Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  •               OFFICE     OF THE   AlTORNEY     GENERAL      OF   TEXAS        y
    Hoaorabls TomL. Beauchqp
    sooretery of .stete
    Austfn, Texan
    'D8ar sir:
    out hne
    malt' wina grente& oa
    lw?, end perlitltt4
    uot or transaot the
    agent   for   the   performawc,   dr
    he C T Corporation Symtuadaily presents
    to this oitioo through the United 9tates md.8
    applications, together rLth al;l acmmpaaylqg
    pfwr~, of forslgn oorparetfone to do businms
    In the StAta of TWYUJ.     Aoaoarpanying tha appl,i-
    oations and the eu~portfapg   papers ie a letter
    from the C T Corporetlon 6ystaP advising thilr
    Honorable   Tom L. Beau&,   Page 2
    offioe that 'et the lnntnaoe and request of
    the law firm of Doo and Roe of Blank City,
    u. S. A., the following papers are presented
    to your ofrioe.*
    *The writer is of the opinion that the
    C T Corporation Syrtem seeks to aonduot thla
    business under Artlole 13C2, Sootion 49, whiah
    provides as follower
    "*For any one or store or *he rollowing
    purposes:  To aoouatulate and lend leoney, pur-
    ohese, sell and deal in notes, bonds and
    securities, but without banking and dlaoount-
    ing privileges; to aot as trustee under any
    lawful express trust oodtted    to them by
    contract and as agent for the performanoe or
    any lawful sot.’
    "Artlole lSZ4a proridae that oorporati&
    organized under Seotion 49 ahall be sub&of to
    oertaln regulations whioh are oontained in
    Saotlon 1 to 10, lnolu8lvo, oi said Artiole
    1524a. The C T Corporation System has ooak
    plied wfth all the requirements set forth in
    said Artlole.
    "This orfioe has bad presented to it an
    epplloatlon for oharter for a domestie eorpo-
    ration whioh states that the purpose for whloh
    said proposed corporation is formed Is 'to aet
    ea agent for the perfomanoe  of any lawrul act
    such as to assist members of the bar In organi-
    zation, reorganization, qualirioation and repre-
    sentation of oorporations including notifioatlon
    service and generally sating in a statutory
    oepaaity rot oorporetfone*.  You will riots that
    this is the ldentloel language used to grant the
    C T Corporation System Its permit to do business
    in the State of Texas.
    "The following questions present themselves
    end this Department wiehes to request an opin-
    ion from you on them:
    ,Eonorable Tom L. Beeuahemp, Page 3
    “(1) Ia the C T Corporation System, under
    Its purpose olause, authorized to fender the
    eerx!loes outlined above?
    Y(E) Does the drawing end filing of appll-
    OatiOAe for ;?crmits t0 do buslnese iA Texas OA
    behalf of rorew     OOrpZtItiOAf3, at the instance
    end requed of members of the Bar of forelga
    etetea , ,OOAStitute the praotice of law?
    “(3)    If  you have  stated that It does oon-
    stltute the praotloe of law, 1s suoh preotloe
    of lnw unlawful eAd in violation of iirtlale 430a
    oi the Penal    Code of Texas?
    “(4) Would this offloe be authorized to
    grant a ohartcr to a do!xestlc aorporatlon having
    the ebove referred to Furpose olause?
    w(5)  If you have answered thiit this offloe
    would be authorkzied to $raAt a oharter to eald
    oorporetlon, would it be authorized to render
    the same servloee for attorneys as the C T Cor-
    poration System Is now rendering wlthout being
    in violation of hrtlole 4SOa of the Penal Code?
    “(6) Xould said domektio oorporatlon be
    authorized to prepare end file applications for
    perzilts to do bualnecm in the Stat3 or Texas ror’
    oorporatlone, and if it would be 80 euthorlzed,
    would the rendering of said service be in vlola-
    tlon of Xrtlole 433~ of the Penal Code?”
    Article 430e of the Penal Code reads es Tallows:
    “.5x. 1. It shall be unlawful ‘for any oor-
    poratlon or any person, i&m, or assoolatloA of
    persons, emept natural persona who em members
    of the Bar regularly admitted and lioenaed, to
    praatlce lsw.
