr to Roy
    hidhcr prices and leaves him no borPinin3 Powr
    with rocpect to tho article concerned." (
    7 A.L.R. 45s
    It io, of course, tho proroeativo of tbo LcCislal;urO, in
    the oxercico of its conctitutiorml authority to oriCinoto such
    lerislo'tio:l  tb!n, ana of t!loCovomor, in the crsrcise of
    AIo oonstitut;.onol.outhorityto vcto,or npprove, to Salonce
    thcco argumnt,s and concidorntions tho on0 ayalnst .tha other,
    ootor:linetheir validity, end to tnko such octlon es, to tllanl,
    eppesrs to bo in the intcrcst of the public ConerallY.
    In LhC Ob~O!lCO Of Oily COilstitution:~l inhi:,ition;noitber
    this DCPa~V:.etLt nor the courtn uould h?vc any rl.i;htful eon-
    corn :-At!1t!:cq~l0~3tioll
    of ptlbliopolJcy irvolvcd, Since
    or th?.t question or pubL!,io pa,cy is
    ~:ovmn xl by fioilin;:~of fact, ::nc: iJ!O?o:!i:r
    to r:2koSllCll
    fiAi::;s of f::ot is by our Comtitutlon c~01uSi~ly vOStOd
    in ti'.cLo~i;.lntureSnd in tho Cbi-f X:cooutlve of the St3t9.
    It folls:iStbct if the Act h2d uilcqL"ivocallgolesptcd
    r.achqyozi2:nt.o3 s nra contmplntod by it:;term fron the
    provisionc of the anti-trust 108s of the Stat!: of Tome,
    this Dcgartr.cntshouldbe concernsd only xith t:-.equmtion
    of its conctiV~tion2lity. The Act, hcwevor, does not mire
    such uocquirocal oxmption,~but cxprcssly provides tbot
    if t.?
    0 contr:ictcsanctio;xd ty it era vior:,tivr?or t!:ose
    State anti-tlust lovs clreuly onzctcd rind in full force
    nnd cfl'c0t t!:oAct itself, not tbo imti-trus ln!Ys,r.l!all
    be null Sn(:1
    void nnd of no force Sad ol'feot. ‘0 that it
    becoxos nocexi;ry for this Dzpnrtxnt r?ttho k 1tsct to
    conriidcrthe qxstion of vhcth.crt!E Act by 'it's own tori:3
    12;a nullity, and thl:,qucttion bcin~; dutcrninzd in t:?o
    affir3stire, Soy quOtAion of conotitutiocclify  baoozos rloot.
    By nu::::rousdocioionn in tho St.nteof Texas, our courts
    have detcr:.:icaii
    t!xL 03r Stat.0anti-trust lo?;Sro:ld3r
    absolutely n:lllant:void VSrtionl" pl.lcc-fixfnf;  cqroezzonts
    ontwcd into b:lt!:cen xionufucturors or dir?.ri~ultors
    ond re-
    tailers, :;heri;bythe rotoilcr n;,7,rcec
    to roS,ollon Srticlc
    of oome1'co in tJ:iaState only St e xioo fissd by the
    I:onufScturer or dirtributor of Such nrticlc of cc:xsroo.
    In the ci:seof Coddoll VS. ::Stkins (C.C.A. Son Antonio)
    227 9. V!.m't, t.l?C
    court mid:
    "If by the fores of this contract qnd the
    controlciven thcreun>als in ths OQCO of Tri-State Soles Co. Vs.
    Rational Autoxltio ::ochina Co., 38 8. iY. (2d) 059.
    In each of the follozinS cases, tho contracts with
    vhlch the courts v,oro dealing prorllnontlylnvolvod acre+
    ncnts bctv:oonnaaufocturars  or distributors and dcelsrs to
    whom they wxo sellinS their yoods that such dcolaro should
    resell such Sooda only et retail prices fixed by the maw-
    focturer or dietributor. In oath cnso, such "vortioal'
    price-fixing q (;roaxentwas held to be void because in Vlo-
    lation of our Ststo anti-trust laws:
    vi.T. RawloiSh Co. vs. Ds?:cr, et al (C.C.A. Texarkena).
    117 s. R. (2d) 1117.
    Karathon Oil Co. vs. Rodlay, et al (C.C.A. Ft. ?iorth),
    107 5. V'. (2d) Oes, writ di~!ri~scd.
    EcConnon vs. Ralston, et al, 275 8. 1?. 165.
