Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • .. ; Ilo. So78 #alaoplnlonholdmr :Y L That real emtatemy not oonstituts all QT y ' portion of the oapltalhook of a oasualty - suraneeoompmy at the time or itr lnaorpor- tion. t 8. That no p&ton 0r the oipitP1otook0r a OQG ualtyinsuranoeoozip5nymay be-lnvestted in real oathtoat any time aft0.2 the lnnoorporation 0r the 0on;any. 5. That all or any potiionor the fmds of a stook oasualtplnsuranoe oo;.pany,~ overand abovo its oapltalstookmay be used for the purohaseof a build- at leastampleand adequateior the trnnoaotlon &the buslneseor the oasualtyln- eurenneoompany,uhlohbulldingmay be uned in whole or ln part for the aoomno&tion or s-h +mrudty lneitanneooqnny in the transaotion or Its business. v OTTSCEOT Tliii ATTGRNEPOENLRAL Iion. a'alter 0. Woodward Chalrm.m Board0r Innuranoecd``ion~r astin, Texas bearsir: '_ oplnlonwo. O-958 _, Ret Insurmoe - Capitalatookor oaoualty lnsurnaoeooApony- surplus- Invent- aente- Real estate. Tour requontror opinionupon the r0u0wing questiona "1. Lay rh.l o&ate oonotituto all or any por$1011or the oapltalstock08 a oasualtyinsur- anoe oo~penyat the tl.zqor its lnoorporatlon? "3. In the eronttbnt the flret quo&ion 1s answeredln tho negativemay all or any part or the oapltalstockor a oasualtpinswme ocm- pany to be inveotodin r0cil estateat anYtlme after the inoorporation bf the oonpanp? "3. Xny any part of the iundeof a stook oasualty00 pany over and abovelto oa?ltalstook be investedln real ostate?w haa beon reoelvedby this depnrtknt. . Tho ZegularSecnlonof the Borty-sixth Legisla- tme paooedlic;leoBill :'o.928, w!vloh 1s an sot mendin;; Artlole4705,xrtlole4706 and hrtiole4993,as wondad, CUM re;~alin~Art10105001,a~ mendad, or the Rovisod civilStatutoa0r Texae,1925. Said Rogee Bill no. 928, Ho& Kalter6, Woodward,,me"#8 *upa, reads as r0rmmt ‘AN ACT awmQLPg ml010 4706, Art10104706, and Artlob 4993 am unded, and repealing I\rtle ale 3006 as amended,of the RotlsedClrilstat- utea or T-8 of 1925,do8l&uatlngthe run& and 6eourltleeof whlohthe oapltalntook ot lns~r- anoe oompanlesinoorporated under the pro~lslms or Title 70, Chapter 8 of the EevleodClrilstat- utoa or Texas,shalloonalat,dealgnatlng the ee- ourltlesin whloh fundsof #uoh o``.psnirm may be inrented;provldlagoertaiaIlnritatlcma on the amountof onpltal#took of guaaral.oaaualty oom- par&~ end requiring deporitm to be trade by ruoh oonpanles; an+ deolarlngan umrgenoy. ‘BE IT BWJXED BYTRE LPDISIATURE mTlIX SPATEOr TPASI *SeotlaPL 1. That Artlole4706,Artlole4706, and Artiole4993,aa amended,of the Ro~isodCltil Statutesof Texas or 1966,be and the-@- are hee;;yamndod, ao le to hereafterread as fol- *&tlole 4705. Itomeor CapitalStook. The oapltal hook or my such lasuranoe oonpaap, ex- oept any writingLife,Bealthand AooldentIncur- anoo, ahalloonsl&t ll. In lawful money or the Unitedstates; or “3. In bonds or this 5tate or any oouaty or inoorporated tuwa or city there&, or in the nttuok of any nationalbanks or "3. In rim upon uninoumbered riortgagoe reale&ate in thla &ate, tho titleto whloh 1s valid,and the marketYalueof whloh 18 not.leasthan forty (401 per oeat nor0 than the amountloanedthereon. Ii any part of the yalueof auohreal estate1s in buildings, auoh