Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion ( 1939 )

  • Dear   slrz
    This le ln rep            tter 0r ;Tun
    \d 6th,
    rsquesttng our opllllon                  itutionFi11t7and
    rEdidit of 11.B. eo5                     by the Legislature
    5 of the Code o?
    Crlainal Fro00                           e title to the
    aat under cons                           to the article
    o? the aode                              is in the ialla-
    t its first oalled
    , supra, by ass-
    MS, Qeneraland Speoial L ws.
    ared unconstitutionalby this
    Ion 1~0.0-25, renderea~onJanuary 11,
    was held to be defeatire because the
    the purpose of
    all a8 bei% deoeptire.
    The capttoh a? B. 3. 205 does not have such
    tioee. It speclfisa the revision and artiole to be amendeb,
    without lnafoatingthe particulars of the changes to be
    made by the amendment. This has been aeeepted by our
    oourts with the'rawoni~ that   the namlag of tb    artiolm
    to be amended dlreots attention to all of the provl8iona
    therein, as the subject of the arending sot, and that
    auoh provisions aan be                          the set to
    be amended. See ICat2v. State,              7 130, and
    authorities thered sited.I.In t&e ease before us the
    provlsiona of Artlale 1055, C. C. P., 1925, mere in
    effeot, dlreotedattention to in the title of the act
    as the subjeot of the amending aot. We quote from the
    Katz ease:
    *The oourts of this state have held that
    93 Ter. $239;55 S. I?.109; State v. IbeCracken;
    48 Tex. ss4.- (uudersoorin&ours).
    An examinationof the prorlsionsof Artiole
    1055, C. C. 
    P. supra
    , and ca?parlaonwith Seotlon 1 of
    ~heBGe~, reveals substantialand material change in
    . Prior to amendment the article read:
    wArticle   1055. iialfoosts paid offioers,
    "The oounty shall be pliableto each
    officer and witness barin& east8 in a a&s-
    demeanor once for only one-half thereof where
    the defendant has satisfied the fine and oosts
    adjudged a@nst him in full by labor in the
    workhouse, on the oounty farm,on the publio
    roads or upon any public works of the oounty;
    and to pay euoh haI of such legal coetae
    may hsve.been so taxed, not lnoludingO(E
    missions, the county judge @hall issue his
    wnrrant~uponthe County Treasurer in favor of
    the proper party, and the eeme shall be paid
    out of the road and bridge fund or other funds
    not otherwiseappropriated.*
    ,   ,.c
    Tollaalng pamage and aeoutive approval of
    .B. B. XiS, aafd axWale now readat
    mArtlcle 1035; The eount7 ahall not
    bs liable to the offloer  and witnew hav-
    bg OoStu in a misdemeanor 6~16 where .de-
    fenasnt pays hle fine aIIPooets. The
    oounty #hall be lfsble for o-half of the
    fees of the officer8 of the oourt, v&en
    tha defendant falls to pay his fine anU.lqa
    hire fiam out la tb4 ootmty jail or &a-
    ehargss the ame by rearm of working suah
    fine out on the county road5 or on any ocunty
    projeat. Ana to pay ruah half of oosts, the
    oountg 010x-kshall issue his mrrant on the
    County Treasurer in favor of euoh offioer
    to be paid out oT the Rodd and Bridge ?und
    or other ?unds not otheniae lppmp3lated.*
    While substantialacbmges are noted in the tami~-
    ology ana provl5ionsof H. B, 1#)5,it ia our opinion the
    lubject~treat6.die the so, i.e., half aoets paid offi-
    atp under oertain ooondltioaa.Therefoxw,we hold the
    option or title 16:sufficimt to meet the oonatltutloml
    The emergenap clauee of Ii.B. eO5 18 emoneous
    ln etatlng that 6. & 727 of the Forty-fifthSagislature,
    which we declared unconstitutional,aontained  *the mast
    prov%sions of this &t" and "this Eill.....isacre17 a
    correction of House Bill No. VE7,*
    He do not reason the error6 la the emergemy
    olause to vitktt the bill. treqnote froicthe c&se oi
    ~i85OUri-fhnSW-??eXa8     3% th v. Thasason (CiV, 4p*,
    ait ``eQ):280         Se Wm 325:
    Qaergena~'olauses dn bills, however,   are
    not afldedfor the purpone of clarifyingor
    deolarlng    the intention of the Leglalature,
    aorta     explain the express Iaaguage of the
    aat;   but oril7for the purpose of setting
    ,.   .‘
    iorth the rm~ao~11forth. l``ps~ton   at
    the oonatltutionalrule requiring the
    bill to be read on three eeparate dav,
    qnd for puttlag into 5mmediata 0trbCt
    auoh aat whatever be ;ts mope qnd tsnns.w
    See also 89 Tax. hr. 827; LloyUs Casualt
    Co.~r. Lwi(Civ. App. writ Qismlss~d)~62 6. PO.(24v
    An examlnatlonof the body of B. B. 205,
    while revealing a 8Ub8taIhialdep,artum from the pro-
    r$sions of Artb 1055, C. C. P., 1925 and H. 8. 787,
    45th I&g. Reg. seaa., doe8 not d1801OSS any violence
    to our fun4wm1tsl km, nor any excess of legialatire
    we therefore respeatlullyadvice pou that
    it l8 our opinion that H. 3. 805, a8 enacted, It3valid
    ti eonetltutional.
    APPROVEDJUN 17, 1939

Document Info

Docket Number: O-907

Judges: Gerald Mann

Filed Date: 7/2/1939

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/18/2017