    Y%C. 2., Zor the purpose ot this ir6t, the
    practice of lew is defined as followsr Whoever
    (a) In a,repreeentntive capeoity appears as aA
    advoazte or drau,a papcrs, pleadlnge, or doouments,
    Ronornble   Tom I.. Beauohamp, Page 4
    or perSome any act In oonneotiol; with prooeed-
    1~s peAdin& or prospeoClve berore a Oourt or
    e justloe of the peaoe, or a body, board, oom-
    mlttee, 00~it1118610~or.otrloer oonstituted by
    law end having authority to take evidence in
    or settle or determine oontroveraiea     in the ex-
    erclse of the judlolel power of the Steto     or
    subdivision thereoft or, (b) For a oonsidera-
    tion, rewerd or pecuniary beAeflt, present or
    antlolpeted, direct, or lodlreot, advises or
    oounsels  another as to eimular law, or draw4
    a paper, dooment or instrument affeoting or
    relating to seoulm right*; or,       (0) For P
    oonslderatlon, reward, or peouniary benefit,
    present or ontlolpated, dlreot or indlreot,
    does any act lo a regresmtatlve      oapsolty ia
    behalf of another tfiAdIAg to .obtain or aeoure.
    Sor auoh othsr the prevention or the redrew
    of a wrong or'the etioroement or establlsh-
    ment of a right; or, (d) For a ~OOAeid8retiOn,'
    dlreot or lndlreot., gives .4A opinion 48 to
    the valldlty of the title to real or personal
    property, or (8) ks e voo6tIon. entorees, 400
    cures, settles, adjuste,or compromises de-
    fauLted, oontroverted or disputed aooouAts,
    olalms or demands between persona with Aeither
    of whom he la tn prlvity or in the relation of
    employer end employee in the ordinary sense;
    1s praotlolng law. Nothing in this section
    shall be construed to prohibit any psrsoA,
    firm, assoclatlon ok oorporatlon, out or oourt,
    from EtteAdfIIg to and caring f'or his or its
    OWA buaine:s,   olalms  or demands, or the olaim4,
    demands or traffic business ot said oorpora-
    tion or of the indiVidtl31 members of said oor-
    poratlons or aesoaiet~oAs;     wzir from preparing
    abstraots of title, aertlf:~ing, guaranteeing
    ,or lcsurlnp- titles to property, real or per-
    sonal, or an intareat therein, or a lien or
    encumbrunae thsreon, nor shall aAythlng in
    this section be oonstrued as prohlbItlAg Amy
    back or trust aoqnny     wlthout resorting to
    aourt a&ion from aotlng Zor.lts oustomsr      In
    eniorclng, seo@.Ag, settling or eddusting
    any ltam mentioned in subdivision (8) above,
    Honorable Tom L. Beauohagp, Page S
    nor ah,!11 anything ln thlie section prohibit any
    person or a%0ooIation of persons from puraulng
    as a vocation the buainesa of adjusting lnsur-
    ame or freight rate olalme; provlded'further
    that nothing in this Aot ahnll prohibit any
    person or assoalatlon of parsons from appearing
    b&ore     any Board, Comlealon  or AdmInistrative
    body in oonneatlon with their voaatlon of ad-
    justing Insuranoe or Jkel t Rate alelms; pro-
    vlded.that subdlvlslon (e? hereof shall not pro-
    hlblt any ludlvlduel~~~;company, odrporatlon or
    assoolatlon, owning, operatlug, managing or aon-
    trolling any oolleotlng egomy, oommerolal agenay,
    or commerolal reporting credit agenop within this
    State, subjeot to an oooupation tax under Artiolr
    7001, Chapter 2, Title 122, Revised Civil Statute%
    1925, or Texas, rrom ruxmlshlng report% and ool-
    leotfng, eeourlng, settling, adjustine or aom-
    .promlslng, out 0r oourt, defaulted, controverted
    or disputed aooounts or olalxw growing out ot
    oontraotual    relations, provlded,that said lndl-
    iiaual, aompany, aorporatlon, or aseooletlon, oom-
    @lies with the above etatute; and provided fur-.
