Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS - AUSTIN , / I/,/’ I / I--- \\ 12 amhal, andatthesametimeoeeeivo thsieemof offiaoproriaedunder the sfrrtutee reJrtingto Constable8t populationand containluga e%ty of more than Eo, ,000populationreeeire,in Pdditlm to the salary and cxpenscprorldedin Artlcsle 8142, R~C.8~,¶ms, as amen- an allomume from a Olty ln tnmh Cotmty fur expoxme ln the ume of hlo o(rp ln the perfonr ante ot the duties aonneatedwith the Jmemile ds- pertmat of 8aah oltrr ma Can theCmretablecl.ulycle&daadaWag as t&h at the maWtSme be a masher of t&e fire de- partmentof a olty rithln his prednet atad aweits p&yforhl6Barv~tos~f~depvtraat8aa UrefeemofoffXoep``8yl~forhS.s ee1~Iee8 a8 ConatableV o? Texaspro- Artale 3.8,8ee, 40 of the C``~etAntlon riderrr %o penon dull hold or f#80relse, at t&e ~60 m more th8n one 6iw omee of aolumn% 08, wept that t$ Jad.leeof the Peooe, aouuty eoml.8~0 m’, n0tw pdbxi0,ati p4maw8r. ame of the xationalQe the Hatlmal GtlcudReserr*amd fhe Mtioe1-8Reeem Carp8 of the onited Statsll,and emll8tedmen of the IatUael Guard, the Xrtlond (iuardRetwru~ 323the orgaai8adremrveo of the The reLsrarrtpxwl.alonwof Artisle of the Ibrlrsd ClTll st&utes of yQQ& read as follOTs~ andatthesmetlmebystwhcbmlWAnoe~nfer~ dutieeof 8Oidofflae\peaanypeacieofffcerot t&3 Ron. Tam A. Crnvon- page 8 be appointed, in the manner herein- lTheremay afterpmWted, dieoxwetpetrmnsof 6oodmoral abarc aqter to 6er vea s jwenlle omaer ior perlodllnet to exceedtuo (2) years from date of qpolntmsnt. Such offl0eI-oshallhove authorityoud it ohallbe theirduty to make lnveetlgtloneof all eafaem re- ferredtll theinasauahbymohBoaFll; tobe reamt In Court and to reprewnt the lntePeEt@. o? tge l- nils lrheuthe case ie heard, aud to fum%oh to the Court and suuohlloardcay informOtioaand aeoiotoue. asBUChDW``l``~t)~e~dtOt~k0,~of(110 c4hhil~beforeandaftertwtrlalan6toperfom~ other aemUesfortheobUdasm~?wFe&mlbf the Court or etaId r p r c Tldedta uts?z 4mnIt1ee h nTlng l p a p mBtlo n ofnotlsre thanthirty4vothorrslad.(~008),rrlL' ztetmorethmom hmamd tJmmMd (BwJoO), od e~ntplniry;a uit 0r more thata twnty-alne tamma& (a 0001 popma txon, 0nsj-00~ 8e*- pointe&13J the CauutyJn~eriththe qp rL3 O? the canml~ebners*OourtO uhen in theiroplnlm the mm&sea of rpuoh0Moen are nmdod w&me salwlsr oho31nOtemeedtmhundred Qllan($mo)porlnoxL* and expmma not to exeeedtwo -dollam par YeaFIB.. .In the lppolntmutof all $avenll~offioeroithe County Ju aud t&eCouutyJuve&leBoardmafmeleat for eucboT ficremy8ahoolattemlanoeoff%aerorofYi- eera of the oounty,or of sub0016letrLets3.13 tlm aounty,-%hatmay be autaori~ed by law, and the eolq and expenseof maah jofst 3-Q off%er or offiosra and atteatdaU0e 0fflOtWsohallbe pd.4 $OintiJ w fhe 8o uutya a lchoolL``t``Bu;par,~baoisotdiri- d a lo n ta e y ma y u g F ee up o n l l l l * ( r nmr sng o m) The def& nitio n r st+a n 8y B o miws t?d ed TOl. & p a ~088, definesQlrollrPsentaotheprotif