building shallbe lneuredagainstloss by ilre for not leasthan slxtp(60)per oent or the ialuethereof,with 108s olauaepayable to suoh oompany. Provided, that the prowl- slmlror thle Itilole,with reepeotto the Yalue of real *state,oonparod to the amount loanedthorooa,shallnot applyto loanase- ouredby real ertatowhioh are insuredby the PoderalHoualngAdmlniatrator. RArtlole4706.InYostnent or Funds. No oom- pony, exoeptany wr:tlnSLllo,Healthand kool- dent Xnsuranoe,organizedunder tho pro~lslons or this Ohapter shallintestite fund6 OY(V and abateit8 pal&up oapitalstookla any othercan- ner than aa r0mwrt *(a) In bondaof the Unitedstatesor or any or the Stateaoi the UnitedStatenproYid- ed sunh bonds, are, at the time of pWohaae, Intnr~at-bearlog or not la drrauxt. "(b Ia bond8 or rlrst lIear 01). unineumbor- ed rea eotato in this State or in any other Sate, OoWtry or prorlaoeIn whloh suoh oom- WY may be d&lloenaad to oonduotan tiaur- MOO budneos, and provldlngln eanklnetanoe such real ertateahall ba worth at leastforty (40) per cent more than the mount loanedthtre- The Yalueof ouoh real e&ate ahall be de- %alnod by 'aYaluatlonmade under oath by two (8) freeholder~ or the oomty whore the real entatoIs looated,and ii the bulldlngaare ooa- eldereda pert of the Yalue 0-ithe real eotate, they must be insuredeGalnetlosrby rlre for aot lea8 than sixty (60)per oeat oi the Yalue ~theraoi, with losr-payabkolauw to auoh oom- WY* *(o) In bondaor otherinterest-bearing evl-~ denoeof indobtodnoss oi mny oounty,Lnoorpor- ate4 city town or aohoolor sanitaryor nav- igation&trio4, la h narlgatlondtntrlotto oontaIna populationof not loss thin three hundredaad thousand(359,000) ao- oordlng to the last reoedlngFederalCaneus, ln this or any other StateIn wiiloh said oom- pany nay be duly lloeasod to nonduotan laser- anoe buslaere, If suohevldonoeo or Indebtednear arm issuedby authorityor lnw and St interest u&m then has never been deiaulted. "(4) In the stooksor bondsor otherool- donoes of Indebtednessof any solYen dlvldenll- 'payingoorporatlonlnoorporatedunderthe lawa of this State,or or the UnitedStates,or of any State,oountry, or provlnoeIn whioh suoh ootlpmymny bo duly lloeaaedto oonduotan la- 8uranoebualno8a. *(e) In loansugon the pledgeor any mortgage, hook, OT boa&, Or OtherCYideIiOO Of LndobtOd- nesa,aooeptabloas Investmenta underthe terms or this law ii the ourrent valueor suohizortgage, atook,bonds or other twldezioe of Indobtednerr 1s at leant 4wwsaty-tire (25) per oent more than tha amount loanedthereon. a(i)That the restrlotlone oontainedIn subscotlon(b) hereofthat mob real estate shallbe worthnot lean than forty (40)per oent of the aaouatloanedthereon,and that the Yalue of suoh real estateshallbe doterra- lnod by a Yaluatlonfnade underoath by two (3) treeholders oitha oountywherethe real eetato 1s loonted and ii bulldin&s ax0 oonsld- ore4 aa a part oftho Yalueof rruoh real es- tate they must be insured for the benefitof the4mortgagee,shallnot applyto loanascow- 06 by real estateIn Texaswhloh are insured by the Pederal Hoorulng hdmlnlatrator. notenor bon& or g(g) ;Thinterest-bearing Eon* Walter 00 ‘loodwara, pa&a $4 the Vslvsrsltyof Tsms lsausdundersnd by tic- tue of OhapterCO, Aote or the Party-thirdU@’ lalaturo, SeoondCal&d &melon. %WtSole COOS. Capitaland Depoolts. Oaly oompanlea ormlabd a@ dola buslneaaandor the prorlslam oi thla Ohapter sL IJ.be subjeotto its praplslcms.Suoh:oonpany shallhare not lose.’ than One EhndreQThougand ($100,000) Dollars oi Oapltal stooksuboorli?od, paid in, la oash, wlth an adaltIonai PlftyThousshdDollars .