    ther that nothing in this Aot shall be ooestrued
    as prohibiting real estate agents from aolleat-
    lng rent% for their employer%;     provided that
    nothing herein shall prevent ,Notariea Publio
    ;~yorawIng      oonveyanaea ror or without aompef-
    "SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any oor-
    poratlon to practloe law as derlned by thla Aot
    or to appear as an attorney ror a@ person other
    than ltselr in any oourt, in thie State, or before
    any judicial body or any board or oomiaisslon of
    the state oP..Texa%; or hold ltselr out to the
    pub331 or advertise a% being  entitled to praotlas
    law; and no oorporatlon shall prepare oorporate
    oharters or amendment% thereto, or other legal
    doouments no$ relating to Its authorized busl-
    nes%, or draw wills;  or-hold kt%elf out ln any-
    manner dlreotly or lndlreatly as bekg %ntItled
    tp do eny or the foregolns aota; provided,
    that the foregoing shall not prevent a oorpora-
    tion, person or assoolatlon of person% rrom
    Honorable   Tom L. Beauohamp, Page 6
    8mpLoyfng an attorney or other ag%nt or repre-
    sentative In regard to its o%,n affair% In any
    hearing or Investlgatlon berore any admlnl%-
    tratlve orrlolal or body.
    "Provided, further, that the above prwl-
    slons of tbls Aot shall not be oonstrued to
    prohibit a person or corporation aotlng in a
    tlduclarf capaolty from transacting the neoe%-
    aary olerloal busineea Inoldental to the
    routine or usual administration of estate%,.
    trust%, guardianships, or Other slmllar ildu-
    clary capaoltles, or riling aooount9, prepar-
    ing and tlllng tax returns of every nature,
    and other such admlnletrative'acta, nor from
    partlolpatlng through his or Its own agent
    or attorney, in oooperatlon with testator's
    attorne-7,   In the preparation ot teatator's
    will, where no oompeneatlon 1s oharged for
    suoh servlae and no aompensatlcn whatever is
    charged or reoelved, other than the ueual
    commission allowed by the aourt ror admIni%-
    terlng the estate or trust, or provided for
    by the lnetrument oreatlng the trust or other
    rldualary relationship.
    WAnd provided, further, that nothing here-
    In shall prohibit any Insurance company from
    causing to be defended, or proseauted, or from
    offering to aause to be defended, through law-
    yers of Its own seleotlon, ths lnsureds or
    assureds in polloiea issued or to be issued by
    It, lo aooordanoe with the terms of suoh poll-
    cIes;l and:shall not prohibit one suoh lloensed
    attorney at law rrom aotlng ror several como5
    c;:rrlers or,other oorporatlone and a%%oalatlone
    or any of It% subsidiaries pursuant to arsange-
    ment between eald oorporatlons or assoolations.
    "SEC. 4. It ahall be unlawful for any at-
    torney at law io share any fee or ie%a earned
    or received by him for legal servloea with any
    person or firm, not a licensed attorney or at-
    torneys, or with any asaooIatIon or oorporatlon.
    Honorable Tom L. Beauchamp, Page 7
    "SEC. 5. The oounty attorney and/or Dle-
    trlot Attorney and/or Crlmlnal Dlstrlat At-.
    torney of any oount? In Texas shall on his ow5
    Initlatlve or upon the applloation of a5y Bar
    Assoalation In~the State of Texas bring mob
    aotlon in the name of the State of Texas in the
    proper aourt to enjoin a5y suah person, oorpora-
    tlon, or assooIatlon or persons rrom vlolatlng
    any of the provisions of this Aot, and It %hell
    b% the duty of the aountg attorney% and/or
    Dlstrlot Attorney and/or Criminal Dlstrlat At-
    torney of this State to rile aomplainte In the
    proper court agalnrrt any person, oorporatlon,
    or assoclatlon of person% upon the reoelpt oi
    Intormatlon or the violation or any or the
    provisions or this Aat.
