Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

    Bomrable c#e(DrgeB. Sheppard
    comptroller OS Publia AQOOUE%~
    huitln, T9zaB
    Dear Sirs
    II0 uo   ln no,
    uhloh roada   lo   follorrr
    qUO6tiOR kd8.B    ill th0 PayVRt
    elals   as to whotbr   the 8Wh .of
    sot& er,w    ts to be tdton as
    date of gmohaoov or date of saloa fp
    SOt@ is to bo tabn am tho ‘d&to o?
    I)la th e th
    ii oo fsirwao Tifo w U.
    ith in  a
    air a~n$hs’ pe&eo(l.~ Xi the E?th ir to bo
    ta&n am ths Wto ti.sale,    thorn tho rix
    aanth8* llml$a)WkB*s rwb
    George H. Sheppard, Pa&e 2
    "In this aonaootlon I refer gou to
    Artiole 7065a-13.
    "I shall thank you to advise this
    department as to whloh of the dates, May
    27, 193i3,or May 30, 193f3,1s to be oon-
    aidered as the date Oi aaler*
    iS8havs al80 been irtomed    thct the involo8 lndl-
    ontea thattho oilrof motor hi81 referred to in your letter
    was ahippdd freight prepaid, term8 n8t 30 days, pti1oe~f.o.b.
    point of origin, and '1188
    no doubt shipped on open bill of
    Artlols 706Sa-13, Ri C. S., 1925, insoSar as It
    applies to the lknitatfon on the refund of motor fuel tsx,
    provides as rollowe:
    "(0) When a olaimant purohaees or
    aoquires for ~88 motor fuel upon whloh
    a refund of the tar may bs due, h8 shall
    within six (8) months rr0m the date 0r
    purohase of motor fuels upon whloh a
    refund 1s claimed, and not thereaftnr,
    rile *withthe Comptroller an afridavft
    on suah ronns as may be prsrorlbbedby
    ths Compttillar . . . No refund shall
    be mad8 where motor fuel ia used later
    then six (6) months from the dnte of
    Xhen referring to the date of eale or ?urohass it
    must bs pr8aumed that ths Leglrlature hed in mind tha mm-
    manly understood maniai: of those terms p.8defined by th8
    oourta, unlses it olearly np.near%from the aontsti that a
    different nsanir;waslatendedr 39 Tex. Fur. 3. 167, p. 200.
    Fe find nothing in the aot whloh would indloate that tho
    Honorab~r     George Ii.   Sheppard, Pap   3
    .   .
    s 1-1
    .   I       Lesl%lature intended th8 date of aale to be other than that
    r‘m*,               dohnitely 8%tsb1l.?&d by the Courts.
    '#henthe fuel in question WD% delivered into the
    tank oer at Port Arthur it was theraby segregated from th8
    -88, ldwtlrlbd and put in a delivereble oondltioa. 37
    Tsx. Jur. p. 448, S8C. 202.
    It 1s an established IU18 Of 1a-wthat When pro-
    98rty is daLiYer8d to a oarrier by a vendor, pursuant to
    an order or oontraot, or where the oontraot 1s silsnt on
    the .plaoe of delivery, the dsllvery to the oarrlsr oper-
    at88 as a dellvory t0 the vendee, in the ab%snoa of a oon-
    traot or agreement to the oontrary, and upon the happen-
    ing Or the event tit18 peases to the Vendee aud the eal8
    1s ooneummated. Alexander Y. Heidanhelmer (Corn.App. 1920 1
    221 9. W. 942; bWVning-F8rri% Maohlne Company v. Tompeon
    (T. C. A. 1933), 58 s. ';9.(2) 183; Embrea-&ioLeonCarriage
    Company v. Luck (T. C, A. 1895), 33 Sj,5. 154; Thomas v.
    Gulf Banana Dispatah Company (T. C, A. 1830, writ dismlssed 1,
    a6 s. H. (2, 665; Keller v. State (Ter. Cr. 1905), 87 S. R .
    It i8 our opinion that the date of %a18 of tb
    motor fuel under the faote abova stated was l&y 27, 1930,
    Yours very truly

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1012

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017