(@jO,oOO) 02 oapltalstooksubsorlbod and fully paid In, %n oash,for every kind ot lnsuranoe Iborotban oae whloh It 1s authorizedto tramaot. Suoh oompanleawith Two HundredThousand($200,000) Dollars of oapltal&took subsorlbed and fully paid ln, Ia sash,shallbe authorized to trano- aot all and Avery kind or Inauraaoespeolrled in’thefirstArtloleof thls Chapter;all of the UnitedStates, or of this State,or of shy ooun- ty or Iranlolpality of this State,or ti notes or bondaaeourodby moitgaeeor trust deed In- ~. sure4by the ?edoralEouslngAddniat#AtOr, or in bonds or flrat liens upon unlnoumberodreal o&ate la this State,or In any otherStateln whloh suoh oompargmay prevloualy have been ll- oeasedto omduot an Inauranoebuslnoss:In eitherInatanoe,suohreal estate s&illbe wrrth not lssa~thaaiorty (40)per oentmore than ths amountloanedthereon. If any part of the value or suahreal lstats1s In bulldings suoh build- izigS~&hall be i.W3uOd a hst lOBa by rlr5 ro2 not le.esathan sixty (80$ par sent of tho value thereof,wlth,losa-payable olauaoto the ocmgany. The value or euoh real estateshallbe detarmln- od by a swornvaluation mads by two freeholders of the oounty whore the roal ostateIs situated, Provide4that suoh reatrlotlon shallnot apply to mortgapoainruredby the FederalHousingAb- tr.l&etrator. Upon suoh oompsnpfurnishing evl- denoe satlsinotorto the Coanisslonor that the ‘oapltalstook as h: orolnpresorlbod has been all subsorlbed and pald up in oasb ln Sood faith, and that rush oaplta$stookhas bem lnvonted as hereinproscribed, and upon the depositof the sum or yl’itty Thousand($60,000) Dollarsor auah soourltlea ‘or in sashwith the StatsTreas- urer,than mid Commlssloner shalllssuoto said oompany. a oertlrloate authorizing it to 40 bus- lnesa. NO part or ths oa,7ltal paid ln shall be loanedto say of’flosr or eald oompany. Tn ..t.heeventany suoh oon,my shall be requiredby ths law or any otherState,oountry or pro~laoe as a requirement priorto doingan lnsuranoe businessthsrelato depositwith the duly ap- pointedorilooror suoh otherStats,oountry, .’ or provlnoe,or rlth the stateTreasurerof this state,any ~eourltles or cash In exoena0r the said deposit oi JiftyThousand($50,000) Dollarsherelnbeiore msatloned,suoh oompany, at it8 AIsorotlonmay depositwith thr State Treasurerseourltjesor ths oharaoterauthoriz- ld by this law, or oash suriloloat to eaable it .,.._;:_ .(, xwi yltsr CI Yooaw4rd,page #a : to Awt 4Wh requirements.Thi StateTreaaursg is herebymthorlzea ana aireoteato ~UO~YO SU& ~. a OP Odt 4 Jia tfJ h OId itl~OiWf~Oi$fto? th0 prOtOO- tion of iu po1icyhol4erriOf ths oanpany; Any depositsso mtideto meet the raquiramente or any otherStat.,oouatry,or provlnoeshallnot be Wlthdmwn bythe.ocmjmafoxoe~tupcm flllngwith the4Comdesloner0via eim latisfnotorytobin thnt the oosipany baa with4rawnfron budnoc~s,sn4 has ao unsoouredliabl~ltieo outstanti in app suoh othersttite,~oouptry,or provincefp vhloh suoh l44ltiaial4epositwas requirea,ana upon the fllln&of auoh Svldenoethe ooqany may nlth- draw wh 844ltlonaldepositat any time. '980.e. Art10108006. Thlm ml010 is hersby expresslyrepealed.