OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ron. Leo ?rennell Countyrittomey ;:ptiutcounty Gilmr, Texns Dear Sir: ! a~populatlm3ormtleaa than Miami, one hundred ISa 10.00) twmty-tw6 thonaand,&rs bun- aatmrdlngto the led prrcmb %n8U2 the 0oglai8eioner8t court of suah aeuntpis !mrebyauthmlsed to ieraue sash oimmi~oioilerthe mm of i'iftydollarm ilt50.00)p%r month for travelfagexpeRs.s #hltleon ofiloialbunin6nn. @aid rmney to ROZI.Leo Tre5rmll,June 1, 1939, Pa&s Z be paid out of the muera fund ai said aounty. '580. 2. ?3lOr&8llO3'4 The fadt that ownty oadf~sion0rs in oertoin oouatlea nusttravel ezteneivelyon officialbusiness and the fact that them l.sno appropriation made by lav to aare tar suoh expearres,create an amsrgenoyand en l~rcrtlve Dublio neoeas- Sty that the oonatitutlonalrule requiring bill8 to be read on thme sererilday8 in tmoh Ilousebe eu&!pended,and the 8emO is henbr suapended,aadthieaotshell tak8 offeatand be In for00 l'rcmand after its pafmage,antIit 18 20 enaotad." L?pshurCow&, Texas, aaaordlngto the last preoedingFederal Census or 19S0, has twenty-twothou- sand, two hundred and nine-8aVoa(e8,297~) inhabitants. Upshur GountT,Texas, is the only oount i&T$;l;pLng Withbi the QOpKIlatiOnbraokets8Ot Out In 866 of th% 46th Legislature,above qtmted. At tha very outset ai ?.hLsopinlan,, we are eon- rmdd with the qU88tiOR 0r or'th@ oonstitutf.onalfty Eowm Bill 866 or the 46th Legislatureoi Tbxas, above quotea. 7%~ queetifmaria08 es to wh%ther ktrnot thi8 aot 18 a local or 6psOiallaw regulatingthe affair8aC .oountiea in violationor Artiole5, Section86 or the comitut itanor Texas. T2m case af Altgeltve* Cucelt,a01 6;r100, hold8 that Beraf County nocldtiw, providingrW QIlhluIual 28~1~ r0r 00``1i8dtmwr8 0f 80unty r0ortmthg in all oapaoitlos,was unoonatitutianrrl, as an attmptifdregula- tfan or aounty arralraby looal and epeaiallar. The O&80 oi 3&h ve. Stati 49 SW Znd 759, h0lb8 that the OonntltutionaI prOalb&on agaln8tspecial law8 oonmt be evadedby making law wplicable to a pro- tended ola88 and that a etatute 0lattsirying nunlolpal.itles by populationis %peaiel* ir populatkm doe8 not f&ford “A OOnsidrnttOn Of the Oh88iiiMtiM oreatedby the sot involveain the present ., 0680 In the light or ArtIol*3, sootlolt !sd 0r the constitution, mi``~rilycalls r0r the 6pQliocltiOa oi the rU& that th. L6&I8htUM ouuwt evade the prohibition of the Goastl- tutim by making a law applicableto a pre- tended 8h88, whloh 18 &8 mMit@atad by the sot, In hot, no o&w. Clark vs. Finley 54 SIT 343, mlpn. &t40 Or th0 t%0t8 iOr 8+ termlnlng whother a pretendedolass is nanI- arelaid down twtod by racab't by IWulllaa 011 kfUDiOiJ4d COrpOrOtfOM, YOhlW 1, pa@8 498,499. ne quotot *me olas8IfIoatIon adopt- ed Bmst re8t ip real or subrtantlaldistino- tion wtilohrender-6 one olass,In truth, di8tfnot or dlffemnt from another01688.