    XoConnon vs. I!nrshnll, et al (C.C.A. Texnrkana), 280
    s. iY.323.
    a. T. Rav:lcieh Co. vs. BraCberry'(C.C.A. Ar,erillo),
    290 S. >I.870.
    71. T. Rnwloigh Co. vs. Rudeon, et 01 (C.O.A. Rl IOOO),
    200 3. iv. 775.
    v. T. RnviloiShCo. vs. Gober, ct nl*(C.C.A- ?aco),
    I3 S. 71. (2d) S45.
    J. R. v;atkinoI:cdionl Co.~va. Johnson, ot al (C.C.A.
    Son Antonio), lG:!S. L:.394.
    In each of the sbovo cltod oo!xs Jurl refwr.:d to,
    there ycro ‘oth.?rvioli:tlouco!'tho out!-tmst lo\~:s,j.nvol.vod
    finsuch contracts, SUOh 65 ~O~l211?~2IIt!; t?;:.:t ti7.ac.OOci:i
    sold by the rctcllor  only in c czrtnin  tcixlt.crry,    or t&t
    the dcalor should bind hi:Gclf to co11 no otbm {;oods of
    o sllnllarchnractcr, or th;t the dmler dfl.1'ota      his ontire
    tlr:eonly to the hole of the p2::ticulnrccr.i;6il:*'c    :mrchnn-
    dloe; but it is oppcront i'roi;l
    tho follo;.lr.::  c:lcesreforrcd
    to balm t!,:lt tho stipulotinn In tl:ocoutx,.ct>i.:hich      chiofly
    conccrnod tho courts wus thnt fixlfizprice::,      and ti::ltthe
    othor Ptlpul5tionc roforra~ to mro rcfcrdr3 Vi tho courts,
    es they are by the anti--trustloo;:,ao viu:ous ond coatrnry
    to tho public iMcrc:t becnuce they afford ef'fectivc:~xm
    by Yzhlch pri63 control nay bc mlntolnod.
    In tha csse of J. R. !%tkino !~:odicalCo. vs. Johnson
    et al (C.C.2. Son Antonio), lG2 S. VT.384, t?m Cm-t,     in
    di6tfntl\ishillC the :'U~;'cmCourt c2coo of Idb6i%y;16 CD.
    vr. Feist GO., nnQ Fuqa    78. Fiwrin~ Co., ro::clks:
    'I...they nrc clomly dlntingsi:5hnblo. In
    the Fuqnn caao the fmrtics sourht to con!.rol
    th6 Pl'iCC nlld SirlC Of t!lc b.:cr oftcl t!lu title
    theroto v~stxl f.n the purchd::x?, ns ~011~ 6% to
    dopriro the buyer end sollor ol t!w r,i~htto (:s:l
    wit3 any other jx?rsonowith roforcnce to the EWZB
    cozziodltyin the oc::wtarritory durlw: the tsm
    of the cont.rnct. In tho F'eist cast?no cfrort me
    rude to co:;troloi'lixit tho Ciq~orition of tke
    (;ooas ... but to bind the soiler to 3511 tiresme
    class of GOOR:: to no other pxrson in the ~'s;:o
    territory i'orn lirlltcdtlxa. The contrwt clcnrly
    shirjlcthat Feint P-.Cwp?ruy vw1'0 in no :mmm      lirlitcd
    in ttc?irri::htto cull or to fix the prim or the
    (:oods or in my mmcr      to coriLro1or llr.:lt  tho
    free  and Unro6tXIiIlsd  tiTffi6   in th0 :~OOds cold
    oftor thc.titlu thcrzto v3stcd in l‘clst;: Coqmy,
    The corn con be mid of'the coca of Xclipoc i%iat
    Cmpnny vs. NW Froccso rtoo?ln;.      Co:'1>ouy."
    In the 6660 of Double Seal Hin;:Co.x:mnyvs. Keith,
    (C.C.A. Pt. ;:'orth), 107 S. i'l.(2d) 428, writ roi'uoed,the
    Court rooo,';nirud thnt if the oontroct there undm consid-
    orotlon bsd boon oue of rslo, rnthnr then one of ogonoy,
    and hn(lfixed the rcsalc prlco$ at vihlohthe 00n'~10cliti6~
    !nust bo rold, it would I!;vobcon in violetion of our Statc
    anti-trust laws.
    In the OGL:C of tiu Enmel Point Co. Vs. Davis (G.C.A.