* mtlole 5007,Revi8eacivilStatutisof Texas, roaam a4 r0iiowa: “No.suohooz~panyshallbe permitted-to purohase, .h0iaor conveyreal estate,exocpt rorthe pur- pose and in the m.anorhereinset forth: '1. For the eraotlonan4 malntananoe of bulla- lngs at leastamplenna adoqwto iortho trnns- aotlm or tls own business, .'. '8. suoh 40 shallhero beenmortSnSe4to,lt ln gaod faithfor rroneydue. "3. Suoh as shallhave been convey84to it in the rntlsfaotlon of debtspreviously oostraotab ln the oourseot lto dealingsandwhioh mat be taken in by the oom)anyoa aooount of the debt.: aooureaby auohmmQage. "4. Such 4~ shallhave born purohaaednt aale? ‘upon judgments,deoressor mortgagesobtained or ma4e for suoh debts. No owpany lnoorpomt- 04 as aforesaid shallpurohaso,hold or oonvep ;,“.i:fte in any otheroasesor ror 4ny other Art10105008,RevisedCivilStntuteaor Texas, row33 as r0xh4: _* wA3.l real estatea0 acquired,exocpt48 16 oo- ouple6by bulldingsuse4 in whole or ln partior the.acoommIatlon ai auoh oorqanleoin the trans- aotioaof lts business shall,exoeptas hsreln- srtsrprid0a. be sod an4 ai4p0seaor wfthln ton year4 arterauoh oompanyshallhave acquired ; titleto the same, No suohoompanyshallhive suoh real eatate for a longerperiodthan that aboveffientloiied, unlessthe 84ia oclcpanyshall procures oertlflonte fron the Commissionerthat the intercotsof the companywill sufferIcater- lallyby 4 toroe sale or suoh real e&ate, in whloh eventthe tlms ior the sale may be ostenb- 04 t0 SUOh tlm4 48 the C~W~WO? Shau QireOt in said 00ctiri04tor* 80th VatOr th,wOodWUa, pagb 46 we have been krromea by the Boar40r xm.r4noe oi Texanthat all oasualtyinsuranoooom- Commissioners pmle8 aowoperatlng in Texoe were orente4 under the proilsloasor what 1s now maptierLB, Tltle~TBor the RevlsodOlvll statutesof ‘24x44.Therefore,we mswor your qWstiOn8, insofar4s they applyto casualtylnsur- anoe ooqan.lesorgedzea unaim Oheiptor 28, Title78 0r J the Revisoacivil3tatuteeor Texas,as it would servo no prnotloalpurpose to dleoua6any questfonwhfohmight arisewith roierrnoe to a oasualtyoonpanyurhlohmight have been organized un4erChapter8 of Title78 of the Revleea ~irii statutecr 0r ~-4, The languageof the daptlonof Xouse Bllixor 988 of the Foxliy-sixthLegislature spsoliioslly lfmlts the applloatlon of amendo Artloles4705 an4 4706 or the ReviseacivilStatutes to oasualtyoompanicsand other name4insuranooo0pIpnnfe.ooroatodUnOer Ohaptera, Title 76, ReVlse4clvllStatutsrof Texas. The oaptloa-d&es sbowsan lntontlonto limitthe apglloatlon or anenEe4 Artiol.44993 to oasunltyinswanoe 001+438 0r04teaun- Car Chapter18, Title 78 Revise4Clvll3tatutesor Tex- as* Thesearticlesappl~sb,roopectlvely; to sala oom-. panleo prior to the pas-0 0r House 811lN0. 