    wse. (1. Any person, rirm, aorporatlon, or
    association of persons vlolatlng anyof the pro-
    visions of this Act shall be guilty or a tie-
    demeanor.  Ir any provision or this Aot Is via-
    latad by any person lndlvldually or by any person
    or persons representing a aorporatlon, or a9so-
    elation, or by a'aorporatlon, the defendant or
    defendants upon oonvlation shall be pirnishod by
    a rlne of not more than Firs Hundred ($500.00)
    Dollars nor lees than One Hundred ($lO(!.OO)
    "SEC. 7. by agreement by any person, oor-
    poratlon, or assoolatlon In violation of this
    Act shall be illegal and such person, aorporatlon,
    or essoolatlon shall not be able to reoover for
    any services rendered in violation of this Aot,
    either on the contraat or a quasi-aontraatual
    obllgatlon.   Ii any person, oorporatlon, or eei-
    soaiatlon of persons shall, by any eot or 01&s-
    ~105 in violation of this Aot, aause any loa%,
    damage, or Injury to any person, oorporatlon or
    assoolatlun of persons, suoh person, oorporation,
    or aesoaloU.on of perf.ona, shall be liable in
    actual damages therefor to any person, oorpora-
    tion, or assooiatlon of persons who sustained
    any suoh loss, damage or injury; and suoh lla-
    blllty ahall be absolute and not dependent upon
    any queetlon or showing of want of &kill, oare
    or UIlIgeno%.
    Honorable Tom L. Deauohamp, Pag% 8
    “SEC. 2. All laws and parts or laws In-
    aonslstent herewith are hereby repealed, and
    in oass sny seation, subdlvlslon, paragraph,
    or sentence of this Aot 1s deolared umonsti-
    tutionr:J the validity of the,,rest of this Aat
    shall not be affeoted thereby."
    SeotIons'48, 49, and 50 of r.rtlole 1302, Revised
    Cloll.Statutes; read as follows:
    "48. To aaoumulate and lend moneywlth-
    out bankinG or dlscountlng privilege%.
    "49. For any one or more of the rollorr-
    Ing purposes: To aooumulate and lsnd PIoney,
    purahaae, sell and deal 15 note!, bonds and
    seourltles, but without banking and dlsoount-
    lng privileges;  to aot a8 ttistee under a5y
    lawful express trust oolnmitted to them by
    oontraot end as agent for the performsnoe of
    any lawful eat.
    "50.   To subscribe for, purohass, invest
    15, hold, own, assign. pledge end otheralso
    deal in and dispose of sharss or~aapital
    stook, bond%, mortgages, debentures, notes and
    other seourltles, obligations, oontraots end
    evldenoee of indebtedness or foreign or domea-
    tic corporations not oompetlng ,tith eeoh other
    in the same line or business;  provided tho
    powers and authority herein Oonfsrretd ehall
    In no way arrect snp provlalon'of the ant&
    trust laws or th:s State."
    Article 1524a, Revised Civil Statutes, embreaes ocrpo-
    rations heretofore oreated and hereafter oreated having for the**
    purpose or purposes any or all the powers LJOW euthorlzed 15 sub-
    dIvislon% of 48, 49, or SO of Artlole 1302, Revised alvil Stet-
    utes of Texas, 1925, and hexetofore or hereafter qr.Qreated
    having in whole or Ln part any purpose or purposes :5ow euthor-
    lsed In Chapter 275, Senate Bill No. 232 of the General and
    Speolal Laws of the Regular Session of the 40th Legislature.
    In the case of In re BraI5ard, 26 Paa. Rsp. (2) 769,
    Honoriblo Tom L. SeauohamPp, Page 9
    where a former probate judge who, for oo~~etensation,without
    being edqltted to practloe law end without paying llaenae
    fees, advlsed persons in probate matter6 nnd prepared and
    filed paper% In oonneotlon therewfth, and who prepared a&l-
    010s of lriaorporatlon for corporate organizers, whloh work
    wa% neoessax   to olear titles in loon transections, the Su-
    preme Court of Idaho held that the for%er judge wasengaged
    In the praotloe of law rendering him guilty of ooctampt of
    the Supreme Court of Idaho althougb he did not sign the pa-
    pers e5d pleadings as attorney, and he did not acoept legal
    employment sxeept rrom persons who had already enllated hi%
    servloes In buslners matters oocneoted with loans.