or&rlngfr``~off%eeor aap10ymemt;tbat rbioh loreoeiredao al%xilpQuatiotlfOrser- ~Neo, or uhbh 113annexedto the poo~eiml0nof 0fYloe aa wl- 14 MO- Tan A. Craven -page4 zszeh rraci pnmmbite;adr~trye~w@ publicor private. . It iinportsperquisite,sdvantag~ profltor m ibriatag from the possesslouof aa offiae. kmhereofthe flredepartiaentarehaldtobepu~I~o off~oere-- Sregoiref. city 0r hwui, z46 x.it.376; nsrab0 et 8l v* city of Waw# 262 a.wrm314 WithIn the meaningof the above-q.KMd seatioa,o? the Conetitutioo,t&e offiosof eonstable,~jmsn.%leoff$~ oity mawhnl and firaaDnare olv3.l0ffSceoof molmeak IU- o``~ooam3e, ir.nota.vozunfeev mmber that the flrencra . 0nthym seal, theremu3~beforethb the SentieU queuilonas wntalned In your queafioo in an opS.nion rrltten et that t&e by 80x1. Bruce W, -lbq&z&Ae- tit8nt Attimwy oeneru, and rm to mm AttanBb 6hq4- mfq Couuq Attorney, Dlakmm, fexaa, thedepartMatralI(Itmt the oity WUld ham no autixwityto pay the bonsWe auon&ly salarywahout oolmtitutlng haila poli0eomoa of tb4 clity. We wneur uith this ruling* See 34 Tot. Jur. Sec. lr, p. 347, 348 and Sac; ThomasYO Abe-thy County Lima lndqendent 6&001 DistrSot,890 81 W. 18% 'Pbeoooeptameofmd qualiifsatioosfortWaffS.00 ofeltymarsbul raul4 *wfoao, IPlount*aYa5fhtionofthe oft3.ee of 5on~tabl`` Torn0 tr Roohmt&ler, 421 Iklr.63L ln unwer to yoourque8t*lls 1 aud'a, it Illth6~epsTw loonof this deputinent that the twnetableis inhibitedBy AFti- ale 16, ma. y), frotaeeeeitingunder the prerisioneof AHi- 51esssr R4 Ce &, lsn& sayoompemsatimforpwfoma3Sgthe. of oity IMcFehm. s!Ma eo&a.onof the ountltltut~ llutieli sl# Withrefereaaetoyour wcond qu0sti.o~p~Ifu note that Artisle6142, mi aaWxled,piwtldesfor the uppoInt- ,mentoS theCountyduvumlleofflwr, andpresoribam tbeaua- pezmatlol¶Imdcup-t&bePllowedtotbat 0mOth Ajtms- nfie offX5er of the county, beS.ng a publlo ofYber, ia rwt- ed8itbal1tt4epom3rW aatMrityofpoliaeoffieerm4w shea lR5ldPalt to thar omow tbro~ut the aolmtv. peisationvhiok op 0ffiW is to reW%ve Tar &iron 8ervlce~, or imp?6~6 tapon him the duty OS perfoming hi6 sehice %?I#- out specifically fixLug any wmgenaatfon therefer,he mm- not lawfullywntraot or reoeivefrm any other wtnwe sag addl.t10nal wnpemsation. Sn answer to yfmr seoond question,therefore,It ie the opinlcm cl' tbie depart&rent thUt a cm&y &menl.leof- freer appointedunder the provision6oi Article6142, RC.S., Jgza, as amrded, 2s not authorSmd te reeeirean allovanee trou a city uithin suah wtmty l'orexpensein the use of his oar in theperf'omanoeof theduties wnnectedwith the Juve- nile clepartmont or such afty, asfauuing euch dntleoof fhe wunty &av&d,lsvffioer to aover an& lmlude tba atnabM 6wh oity vwld he aUhoehied to hay0 perfomed amE veated in 6ny city police o+fiaer* Trustlugthe above -ers yoore questlone, we re- BY OPlNlON COMMIITEE

Document Info

Docket Number: O-1003

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017