    Ft. Korth), G3 S. IV. (7.d)RCl, the Court, lu holdin!!that
    a contract  for the sale of paint not ctipulntinz tbot thz?
    distributor S1oulG be tho co1.0dlntributor in tho torrltory
    deolC:nateduor binding him to ccl].at o fl:ml prloo, did
    not rioloto Stato,nnti-trust law, rennrks:
    VW     Century ;.:anufnctiirin: Co. vs. Bohouror
    (VOXOS    CC:X!~:::~O~   6r   hp   61.:;) 45   L;. .::. (?a)   560,
    is not in pglnt, slnc2 the contmct tllorc conctruud
    dld stipuloto 8 fixed price for which the articles
    oontrnctcd for should bo cold.*
    It nuct bz notod, of oourcc, tlat tho ceeo of Rcw
    Co. VS. Cohourar ho3.dD contract to
    p?~rchesepoint contoinln: proVl;:io:wrixilg:tho mm10
    price Of point to bn in violation of the l?o&rcl enti-
    trust 1~s; but it is api:nrciIttlmt the Fo;t Yorth Cwrt
    of CiVll Ap?cnlo conntracd tl:rct
    03s::as equally n~plfcnblc
    to our State anti-trust lnxo.
    In the moo of :I. T. Rarlei~b Co. VS. Flotohcr, et cl,
    (C.C.A. Tcxlrkana), 275 S. 1. 210, the Coupt ctatcd thot
    the fact Wet D.buyer, puro!acl`` nrtlclcs ootrl:;ht,Vas
    ln~i'ely~ovorncd by the scllcr*c "l;u:::L'.?3tcG
    prlcob" in dir;-
    posing of articlea bou;ht did not 111and of itself ooneti-
    tuto 6 viol;:tionof State m&l-trust lew.    The Court says:
    There lb no find.lngthat it UUB a part of the
    contract l-orrlotcksr to ye;011 the r,oodcat-
    p~lcas listed to hl&. The fmre feet that 'in
    di~po~lu::of‘the products purclasod by hlx,'
    TletchJr 'I:23lcrcely ~OV0XIlGd by 'n B'Ji``\OSted
    retell grim list of JI1‘OduCtcq v;ouldnot, In
    i,tcolf,bc .=I
    vlol:jtlon of'tho ctatutec."
    That csee, themfore, turns upon the failura to be&b-
    lioh either the n~roc.;:ant
    or the cuctox i!zply:ni-
    en ayrcc-
    mnt., to rerzcllnt priccc fired by the co;!wny, the court
    ncceccnrlly lsplyln: that lr Flotchor h?d obll;;qtodhirxolf
    to rcasll at prlccs fixed by the co~ipony,tbsro v~ouldhnve
    cxistcd cuch n cozblnntion 86 in redo unlwful by tho nnti-
    truot lo~.zor TCXI~G,sun such contrnots v:ouldhow been
    And in the mce of K. T. Rawleigh Co. vs. Fish, (C.C.A.
    Xer;tlcnd),290 2. 2. 798, the Cowt, in conetruin~ b ooztract
    for the snle of hoods es not limitln~ olther territory,
    rccclo price, or requiring voadee to sell only vcndorfs
    coed:;,and thorcforo not viol.ntin:-our ttetc cnti-trust
    lavrb,a@n   hplics that if tke oontrt~ot:v:dflxod the rc-
    oale pricrr,it v;ould have boon in violetion of our enti-
    trust lam.
    And in the onse of Y!.T.~Rwloigh Co. vc. lIarpar (Co+
    nission 0r Ap>cnls), 17 u. Y. (Pd) 455, Ia0 Corx&.sion or
    hppoalo,  ``licr- t,?ls jury found tlm t the ar,raomnt xwde pro-
    vldod t!mt i!llrgrwe to dcvoto bin entfro tirnc,skill, OtC.,
    to selling cooidspuro!mscd of the company by him, but t!mt
    lt did not:conttzglots or provldc that hlr:torritorj %s
    to be limltcd or that the rosalo price w R to be filed by
    tllo co:~pci:yh&i that the oontrect did not violsto our Stnte
    entl-trust Inwe, but hem n&n          the intimntion ie olonr that
    if the oontract had provided for tho fixing of the remlo
    ,7rlce,the coul’t would hove held it to bc Void.
    Other autho``ltloofrom thlc Et::t                            

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1039

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017