Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • / OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS / HOI’.C.S. Chrk, Fqe 2 *No pereon shell hold or exeroiae, at the 891Iyfti.LIB,iQr8 tkaa O&S Civil Osrd or ei8fa28t?nt,* * *.* Opinion No. O-490, written by Aaslrlutant At- torney General Clak stout, to whloh you rersr in yOur lettar, disou88e8 Stiy the titCW@?St8tiOI3 and eff68t that Shuuld be giventothi8 8Sotian OSth6 Ccu&,itu- tion ant we respeotrully rer8r y0u to that 0pinion all ace 0r general applloatian. As Mr. Stoat'therein point8 out there i8 no OORetitUtiOzd. p~Vi8iOn uhl&& pxvhlbits a person from h0ldi.q more than one 6ltll Offioe (Ls lOIlg St8 he hOti Oil4 OR0 cid.1 OffI@ Of emolument, e.g., one to wbioh peou&sry g8Im or prar- it is attaohed. See also Grave8 vs. H. GrirS3.q o'x8il k sW8, m9 asi, 778, The case or Th0rm8 V+ Abernathy CountyLine Independent Sob001 Diatrlot, ZQO S.W. 152 *ae a atit to trlljOblaldermaR rr0ln aeta as 8&C&, tl=UOtWt and to invalidate the aeta ol eubh tr~&ee8+ Th8 oourt oS OivilAppea3.8 held that the Saat that cm al- dsmmn ti80 held the posltlaa Or aohool tmmtae and hW8iVi3d DO PlJr a8 SohOOl tZ'USt-, rtloMre6ht.8fEO8 the oormtitutiaaalinhibitdon and that &a (u& nat hold "IWJXSthen tYi8 Oivii OsriOS Or @k81dWten ?hO Suprcds Court, howwer, h8ld that itRa8 wtSl'i& Uh3thW Or not 8ithfW OrstOe Wa8 On8.0i ~II&Bw& SiRaS th8 dUti88 OS the tVV0 4HfiO68WmO inooBIp8&1., in view or the powerover sahcialrr 6xaroi`` by alder- men+ St is th% O&&liCXl OSthi8 &~l-t5?& th8t a person eea hold mre than one clrll oifiae provided he h0lde not mre then one OS OmlUment and prOvld& the dUtif38 or the ofiices held ape oonqxitfble and do not oonSllot in any way. For a WIIIQl8te dziraUsei0rA we rder you to opinion l+ G&90, fceurs verytruly ATTORhTEYGENERAL OF TEXAS B.&n.

Document Info

Docket Number: O-982

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017