- OFFICE OF THE A-ITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 5 p0reon 0rri0haguith, and alga& in, aolio- itlng Insurance on b&W of a Looal Record- leg iqsnt, tie Qets not sign and exeoute polio108 of inauranos, and who does not sdntaln ooiimny r4oerda of suoh trabaotlone. This shall not be ooxMmmd to rpake a Sol&o- torota Looal Re~ordlrlg eat who ?laOQa business of a o&as rhlahxl0 rum 0r thQ aoiwany or oarrler require to be4plaoedm appliaation or to be written la a mpervlm- ry 0fme. sea. 3. %henany pemsaa urtlrn8haU desirs to Qu@.ge In IaaalleQsas a IAoal RQ- OOPdilUJAgWt tOr M &SlUWOQ Cbiipan)r W InsraanoeCarrler,he aballmakeappllaatlaa Sor a Uoense to the Board oi Inourawo Cm- nlssionQrs* hi mmh r0rr aa tho Board may require,andsuuh llaon~.nybelem~oiIb~ +dtl Beard lu tho form prepared by it when hs~Ub&raundai``o~otarmbgooQ reputatioa. The Board is authorieod to ir su4 lioQnas* to nrns or to indlwa anga@.migaa partaaom in the lnmranooobrui- neM provided the naama of all permns. ia- terestedfn QyohrfraarQnamdln'tEQlloatM, and ProYldQU, rurthQr, that all llemui(L agentsguqti be reswnt8 0r TQXM. horid+ that a person who say reaid4 in a town throqgh niich the State Line my run andwbmo m?#i* dence la ln the town in tho a oiafng State pay bc lioQW#Bd, if he ha8 dUr % the last prso@ing two yenta bmm lisensed by the State, and ir bill btinaee Off%06 ha8 bQa amI io being siaintaia'ti in theirStetQ. ThQ Board ahall not ls0ne d 1i0QnQQ to a oorparc aticpr 5 Hon.UarMnBall,Fage 4 other Xn~umnce Uarrier, until he ahall have provided rot herein. prooured the J.l0oFlns8 SW. 5. qo llaenas ahQl1 be granted to any person or tini, eltbar aa Lwal.Ra- oordlllgAgent or sol.l0itor,rot the PtlTpOsQ 0r uritlng any raca3.0r irrs-OQ, ``1~88 suoh parwm or iian ia writing or Qolloitlng, t0 Writ9 OF SOtiOit Or i.Utf%ids 5.XMUl-OllO8 trora the publla generally. Nothlag hQin em- tained shall prohlblt his InQuring hi.8m prop8rLy or prop8rtleQ in whloh hQ has aa interest; but It la the lntmt of thla SQO- tlon to preserve to ertahoitlrrsnthe right to ohoose his om &eat or Insuranoe Carrier, md to prohibit the lioemiag Of an tiedi.;- w~r*t0sng~8inth8hsarano - neQQ prlnolpally to handle budneee whloh ho l p r lno ip u hcellty r ein t oontrols only through ownership rortgago, M8ttlQ. The tera uOede shall - saenty-rive par 0-t '(W). *I* SW. 12. ~0 0r thb ptatifii08k bat x h dll lppu to th0 LliQ Ine~ren09 bufsinaQ8 CSthQlSe Dqmtn~n~otth~oaupani``~a- ~46 there&n, nor shall it am4 to any of tha r0uoring. muthelpt '(0) The Attorney-in-mot ror any Luyd8.' Artiole 5025,.Revised Civil StatUtea, read8 as r0ollows: %xoept aa herein prorids no other I.WJTSUIO~laor0r thi8 state shall apply te lnsuranoe CF;the Lloyd*8 @an uulena It 18 rspeciliaallyso pro~laoQ In Qunh other law that $hs S@W shall be appliaabla-* 5. Hon.