Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • .
    Bonoreble~H. A. Bodgas
    Imll~E3on Couilt?
    .- ._.
    Booorable 8. A, Hodges, Fage 8
    The authority for tax oollootlng tours IA the
    county by the tax--assessor-COlk+CtGr is founds in Article
    9255, Vernon's Annotated Civil Statutes. This statute,
    as origloally enaoted by the Le&alature, (A&a 1576,~p.
    260; General Laws, Vol. 0, p. 1096) read;
    “Sea. 7. 'TJx Collector of.Taxea shall be&
    (ha oolleotlon of ths taxes of their respeotive
    colintlcaannualljron the first days of October,
    or 60 soon thereafter as he ~aap be nblo to obtsln
    the proger asoessamt rolls, books or date upon
    vhioh to proceed with the buslnezs; and be shall
    post up notices, not less than three, at publio
    places, in each voting or mgistrate*s precinct
    lo his county, at least twenty days previous to
    the day said tax-Flyers are required to neet him
    fGr ths purpose Of paying their taxes, stating
    in 6eM notice the timsand ~lncss the sum are
    requlrod to be mid; end it shall be the duty(b),   supra
    ,   does   however   pm-
    ride     ai rollows;      ‘. .
    =fiaoh orffocr   maed in this P.ot, where he rc-
    celves    a salary   88 coopensation   for his services,
    shell   be cmowered and u6rEitted to ourch.aseand
    have char&to         his co&y     all reasonsblo expense8
    ,,necessaryin the proper and lo@           conduct of his
    office * * *- (mphosis ours)
    Thlf3eeotlon of Artiole 3399 is applicable to
    .'~illliamon County, a salary oounty, aa recognized in your
    oomunicat ion.
    It, uuQor Artiole 
    7255, supra
    , the oomlaaionors~
    kdurt   should order tha tax essessor-collector to nuke the
    t8X collciotingtrip8 dasoribed in such etatute, it Is our
    opinion thnt the ex;;ensesinoident thereto, would ootr;e  with-
    in th6 quoted provision of Artiole 3SQ0, ?eotlon 
    (b), supra
    Aocordingly,    the oomissioners * court would be authorized to
    a.llow such expenses to the tax assessor-col~leotores were
    reasonable aad neceesary in complying with the ordor. 36
    question of that vihlch oonstitutes masonable and neoassary
    axpensos, mnifestly, 13 a question of Pact, and is to be
    detcrtincd by ths oocz&aioners' court itself. In this,con-
    naotion, vie point out that the atatutss are silent 8s to
    the rate p6r nlle, as traveling expense, aJ,lowableto a tax
    assessor-collector, wM.16 on offioial busir.e88,
    Youare, therefore, reapaotfully advised that it
    io the~opfnlon of thlfldnpartmnt that the taz aasesoor-
    OOlleOtor is 6ntltled to allowances of actual and naceasary
    erpenaes icourrod Sp him while on tax collecting'trips in the
    county, when oldered to do so by the OiSx2Ris~iOAerS~ court of
    the County, and to such exp6ansesonly,
    Moreover, it l'sthe oFlnicn   of this departeent that
    the tax assessor-oolleotor could not logally be alloT:;ed auy
    expenses for tax collecting trips taken   bp bin upon his om
    Xonorablo    8. A, Hodges,      Pa@ S
    lnltla&vs,   and when not        ordered    .to    do; 60 by the    oozzmiasionere@
    ~court or the oounty.
    We trust   tk:ia   answer8    your     inquiry    8atlefaotorily,
    and rezain
    Very truly    yours

Document Info

Docket Number: O-995

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017