*. mgu-e antatoxi8t a rsaflonablejwiri06tiorr. for tho olarslfieatlon~ that 18, the ba818 ot the ol6s8iiloatIonInv*ed must have a dlreot relationto tha purport of the law...tr In the ease of Uootlva. Earfm Indos?emlent Sob001 Xetrlot, 123 SW end 4e0, the court used the iol.louIng ,lalpWg*l *We take JudloIalknowledgethat no other oounty in T-8 hue the qualIiIO6tfon of area and populationdwanded by the rta- tute8....ft &3 8*riaidi to say here that when M look to the praotloaloperationof the aot ue are 1.d to the oomlusIon that beyond doubt It was the purposeor the 1%&r 16turr ta 8ingla out Presidio County and s&e the aot a~pllcabletc that oountyalone. Bsxar County ~8. TYMZI, 97 SS Znd 407. For that reason the sot lb a local aot and one Ron. Lw Fresnell,June 1, 1959, Page 4 which It vae beyond the power of th? Legis- lature to mbaot. ?CWtlCUl'8 lrnnotatedCIYI1 StatUt48, Texas Constitution, Art10103, Sea- tlOn 56; L??Wnfi%ldVI* ~htL4WJ 109 SW ad 382; city 0r Port ivorthvs. Bob&tt, 56 8R &idt 470g Fritter ta. Went, 65 SR and 4l4; Austin -?rOS. ?8. ~?attOn, w S?llfJ2fSnlth VI). State,
49 S.W. 2nd7S9.% ~Thi8 dmpartmmt held in it8 oplnlon ??o. O-18 02 Uhmh 6, 1939, that Arti01s823726-1S&3 522lbdS RmvlsedCivil Statutesor Texas, 1926, the former b&g applioableto oountle8 having a population0r not 1488 than forty-eight thouaond, nine hundred (40,900)and not mom than ?orty-nlnm thouand (49,000) aad the latter applying to oounttmswith a populationof not lea8 then rorty-%IShtthousand,al.50hundred (48,900) and not mom thnn rorty-el@t thousand,nIue hundredand seveaty-iIv@ (4f&975)aad'oountIeewith a populaticm0r not 1488~than ten thousand,three hundredand s@Yenty(10 370) and not mrm than ten thcuesnd,three hundred and e!gbty (lO,SSO), aoeordlngto the last prmoedlng FederalCen8W, u6re un- oonstitutlonal and voldeaespealal law8 under Sootion 56, ~rtIol@ 3 or the stats Constltutlon, olting the oese of the City oi Port Worth ve. Bobbitt, 96 SU En& 470. This departmentheld in Its ginion 30. O-364, on mroh 1, 1939, that Article3902, seotloa3a themor, RevisedCivil Statutesor Texas, 1926, Providingror an off;08 aaalstant,bookkeeperand ateno6rsPhorIn &Ka4ntfb8- havlng a populationor not leea than rcrty-elshtthousand nine hundred (48,900)and not more than rorty-ninet.hou8and (49,000)inhabitants,aooordingto the last preoedln&Fed- a2-d C*naus,ww raid under miole 3, section66, 0r.the State ConatltutIonr This departmentheld in Its opinionXo. O-462, on Pearah21, 19939, that EOUO Cl11 652, 46th Le~81aturmt whleh prov1am8rar the ettaohmontor adjaaentterrItay 458 Ron. Leo I'rem.11, June 1, 1939, Page b three huadredthausand (300,000)and not noro than three hundred and fifty thousand (350,000) inhabitants aaoordlng to the laot preoeaiq Fodoml census, me un- txmstltutlonal in that It att4rapWd to maot a looal law and isllnlthl~ ths prohibition of Artlalo 3, Seo- \tlOA !M oi the Con5tltutloA of Tosas. ‘CQ ere of the oglAlon tlmt Eouae 9111 No. 866 of tbe 46th T,eglnlatun of Taras, quoted abore, Is olear- 'ly UAOOn&itUtdOAa~ aAd viOlat ~4atiOA 56 Of aticti 3 or the Canstltutlon of Tmaa. Therefore, you am ros~4oMully advised thst it 1s the opinion of this dopartwnt that T?ouae Bill R&W 866 of the 46th Le&lslatum of Te%as 1s uAconstltutloM1. You an furthar ro~?tfully adrleod that it Is the OpiA- ion of this demrtmimt that the coml5aloner`` Oourt would not bo justified in payl~.g the con!~issio~4ra any owns of laoney as traveling expe~nos under t!zls unoorrtltu- tIma law. TNatlae; that this a~mer5 your Inquiry, we ar4 very truly yours
Document Info
Docket Number: O-899
Judges: Gerald Mann
Filed Date: 7/2/1939
Precedential Status: Precedential
Modified Date: 2/18/2017