928, eupra, an&this blll showsno lntontfoato &age the typeq or ooropaaleswhlohoaoh oontrol. Wo, therefore, oonoludet&it hrtlole84705 ad 47d6 ot the ReviledCivilStattiesot Tcxas,'4onot ap/ ply to oaswlty itm8r4404~oompaniesorgnnizoaunder Chapter28, Tltl.78 of the Revised01~11statutoo of TWSa irtlole4993 RevisedCivilStatute8 48 nmonb- 04 by saidEouee Blli No. 928, relatesto ani oontrols oaswlty insurnnoeoompanlesoroateaunUerthe provlslcn of what 1s now Ghapterl.B,Title 70 or the RevisedClvll Statutesof Texar. Thls nrtloleprereaoribed the typo of eeaurltyin wtiohthe oayltal stook of suohoasunltyin- 4ur4.404oonpaniermay be investo4. The outrightpurohase of real estateis not lnoludodin the list of approved seourltles.& our opinion,thls etatutelo a oontinu- lng 1imitatZon upon the pow= to investoapltalstook an4 prohibitsthe lmestmat of.suohfundsin any other assetsthan thosenaned therein,not only at the tlw of lnoorporatlon, but at all tlmoathereafter. Wo, therefor nnswer your firstan4 seoona questionsas 4p ii4a to oasualtylnmannoe 00~1 nle8 / tle 78, Chapter lE,.oithe Rovi? oreatadunder Cf: on4 Clv- 11 statutesof Texas in the negative. Prior to its repealby the last scsslonoi the Loslglature through saidRouse Bill No, 92f3, Artfale 5:‘06, RevisedCl011Btatutos,1925,presorlbed the man- nor of lnvestmentaover an4 above the capitalstookor 4 oasualtylneuranoeooapaqpmento under the provl- slonsor Ohapterl.8,Title IO, Revised01~113tatutos or Texas. ThO offsot @i the repealof this artiole16 to reaove the llmltatlon plaoedupon the lmestmnt of all run48oisuoh oompanies, siooptthe onpltalstook, ana Lear0the aiaor0ti0nor makingsuoh lnvestnent.ln - i &II. Walter0, w00qwua, pale 87 the hands or thr Board or Mreotora of the oorp0r4tlon abjeot tb thr li.mitati044 or Artlo* 8007 Ma 6008, mifbea civilStatute8or Tsxas. : . In answer to your thirdqwitlon, you are re- .. a&lead that it 18 the oplnlonor this Cuppart- 8pootful.l.y ment,that all or a portla~of the fundsof a stookone- ualtyinsursnoeooapsny,over an4 aboveits oapltalatook my k, used ror tha ereotlon.%a naintenanoe of a bulla-/ %nS at leastampie ma adequateior the trammotionof the buslmss of theoasualtpinsuranoeoocpany. Suoh bull4ing mst 0s wad in whole or in psrt for the aoocai- modetim or swh oompqy in the transaotlcn or the bud- ness or thn ompany. You are‘iurtherrespeotf'ully nCvlseCth4tit is the’oplnion of this Cepaa%aont~thnt 4 aaeualtylnsuranoo ooqany 1s permltteaunder the law sad underNtlole 5007 of the Revise401~11Statutesof Texas,to 4OqUlre. an4 holC~rsalestute undersootlons2,3 sn4 4 of nrtl- ale 6007,but that under Artlole5008,Revlse4~Olvll Statutesor Texna,411 real estateso 47quire4,except as ls’ooouple4 by the buildingused la #huls or in part ror the aooomodatlonor such oompanykr the txansaoti0n of the businessof the o~nrpany, shouldbe 4014end Cla- pose4oi within10 yearsaftersuoh oompnny shouldhave aoqulrebtitle to the ssme,~1168sthe oarmanyshould 440``0a aertlilonte rromthe Comleslonsrthat the in- terost or the o~mpany would sufferourterlally by a foroed sale or euohreal estate,ln whioh nvent,time for the sale plight be extendedto EmOhtim 4s the OcinmiMlonnr ‘shoul4Cireotin ml4 petltlon. “TEWla&thnt this anmwersYour 5.nqui.W. *a U. Touravery truly ATTORNEY OINXRAL OF TEXAS ``~iZ=ZL- WaJFrob is.istpbt This opinionhas been oonal&red ln OO$WMOO, approveaand ordered rooor404. OERALB c. NANN .. Attorney Oeneral or Texar

Document Info

Docket Number: O-958

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017