- OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN 1 @I GLIUU, c.MANN 4*3”, A-.~mau ti Eoa. saIia*w. rita~8poaa Ialtrist Attorney Bsrerord, Tw, A x302. .. St is CIL~belier that Sectiofi5 of Article 837b, Pen31 CoGe of Tcxns, quoted nbovs, w3.sdirected. to and intcildedto nlleviate the sitmtion you describe in yo3u.r first cpestion. Thoro is no :iuestion obcut tllo right of a non-resicent cwna of,3 &uly registerer?vohi- vakiiclcto I;crafordfor the purposs of purcha3izg goods, war33 fid ``id~ais~, and hs e3y opera-t;3 his &uly rag- istered ve;tioleto IIarefordIwhere he is rugulrirlyen-. ployed, The .las'c sentence of Section 5, Article 82?b, penal Cude of Texss, is as follms: "AmI prod&xl, further, tht any non-resi- dent owner of a privdeljj wnod motor vchi0l.e my ba pawitted tp m&e an occasicmol trip in-Gothis State with such vehicle under priv- $.l.eges of this Act viithoutubtair;lngsuch tern- pomsg rcgistmtioa ocrtificato+*. St is our belief thcltthe above:said last sen- tence of Section 5 , ,'ddcle 627b;dl.l not ,?pplyto sxe=pt 3 non-residmt mmer of a duly rc~istcrG& vehicle ha:d- ing the qrioultuml products of mother ir return fez lnk~r or in esclxn~e for lnbor or 3?urhire, but that said nofi-resiiarit CKfIiCr mUs$ cme riitbinthe provisions of Sections2, Article C37b, Penal cmic Of 'I'es3s.; a3 lol- 1Gm: Y', + f Provi&ad, h&ever, that ``otorvc- hiclcs gw,perly licemod in another State or country cprated for ~pemxtion or hire my be allowi: to mke not to e;;cccd~j~trip~ ilurir,- any calendar rmnth and r0bad.non each of said trip:?.i;ithin tho Stnte not to erceecl four (4) days, ;!ithout befng rq+tercd in this State, in the eveat that un6sr the laws of such other State or cowtry like excqniom are grsnted to r;otorvehicles re&&.erecl under the law o? an& om~cd by residents of this State. * * * I* (Underscoring 0``3). Such trip u:oulc? nocossarfly be for coqensntion or hire, enG the-tizh the non-renident would be haul6i apiou1turc2 p~odu",ts,they are not ogrioultural proiluots raised exclusively by him Section S p Artiolo 827b, Penal Code of Texas, provices as follo'2~3: "The non-ronident o'imeror operator of any passenger car shall v1ithi.n t;vrenty-five days after comcncfng to operate such vehicle, or causisq or psrtittlng it to bo operated within this State apply.to ti,mDepartmnt, thro@ any County Tax for the temporary re@.stration th2reoE upon'the appropriate official fro% stating t!lereinthe name and home adilrcsoof the ownor and the temporary nclclress, if any, of the u$rneror oporator while within this State, the registration number of said vchiole aosimncd thereto ir the state.or co'wtry in which the olmor is a resident, together with suoh description of the motor vehiole as may. be called for in the form and such other steto- mento of fz.ctthat nay be recjuircdby the Gc- pwt.wnt, %.id QppliCQtiOQ sh5l.l. contain dsm- cr*s authorlzatim for the Cilahan of the Texas State I:@my Co:mis3io2 to accept ser- vice in bt'hn3.f of oaid owcr in any wit arisi;lrJ out of dsr-qes resultlAq from injury asused. by said wner o?eratin(:a motor vo!~icl3upq3 the higkrays of Texas. Prov.ii;ed this prov+ SiOil rc?lati2gto ZCCC?ptClnGQ Of Sel”ViOO shnli bo oonotrucd as a-uulative of all other laws or parts of lws rclntj.ngto the service on non-resi.dcilts.Xach such application shall Very truly yours
Document Info
Docket Number: O-981
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017