~i&irYiaHall, PGga 5' provlca3, in mud, that any prsan ~20 rbolialt8in- SZanW OS behuM of any inoUl2KlO8OOrc~ ia an &gent 0r tho OcL.pny. ArtlCl.65055, FieviocdCloIl as icllow~l abikllnot be law&l for %t to aot with+ thIQ StatO, as agcmt or other rlae, in aollaltlng or ree8IrLrq e.pplloatImm r``SUWic8 Or ~ki11dWh6t``r,`` ia soy mannSr to ald in thQ transaotlon or the busl.neseoreilylnsurzlaceeOrr;pen7fncorpor- ated in this State or out 0r it, PithOut rim proouring c o~irlcde 0r asxthorlt7 fWriithe CommlesloneL~ *Art. 5014. ‘Atttormw8 -Sined polioi or ~USUWOO aqg b0 ajuotia[ b7 m attorney in teat or oth8r~rtpmmmtetlto hiWCb7 'dMigWt8b *atfiQrlIOfl authorized & andautiLrrgfor s~hundsnrrlt.Qra unbds?~ 0r attommy. TheptlaafpalQr~Os~ rooh atWEtg~8haU bQm&it&nQdatrru& plne6 aa qay bs desiguats0 by the tmdentritur~ in thstr ertI0leQ ot egreemn$.*~ -Art* 5ol5. mawti0ti rm zi0~11~8 ~Theattorne7ahaUru~ w~iththacomlealka- 4r a rorlfied appllaetlon ror liaeuse QQ~- tlng forth and aooampaclsd brr (a) The name or the-ettOl'nQyand thQ tltL8 undarwhiah the bwsiness Is to be eon- duoted, nhiah titlQ ~ball oonMn the mm Ucpl*sari& sballnotbe ire85xllarto spp name or title ln UBQ in thte Stats RS to be llk&.y to confuse or dwelra. b The location Or the prlnoipal ofrloe. 0 Tb8 kinds t3iin8arMO~ t0 be 0fr80&3~, I{ whioc kinds 0r lnauranoe may be aa r0lmQl I..Fire Lneurenoe, rtlch tira?shell bQ canaotru8dto lnulu6o tornrPd0.hall, arop end rfaatsr lmuranae. 8. hut&li3obila insusrranoo, wtich term bell be oQnstrue~to inOlUd8 iire, theft, tran8;orttM.on, property d6m8ge. oolUtsio~, liabflftyandtorxmlo lcmumnoe. 3. Liablllty Snaumnoe. 4. f;arlnalnsur8ms. 3. hooident and health lnsurume. 6. Burglary and plate giaes lnsuranos. 7. Pldellty and surety bon& lnsurancre. 8. Any othor kinds al lnsuranoe, not above speclSbl, the task- oiwhloh ir not o~h&xwi6evi6e~rul in this SLPta* cuoept. (d) A otpy*of each form af polioy CIF oontraot by wbioh muah lxmurarme ia to be erieate& (0) A oopy of the fcir of power oi ai+ tommy by virtue ofwhloh the attorney 40 to aot for and bind the mweal cmderwritetr 6nd a oopy ot ths 6rtlola8 oi 6gmsnrsnf 6n- tared into betwasol the tuulerwrit6rm them- selves end the attorney. (i) The ma88 dinaaddreuea of all UR&W- rriters, white numbes ahall not be 1088 tbm.i ten. (h) &I lhmuvmt exesuted'by eaoh and a3.l 0s ths unaemm43m 8peohlly ampor*t- ing t&a attorney to roaspt 6emiod or procee8 iCrr e&Oh IUidsXWrit8r i&I W 8OtiCXi On CiiV poUoy or oontmiot of lnsur6n80, 6~3 M la- rstrumentfrcm the attocmsyto auoh 0-e sianer Qelsgatin~the eA.fmMpa powea sx& thlstospeotto suahCorezr&saianar,' ofttie-ehap%sfend upona oharinfgsfa8aet8 as psovlclad In the suooseding artlola, the Gam.tssl.onersmll, upon payaellt or a fea
Document Info
Docket Number: O-1010
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017