    The Supreme Court of the State of New York in the
    case of In re Paoe, 156 14. Y. Sup. 641, held in erieot that
    where A aorpora,tioa, known aa the Corporation Coupany of Dols-
    ware malntalned~ en offloe In New York City and dlst*rIbuted
    alroulars to attorneys at law, Offering either to inoorporete
    oompanles under the laws of Delaware or to furnish all ths
    neoessary r0m,    eta., for the attorneys to do so themeelves,
    end thereafter through %uoh oorporatlon Hew York attorneys,
    who aated as roswardersto the home ortloe   In Delawars, In-
    aorporated three oo>panIes. The aorporatlon wus guilty or
    e vlolatlon of the Penal Law prohlblting the praotloo or law
    by aorporatlons  ainoe the praotIoe of law is not lI&tsd to
    appearlag In oourt, or advlsI5g and aa%IstI5g In the aonduot
    or lItigatIona, but embraaes the preparation of pl%adlngs and
    all other papers Inoldent to lotlo5s and. speolal ~~I!OOe%ding%,
    oonveyances, the preparation of legal Instruments of all klads,
    and the glvlne, or all legal adVIOe to allents, and Potions
    taken for them in matters oonneated with the law, lwluding
    the preparation of papers requisite for the Incorporation of
    the oompany and the Inoldental advise necessarily given In eon'
    neotlon therewith.
    7% do not rind any Texas Ceoislons construing Section
    3 or Article 43Ga quoted ebove. Xe quote from.opInItn ho.
    O-647 written hay 5, 1939, by Honorable dames ?. Hart, Assis-
    tant Attorney General, wklob oon%truee Seotion 3 of Artlole
    43Ga ri9 roiiowt3:
    *The ",ue!itIouremains as to Wiet was the
    Intention cr the Legislature In providing in
    SeatAm 3 that *It shall be unlnwt'ul ror any
    corporstion to practloe law cf% defined by this
    Honorable Tom L..Beauohakp,Page 10
    Adt  or to appear as an attorney r0r say par-
    son other than itself. . .* It Is our opIn-
    ion that the words *other than Itself' were
    used 80 a8 to make it plain that a aorporetlon
    is not prevented trOm hIring a regular stati
    or lawyers to appear and represent it in court.
    In a sense, such action by the corporation tight
    be construed to+oonstltute the Indireot praatioe
    of the law by the oorporation for iteelf, but
    suoh action Is not illegal because the oorpora-
    tlon by so doing is seaurlng legal representa-
    tion for Itself and not for other persons. We
    believe that the LsgIslature had in tind certain
    cases wherein it has been held thot a oorpora-
    tion Is indlreotly prdotiolng law where It, In
    eifect, hires E staff of lawyers and furnishes
    legel repreeentetlon to other peraonm.- See In
    re Uaolub of America, (Mass.) 3 N. EG (2).272,
    105 A. L
    . R. 1300; Peopla 0. Motorists Asso-
    olatlon of Illinois, 
    354 Ill. 595
    , 188 N. IC.
    827; United 8tates Title Cunranty Oonipany v.
    217 N.Y. 628
    , &ll N. E. 826. We think
    thet the Legislature intended, by using the
    words 'other then itself,' to make it plain
    that a corporation can hire a regular legal
    atafi to represent It, but that the Legfslatum
    did not intend tp confer On oorpOratiOAt3 the
    right to be represented e:oept by agent8 or
    attorneys who have been duly lioenaed to praa-
    tloe law."
    We do not .belleve that the C~ T Corporation System or
    the proposed corporetlon mentioned in your    in@ry   under their
    ITvzse   clauses are authoiized to render the servIoes outlined
    In view of' the foregoing authorities you ere reepeot-
    iully advised that It is the oplnlon of thI8 Department that
    your questions should be answered as follows:
    (1)   No.
    (2)   Yee.
    (3)   Yes.
    Hanorabie Tom L, Beauahamp, Page 11
    (4)   No.
    Aa we have answerad your fourth question In the nega-
    tIve it 18 not neoes8ciry to amwar queetfone NOe. 5 and 6.
    Trmting     that the   foregoing     answers   your   inquiry,
    we remain
    Your8 very truly
    BY      A+11        yiIlliams3

Document Info

Docket Number: O-977

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017