A Opinionconstruingand~holding: 1. That a commissionerscourt,doesnot have the authorityto enter into an agrementeitherin or out of court to acoept refundingbonds bearinga lower rate of interestin lieu of bonds held in the PermanentSchool B&d of the county. 2. That a commissioners'court-doesnot hare the authorityto enter into an agremsnteitherin or out of aourt to acaept a discountof past due interestaocruedon bonds held in the PermanentSchoolFund of the county. July 14, 1939 HonorableE. A. I'Wxon GountyAttorney Crosbycounty Crosbyton,Texas Dear Sir1 Opinioa hb. O-909 Rer 'duthorityof a Ccmmissioners' Court to enter into an agrementeither in or out of court'toacaept refundingbonds bearing8.lower rate of interestin lieu of bonds held in the permanentschool fund of the county;and toaccepta dis- count of past due interestaocruedthere- on. flehave your letter~ofMay 30, 1939, requestingour opinionin answer to t‘3 followingquestions8 1. Can the Commissioners' Court legallyenter into an agwrmenteitherin or.out of the FederalDistrict Court to acceptrefundingbonds bearing 3% interest in lieu of bonds now held? 2. Can the Cormnissioners'Court legallyenter into any agreementeitherin or out of the FederalDistrict Court to accept 606 on the dollarfor all past due coupons,includingthe ooupons'dueJanuary1, 1939, and July 1, 1939) A: 4 f I Hon. E. A. Watson,Page 2 (O-908) The faots underlyingyour quelstionssre briefly as follonsr The permanentschoolfund of Crosby County owns #15,000.00City of Book- er, Texas, Bonda,~which were acquiredas an investmentfor such fund pur- suantto Section6, ArticleVII, of the Constitution, and Article 2824 of the RevisedCivil Statutesof19261 that the bonds bear interestat the rate of 5-l/2 per cent per annlpp: that the interestdue on said bonds is from four to six years' delinquent,and that $2,OCC.O0of the principal is likewisein default. Further,that suit thereonhas been filed in Federal Courtat Amarilloin an effortto collsctsuch past due secti- ties. This action has been taken in behalfof Crosby Countyand other creditorsof the City of Bookerwho also hold maturedand unpaid items of indebtedness.Further,the valuationsof the City of Bookerhave been decreasedby more than 5% sincethe indebtedness vms created. Bow, by way of adjustment,the City of Booker is proposingto issue refunding bonds bearingintsisstet the rata of S$',and to liquidatethe past due interestat fifty centson the dollar. The laws of Texas pertainingto the inveshnentof permanent schoolfunds imposea trust upon the countiesto safeguardthese funds, snd only permitthe use of the earningsthersframfor the operationof the sohools;they likeqiessprescribethe type of investmentsthat can be made with said funds. With respectto lands grantedthe various countiesfor aduca- tional purposes,Section7, Article VI, of the Constitution, provides,in part, that: "Said lands and the proceedsthsrcof,when sold, shall.beheld by said countiesalone &strust for the benefitof the publio schoolstherein3said proceeds to bs investedin bonds of the kited States,State of Texas,or countiesin said State, or in such other se- curitiesand under such restrictionsas may be prescrib- ed by law; and the county shall be responsiblefor all investmentssthe interestthereonand other revenue, except the principal,shall be availablefunds." Article2824 of the RevisedCivil Statutesof Taxas re-enacts the above law, and authorizesthe investmentof such proaeedsin other bonds not theretoforeauthorized. T,headditionalauthorization under th$s Article includedbonds of cities,towns and villagesof this State. Section55, Article III, of the Constitution,statesr "The Legislatureshall have no power to re- lease~orextinguish,or to authorieethe releasing or extinguishing,in whole or in prt, the indetied- ness, liabilityor obligationof any incorporation or individual,to thie State, or tc any ccuntyor othermunicipalcorporationtherein.' Hon. E. A. Katson, Page S (o-909) In our opinionthe foregoingla* bears directlyupon the propositionpresentedby your questions,and we find adequateauthori- ty thereforin the cases. See Delta Countyvs. Blackburn,23 S.W. 418; Comanche Ccuntyvs. Burke,166 S.W. 4701 Rigginsvs. Post,
213 S.W. 600; and City RationalBank vs. EastlandCounty,12 S.W. (2d) 662. After carefulconsideration of the decisionsin the above cited cases,and a study of the languageused,we have reachedthe con- clusionthat the Cosssissioners' Court does not have the authoritytc enter into any kind of an agreement,eitherin or out of court,to relin- quish or releasethe obligorfrom a full performanceof his or its part of a contract. In supportof this conclusionwequote from the case of Bland,et al., vs. Orr,
39 S.E. 558, whereinChief JusticeGaines,speak- ing for the SupremeCourt,said: "It is sometimesto the interestof a creditor to compoundhis claim,and countiesare no exception to this rule. It would xeem,therefore,that author- ity to receive,in satisfactionof a debt due a county, somethingother than the full amount of money, ought to have been given to some of 'its officersor agcntsJ but it is clear,we think, that the Legislaturehas not lodgedthe powerwith the Cmsmissioners' Courts,whether purposelyor not xc need not inquire." Further-- "Re have found nothingin the laws existingat the time the presentConstitution was adoptedwhich empowered the County Courtto ccmpounddebts due the county,or which gave them any controlover such debts." Wherefore,the twc questionssulmittedmustbe answeredin the negative. Yours very truly ATTORHW GENERALOF TEXAS By /s/Clarence E. Crowe CEC:s:egw Clarence2. Crowe Assistant 'Xi.6opinionhas been consideredin conference, approved,and ordered recorded. /s/W. F. Moore APPROVED W.F. Eoore Opinionr%mitc:oe First AssistantAttorney By ?fR Ii- Chairman Beneral
Document Info
Docket Number: O-909
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017